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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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That was the very idea of ghost bases -- your heli-spawn base is a ghost base = don't put it in any list, not even neutral!!! It simply doesn't exist until some mission-important-event happen.

That base has a trigger, but since it doesn't exist on any list (west, east, neutral) it won't be considered and it can't be captured = that means really doesn't exist.

Make a .sqf that will activate/execute when AA is down that will say:

WICT_wbl = WICT_wbl + ["b2"];
"b2" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";

(optional for a size if it is not visible on the map)
"b2" setMarkerSize [1, 1];

Now b2 will be west and you have no problem with AI what so ever.

I will make a ghost base function for the next version and I will put this discussion in the Q/A part of the manual. The idea(s) for the mission is excellent.

Finally you are scratching the surface of the WICT :D

Well done and thanx for ideas and suggestions.

Keep the ideas coming and if you need any, I mean any, help please ask.


Best regards,


Edited by ArmAIIholic

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A2H: ok, it is clear now, thanks. Your original idea, and the role of this addon (better to say: mod) is also getting clearer and clearer by the minute. I really need to change the way I looked at Arma so far. :)

Kremator: Maybe if next version will include downloadable free-time also, I'll be able to make that mission. :)

I played with most of the ideas and they do work, stiching them into a large scale mission is really time-consuming though.

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 PM ----------

A2H: One note: the 250m for heli/winged spawning distance is too obvious: they just pop out of nowhere, and you can see that. I guess a bit more sophisticated birth would be nicer. The sound is too obvious too: once you heard a heli born, you will always spot the next ones...

The transport force is great! Although a name like offensive force would suit better, as I saw them rush an enemy base.

Yes, I am going deeper: there is pretty nice variety you made here with different classes, and I don't even mention the deeper levels of dices. :)

I'm off to a holiday tomorrow, you gave me a lot to think about and plan while away. :)

Edited by zapat

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I agree on the popping of aircraft ... would be nice if they came in from farther away.

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yeap, I can make them come from the base and that would be always > spawn distance.

I did that for choppers for troop transport since they are fast and they don't need safe position.

will be changed. thanx zapat and Kremator.

zapat: happy holiday. maybe when you return there will be v2.0... who know... looking forward to have you back and to see your missions and hear your ideas.

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WICT v2.0 is released!


P.S. now I need advertisement and more users :) spread the word if you like it ;)

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About to try this MP. :)

Edited by Kremator

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I'm up for trying this MP.

Add my on xfire 'bigbadbobned' for pm me on forums.

Sounds very good.

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nedley just don't forget (in a hurry) to check settings --- you have to put game type on coop


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Hmmm WICT isnt happy on a dedi server. It's not running.

Doing more testing to see why!

EDIT: I get Semper Fi but nothing spawns on a local server. Respawn works however :)

Still no dice on my dedi.

Edited by Kremator

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Kremator: all WICT files run only on server.

if (!isServer) then {breakOut "main"};

Now F2 framework is what should "move" the multiplayer. Maybe this will be helpful during testing. I managed to start it on LAN as server and it worked. I don't have opportunity to really test MP, so I am relaying on F2 that works.

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I'll have a look at the F2 files and see why it's not happy. Playing SP is fine, but I want it MP on t'internet :)

EDIT: I cannot seem to get it to work on LAN either (as MP).

Edited by Kremator

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This is a disaster...

Should spawning script run o server only? I am a little bit :confused:

If I run it on every client that would make enormous number of units, right?

Anyone can help, give a suggestion?


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I'm still in testing phase. You are right that it only needs to run on the server :)

If that is the case then noone needs @WICT mod then ?

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Kremator: well, if you want to be a client only, technically it is possible. Some thing should though execute like info about capturing the base. I'll think about that, although the addon is not so big.

I will try to wrap code that should be executed into isServer, instead of exiting if !isServer...


isServer returns false only on client [resource]

found one more thing -- will try to implement it...

