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About Marcel40625

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  1. Marcel40625

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    mhm im using the tanoa map with my friends but there is a little issue ... the start parameters are not functioning in the server.cfg. Am im doing something wrong? class Missions { class Liberation { template = "KP_Liberation_Tanoa.Tanoa"; difficulty = "regular"; class Params { Unitcap = 1.25; // Maximum amount AI units - [default 1] - values = [0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,2] - Text {50%,%75,%100,%125,%150,%200} Difficulty = 4; // Difficulty - [default 1] - values = [0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,2,4,10] - Text {Tourist,Easy,Normal,Moderate,Hard,Extreme,Ludicrous,Oh god oh god we are all going to die} Aggressivity = 1; // CSAT aggression - [default 1] - values = [0.25,0.5,1,2,4] - Text {Anemic,Weak,Normal,Strong,Extreme} AdaptToPlayercount = 1; // Hostile presence adapts to player count - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} DayDuration = 16; // Day duration (hours) - [default 12] - values = [48,24,16,12,9.6,8,6.8,6,4.8,4,3,2.4,2,1.6,1,0.66,0.5,0.375,0.25,0.1875,0.125,0.11] - Text {0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,24,36,48,64,96,128} ShorterNights = 1; // Shorter nights - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} Weather = 3; // Weather - [default 3] - values = [1,2,3] - Text {Always Sunny,Random without rain,Random} ResourcesMultiplier = 2; // Resource multiplier - [default 1] - values = [0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,2,3,5,10,20,50] - Text {x0.25,x0.5,x1,x1.25,x1.5,x2,x3,x5,x10,x20,x50} Fatigue = 0; // Stamina - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} Revive = 3; // FAR revive - [default 3] - values = [3,2,1,0] - Text {Enabled - Everyone can revive using medkit,Enabled - Everyone can revive using FAK,Enabled - Only medics can revive,Disabled} Civilians = 2; // Cilivilian activity - [default 1] - values = [0,0.5,1,2] - Text {None,Reduced,Normal,Increased} TeamkillPenalty = 0; // Teamkill Penalty - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} PassiveIncome = 0; // Replace ammo box spawns with passive income - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} AmmoBounties = 1; // Ammunition bounties - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} HaloJump = 5; // HALO jump - [default 1] - values = [1,5,10,15,20,30,0] - Text {Enabled - no cooldown,Enabled - 5min cooldown,Enabled - 10min cooldown,Enabled - 15min cooldown,Enabled - 20min cooldown,Enabled - 30min cooldown,Disabled} BluforDefenders = 0; // BLUFOR defenders in owned sectors - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} Autodanger = 0; // Auto-Danger behaviour on BLUFOR forces - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} MaximumFobs = 26; // Maximum number of FOBs allowed - [default 26] - values = [3,5,7,10,15,20,26] - Text {3,5,7,10,15,20,26} Permissions = 0; // Permissions management - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} CleanupVehicles = 4; // Cleanup abandoned vehicles outside FOBs - [default 2] - values = [0,1,2,4] - Text {Disabled,Enabled - 1 hour delay,Enabled - 2 hour delay,Enabled - 4 hour delay,} Introduction = 0; // Introduction - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} DeploymentCinematic = 0; // Deployment cimematic - [default 1] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} FirstFob = 0; // Start campaign with the first FOB prebuilt - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} Whitelist = 0; // Use the commander whilelist - [default 0] - values = [1,0] - Text {Enabled,Disabled} WipeSave1 = 0; // Wipe Savegame - [default 0] - values = [0,1] - Text {No, Savegame will be wiped no recovery possible} WipeSave2 = 0; // Confirm: Wipe Savegame - [default 0] - values = [0,1] - Text {No, Savegame will be wiped no recovery possible} DisableRemoteSensors = 0; // Disable remote sensors (experimental!) - [default 0] - values = [0,1,2] - Text {No,Disabled for clients without local AI,Disabled for all clients} }; }; };
  2. Reloaded Scripts and Events via Rcon? and sure u made the exception in the right line? (Hint: its not everytime the same line as the # kick ... you need to count the active lines in ur .txt
  3. a little Hint for Server owners: We had the Battleeye Port set to 2300 and i Updated Manualy the BEserver.dll and changed the Port to 2330 ... after this some users reported they didn´t have the problem anymore, dont know if the problem is gone but nobody complained anymore
  4. Same here ... about 10%-20% of our Users cant connect (since Apex Update) - Players getting Error (Connection to Server failed) and the Others online getting the info in chat: Player XXX Signature check timed out. Serveur Player XXX kicked off Player XXX disconnected Our Server has Open Ports for TCP/UDP 2300-2400 and the Steam Port TCP/UDP 27015 any fixes?
  5. PM´ed u RPT from v5 ... still many Spam in Logfile Like: 2016/06/10, 13:51:06 Server: Object 5:3009 not found (message Type_119)
  6. Out of Memory Crash ... after ~ 30 Min ... With v4 Logs: https://app.box.com/s/7wz22psjii309d2g4e3bcm60pe281rct