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Liberty Bull

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Everything posted by Liberty Bull

  1. A recreation of SOCOM II U.S. Navy SEALs Mission 1 - Seeding Chaos. Specter (Ghost), Jester and the team infiltrate the Albanian countryside to locate and destroy black market contraband belonging to the Sesseri Syndicate. I plan on creating more missions from the game as time goes on. Radio audio from the game included as well as I attempted to use the environment to best represent the missions they attempt to emulate. CUP is the only mod required. File: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1892046716 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1892046716
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520244300 SOG Prarie Fire cDLC mission, SP focused and also playable in COOP up to 8 players. Properly set up so all tasks and scripted radio chatter works for all players in coop. Rescue downed pilots, search villages for evidence of hostile intent, fight off Viet Cong. Prairie fire's revive system enabled even for SP. Approximately 1 hour playtime. "You are a Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) unit squad leader stationed at FSB Quan Loi. Your unit's overall mission in the Area of Operations is to stand by for any downed aircraft, stranded vehicle or missing soldier who needs their fat pulled out of the fire. You go out on no other missions, however the missions you get are both sudden and urgent. Every call is an emergency for the poor souls you are coming to the rescue of. You are their Guardian Angels."
  3. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2779018452 You take a sip of your steaming cup of black coffee as you read the note your girlfriend Anna left on the table. Its been almost a week since the invasion began and you still can't believe it. A lot of your neighbors are gone; either fled or went to join the fight. Your friend Dmitry thinks you should both re-enlist. People with prior combat experience are needed at a time like this, you think to yourself as you take another sip. That's when you notice a vehicle pulling up outside...
  4. *** Edit*** Solved, this was a bug resulting from a mod. 🙄 In my mission I have a detection script that shows whether you are hidden or in danger whenever the player is crouched/proned. Works flawlessly except when saving and reloading. After reloading, when you crouch the indicator pops up for half of a second and then disappears, along with a little vignette that also pops and disappears on the edges of the screen kind of like the effect when the player is tired. Every time I try crouching again, the indicator pops and disappears. So I know the trigger is still firing, and the effect is still displaying the hidden text, but then breaks? I have a trigger set to repeat with condition to detect if player is not standing as well as if no enemys knowsabout the player. In activation I have it run my script "textdetectionhidden.sqf" with the following code: txtDetectionALayer = "txtDetectionA" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _texta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>[HIDDEN]</t>", textDetectionA]; [_texta, 0.0,-0.25,/*durata*/ 300,/* fade in?*/ 0,0,txtDetectionALayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; Now when the player is spotted, I have another trigger, similar condition but with an enemy knowsabout player >= 1,, with activation running the script "textdetectiondanger.sqf" txtDetectionALayer = "txtDetectionA" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _texta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ff432D' shadow='2'>[DANGER]</t>"]; [_texta, 0.0,-0.25,/*durata*/ .5,/* fade in?*/ .5,0,txtDetectionALayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; I have looked in to save game not storing the state of trigger, but this is not a loop, but a trigger that activates on certain conditions, and as we see, it does still fire after a save game but is broken. I also have another gui function that displays the name of the player's cursortarget, similarly using a trigger and calling scripts but that doesn't break. I thought maybe this is because for that nametag script I wrote a function, but last night I tried turning my detection scripts into functions but it still seemed to break while the nametag did not.
