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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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Guess I will have to wait for a Arrowhead template.

Yes, the templates in the UserSettings are for A2 only, for now. Sorry. Still working on development.

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1) why not :) both sides can have access to one type of vehicles.

true but different armies use different paint schemes to distinguish who it belongs to. (on top of that A2/ OA FFID is still temperamental i can have an blufor team approaching in that veheicle but it still comes up as opfor)

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Yes, the templates in the UserSettings are for A2 only, for now. Sorry. Still working on development.

I have already updated the weapons in F2 and all the units in the userSettings have been changed to insurgents from Arrowhead.

Looking forward to the template. :D

I think once this is transferred to Arrowhead we may at last have something to rival the playability of Dom2 :yay:

Edited by Telson_VBAU

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Well since you did something already, it is quite easy to continue.

You have to open folders in UserSettings and change units.

In E_reginf e.g. 1.sqf will be:

if (WICT_Server) then
_Eg= Creategroup EAST; 

_Unit1= _Eg createUnit ["[color="Red"]TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1[/color]",[(getMarkerPos "WICT_spawnLocation") select 0,(getMarkerPos "WICT_spawnLocation") select 1,0],[],0,"FORM"]; 
_Unit2= _Eg createUnit ["[color="Red"]TK_INS_Soldier_4_EP1[/color]",[(getMarkerPos "WICT_spawnLocation") select 0,(getMarkerPos "WICT_spawnLocation") select 1,0],[],0,"FORM"]; 
_Unit3= _Eg createUnit ["[color="red"]TK_INS_Soldier_EP1[/color]",[(getMarkerPos "WICT_spawnLocation") select 0,(getMarkerPos "WICT_spawnLocation") select 1,0],[],0,"FORM"]; 
_Unit4= _Eg createUnit ["[color="red"]TK_INS_Soldier_2_EP1[/color]",[(getMarkerPos "WICT_spawnLocation") select 0,(getMarkerPos "WICT_spawnLocation") select 1,0],[],0,"FORM"];

_Unit2 setunitrank "CORPORAL"; 
_Unit1 setunitrank "SERGEANT"; 
_Unit1=leader _Eg;

_Unit1 setDir WICT_angleE;

_Unit1 doFSM ["WICT\AI\infantryE.fsm", [0,0,0], _Unit1];

{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "f\common\f_removeBody.sqf"}];} foreach units _Eg;

sleep .5;
WICT_clutch = 1;

That's what I meant when I said East group... I really got to finish some other things before doing that.


Now, tyler4171 and Richey79 made some conversions, but as I said, I will take a look after next release. It is priority for now.



Now, try to place 1 Unit from all factions and set it's probability of presence to zero. If you did this:

all the units in the userSettings have been changed to insurgents from Arrowhead

like I showed above, than you have everything you need man.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Thanks for the update A2H, wict has become even better... :) This solution with named/nameless units really excels!

Question: if I put a unit on the map in the editor without name means that wict will include it for the AI mass-operation if I'm right.

Now how does it really work:

-what class this unit will be in? How are the actions of that unit decided?

-how does it effect numAIg?

answered: separate units add one group, formations will add one group too, I guess these formations can contain unlimited number of units

-How do named units effect numAIg?

Nameless private rifleman does nothing, just stands there for me, and I'm wondering why...

Edited by zapat

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1) if I put a unit on the map in the editor without name means that wict will include it for the AI mass-operation if I'm right

2) what class this unit will be in?

3) How are the actions of that unit decided?

4) how does it effect numAIg?

5) How do named units effect numAIg?

6) Nameless private rifleman does nothing, just stands there for me, and I'm wondering why...

1) yes, you got it right --- no name = participate in massive attack, has name = stands there or follow waypoints from editor

2) class is not important for editor / pre-placed units

3) when massive attack starts there is only one order - attack known enemy base

4) numAIg = number of spawned groups + number of pre-placed groups

5) they are in number of pre-placed groups

6) that has nothing to do with name. for pre-placed units you either:

a) create waypoints

b) put
null = [group this,(getPos this),250] execVM "WICT\AI\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf";

null = [group this,(getPos this),250] execVM "WICT\AI\BIN_taskSweep.sqf";

null = [group this,(getPos this)] execVM "WICT\AI\BIN_taskDefend.sqf"


I think that max number of units in group is 20.

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Thanks, actually answer #6 answers my #2 and most important question: I need to initialize the pre-placed units for class-like behaviour.

Now I know enough to make some great battles, I've always wanted to. :)

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There is not much point in initializing the pre-placed units for class-like behavior, since you will be in the base - I guess.

Now if really you want to do so use:

null = [] spawn {sleep 10; this doFSM ["WICT\AI\[color="Red"]infantry2W[/color].fsm", [0,0,0], this];};

and after 10 seconds they will attack -- assuming that WICT started and that there is known base!!! Just read manual to see which AI you should use.


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Great got it working and put in a few more bases well happy

The enemy spawn on top of the main US base from the start is this to do with the WICT_scandist = 5000;?

Does the WICT_scandist look at the distance between one base or another or from main base to main base.

P.S It rocks very good work ArmAIIholic

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Does the WICT_scandist look at the distance between one base or another or from main base to main base.

WICT_scandist is maximum distance for searching for bases from current position of the frontline (battlefront).

In other words all bases that are further than this distance will be excluded from spawning process.

