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Everything posted by Flash-Ranger

  1. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    Hello, My nickname is Flash-Ranger. I have played OFP since it's release in 2001. I am a huge fan of your work and of the BIS Spirit. This is why I am so pained to come to you with this request/question. In OFP, the CTF system was perfect. Do you remember the amount of hours we spent (And I'm sure you did too) chasing ourselves with the Flag ? Remember how the flag was attached to us when we captured it ? I hope you know what is coming next : The thing is I didn't play ArmA1 (Cuz it was ... Sorry) nor ArmA2 (cuz I was too afraid of being disappointed) and after spending 7 years on OFP ...... I finally said "Fuck it let's give them a chance" so here I am on ArmA3. So guess what, Hopping form OFP to ArmA3 was ... shocking. But in the good way. I know I'm talking a lot and I should come to the point. But I want you to take the time to read all this to understand why I'm so pissed off. With ArmA3 you killed the CTF system. I want to know why. And then here is my request, can you give it back... The CTF community (I know it is small - BUT STILL HERE) is suffering from your END GAME (THAT IS NOTTTTTTT CTF !!!!!!!) and we have had to create a CTF Template from scratch using Backpacks ... I know we are such a little part of the community ... but please, I am asking for the all of us : Give us back the Capture The Flag system !!!! PLEASE !!!! Some will say "Don't bother, ArmA3 is pure Simulation and this is not worth it" Well-I-Do-Not-CARRRRRE ! We play CTF and We love CTF, and Simulation or NOT, we want to continue playing this game-Style..... Please BIS, hear me. Your sincerely, Flash-Ranger. (This Mail will be posted in the Forum + By contact Form) NB : If you are of the same opinion as me, SPEAK UP, If not, please do not pollute this thread (I already know your arguments) Please compare yourself : OFP > ArmA3 >
  2. Hello ! I'd like to invite you to our Capture The Flag Night on Thursday 9pm CEST ! Come with a friend or alone but bring ammo... you're gonna need it ! More information on what is CTF ? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3or-7xYrxH_VhweBASxS1-HLhWHQ_InZ Join us on Discord for more contacts : https://discord.gg/hYQZ6Vs For any questions ! Send a message via the Forum, Twitter, or Discord.
  3. Flash-Ranger

    #CTFnight on Thursday 9pm CEST

    HELLO ! Today THURSDAY 14th We are running our open Public CAPTURE THE FLAG night ! Show up at 10pm CEST onwards for 2h of intense CQC PvP. As usual : ESM Server is : Join our Discord ! https://discord.gg/hYQZ6Vs
  4. Flash-Ranger

    #CTFnight on Thursday 9pm CEST

    HELLO THURSDAY 31th We are running our 3rd open Public CAPTURE THE FLAG night ! Show up from 9pm CEST for 3h of intense CQC PvP. As usual : ESM Server is :
  5. Flash-Ranger

    #CTFnight on Thursday 9pm CEST

    HELLO THURSDAY 17th We are running our 3rd open Public CAPTURE THE FLAG night ! Show up from 9pm CEST for 3h of intense CQC PvP. As usual : ESM Server is : As a bonus, we will be playing on our update 3.1 of the system !
  6. Flash-Ranger

    #CTFnight on Thursday 9pm CEST

    CAPTURE THE FLAG Night Thursday 10th - 9pm CEST Server : Join TeamSpeak : (password : 88) Bring anyone interested in PvP !
  7. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    31/07/2017 : - Full update to v3 system - [CTF] Corridor First release
  8. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    We would be very pleased to organise some friendly match with you ! We usually organise one mixed match (everyone mixed up) and if all goes well, we do some Team vs Team. I'm Map maker of the 88th Co. "Walking Death". We are the organisers of the CTF Tournaments in Arma 3. You can find all information on http://www.esportsmasters.org/ on the official topic of the ESM : and on my Youtube Channel :
  9. Flash-Ranger

    Electronic Sports Masters™ | Masters CUP

    Hello Everyone ! #CaptureTheFlag is coming back soon to #Malden2035 ! Team up !
  10. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    Hello Everyone ! #CaptureTheFlag is coming back soon to #Malden2035 ! Team up !
  11. Flash-Ranger

    Arma3 Videos

    My new Malden 2035 video is out on Youtube ! Check it out !
  12. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    Contact me on Steam : FlashRanger15 Or Twitter : FlashRangerArma I'll help you
  13. I found this, worked better for me ! while{true}do{ tv setobjecttexture [0,"video.ogv"]; ["video.ogv",[10,10]] spawn bis_fnc_playvideo; sleep duréedevotrevideo+1; if (!alive TV) then { breakTo "main6"; }; };
  14. i'd like to know too
  15. Hi, I have a MP PvP system where I display a Timer at the top left of the screen. Problem : When the mission ends, and outro is launched, Timer is not at 00:00:00 for everyone. some are 15s early, some are late etc ... all players are not synced ! Here is how it works : What it looks like ingame (Video example) : When the players exits the Weapon Menu : Null = [] execVM "timer.sqf"; Timer script be like : description.ext in my Mission, outro.sqf is activated by a trigger : Many thanks for all the help I can get ! Best regards.
  16. Hi, I do not have much time right now as I am in my last phase of my Studies. If you want to integrate my scripts into something please do mention my name somewhere. I do not spend hours just so anybody can copy ;) Please feel free to send me a mail if you want more information : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com
  17. Right, I'll look into this and post an update soon ;) Thanks Crewt.
  18. I want no mods sorry. But maybe I could Unpack CBA mod to see how they did it in their modules.
  19. I made some research and it appears that a simple estimatedTimeLeft TimeP; would solve my problem ... Can someone confirm ?
  20. Ok but how can I replace "score player > 1" by a condition that would detect the score of any player in the MP mission crossing the limit of points. what I mean is, isn't "score player > 1" a local condition ? Would it apply to any player ? >>>>> EDIT : Ah no found the answer myself on the wiki : "Returns the person's score in MP." OK it works. Thank you !