  5. This was also so long because I put in a disguise system that lets the player change sides and it wouldn't return my expected behavior without checking the sides. I was hoping sideEnemy or something would be able to take its place but couldnt figure it out ** Edit ** I fixed and updated the code in the post immediately above this one, and it works to convert my code from triggers to script, however upon reload i still get the blinking issue =/ *** Edit 2 *** As an experiment, I made sure to take all triggers/references to my detection script out, and execVMd the script after a save/reload and it is still blinking, even though it hadnt run the script even once yet. With this, I decided to make a new mission on stratis, copied over my script from the post just before this one, and on a reload it blinks, even without it having any other items able to effect it. Even the simple script you gave me "blinks" upon a reload. It's starting to look like this is an Arma bug with BIS_fnc_dynamicText. *** Edit 3 *** Well, today kids we learn about taking a step back and properly diagnosing. It turns out the "blinking" is caused by a mod I had running (A mod that is required by the conversion mod I am making this mission for). I had assumed that it was due to my lack of scripting knowledge i didnt even consider that a mod would cause this issue, but it seems to.
  6. I appreciate it! I actually did a dumb thing and for simplicity sake of my initial post kind of fibbed about the original function. For me I wanted there to also be a "caution" phase and arma's knowsabbout wasnt giving me the results, so I figured out a way to get it to work, rather than simple "knowsabout". Looking at your code, it definitely would have simplified things. Here is my attempt at converting my triggers to code: [] spawn { while {alive player} do { if (side player == resistance) then { var_dangerUnits = []; { if (side _x isEqualTo east || side _x isEqualTo west) then { if (_x knowsAbout player >= 1.50) then { if (((_x getHideFrom player) distanceSqr player) < 200) then { var_dangerUnits pushback _x; }; }; }; } forEach allUnits; var_cautiousUnits = []; { if (side _x isEqualTo east || side _x isEqualTo west) then { if (_x knowsAbout player >= 0.70) then { if (((_x getHideFrom player) distanceSqr player) < 2500) then { var_cautiousUnits pushback _x; }; }; }; } forEach allUnits; }; if (side player == east) then { var_dangerUnits = []; { if (side _x isEqualTo resistance || side _x isEqualTo west) then { if (_x knowsAbout player >= 1.50) then { if (((_x getHideFrom player) distanceSqr player) < 200) then { var_dangerUnits pushback _x; }; }; }; } forEach allUnits; var_cautiousUnits = []; { if (side _x isEqualTo resistance || side _x isEqualTo west) then { if (_x knowsAbout player >= 0.70) then { if (((_x getHideFrom player) distanceSqr player) < 2500) then { var_cautiousUnits pushback _x; }; }; }; } forEach allUnits; }; if (side player == west) then { var_dangerUnits = []; { if (side _x isEqualTo east || side _x isEqualTo resistance) then { if (_x knowsAbout player >= 1.50) then { if (((_x getHideFrom player) distanceSqr player) < 200) then { var_dangerUnits pushback _x; }; }; }; } forEach allUnits; var_cautiousUnits = []; { if (side _x isEqualTo east || side _x isEqualTo resistance) then { if (_x knowsAbout player >= 0.70) then { if (((_x getHideFrom player) distanceSqr player) < 2500) then { var_cautiousUnits pushback _x; }; }; }; } forEach allUnits; }; if (stance player == "CROUCH" || stance player == "PRONE") then { if (count var_cautiousUnits == 0 && count var_dangerUnits == 0) then { txtDetectionALayer = "txtDetectionA" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _textdetecta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>[HIDDEN]</t>"]; [_textdetecta, 0.0,-0.25,/*durata*/ 300,/* fade in?*/ 0,0,txtDetectionALayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; if (count var_cautiousUnits > 0 && count var_dangerUnits == 0) then { txtDetectionALayer = "txtDetectionA" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _textdetecta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ff432D' shadow='2'>[CAUTION]</t>"]; [_textdetecta, 0.0,-0.25,/*durata*/ 300,/* fade in?*/ 0,0,txtDetectionALayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; if (count var_dangerUnits > 0) then { txtDetectionALayer = "txtDetectionA" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _textdetecta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ff432D' shadow='2'>[DANGER]</t>"]; [_textdetecta, 0.0,-0.25,/*durata*/ 300,/* fade in?*/ 0,0,txtDetectionALayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; } else { txtDetectionALayer = "txtDetectionA" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _textdetecta = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>[DEBUG]</t>"]; [_textdetecta, 0.0,-0.25,/*durata*/ 300,/* fade in?*/ 0,0,txtDetectionALayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; sleep .5; }; };
