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About MightyDusan

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. When I play recorded scene AI starts acting really weird, anybody knows what could be causing this kind if behavior ? Here's a video: AI acting weird
  2. MightyDusan

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Is there Kamov Ka-27 mod ?
  3. MightyDusan

    Advanced Rappelling

    I tested some helicopters to see which ones work with this mod. AI crew and AI "cargo". There were always 6 soldiers for rappelling. List of helicopters that work: UH-80 Ghost Hawk CH-67 Huron P-30 Orca Mi-48 Kajman Following ones are from RHS: CH-47F (CH-47F(D)) UH-60M MEV (ESSS) CH-53E Mi-8MT Mi-8MTV3 Ka-60 List of ones that didn't work; MH-9 Hummingbird (Drops only 2 soldiers) Mi-290 Taru (Hovers above waypoint. Tried it with cargo module) Following ones are from RHS: UH-60M (Drops 3/6) UH-60M MEV (Drops 5/6) MH-6M (Hovers above waypoint) UH1Y (Drops 1/6) Mi-24P/V (Both drop 4/6) Mi-8AMT (Drops 4/6) Mi-8MT (Cargo) (Drops 5/6) I am sure that none of those 6 soldiers took position of gunner or any other position except cargo bench. Nonetheless, I have to say this is by far my favorite rappelling mod :)
  4. MightyDusan

    Advanced Rappelling

    Nope, I am not using it. I will try now other RHS helicopters as well as all vanilla and will report back.
  5. MightyDusan

    Advanced Rappelling

    Yes, it is working with Ghost Hawk. Honestly, I don't know how to check that :/ Descending from Little Bird was working when I was commanding the team inside.
  6. MightyDusan

    Advanced Rappelling

    I have, both crew and "cargo" are AI. Heli just hovers at the waypoint. Same when I use more complex version of code (with heli name, position, height). Oh, and I am using Little Bird from RHS.
  7. MightyDusan

    Advanced Rappelling

    AI won't go out of heli (AI) when I use [vehicle this] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo on waypoint activation. Help ?
  8. MightyDusan

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Thanks, I will check it out.
  9. MightyDusan

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Didn't know about Mi-28... I know about Bulgarian mod but I don't want their markings on MiGs. I need Russian... But thanks! :)
  10. MightyDusan

    CH-46 Knight

    Spanish Army mod I think.
  11. MightyDusan

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    How come there are no any MiG-29s and Mi-28s ?
  12. MightyDusan

    CH-46 Knight

    It's just... amazing.
  13. MightyDusan


    It works fine now. They're amazing.
  14. MightyDusan


    I can use all weapons, and they work but textures are all black :/