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Everything posted by major-stiffy

  1. Launch via .sqf 17 is length of the sound in seconds. nul = [yourobjectvarname] spawn {while {true} do {(_this select 0) say3D "yoursound"; sleep 17;};}; sleep 1000;
  2. major-stiffy

    Overview picture won't show.

    Was a bug in one of the recent Arma updates, has been corrected. Are you on latest update?
  3. major-stiffy

    How to make a drive to task.

    Has to be some condition or something present to "activate" trigger.
  4. major-stiffy

    JBOY Napalm FX

    Awesome! Hope this is MP compatible.
  5. major-stiffy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    When you don't use any intel. 😁
  6. Tweaked this from a script @Larrow some time ago. Tweak it to suit your needs. { _x addAction ["<t align='left' color='#F7D358'>READ CONTENTS</t>", { params[ "_target", "_caller", "_ID", "_args" ]; //Set this examined intel as found, so the action on it is no longer active //Also PV to all clients so their action for this box is no longer active _target setVariable ["isFound", true, true]; //Get the number of boxes found, default 0 _currentFoundBoxes = _caller getVariable[ "boxesFound", 0 ]; //Increase count by 1 _currentFoundBoxes = _currentFoundBoxes + 1, execVM "scripts\yourscript.sqf"; //Update callers variable _caller setVariable [ "boxesFound", _currentFoundBoxes ]; //Maybe do something when # of intel have been found if ( _currentFoundBoxes isEqualTo 3 ) then { ["<t color='#ff0000' size = '1.5'>Intel found...STAND-BY.</t>",-1,-1,8,1,-1,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep 10; execVM "scripts\yourscript.sqf"; //CHANGE THIS TO WHEN ALL INTEL FOUND }; }, [], 6, true, true, "", //_target (unit to which action is attached to) and _this (caller/executing unit) "!( _target getVariable [ 'isFound', false ] )", //NOT found ( default false ) !false == true 4 //distance for action ]; }forEach [ intel0, intel1, intel2 ]; When intel isEqualTo 3 it must match the amount of forEach. You can change it the amount to suit. That's all I have to offer. Good luck.
  7. Will this keep AI from walking through the door or wall like it is now? 😂
  8. major-stiffy

    Remoteexec of dynamic text possible?

    I always wondered what that meant exactly in a trigger.
  9. I'm making a simple mission for a friend and myself which I will host. I have an image I want to make sure my client can see. I am firing a script which contains the following line: hint parseText "Who<br/><img size= '5' image='pic\man.jpg'/><br/>is it?" call BIS_fnc_MP; I know call BIS_fnc_MP is suggested to not be used any more but how do I remoteExec this or will call BIS_fnc_MP still work? Or will hint parseText already be sent to client without MP in mind?
  10. major-stiffy

    hint parseText for MP

    Thanks guys. I'll give this one a go and hope he sees it. I have no way of testing with a client without giving up parts of what the mission is about and I don't want to do that. 😉
  11. Is the first waypoint a "move" ? If so they will stop momentarily then resume. If the driver is following a road, just put a waypoint where you want him to stop cause in my experience he will drive on the road to that point himself even if it's a bit distant away.
  12. major-stiffy

    3D sound played on moving vehicle

    I suggest you try it exactly as I have it because it works perfectly for me.
  13. major-stiffy

    3D sound played on moving vehicle

    This in description.ext ? class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class radiochatter { name="radiochatter"; sound[]={sounds\radiochatter.ogg, 20, 1, 20}; // filename, volume, pitch, distance titles[] = {}; }; the ogg file is in a folder called sounds.
  14. major-stiffy

    3D sound played on moving vehicle

    [humvee1, ["radiochatter", 100, 1]] remoteExec ["say3D"];
  15. major-stiffy

    Visibility Condtion

    Set them captive temporarily then undo it? setCaptive
  16. major-stiffy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Thanks folks. I'll do some more testing.
  17. major-stiffy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Ok so I’m not alone here. I don’t recall this being an issue way back when. Thanks for confirming.
  18. major-stiffy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Tested with no mods on ported mission in Malden (does it on all maps). Still happens. Game breaker. 😞
  19. major-stiffy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Abandoned vehicles: In SP & MP if I find an abandoned vehicle it stays blue on the map screen even when I'm not inside it. So the enemy makes a B line for it to try and destroy it. I spend my time trying to defend it. Anyone else seeing this? It might be VcomAI mod, I'll have to test it.
  20. major-stiffy

    Arma 3 low FPS bug

    Using 64 bit version? What memory allocator have you chosen inside the Arma launcher? Oops...I see the guy never came back. 🙄
  21. I guess you'll have to reexamine things cause it works for me. Tested today in a MP mission I'm making? And you have given variable names on objects to where each sound is to come from? Type Object, expected nothing sounds like it might be the case?
  22. Remove the \ in front of sound. Ex. class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class serverambient { name="serverambient"; sound[]={sounds\serverambient.ogg, 20, 1, 20}; // filename, volume, pitch, distance titles[] = {}; }; This works for me: [serverambient, ["serverambient", 500, 1]] remoteExec ["say3D"];
  23. In init of asset _null = [this, 10, 0.10, 2] execVM "heal.sqf"; Heal.sqf private["_obj","_radius","_healPerSleep","_damage","_sleepTime"]; _obj = _this select 0; _radius = _this select 1; _healPerSleep = _this select 2; _sleepTime = _this select 3; if (isServer) then { while {true} do { { if (alive _x) then { _damage = damage _x; _damage = _damage - _healPerSleep; if (_damage < 0) then { _damage = 0; }; _x setDamage _damage; }; } forEach ((getPos _obj) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius]); sleep _sleepTime; }; }; I recall using this a long time ago. Not tested recently.
  24. It has happened to me too. Only way around it is to end task.