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Everything posted by lex__1

  1. Yesterday, after the update. I went to the arsenal, tried the changes in this issue. After 15-20 minutes, the game froze, threw on the desktop with an error. Report file by reference. https://www.dropbox.com/s/f1yi3yvkx3gn3i5/ArmaReport_Log_20181203T223037_Lex.zip?dl=0
  2. lex__1

    Arma 3 Launcher Error

    After downloading a larger amount of game files, defragmentation is sometimes required. https://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00081 NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider defragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  3. lex__1

    Arma 3 Launcher Error

    Check the game files in the "Steam". Right-click in "Steam"> library> on the game> property> local files> check integrity the game files.
  4. lex__1

    Arma 3 Launcher Error

    How to determine the OS version 32bit or 64bit How to choose the version of Arma3 32bit or 64bit to start
  5. lex__1

    Arma 3 Launcher Error

    Do you have OS version 32bit or 64bit? And what version of Arma3 32bit or 64bit is selected in the launcher to start?
  6. lex__1

    Arma 3 Launcher Error

    ....\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\_CommonRedist\vcredist\2013 - vcredist_x64 or vcredist_x86 , depending on the version of OS 64 \ 32bit
  7. lex__1

    Arma 3 Launcher Error

    Check the installation of the VC redist.
  8. lex__1

    Arma 3 Launcher Error

    Disc:\Program files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\_CommonRedist In the folder "CommonRedist" there is a installer .NET Framework and VC redist. Check the installation of these components.
  9. lex__1

    Arma 3 Launcher Error

    Install or upgrade to a newer version - Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0. Browser search - "Microsoft .NET Framework v4.0." or "Microsoft .NET Framework v4.5.", according to the support of your OS version.
  10. lex__1

    Thank you BI [2018 Roadmap Update]

    I will not be surprised when in the future, we see old problems. These problems, in due time, did not allow players of Arma2 to play Arma3 and which created leakage of players from Arma3. Everything that I saw in updates of Arma3, this solution of some problems with addition of new problems, besides, the total number of problems did not decrease. It approach of BIS to the work, at me raises great doubts about future Arma4. To create Arma3 with an array of problems, with a promise - we will consider it, etc. I, since December of last year, do not play Arma3 as game problems which different level matters and collision with problems has constant invariable systematicity. It was much made in Arma3, good and beautiful work, but - as a honey barrel which can be spoiled one spoon of shit.
  11. It would be better if the HE bullet detonator worked outside the first barrier. But they fly through all the walls, through and through. Detonation occurs when HE falls into a firmer structure behind a thin wall, on the floor, on a support, or on something else. Then why the HE gun cartridge 40mm AMV-7 Marshal does not possess such penetrating power? Reveal hidden contents The second. Three types of HE bullets are known according to the mode of action of the fuse: 1. contact 2. inertial 3. electronic Moreover, 1 and 2 may have different time delayers to undermine the substance. But this is a very short time interval after the first contact with an obstacle. Such bullets do not possess deep penetrating ability, since they explode beyond the first barrier. HE bullets with an electronic fuse can be programmed to explode at a certain distance. In this case, the first contact of the bullet with the barrier does not affect the triggering of the explosive charge of the bullet, the interval of the explosion is set more accurately at a distance to the target. In the game, there is no short time delay for bullets with a contact or inertial fuse, and there is no way for a programmable electronic fuse. Since the striking ability of HE bullets is designed to hit a target behind an obstacle, I would like to see a predictable result in this part of the question, and not because it is implemented now. In the HE bullet game, there is no one of the three ways the fuze works, but a strange triggering of the fuse is implemented, which requires a certain contact structure to explode a substance. In summary: APC Marshal and his HE bullets are inferior to HE bullets (other APCs) in a penetrating shot, while other APCs have an extra expenditure of HE bullets to search for the desired strike to get an explosion in the target hit zone. These indicators of "bullet penetrability/Impact/Thickness/Distinside" should not have such dependences for HE of a bullet. Between falling of speed and ability to get with the current speed, there has to be a charge HE detonator delay mechanism response time. Penetration through five fences of 280 mm, does not make explosion of a detonator of HE, looks as accidental explosion of HE when its speed becomes very small. It is more similar to penetration of an armor-piercing bullet.
  12. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127626 AI the driver doesn't keep the Tank position. If AI receives traveling coordinates, ever, it will always move to these coordinates even if you have changed tasks for AI. It can't be cancelled, it is possible to appoint other traveling coordinates only.
  13. In the entire history of the development of the OFP / Arma series, it was Arma3 that became a visually significant breakthrough and it was Arma3 that became a crash in terms of the number of problems. The problems of Arma3 have acquired a landslide character, a long-term life cycle. This entailed a lot of problems and a chain reaction in the development and support of enthusiasts in Arma3 / Mods / Missions. There are so many interesting Mods / Missions that are limited to problems related to vanilla. The official state of affairs in support looks like - support, and in fact new DLCs and new BIS units were created, with a practical unwillingness to correct even some minor problems. Even at feedback.bistudio.com, most of the common problems are not combined into a single area, everything looks broken / fragmented, and does not have a common problem area. After publishing BIS about plans for 2016 to create a DLC for 2016 I created a theme in August 2015 "In September Arma3 2 years old. Change the way to solve problems". What I saw in this thread in this thread: - desire to create more DLC - no solution to feedback.bistudio.com and its contents. Manufacturers Support Mods! Where and how is the support going? - No list of trusted mods - When you get any problem, BIS asks you to disconnect all Mods and try to reproduce the problem. You will not even be asked with which Mods the problem arose. There is no "BIS - Trusted Mods" feedback at this location. Everything goes in the reverse order, where the manufacturer of Mods has to agree or abandon the modified concept of BIS, or be in the long wait to solve a related problem. All these deepened problems lie on the surface. This fiasco was predetermined at the beginning of the Arma3 journey. External, not obvious disorganization of BIS, indicates internal disorganization, and cannot provide support, or even create the impression of support in future development. I apologize for my, such a sharp review, but for me it was a big disappointment. I did not stop playing Arma3, sending tickets to feedback, until the beginning of 2018. At the beginning of 2018, I have found other game in which: - graphics and physics are lower than in Arma3 - game process is worse than in Arma3 - not the perspective game logic having a peculiar individual character. - there is no editor, but there is a training card where you can choose AI and invite friends. - There are PvE and PvP missions. - AI at the level of OFP or lower, but they do not reproduce unpredictable errors and not stop, and can create good competition for players. It is more satisfying to my desire, to relax in my free time, to get a dive for a few hours in a narrow gameplay.The game does not have a good TOP, and probably will not be able to raise it higher, or get closer to the position of Arma3, but at least there is an AI development that can compete with players. - There is a communication between the producer of a game and the entrusted Mods producer, at the level of reception of the connected problems after updating of a game.
  14. You do not see them in arma3launcher, in the Mods section?
  15. lex__1

