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Everything posted by strider42

  1. strider42

    Movement key bindings

    I'm trying to find how to change the default key bindings as I like ESDF instead of WASD. Is this possible? S42
  2. When I double click on the map (to place a marker) when sitting in the pilot seat of a helicopter its engine starts. I have tested this with no mods running, single player and multi-player. My mate tells me he does not have this problem. Anyone else have this problem of know how to solve it? S
  3. You are obviously correct, endless resspawning, is not what it is supposed to be doing. I'll look into it when I can but it may be a while.
  4. strider42


    I was thinking if you were updating the ACE mods manually. You are correct that "Unsubscribing" and "Subscribing" from the workshop should do the same. So for a manually installed version of ACE. The usual location to put the @ACE directory is in something like (Its the arma programs directory): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 If you are updating the ACE there you need to delete the @ACE directory before you do the update/copy in a new version. Check out the howtogeek link that shows you how to use filehash and why it may be usefull. If you do not know what PowerShell is theny that will be your next search. Good luck, S
  5. strider42


    Are you running a manually downloaded ACE or a Workshop Subscription. Not that I this might cause the problem. If you are doing the manually downloaded make sure you delete the ACE directory first. Hope you find the thing that is causing the problem. S PS- Here is my filehash (get-filehash from windows powershell) for ace_advanced_ballistics_x64.dll: 0C3641E7E81D311C8F8934C98B7D92252A839F8FE7F61585BAC20DD9695903B6 Here is a link on how to generate a hash from your file: https://www.howtogeek.com/363735/what-is-a-checksum-and-why-should-you-care/
  6. I saw this problem yesterday on a server I maintain. I just went through the server update proceedure, which was very quick (there is only a small update to download) and the problem was solved. I think it may be an issue with the major part of the version number not changing so server and client both are 2.06 but some update has been done to the game such that it will not connect to servers that have not been updated. S
  7. strider42

    What does this icon mean?

    Mine says 'Optional Not Owened", so it looks like it things you own it, just the install is not running. Just some things to try: - Try a "file check". In "LIBRARY", left click on Arma 3 in the list on the left, select Properties..., Click on LOCAL FILES and then Verify integrity of game files... - If that does not resolve it try deleting the files in the Contac directory and restarting the install. Good luck S
  8. Is there any way to make the helicopter instrument panel readable when you are using NVG? I pretty much only fly the Hummingbird but when I put on NVGs I can't use the instrument becasue the light on them is too bright. The instruments are readable before you start the engine. S
  9. When using execVM (which I do almost never do) I use the following syntax: someParam execVM "someScript.sqf"; Are there circumstances where you have to do the following with execVM: null = someParam execVM "someScript.sqf"; I ask because today I found someone saying a script would not work without using the latter syntax: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/189445-exec-or-execvm-call-or-spawn/?do=findComment&comment=3001417 In the past I have played around with scripts that use the latter syntax and changed them to my syntax without any apparent issue. I do appreciate that execVM does return a value (a script handle) that can be used with the scriptDone and terminate commands.
  10. Excuse my pedantic side here is my last offer for the setup using and Eden placed trigger: Variable name: trig2 Type: None Activation: None Activation type: --- Repeatable: no Condition: ( alive SB ) && ( west countSide ( SB nearEntities 10 ) > 0 ) On Activation: "R_80mm_HE" createVehicle SB But as they say. "If it is not broke, don't fix it". S
  11. What was the error message? Is the trigger Variable Name set to trig2? The enableSimulation statement should be: trig2 enableSimulation false; Did test this quickly wiht a player unit and Trigger setup: Variable name: trig2 Type: None Activation: Any Player Activation type: Present Repeatable: yes Condition: this On Activation: hint "Activated"; deleteVehicle trig2 On Deactivation: hint "De-activated" Walk into the area and "Activated" hint is displayed. Walk out and nothig happens because the trigger has been deleted. Good luck, S
  12. The simple answer is no. ARMA in general is an event driven system so bits of code run when an event is triggered. This gets more complicated when you are running in multi-player mode as now you can add where is the code running. I don't think a trace of the function calls will help because it will be so large. When I look at how missions are written I usually start in the init.sqf but I guess you also need to look in the other event scripts as well. As a general rule I try to focus on parts of a mission/script and use diag_log calls to write information to the report file to help you understand what is happening. I'd happily talk you through what I do with my missions. This is a mission I published (Eden editor files): https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnX2_vGoXf5F9iA_hQh4VuoDvmFP?e=Kkohpp Good luck S
  13. From my quick reading of the debug modes changing them will only have an impact when the system wants to report errors. Not something I have ever done. S
  14. I think it would be possible to do this however the way that caching and zone cleared works means it may be hard to implement without altering the way EOS works S
  15. Here is my latest EOS update (v2.01a). https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnX2_vGoXf5F92ntEGcycpjwwFk1?e=V9smx2 As before this should behave like v1.98. Changes: Attack helicopters can now be specified (by setting helicopter group size to 0). Some minor comments updated or corrected. Good luck S
  16. @fawlty, well done, I wounderd who whould spot that error first 🙄 ... Now I have had a look at it this appears to be an error I introduced quite early in my work but because I don't use attack helicopters I did not notice it. For whatever reason, even if you set the cargo size to zero it sill gives you a transport helicopter that will deliver 1 unit to the AO. @fawltyas you have no helicopters in the transprort pool you get an error because it is trying to create a vehicle of class "" (i.e. an empty string). I'll have a look through the code and see why it no longer works. S
  17. If a waypoint was being set at [0,0,0] that would imply that something went wrong with the waypoint creation. I have not come across this problem. Always a pain to test, as we all like our toys, but do you see this issue when using vanlilla units and maps? The triggers are set in the eos_core.sqf and b_core.sqf files. Search for the createTrigger command and, at the end of the trigger processing, add the line to set the trigger interval.
  18. @Chinook_ If you are still looking for a solution I thing your problem is with the two lines: //_direction = markerDir VVS_SP; _direction = getDir VVS_SP; I'm sure you just need to uncomment the first line and delete the second. The error is being cause by VVS_SP being a marker which is a string and getDir is expecting an object. Should work otherwise.
  19. strider42

