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Everything posted by lex__1

  1. Not enough opportunity - Overcome the water barrier
  2. With a former sound it wasn't so noticeable, but now I well hear a motor sound in a forward part of the tank. It is possible to displace a sound source to the location of the motor? - T-100 and Kuma aft. - Not to change a position for Slamer. The same effect of the camera When you go on the bridge, the camera is very close displaced to the car. Thanks guys for work on these questions around tanks. There is one more moment which strongly irritates. I don't know as it is possible to make it and whether it is possible in principle. It occurs when I am a commander of the tank or shooter. If to go out of the tank, the driver of AI always begins to go to take a position concerning you. It is possible as that to change? Sometimes it is followed by injuries or it is possible to die, AI can crush you. Any teams for AI, before disembarkation from the tank, won't keep AI waiting for you or your teams, the tank driver will start moving the tank anyway.
  3. About the support menu from the command menu, I know it. Conversation on the menu of management of UAV, and related to UAV problem.,
  4. About the support menu from the command menu, I know it. Conversation on the menu of management of UAV, and related to UAV problem.,
  5. UAV has a land type, this function well works, and can be used as support for delivery of objects. There is a question - why the support type is necessary? or this function needs correction. But, as I wrote above, there is the second problem of this type of behavior. He breaks UAV, to reuse UAV, in the following, other tasks - not perhaps. I have even no guess that it is "support" type for UAV. What ability of BIS wanted to realize on this type. Now it is similar to type - "suicide" , but that that has gone not correctly, and UAV still partially works))
  6. This type of behavior has been made long ago and wasn't related to future release of DLS. The problem is more that there is no getting out of behavior of UAV if this type of behavior has been chosen accidentally, by mistake. It turns UAV into the useless and uncontrollable device.
  7. Who can explain the function in menu - "support", what is it and what is it intended for? And associated glare of the screen (when I take over control of the shooter's camera), the lack of the ability to use UAV fully, after using the function in menu type - "support" - what it all means. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120280 After inclusion the support type, all UAV sit down on soil. Change of type "support" works (other type UAV options, are activated in the UAV menu), but it doesn't change behavior of UAV, the behavior of UAV will be as in type "support".
  8. In BIOS, try to disconnect Intel VT (Intel Virtualization Technology). It won't raise FPS, but falling of FPS is rare. It helps me, a game goes more well, without frequent breakthroughs.
  9. lex__1

    Massive FPS Drops

    8 The GB of the RAM isn't enough. Arma3_64bit consumes 4-5gb. OS 64bit consumes 4+ GB.
  10. Vanilla Arma 3 has more problems, than problems in MODs. This situation remains for all lifetime of Arma 3. Often updates are released with problems in places where problems weren't. - The first reason, Sad work on corrections is a main reason when players leave. - The second reason, the Big saved-up problems - are replenished. - The third reason, DEV\RC of the version of a game, don't provide with guarantee, from emergence of problems in Arma3 after updates. Prospects: - I don't see the assumptions that this approach, in the solution of problems, can change in the current project - Arma 3. - I don't see the assumptions that this approach, in the solution of problems, can change in the Arma 4 project. I didn't have an urgent need, to come here to a forum, or to create the ticket for the Arma 1\2 project. Each update for Arma 1\2 was released seldom but there was no tendency of building of new problems. For this reason, a part of players of Arma 1\2 remained to play Arma 2.
  11. lex__1

    In need of a map

    Not all requirements are met, but it is closer from what I saw https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=886316372&searchtext=bariga or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=682140680&searchtext= or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=957744014&searchtext= It is possible to look at more options here https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=107410&browsesort=toprated&section=readytouseitems&requiredtags[0]=Terrain&actualsort=toprated&p=1
  12. Darter and Tayran, military AR-2 UAV, should have NV on the pilot's camera. Ticket closed, the issue is not resolved. ??? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126684 AI gets stuck, and will not execute any commands, in some sequence. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126782 Excuse me for my English, I use an electronic translator. If steps in the ticket are not clear, in this video all the steps of the command for the AI in the chat line. Give the AI any command at a time when it heals itself. AI will get stuck in the animation of healing and can not execute any commands. Can not even turn in any direction.
  13. lex__1

    OFPr.info / ofp.gamepark.cz

    Many OFP addons and MODs are alive and stored here http://www.flashpoint.ru/resources/categories/operation-flashpoint.1/
  14. This is very good, if after the holiday there are only logical problems.
  15. Not a true comparison and application, only similar names. PGO-7 in Arma3 is an optical sight for small arms. PGO-7V is the original name of the optical sight for RPG-7. The prototype PGO-7V in Arma3 for RPG-7 has not yet been created. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121840
  16. lex__1

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    AI gets stuck, and will not execute any commands, in some sequence. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126782
  17. +100% With all the possibilities and the existence of animation
  18. Such tickets probably can be found more than I found https://feedback.bistudio.com/T66890 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T70958 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T80372 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T80523 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83601 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T122700 This ticket I was doing stabilizing the AA \ AT launcher (in the body position sits \ stands) There is no instrument of decrease in inertia and reducing the effect of fatigue, at missiles launch of NLAW and Titan. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83141
  19. It is necessary to change a way of breakage of an awning. Big loss for cars and health. Awning (canopy) - a guillotine. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120795
  20. I made these tickets after the release of Apex. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121840 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121841 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121842
  21. Yes, these are already notable changes in DEV. My videos are recorded in DEV.
  22. It was two different tickets. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T117728 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124274 In both tickets, there is good progress after the Updated PhysX. The machines are still jumping, but not as easily as they were before. A little is not enough weight of the car, or it is too big reverse work of suspension of the running machine.
  23. BIS, Many thanks for this update. This produces good changes for this problem https://feedback.bistudio.com/T117728 I could not reproduce this problem, it's a great change. Thank you very much for this. Overcoming obstacles is excellent. There was a nuance with bushes. Weight machines or bushes? In certain situations, bushes can work as a barrier, do not break badly, but break. It's sometimes when you go ahead, and it's easy to play back when you go back to the bush.
  24. This issue was discussed at the forum, after the release of Apex. Players, not owners of DLC, could not play on servers where DLC assets were used. Updates, now always, depend on updating the assets of all DLCs. It does not depend on your personal DLC ownership. This depends on the joint use of DLC assets in the missions.
  25. Several times I noticed the problem of HENT Amo cars and moving over bridges. I decided to check it in the editor. Result. This sometimes happens with other machines, but less often. Can you check what's happening to them and fix it?