  7. That's what I figured. For most of the functions, they have the %1 and I would tell the function what to type so I only had different functions to have the text be formatted differently.
  8. Okay, I'll have to figure out something because I have a few functions that call BIS_fnc_dynamicText, this stealth indicator, a nametag function that displays the cursortarget's name while within 4 meters to them, and custom task notifications that say various things such as quests being added, completed, updated, etc.
  9. You are probably right, and honestly over the month it took to develop this mission I have learned things to the point where the earlier functions I made are alot sloppier than later efforts. This detection script is an example of one of the first things I did, and later functions didn't use triggers, so you are probably right. I am going to convert it over to script like you said and see how it goes.
  10. My original problem is that my stealth indicator blinks on reloading a save. I placed the code into my initplayerlocal.sqf. Here is a video of the issue. Note that prior to adding the code you gave, it was my [HIDDEN] stealth indicator that would be "blinking". I'm either doing something wrong or theres an arma bug, probnably the former as I am inexperienced with scripting. sleep 5; moduleName_keyDownEHId = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 20 && var_vatsstop) then {var_vatson = [] execVM 'vats.sqf'};"]; moduleName_keyDownEHId = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 20 && !var_vatsstop) then {var_vatsoff = [] execVM 'vatsstop.sqf'};"]; while {alive player} do { private _text = parseText format ["<t align = 'center' valign = 'top' size='0.6' color='#ffb742' shadow='2'>%1</t>", stance player]; [_text, 0,0,5,0,0, "layer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep .5; }; [] spawn { _adjustLight = { CHBN_adjustBrightness = CHBN_adjustBrightness max 0 min 1; _brightness = if (CHBN_adjustBrightness > 0) then {200 * abs (1 - (2 ^ CHBN_adjustBrightness))} else {0}; CHBN_light setLightAttenuation [10e10,(30000 / (_brightness max 10e-10)),4.31918e-005,4.31918e-005]; CHBN_light setLightAmbient CHBN_adjustColor; }; waitUntil {time > 0}; if (missionNamespace getVariable ["CHBN_running",false]) exitWith {systemChat ""}; CHBN_running = true; CHBN_adjustBrightness = missionNamespace getVariable ["CHBN_adjustBrightness",1]; // edit the level of brightness here, set to 1, can be 0.1 to however high you want it CHBN_adjustColor = missionNamespace getVariable ["CHBN_adjustColor",[0.5,0.7,1]]; if (!isNil "CHBN_light") then {deleteVehicle CHBN_light}; CHBN_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; CHBN_light setLightBrightness 1; CHBN_light setLightDayLight false; call _adjustLight; for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { _adjustBrightness = CHBN_adjustBrightness; _adjustColor = CHBN_adjustColor; waitUntil {!(_adjustBrightness isEqualTo CHBN_adjustBrightness) || !(_adjustColor isEqualTo CHBN_adjustColor)}; call _adjustLight; }; };
  11. Strange, putting your code in fixed my stealth indicator by somehow absorbing the bug, so the new text from your code indicating players stance begins blinking while my stealth indicator is okay.
  12. So as a weird developement, when the player dies the indicator starts working normally in his death scene. When an AI saw me, the "DANGER" indicator flickered and disappeared like the usual bug im trying to squash, but as soon as the AI killed me, the danger indicator re-appeared and stayed on screen.
  13. I've gotta go back through the mission I'm working on to find the script I was having trouble with, I found a workaround in that case, although I suspect I never had the problem with !alive but probably with a variable being false while another being true.
  14. Solved: I'm dumb and !alive && variable works in triggers with no issue. As title, in a trigger I cant seem to check if a unit is dead as well as a variable being true? In a trigger condition, var_beginprisonbattle && var_lawchoosencr works to require both variables being true before firing, and I could probably just make a variable turn true when the unit in question is !alive, but as a cleaner solution I'd love to be able to check for both !alive && variable. I've tried !alive && variable. (!alive unit) && variable; (!alive unit) && (variable); ((!alive unit) && (variable)); (!(alive unit) && (variable)); and nothing seems to get the results.
  15. So !alive and variable actually does work in triggers, I was trying to do this before in a script as a condition and it wasnt working there, so I falsely assumed it would be the same here. Hours of editing can make you loopy. Still not quite sur why I couldnt get it to work in a script.
  16. Liberty Bull