    Disappointed at the 'money pit' tactics

    In the main game window: - Multiplayer> Server Browser In the main server browser window: - Internet> Filter> Game type After selecting the type of game, an accessible list of servers is created and which missions are active on them. You will see how many players are playing on each server. Select the server with the mouse and in the lower right corner you will see which DLC and Mods are needed to play on this server. The red colors indicate which Mods you do not have, and without them you cannot play on the server. Look for those servers where there will be no Mods highlighted in red. https://imgur.com/Y4PVSDX To remember which server you played on: - Multiplayer> Server Browser In the main server browser window: - Recent Ask if a question arises - "How convenient is it to download the necessary Mods, for playing in a certain north?"
  16. 1. Check it out in: game > settings > add-ons. should be so, or less. https://imgur.com/T4vBGJW 2. Check file cache on Steam: game (right click) > properties > local files > check game files
  17. I checked it and I do not have this problem, the sound of Katiba is different than on your video - loud in the 1st person and quieter than the 3rd person. Do you use any mods? Try to test it without MODs.
  18. I can't watch this video - Video unavailable
  19. Then why the HE gun cartridge 40mm AMV-7 Marshal does not possess such penetrating power? The second. Three types of HE bullets are known according to the mode of action of the fuse: 1. contact 2. inertial 3. electronic Moreover, 1 and 2 may have different time delayers to undermine the substance. But this is a very short time interval after the first contact with an obstacle. Such bullets do not possess deep penetrating ability, since they explode beyond the first barrier. HE bullets with an electronic fuse can be programmed to explode at a certain distance. In this case, the first contact of the bullet with the barrier does not affect the triggering of the explosive charge of the bullet, the interval of the explosion is set more accurately at a distance to the target. In the game, there is no short time delay for bullets with a contact or inertial fuse, and there is no way for a programmable electronic fuse. Since the striking ability of HE bullets is designed to hit a target behind an obstacle, I would like to see a predictable result in this part of the question, and not because it is implemented now. In the HE bullet game, there is no one of the three ways the fuze works, but a strange triggering of the fuse is implemented, which requires a certain contact structure to explode a substance. In summary: APC Marshal and his HE bullets are inferior to HE bullets (other APCs) in a penetrating shot, while other APCs have an extra expenditure of HE bullets to search for the desired strike to get an explosion in the target hit zone.
  20. It would be better if the HE bullet detonator worked outside the first barrier. But they fly through all the walls, through and through. Detonation occurs when HE falls into a firmer structure behind a thin wall, on the floor, on a support, or on something else.
  21. The date on the video, March 8, 2018. It was at the stage of testing Tank DLC, I checked it in DEV today, nothing has changed there.
  22. I wrote about this earlier. The gun of the commander on the T-100 Angara, the bullets easily penetrate into some textures and explode far behind the object. I checked it in DEV today, nothing has changed there. The same effect is present on the guns: - BTR-K Kamysh - IFV-4 Gorgona - IFV-6A Cheetach - ZSU-39 Tigris - FV720 Mora Is it planned to leave as is?
  23. In a real situation, the shooter has more opportunities to give a stable position to the rifle, and this is not only when using a bipod. Maybe Arma3 lacks the entire range of character body positions and methods of fixing a rifle, and this causes confusion, how can you fix the rifle and shoot from a low position with a high angle upwards? Since the game does not provide another option, then yes, it looks strange, and only. This does not mean that there is no way to securely fix a rifle from a high angle in such conditions.
  24. Yes, in the new bipod system there is a visual flaw, like a bipod in the air, but this should not create an obstacle for unfolding the bipod anywhere. In the new system, you will not be able to do something like the videos, but at 1.84 it works.