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Everything posted by Flash-Ranger

  1. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma - EP #02 - Warlords Hosts: @Stef & @Flash-Ranger Guest: @Jezuro & @Syhrus
  2. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma - Fight News EP #01 - Electronic Sports Masters Hosts: @Flash-Ranger Guest: @88_LORD
  3. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    They need updating :( This old template is no good anymore :( I'll get back to it sometime.
  4. Flash-Ranger

    Arma3 Videos

  5. Can you paste your version of the script here ?
  6. Flash-Ranger

    88th Clan

    Hello. As a former member of 88thCo I can assure you that there is no relation between the two logos. Nevertheless I understand the apprehension and will forward this post to @88_LORD who is the leader and founder of the clan. I'm surprised this only comes out now since 88th is 16 years old and was created in Arma:CWA. Thanks for the heads up. Flash.
  7. Flash-Ranger

    [MP] Capture The Flag

    Hello, CTF has been played for 17 years in the Arma Series. But sadly, due to A3 being launched with 15% of the game broken functions, CTF was malfunctioning until I made BIS fix it in 1.48 update (2 years after the release). I have since been the only fool to create CTF. With the help of esportsmasters.org, we have organised several tournaments that have met success. I will look into your work with great interest as, unlike you, my skills in development are very basic. I have never the less managed to create a very nice and simple CTF template we have now been using for 2 years. Happy greetings to you fellow CTF Dev ! Glad I am not alone anymore ! Flash-Ranger.
  8. Flash-Ranger

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    Arma 4 was already announced a few weeks ago in a SITREP .....
  9. Hello, I am looking for a SIMPLE score system that I could use in my Deathmatch maps. I wan't no "kill streak", no "best player" of what so ever, just a simple score system that could collect the amount of kills that a player is getting and that will stop the game when limit it reached. I guess you can do this with "eventhandlers" but I'm clearly not an expert in Deathmatchs so ... Please help me :)
  10. Hi, This only displays the scoreboard. Score limits are not the subject of this topic. If you need any help developing some DM/TDM or other PvP, send me a PM I can help. TOPIC SOLVED
  11. disableSerialization; createDialog "RscDisplayMPScoreTable"; private _display = uiNamespace getVariable "RscDisplayMPScoreTable"; private _ctrlTitle = _display displayCtrl 101; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetText serverName; private _ctrlGroupPlayers = _display displayCtrl 102; private _ctrlGroupScores = _display displayCtrl 103; private _y = 0; private _players = allPlayers apply {[getPlayerScores _x param [5, 0], _x]}; _players sort false; _players = _players apply {_x select 1}; { private _name = name _x; private _scores = getPlayerScores _x; _scores params ["_killsInfantry", "_killsVehicle", "_killsTank", "_killsAircraft", "_deaths", "_killsTotal"]; private _ctrlScores = _display ctrlCreate ["RscDisplayMPScoreTable_LineTemplate", -1, _ctrlGroupPlayers]; _ctrlScores ctrlSetPosition [0, _y]; _ctrlScores ctrlCommit 0; private _ctrlRanking = _ctrlScores controlsGroupCtrl 106; private _ctrlPlayerName = _ctrlScores controlsGroupCtrl 107; private _ctrlKillsInfantry = _ctrlScores controlsGroupCtrl 108; private _ctrlKillsVehicle = _ctrlScores controlsGroupCtrl 109; private _ctrlKillsTank = _ctrlScores controlsGroupCtrl 110; private _ctrlKillsAircraft = _ctrlScores controlsGroupCtrl 111; private _ctrlDeaths = _ctrlScores controlsGroupCtrl 112; private _ctrlKillsTotal = _ctrlScores controlsGroupCtrl 113; _ctrlRanking ctrlSetText ""; _ctrlPlayerName ctrlSetText _name; _ctrlKillsInfantry ctrlSetText str _killsInfantry; _ctrlKillsVehicle ctrlSetText str _killsVehicle; _ctrlKillsTank ctrlSetText str _killsTank; _ctrlKillsAircraft ctrlSetText str _killsAircraft; _ctrlDeaths ctrlSetText str _deaths; _ctrlKillsTotal ctrlSetText str _killsTotal; _y = _y + (ctrlPosition _ctrlScores select 3); } forEach _players; Just copy and paste.
  12. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : (Send FeedBack : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com) 30/01/2018 : - [TDM] Urban Sniper First Release. ONE KNOWN ISSUE > INTRO IS NOT SYNCHED FOR ALL PLAYERS.
  13. Look at the picture, I did put ammo. It's as if the minigun wasn't detecting a muzzle whereas the missile weapon does.
  14. Hello all, Could someone tell me if it is normal that you can addWeapon a "M134_minigun" && "missiles_DAR" to a infantry unit but only the missile weapon will work (enable shooting)? Is this a bug or is it intentional ? The minigun will not respond to shooting action...
  15. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : (Send FeedBack : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com) 18/01/2018 : - SNIPER SHOWNDOWN : No-Respawn bug Fixed
  16. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : (Send FeedBack : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com) 16/01/2018 : - All CTF maps : open doors problem fixed
  17. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : (Send FeedBack : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com) 15/01/2018 : - TEQUILA SUNDOWN > Fixed MP bug
  18. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : (Send FeedBack : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com) 15/01/2018 : - CTF system Update (All CTF maps)
  19. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    [TDM] SNIPER SHOWDOWN has just been released ! Sniper Showdown : WorksShop / Google Drive
  20. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    [DM] TEQUILA SUNDOWN HAS JUST BEEN RELEASED ! Tequila Sundown : WorkShop / Google Drive
  21. Week 1 has just ended ! check out the lives !
  22. Let's speak on Discord ;)