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  1. Working on a TvT Campaign and would like to have a script that changes a flag when a faction captured an area (trigger) been looking around but can't find anything suitable - help appriciated - thanks
  2. Markers seen in these images are just a small sample of what is included, NOT the entire content! Details: USP Flags - 212 World Flags USP Markers - 212 World Markers USP Markers Extra - 254 Additional World Markers USP Markers Factions - 195 Faction Markers USP Markers Fictional - 26 Fictional Markers Each addon is standalone, and only requires USP_Markers_Core (Included) to function. Required Addons: None Signed: Yes, Server Key included Summary: This long overdue update includes a few new markers as well as an overhauled file structure. Server key and signatures have been fixed and 2 new pbo's have been added (Details further ahead). Classnames have been updated accordingly, as well as a classlist provided, and compatible with the 3D Editor. Overall, just looking to bring this addon back up to speed. USP_Markers_Core.pbo is now required by all other addons in order to function properly. Each addon is standalone and only requires the Markers Core. USP_Flags.pbo is a new inclusion for this update, adding placeable flagpoles in the editor. Currently, it includes all of the world flags that are present in the USP_Markers addon (All countries of the world). Future updates may feature flags from some of the other Marker addons as well, such as factions and pmc groups. This addon is very low priority for me, as can be seen with how long it's been since the last update, but I do try to keep anything I've released operating for the long-run. So, on that note, don't expect to see anymore updates from this for awhile, aside from the occasional hotfix. Hope you all enjoy the addon and always feel free to post comments or requests on the forums. Included: usp_flags.pbo usp_markers.pbo usp_markers_core.pbo usp_markers_extra.pbo usp_markers_factions.pbo usp_markers_fictional.pbo Changelog: v1.2 ADDED: USP_Markers_Core.pbo ADDED: USP_Flags.pbo FIXED: Server Key and Signatures CHANGED: File Structure and Classnames v1.1 UPDATED: World Markers Icon ADDED: Flag (Arabic Union) v1.0 Initial Release Issues: Not tested in Multiplayer Credits and Thanks: Author: Siege-A Developer: UnderSiege Productionz Vking (help with the marker sizes.) DireOne (My official Steam Workshop representative.) I would also like to thank the entire ArmA community for making this game so enjoyable by producing the many mods and scripts that we use today. Finally, a big thank you to Bohemia Interactive for creating the ultimate military simulator. Download Links: License: ©2014 by UnderSiege Productions This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ For a full review of the license, please refer to the documentation included.
  3. What I am trying to do is create a flag capturing system using the BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd. So I am currently testing to see if, while playing as an FIA BLUFOR unit, I can take an AAF flag down from a flagpole and swap it with an FIA flag. I am hoping I can get the animation of the flag coming down the pole, then once it has reached the bottom, swap with an FIA flag, then rise back up the pole, all while using the hold action button. If the unit lets go of the action button, the flag goes back to the top as if nothing has changed. If the flag is already an FIA flag, then the hold action button should not appear. This should be the same if I am playing an AFF Independent unit, except it is only FIA flags that can be captured. I currently have the hold action working, I am just not sure about how to use the BIS_fnc_animateFlag to move the flag down, swap it, then move it back up to the top.
  4. Hello, We Want To Use Liberty Ship On Our Arma 3 Coop Server. But We Could Not Change The US Flag Of Liberty Ship In Multiplayer. Can You Help About This Topic?
  5. Hi All, I am looking for guidance on creating a cpp to support custom flag and billboard images that I have created for the prupose to include them in an addon. Any useful guides our information you could help me with? thanks :)
  6. Hello, to improve the visual diversity of the clan I'm part of its administration, we want to allow our members (which are all of the world) to display their country's flag on the left shoulder as a unit insignia while in-game. The idea is - if I'm not mistaken - is to create a script that automatically assign the individual player his own country flag when he joins our server/mission, instead of creating a soldier in the mission editor specifically for that player that bears the flag insignia that we determine manually. My question is if it's possible to create such thing, which I will be very glad if someone can share this information, unless there is another way far more easier. Thank you.
  7. Hi. I'm new to Arma 3 scripting and mission editing. I have problems when I try to play my MP mission with some friends: 1. I have some custom textures on billboards and flags on my scenario: for billboards on their init: this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"texture.paa"]; and for flag: this setFlagTexture "Flag.paa"; I tried the scenario on eden as SP and MP myself and was working as intended. Unfortunately when me and my friends try to load the real game with me as a host/server, we have some texture missing warnings. The strange thing is that not all the textures are missing, some of them are loading, and others don't. All off them are placed on the mission root folder. Seems that is related with a path Issue because they get on the warning my local path "D:/users/me/..blablabla.../mp_missions/misionname/" I double checked and all my textures are relative like the one you can see above. tried to re-save the mission without binary option and they told me got a script missing warning also. I learned that setFlagTexture is not MP compatible: "In MP this command has to be executed where Flag Pole is local. If you add Flag Pole in the editor, it will be local to the server, so executing setFlagTexture on the server will change flag texture on all clients. The command is also persistent and is synchronised for JIP clients." I dont understand this at all. Where I should do this. Should I add a line on the init.sqf that says something like: if (server) then { private myflag setFlagTexture "Flag.paa"; } about the missing path issues, i found this post: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-mission-root/ is this related with my issue? which one of this approaches mentioned there should i use? or should I load the setObjectTextureGlobal of each texture in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file instead? or Load them with a remoteExec? can someone provide me a snippet of how to do this correctly? Please advice.!! 2. I placed some units: all of them are with BIS_fnc_ambientanim: [this, "LISTEN_BRIEFING", "MEDIUM"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; 0 = this spawn {waitUntil {behaviour _this == "combat"}; _this call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate;} and the same as the other problem. When i test it myself works fine. when I'm with friends the position and altitude of all the units are messy, they sometimes are far away, and some do others don't. som do the anim, others don`t. some are trapped in between the first and second floor. What can i do? 3. I would like to know how to test the mission like if I was one of the clients. how can i achieve this? Thank you so much. i really appreciate any help or advice you could give me. thanks.
