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Everything posted by Mansee

  1. Mansee

    Mine Detector

    Ah, that explains everything :)
  2. Mansee

    Mine Detector

    When I equip the Mine Detector its functionality from vanilla still remains. Any suggestions?
  3. Squad name: Arma Realism Timezone/location: Northern Europe (CET/CEST) Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP Contact email: armarealism@gmail.com Website address: www.arma-realism.eu Short description: Arma Realism is always looking for dedicated people who want to play Arma 3 with focus on teamwork and serious gameplay. REARM operates as a fictional EU Battlegroup. Our main focus is tactical co-op gameplay with real-life military tactics and procedures. We conducts training and missions with real-life elements, without losing the fun of the game. We are role-playing. Every new member will get a position in a infantry squad, as infantry is our core. Language: English
  4. Dear community! Arma Realism is looking for dedicated people who want to play Arma 3 with focus on teamwork and serious gameplay. If you are interested in joining a Arma 3 unit to play milsim and realism, I suggest you take a look on our website below. Our focus is on infantry, so every new member will get a position in one of our squads. We are based in EU but have members from all over the world. Any questions? Just PM me and I will be glad to answer. Regards, First Lieutenant Mansee Second in Command Arma Realism Website: www.arma-realism.eu
  5. Mansee

    RMMV (WIP)

    Are you making an interior of the truck? In my unit we are playing in first person, so a detailed interior would be nice
  6. Yea, there is some MRAPs in CUP, but my unit are not interested in a big pack like CUP. So if this mod is still usefull it would be great. But I guess I have to do some testing myself (o:
  7. Is anyone using this? Is it still a good addon?
  8. Mansee

    US Military Mod

    Can you make the backpack radio work with Task Force Radio?
  9. Danish Military Ranks (BETA) by Mansee DESCRIPTION: This is a simple addon that provides you with a left shoulder rank insignia from the Danish military. We are going to use these insignias in my Arma 3 unit. Currently there is only the Danish Army available, from Conscript to Captain (Danish: Menig til Kaptajn), more will be added soon. I recommend using my "Complete Arsenal" mod, so you can open the arsenal in multiplayer and load insignias. LICENSE / DISCLAIMER: For personal entertainment purposes only. Do not edit and redistribute without permission of the author. Do not use for commercial and/or military purposes without permission from the author. The author claim no responsibility for any damages this addon may cause. Use at your own risk. This addon is released under Creative Commons Licence Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported CC BY-NC-ND: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ INSTALLATION: Please follow this guide on Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29755 HOW TO USE IT: For clients: Insignias can be loaded from the optional "Complete Arsenal" box. For mission editor: There is different ways to add insignias to soldiers: 1. Add this line in the init of the soldier: [this,"<classname_here>"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; 2. You can add insignias to your soldiers by rightclicking on the soldier and go to Attributes -> Object: Identity. If you have "Complete Arsenal": Place the "Complete Arsenal" box in your mission, clients can then open the arsenal and load insignias. Also works in MP. Recommended/optional addons for use with this addon: - Personal Arsenal - Complete Arsenal (my own addon) LIST OF CLASSNAMES: Army Ranks: insignia_Menig insignia_Konstabel insignia_Overkonstabel insignia_Overkonstabel1 insignia_Korporal insignia_Sergent insignia_Oversergent insignia_Seniorsergent insignia_Chefsergent insignia_Sekondlojtnant insignia_Lojtnant insignia_Premierlojtnant insignia_Kaptajn Navy Ranks: insignia_Kaptajnlojtnant DOWNLOAD: Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=889445509 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32560 KNOWN BUGS: If you load a saved loadout in my "Complete Arsenal" in multiplayer, you sometimes have to go to the insignias section and re-apply the insignia before it is visible for other players. If there is anyone who knows how to fix this and want to share your knowledge, please contact me! CHANGELOG: Beta6 - Fixed danish letters Beta5 - Removed "Complete Arsenal" addon Beta4 - Updated with Complete Arsenal RC2 Beta3 - Added the "Complete Arsenal" - Added classnames Beta2 - Added scope=2; to the config - Added scopeArsenal=2; to the config - Re-edited the insignia files - Added license / disclaimer - Renamed the mod ingame Beta 1.0 - Initial release Current version: Beta6 Page updated: 25th of April, 2017
  10. Hot-fix (Beta6) released which fixed danish letters
  11. Thanks alot, hope you like it! I'm going to add more ranks soon
  12. Updated to Beta5 I removed the "Complete Arsenal" from this mod, so if you want to use this in MP I recommend that you subscribe to my Complete Arsenal addon
  13. Mansee

    RMMV (WIP)

    That would be very nice
  14. Mansee

    RMMV (WIP)

    Hey! I'm looking forward to this! We are using those vehicles in the Danish army as well
  15. Complete Arsenal by Mansee DESCRIPTION: This mod adds a small arsenal container based on the Bohemia Interactive Arma 3 vehicle ammobox. It means that there is nothing new other than there is a supply box called "Complete Arsenal". It works in multiplayer, and you will have the full arsenal available - also insignias etc. Custom Class: C_Arsenal Arma 3 Class: Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F LICENSE / DISCLAIMER: For personal entertainment purposes only. Do not edit and redistribute without permission of the author. Do not use for commercial and/or military purposes without permission from the author. The author claim no responsibility for any damages this addon may cause. Use at your own risk. This addon is released under Creative Commons Licence Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported CC BY-NC-ND: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ DOWNLOAD: Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=891409806 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32563 INSTALLATION: Please follow this guide on Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29755 HOW TO USE IT: For mission editors: Place the object called "Complete Arsenal" in your missions. For Zeus: Mission editor have to include all unofficial addons in the Curator module. For clients: Go to the Ammobox, scroll your mouse and click "Open Complete Arsenal". KNOWN BUGS:When loading saved loadouts in multiplayer, you sometimes have to go to the insignias section and re-apply the insignia before it is visible for other players.If there is anyone who knows how to fix this and want to share your knowledge, please contact me! CHANGELOG: RC2 - Added: "Complete arsenal" text/sign on Ammobox - Added: scopeCurator=2; to config RC1 - Initial release
  16. New update: Beta4 - Updated with Complete Arsenal RC2
  17. Has now been updated with an arsenal box, which you can place in the editor and use in MP games.
  18. Thanks for the release on Armaholic. I have just released a small update, please see the changelog in the topic.
  19. Thanks for the Lee Enfield! I really like the reloading animation
  20. Mansee

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Would be nice with the Husky and/or Panther, we are missing those in the modpack in our unit. I know we can just download them seperate, but it's easier with a "All in one" vehicle pack
  21. Hello I'm leading an Arma 3 unit, Nordic Battlegroup. We are using a mod where there is a radio backpack included. For some reason, this backpack does not work as a radio with TFR. Is there any way you can help us with a script so we can get this backpack to work as a long range radio for Task force radio? Regards, Mansee