    JBOY Napalm FX

    This is awesome!
  17. *** Edit, working script for anyone interested. I am still very new so this is probably dirty and inefficient, but it works for what it is. This makes it so when you press T the player enters into a 1/10th speed "bullettime" that uses the player's stamina and applies a chromatic abberation postprocess effect while bullettime is active. In "initplayerlocal.sqf" In "vats.sqf" In "vatsstop.sqf" And finally, either in "init.sqf" somewhere or in a trigger "on activation" with condition as "true" I'm trying to have a looping script end when a key is pressed. The script itself is called by a different keypress. The script works until I try and put in code to enable it to end midway through the loop. It is a simple bullettime script that drains your stamina during use, and it successfully ends when stamina runs out. I just cant figure out what I'm doing wrong to properly implement a breakout, or if that is even the best way to handle this. private _timeLeft = getStamina player; playSound "vatsenter"; scopeName "main"; while {_timeLeft >= 0} do { scopeName "vatsloop"; setAcctime .1; hint str _timeLeft; moduleName_keyDownEHId = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 36) then { breakOut "vatsloop" };" ]; sleep .1; _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1; setAccTime 1; player setStamina _timeleft; };
  18. Liberty Bull

    Key activated bullettime script

    Thanks for all your help. I try and learn as much as I can on my own before asking, but sometimes I get so stuck trying to make a function work that the whole mission gets put on hold while I try and get it to work.
  19. Liberty Bull

    Key activated bullettime script

    Awesome, my issue was I was coming at it from the opposite way of thinking, trying to check if a variable was false, instead of true. Still don't know how to check if a variable is false as a condition but this way works. Is it !variable like !alive is?' Edit, okay I found my answer, my google fu breaks down when there are multiple issues at once and its already mind frying to learn as it is haha if (typename _a != typename true) then { _a = false }; if (typename _b != typename 0) then { _b = 10 };
  20. Liberty Bull

    Key activated bullettime script

    So, excuse my ignorance, but how do you call the variable in this case? The below doesnt work, while {_timeLeft >= 0 && vatsstop = true} do However, if I do while {_timeLeft >= 0 && alive docmitchell} do It works and ends when I shoot the unit, so again this is where I am having trouble with the syntax. I'm reading through some of the beginner tutorials but I seem to miss this part.
  21. Liberty Bull

    Key activated bullettime script

    Ah, so I'm suffering the problems of learning by trial and error; I am trying to learn as I go and how to do things properly and all. If the breakout wont work I wonder what another solution would be. Maybe making the "while" have the _timeleft >= 0 && a variable that I set in a different script from the ending keypress so it sets it true? All I need to do is make the script stop and then setAccTime back to 1, but I've never had to end a loop in such way before, and I seemed to have alot of trouble trying to incorporate multiple conditions for the while condition.
  22. Liberty Bull

    Key activated bullettime script

    Changing the ]; that is just above the sleep .1 doesn't seem to work either, I took the whole displayAddEventHandler section from the code that I have in the initplayerlocal.sqf to run the script in the first place. moduleName_keyDownEHId = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 35) then {var_vatson = [] execVM 'vats.sqf'};"];
  23. In my description I have a cfgsound class with a sound and it's subtitled, like so And it works and displays fine, but it doesn't have the nice black box behind the subtitle like the BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_playSubtitles does. This makes subtitles show up when used in a trigger, like so but is there any way to get this functionality to easily work with say3d?
  24. It's throwing error when I try and get the new unit to follow the path. I can still have the original units from the mission execute my new path when choosing the action menu items.
  25. I am using the script from this post here which uses the following code: Being called by a trigger "On radio" with the following activation: [var_startingLogic, var_logicUnit] spawn fnc_logic; The unit and starting game logic are named appropriately, and the script works for less than a minute before after a random amount of points the unit simply stops. I am trying to get AI to move around inside custom composition interiors and this seemed like a simple solution, if I could get it to work long term. I am pretty new to scripting, so I'm sure there is something glaringly obvious I'm missing. Any help is greatly appreciated.