  8. Hello, community! I have seen such a script, but I can't find it anywhere: - the player needs to complete multiple tasks; - he's debriefed by his HQ and must open a local map (EDEN item, placed on the map); - when he interacts with the map, a map is opened all over the screen; - all tasks are visible on this map as flags; - the flags' markers change its size (grow a little) when the mouse marker is pointing at them; - during this action a text with description is shown next to the current flag marked; - when you click on the flag, you will be teleported to the location; - I want to use the script on the VR map for testing and then move it to the mission's map; - I want another such map asset (item) to be temporary spawned next to me (near player's new location) after being teleported, so the player can go back to the HQ debriefing area, once the task is completed (the player will be allowed to do that only when it's finished /this is not a mandatory condition/). | The second possible variant is just another copy of the map item at the specific task location, but the condition with the task completed must be "true"; - I want the task to be activated, when the player is just spawned and teleported to the task's location, so I guess I will have to put a trigger there. Thanks for the help in advance! 🙂
  9. I created a mesh following the sample of Arma 2, I got the config from a flag of Arma 3 and I rewrote it and I used the model.cfg that gives me Arma 2, unfortunately the flag doesn't move I don't know how to solve please help . sorry for my bad English https://pastebin.com/2g6F7iFr Config.cpp https://pastebin.com/ZZZ3dqQF model.cfg
  10. Hi guys, I'm trying to get a sector control module to execute a script when control of the sector changes. I want the script to grab that sectors name and append Flag to the end of it, then change the texture of a pre placed flag with that name to the appropriate side's flag. Here's what I have right now _MyFlag = format [_this,"flag"]; if (_this select 1 isEqualTo west) then { _MyFlag setFlagTexture "\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_nato_CO.paa" _Marker1 = createMarker ["Marker1", position _this]; "Marker1" setMarkerType "flag_NATO"; }; if (_this select 1 isEqualTo east) then { _MyFlag setFlagTexture "\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_CSAT_CO.paa" _Marker1 = createMarker ["Marker1", position _this]; "Marker1" setMarkerType "flag_CSAT"; }; I'm not sure how to do the concatenation between the flag and the sector name as I don't know if the sector control module passes that info, it says it passes <module>,<ownerSide> and <previousOwnerSide> I'm trying to avoid making a script for each flag/sector, also still struggling a little with the syntax.
  11. Having had a look around, and having never dabbled in squad.xml files, I've come to the hopeful conclusion that the following will add a squad's picture to a flag, if one exists: initServer: if (count (squadParams (leader _playerGroup)) > 0) then { if ((((squadParams (leader _playerGroup)) select 0) select 4) != "") then { _flag setFlagTexture (((squadParams (leader _playerGroup)) select 0) select 4); }; }; The aim is to have a player's squad picture assigned to a flag at the beginning of a mission. Will this work? Thanks.
  12. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    Hello, My nickname is Flash-Ranger. I have played OFP since it's release in 2001. I am a huge fan of your work and of the BIS Spirit. This is why I am so pained to come to you with this request/question. In OFP, the CTF system was perfect. Do you remember the amount of hours we spent (And I'm sure you did too) chasing ourselves with the Flag ? Remember how the flag was attached to us when we captured it ? I hope you know what is coming next : The thing is I didn't play ArmA1 (Cuz it was ... Sorry) nor ArmA2 (cuz I was too afraid of being disappointed) and after spending 7 years on OFP ...... I finally said "Fuck it let's give them a chance" so here I am on ArmA3. So guess what, Hopping form OFP to ArmA3 was ... shocking. But in the good way. I know I'm talking a lot and I should come to the point. But I want you to take the time to read all this to understand why I'm so pissed off. With ArmA3 you killed the CTF system. I want to know why. And then here is my request, can you give it back... The CTF community (I know it is small - BUT STILL HERE) is suffering from your END GAME (THAT IS NOTTTTTTT CTF !!!!!!!) and we have had to create a CTF Template from scratch using Backpacks ... I know we are such a little part of the community ... but please, I am asking for the all of us : Give us back the Capture The Flag system !!!! PLEASE !!!! Some will say "Don't bother, ArmA3 is pure Simulation and this is not worth it" Well-I-Do-Not-CARRRRRE ! We play CTF and We love CTF, and Simulation or NOT, we want to continue playing this game-Style..... Please BIS, hear me. Your sincerely, Flash-Ranger. (This Mail will be posted in the Forum + By contact Form) NB : If you are of the same opinion as me, SPEAK UP, If not, please do not pollute this thread (I already know your arguments) Please compare yourself : OFP > ArmA3 >
  13. As stated in topic, anyone know the hidden selection name for flag on blufor uniform?