    Arma 3 local server problem

    My quick suggestion is to put the server on a different port. tl;dr In the past I have had problems letting people connect to a decidated server i was running on my PC while connecting to that server as a player as a client. None of my friends could connect to the server remotely but another PC could connect on the local nework. To solve the problem I just rand the mission as a 'player/server' and all was fine. I have never checked but I have a feeling that the system might not have worked becasue both the dedicated server and my client game were using the same port settings.
  20. I it possible to set up ACE so that NVG's are not noisy and full screen. I ask because that is the situation we have on a dedicated server. I'm wondering if the ACE setup has failed, not that we see any errors. Anyone else seen this issue? S
  21. Here is my Simple Auto-Gate or SAG 😉 The script is meant as a self contained system for creating automatic gate opening of bar-gates. The script works with pre-placed bar-gates, like on some of the CUP based maps, but will work just as well with bar-gates placed in the Eden editor. It has been tested with both the ArmA 3 standard bar-gates and the CUP ones. Just place a trigger using the editor so that the centre of the trigger is close to the bar-gate you want to control. Set the 'Name' of the trigger and set its size and orientation as required, the rest of the trigger parameters will be set by the script. Create a folder called 'Scripts' in your mission directory and copy the 'sPK_autoGateInit.sqf' file to the directory. You will need an 'init.sqf' file in the root directory of your mission with the following in it: This example sets the system for GATE_NORTH and GATE_SOUTH triggers to control the vanilla bar-gate. if ( isServer ) then { [ [ GATE_NORTH, "Land_BarGate_F" ], [ GATE_SOUTH, "Land_RoadBarrier_01_F" ] // No comma on the last entry. ] call compileScript["Scripts\sPK_autoGateInit.sqf", true]; // true - compileFinal. }; The if ( isServer ) block is to stop warnigns about running it on a player client when connecting to a dedicated server. The compileScript is a replacement for compile preprocessorFile[LineNumbers] command. Job done. The system has an additional feature where you can call the script without the bar-gate class name. In this case it will display the class of the object nearest the trigger in a 'hint' and in the report file. Search for "GateClass:" in the report file: [ [ GATE_NORTH ], [ GATE_SOUTH ] ] call compileScript["Scripts\sPK_autoGateInit.sqf", true]; The output will look like: 10:35:14 "GateClass:GATE_NORTH:Land_BarGate_F" 10:35:14 "GateClass:GATE_SOUTH:Land_RoadBarrier_01_F" Enjoy, S For the record, gate classes: Land_BarGate_F – Vanilla bar-gate class. Land_RoadBarrier_01_F – Metal frame bar-gate from Contact DLC. Land_Zavora – CUP bar-gate class. Land_zavora_2 – CUP bar-gate class, fractionally bigger and taller. This is a link to a simple VR mission demonstration: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnX2_vGoXf5F911_Kg9MmzpPJQb8?e=ChpdqP sPK_autoGateInit.sqf:
  22. strider42

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Have to admit we have never been able to get the helicopter extraction system to work. I have never seen any messages telling me there was a reason for this, just the message saying it has been cancelled.
  23. strider42

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    I've noticed a problem when using this script with the latest version of ArmA 3 v2.02.147359. The script fails and you don't HALO. Looking at the log file I notice an issue Error Reserved variable in expression that seems to be associated with the Keys variable. So I dedited the scripts: v6.5b 21 May 2021 Stopped conflict with 'keys' resurved keyword ArmA 3 v2.02,147359 - Renamed 'Keys' variable to 'ATM_Keys' to avoid confict with 'keys' resurved variable. ** atm_airdrop.sqf ** - Renamed 'Keys' variable to 'ATM_Keys'. ** dialogue.hpp ** - Renamed 'class Keys' to 'class ATM_Keys'. Really not sure if this is required. ** functions.sqf ** - Renamed 'Keys' variable to 'ATM_Keys'. Not heavily tested it but it now appears to work. I include a link to a set of patch files (the ones I have modified) https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnX2_vGoXf5F91t3bFlTF7HpZphE?e=6r3F4C
  24. @MoreRonnMy advice is to get very mission specific. I have moded mine to just use the list of specified vehicles. It does mean having to update it for each mission. If you are trying to create new classes, like 'HMMWVs', then I wish you luck.
  25. @darwinscusp EOS is pretty easy to play around with. Just change the UnitPools.sqf file with the units you want and you are on your away. In truth I am not convinced by a system that specifes multple factions you are not going to use. I always imagine that most people are going to want to create there own pools. I guess it could be useful if you wanted to use more than one enemy faction. That said even in my latest implementation I still have the multiple factions system 😛