If enemy units are spawning near your base you should increase spawn distance and there is possibly some base that is near US base. Try to make some "room". That won't affect spawning process and battlefront position.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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A2H: you should include a drawing in your next manual about WICT_scandist and WICT_sd concentric circles. I also had trouble to understand where the bases are active, and it is not clear for the beginners as I see.

After using the 250m/1000m markers in the editor it became clear. Now it is a separate logical game to set them up for the best effect, which I am starting to like better than actual gameplay... :)

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I'm loving this mod! Its a lot of fun to have giant tank battles with one base at one end and another at the other with scandist set to like 100k. Then battling across the map, with massive air battles overhead of course. It reminds me of red storm rising by tom clancy. :D

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Thanx bobtom and zapat, I will put that in manual.

Hopefully the new version is coming in the next 24h.

After several days of struggle to make it work on dedicated server, I found several error, made some parts pre-compiled, added some new features, but I didn't have success to make it work on Dedi :)

The last thing I changed was making, at the end, centers for East and West Hqs, so "poor" soldier won't be needed anymore. And maybe, with some miracle, Dedi will work.

However, I don't think there is any reason for procrastination with release.

If, in the mean time, I find the way to revive Dedi, I will put it in the some v2.x.

See you all soon,


Edited by ArmAIIholic

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If anyone is able to help out with the dedi, apart from me, please make yourself known, as there is something wierd with it not working in MP (dedi).

I don't know if it's my dedi at fault or the script :)

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Surprise, surprise

WICT v2.2 is released

new stuff + trailer, check the first page

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Surprise, surprise

WICT v2.2 is released

new stuff + trailer, check the first page

the video is blocked in my country(belgium) because of wmg copyright.

And the download link to 2.2 full..i can click it but nothing happens.

anyway love your mod.

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sarge4267 I know that about the video, it is because of the music. I will try to upload smaller one muted for people like you. Or maybe your country will figure out it is not against copyright since it is

However you can always copy url and download it with, just google keep youtube...

I checked download link - it is working ok, so I am :confused:

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sarge4267 I know that about the video, it is because of the music. I will try to upload smaller one muted for people like you. Or maybe your country will figure out it is not against copyright since it is

However you can always copy url and download it with, just google keep youtube...

I checked download link - it is working ok, so I am :confused:

Ok I'll get it from armaholic now ;).

About the video..well too bad but it isn't really a total loss if you see what the mod brings.

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The video is disabled in Hungary as well. :(

I am like 70% done with my first bigger scale mission (Road to the Altar) and the framework has been working perfect so far. Testing is what goes slow: I always stay in the game for too long. :) I wish I had more than a few hours a week when I can work on it. And I wish I knew scripting better, I have many ideas without the needed knowledge. :(

My only complain is still those helis: I don't know if you changed the spawning point for them, but they still pop out of nowhere. It is not so bad with planes anymore, they arrive fast now, so you don't really recognize from where.

IMHO helis coming from further would be great: something like "drawing" a vector from the base opposite the defined direction, and spawn them min.500 or more meters, or something like that.

And one more idea: I saw a mission, where you could join AI groups, and became their leader. That would be great for WICT too, sometimes I can't babysit my original men, and they became victims often. Because of this I always end up alone too early, when the best parts of the mission are still ahead of me, and it would be great to get some reinforcements to my group every now and then...

Otherwise everything is beliveable and dynamic making the athmosphere really great.

Edited by zapat

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Just tried this on VBAU dedicated server and seems to work fine.

We will give it a good thrashing tonight and report any problems.

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Just tried this on VBAU dedicated server and seems to work fine.

We will give it a good thrashing tonight and report any problems.

That is wonderful news!!! :yay::yay::yay:

1) IMHO helis coming from further would be great: something like "drawing" a vector from the base opposite the defined direction, and spawn them min.500 or more meters, or something like that.

2) And one more idea: I saw a mission, where you could join AI groups, and became their leader. That would be great for WICT too, sometimes I can't babysit my original men, and they became victims often. Because of this I always end up alone too early, when the best parts of the mission are still ahead of me, and it would be great to get some reinforcements to my group every now and then...

1) fix coming in a few days

2) I tried to avoid that and I will try again :) This is for SP/MP, so that's why I am not mixing AI with playables. But :

a) I am still not sure what happens when one AI is in the group - is he a leader and does he follow the waypoint, I will test that, so maybe I will put such function, but for AI only

b) I can write you a script that will:

  • check from time to time number of units

  • if it's below x then

  • spawn some more (for example random from the pool, I think it is good)

  • or add fixed group of four

  • and join them silenthly to player

Do you want that? Just send me:

  1. adding fixed or one-by-one?
  2. random choice or not?
  3. when to add?

I am here to help man, ask, what ever idea you have. You see, my module will not "live" if you people don't start making some missions :cool:

And I am also a busy man, but I tried to make some universal tool.

Next version will come soon and it will be addon-less a.k.a. it will be the script. That won't change your mission, or anyone's else (since v2.2), but it will make distribution easier, since anyone can open pbo and have a look, anyway.

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I have noticed a problem with aircraft spawn too.

Fast air sometimes nose dive and crash at base.

They spawn ok but are stationary in the air and don't have enough time to speed up to pull up I don't think.

Maybe look at increasing the spawn hight??

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maybe it is:

1) altitude and speed

2) badly spawned pilot

3) hit with AA

I will check it

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