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About Lakarak

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  1. The uniforms are in a W.I.P state.
  2. Mods used: Soviet Armed Forces , RHS/AFRF/USAF/GREF , ZL2, ZSL WW2 Pose Pack, Nikoatan's Animations Pack, CLAFGHAN, Aether's Graphical Overhaul
  3. The uniforms look too thin. They should be the same as the male uniforms but maybe a smaller waist because of the belt. Look here
  4. 1 year later and the image is not there.
  5. Is there a way to make the P drive use my HDD instead of SDD as I'm low on memory there. found out myself
  6. Lakarak

    Infantry vs Vehicles - What do you prefer?

    More vehicles such as planes and tanks. But we all know they're coming
  7. Lakarak

    You've played to much Arma when:

    When you're the only one in class that knows how to operate a tank.
  8. Lakarak

    Abort treating yourslf?

    Find cover, prone and heal.
  9. Lakarak

    Terrain Grid problems

    You probably don't have a "picture" for it.