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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    Enhanced Arma 3 Inventory v1.2

    Then need a video maybe? :)
  2. How did you open that camera :)
  3. FYI, the setup which you see there doesn't working. It loads one gbu-38 instead of 2 to a pylon. When I swith the locations of gbu-38 and gbu-12 it works and loads correct amount. No idea why..
  4. ok so it is just sending laser beam and I don't need to switch to laser which is in weapon Arma is not flight sim yes, but your mods are letting me to forget it. Absolute Awesomeness! Thanks for the standalone mods man
  5. ahh :) After having so many nice features I thought laser guidence works also different in your mod. Then question is, what is the laser button in i-tgt? I thought it needs to be used. For GPS bombing, I don't lock and it hits which is fine but my question was how to know if I am good to release the bomb? Is there any indicator on hud or i-tgt? Otherwise I might think time to release the bomb 10km away from target with altitude 100 meter :)
  6. Devastator_cm

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    I am on stable branch but have several mods. Thanks for your fast response :)
  7. Devastator_cm

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Anybody else have a problem with Tigris? I cannot play my mission and I think reason is following I downloaded the mod from armaholic
  8. I got an error message when I used the f16 loadout module. Setup which I used was
  9. Hi guys, how do you understand that you can release the geo or lase guided missiles? Is there any indicator at HUD which shows time to release the ordnance
  10. Hi Guys, Someone reported ones (I can't find in too many entries..) that MK-82 or something like that which is a simple drop bomb is actually getting locked to target. Is this issue fixed or still open?
  11. Devastator_cm

    Light didnt work in MP

    @KK, for the light (or flare in my case) is it like this 1- Create the flare in server ( _flare) 2- Call remote exec to set the properties, i.e. [_flare, 2000] remoteExec ["setLightFlareMaxDistance", 0,true]; I think it will not work so as argument needs to be local right? so createVehicleLocal needs to be used instead of createVehicle and all the rest of the script needs to run at client (create, adjust properties etc.) for such flare situation?
  12. I didn't use useAIStreeingComponent. I see it is still in dev, when it comes to stable I will add it to my script and will check the behaviour. Thanks for pointing out those topics!
  13. Runover is vanilla feature :) I just send them back but they are hitting sometimes to infantry moving around..
  14. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Also the cookoff thing is coming ? :) ACE just released the version I couldn't test it yet. They wrote when vehicle cooks off they give command to crew to move 100 meter away. I am not sure if ASR AI3 will block that command and let crew to prone to take cover though
  15. Hi Guys, Why the callsign of a composition is not showing up in MP games when I use "unitName sideChat chatText" command? i.e. I have a composition (c130, pilots and soldiers) with callsign Albatross, variable name c130 and when I use c130 sideChat "Hello world"; It shows Albatross in editor but Alpha 1-1 in mp game where mission is loaded to dedicated server... Is there a bug with command or do I miss a point here?
  16. Devastator_cm

    Callsigns at Sidechat during MP Game

    So I should do the group assignments in initPlayerLocal.sqf so it will run by each player? The globalchat command will still be called from server I suppose right?
  17. Devastator_cm

    Callsigns at Sidechat during MP Game

    Yes but it is not working. I am blufor and there is a civilian which speaks in global chat. Eventhough I make the above setup I still see Civilian - Bla bla bla in secreen
  18. Thanks for your comment neodyn. Actually what you want to have is already there. The reason why I add in v.2 the file ConvoyEnd.sqf is just because of that, to give the user freedom to do such things. So you can put in that file the disembark command (your first example) or you can add in that command maybe a recall to convoy with different waypoints (your second example). That file gives you all those possibilities. Check the file I put some examples there already with explanations and if you need help to setup stomething PM me
  19. Thanks .kju :) Actually a very good idea to put some videos :) Can you suggest me a program to edit videos maybe? I didn't do such thing before. Which particular commands do you mean regarding the behaviour btw?
  20. Version 2.1 released. Small bug fix which is related to stucked convoy in circular convoy paths. @4-325Ranger I beleive it will also solve the problem which you faced Still I would suggest not to plan a convoy ambush in areas where convoy is very close to the marker. I tested it and had no issue at the moment but I have a feeling that there might be a special case which I miss during test @foxhound can you adjust the Armaholic subject like in forum? It is not just convoy anymore as it can provide patrol functionality since v.2. :) Devas Convoy & Vehicle Patrol
  21. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    next suggestion would be to put a big enough airport :P
  22. hmm that is weird. I tested also in that way where I destroyed first vehicle. So after ambush finishe soldiers didn't get in to vehicles? Keep in mind there are wait events after ambush which can cause 5-6 minutes until they pack up their stuff and decide to drive further
  23. :) I am at work so cannot check the zip. Did I not write in help to use the init file first? If not then my bad :(
  24. there is no naming convention. I use myself more clean names for arrays especially by vehicle array, i.e. [btr_1, tank_1, truck_1, truck_2] of course same vehicle should not be written in two convoy calls otherwise background process will try to move the vehicle to two markers at the same time :) On the other hand same marker can be used for two different convoys, very simple example would be if you want two convoys start from same place or end at same place.