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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This module is possibly one of the best things to happen to Arma! I love how powerful and customizable it is! I have a question, though.

I created a large-scale battlefield covering all of Chernarus by placing a base in each town (kind of like warfare). However, I encountered a problem when two towns are too far apart from each other. Nothing is spawned because none of the bases are active, and only east or west is active at once rather than both. I tried increasing the base's trigger's radius in each of the bases to 300 and I bumped up the spawning distance to 500. This helped, but bases are now easy to capture from far away and I can get both sides to spawn into the battle only when I am directly in between two bases.

Any ideas?

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Thanx dax01. I would like to make it work in multiplayer, though...

Find WICT_scandist in the startSettings and increase it to 10000 (10km).

It will always find some base. Leave other settings as they were (you don't have to increase trigger area or spawn distance).


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I dont know how to use this mod, I dont see any manual neither demo mission anywere :s

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I dont know how to use this mod, I dont see any manual neither demo mission anywere :s

you have to dl the full to get the demo mission.

anyway i examined the demo and i though it was awesome and chaotic. unfortunately after spending 5 hours studying the manual i had no successful understanding of it. (please note I'm only capable of basic things with modules, units. i just make sandbox specops which keep me amused for hours though its quite dull even with combat ambiance module set to max). is it possible for you or someone kind enough to make missions for the two core maps?

edit: they don't have to be too advanced just enough to have forces fighting it out and something to do around the specops module

Edited by dhellfox

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SpetS15: yes you have to download the full version. The light version is for people that have created mission with this tool and want to provide separate download link to the addon.

dhellfox: the most simplest way is just to copy/paste....

1) there are auto settings

2) just copy/paste bases with triggers...

it is basic work with editor. If you need help we can work a step-by-step together.

However, I am trying to fix multiplayer. zapat will make a mission and Richey79 already did for OA.



And dhellfox -- where did you find chaotic? :) These are dynamic battlefronts. The frontline is dynamically created, units are trying to capture the bases, neutral sectors, organizing global assault, they will defend the area, mount static weapons, organize patrols etc. :)

Did you try a simple thing to change values for spawning probabilities for bases?

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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dhellfox: the most simplest way is just to copy/paste....

1) there are auto settings

2) just copy/paste bases with triggers...

it is basic work with editor. If you need help we can work a step-by-step together.

thanks ill try that when i wake up tomorrow (its midnight here) but when i last ran it by merging it with chenerus i got the start error


And dhellfox -- where did you find chaotic? :) These are dynamic battlefronts. The frontline is dynamically created, units are trying to capture the bases, neutral sectors, organizing global assault, they will defend the area, mount static weapons, organize patrols etc. :)

Did you try a simple thing to change values for spawning probabilities for bases?

chaotic as in great epicness!!! i roll in with my lav to take the airport and just by random dice roll blufor rolled cobras which flew overhead on strafing runs countering the opfor reinforcements as 2 CDF bmp2 raced past laying waste to everything in their path (i had no idea where they were going)

i'm kinda tired so sorry if it doesn't make too much sense

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The WICT v.2.1 is released!

I hope that I fixed multiplayer.

-- added Sickboy's 6thSense.eu script to determine if machine is Ingame Server, Ded Server, Player or JIP Player

-- all WICT scripts run if NOT (T_Client && !T_Server) meaning NOT ClientOnly

----- all tempaltes are wrapped in this code, but nothing else is changed

-- no need to specify game type: no it is detecting the game type, so basically you can just save the demo provided as multiplayer

I tested both SP and MP. I was able to host LAN MP and WICT was running without problem.

Is there any way I can "join myself". I hope that there won't be a problem anymore, but just in case...



dhellfox: don't merge it -- open .sqm and replace all "utes" with "chernarus". rename folder suffix to .chernarus.

then just edit the template :)

I didn't find any problem. That is the part of the manual that says: ArmA2, Operation Arrowhead, other maps

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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here trying it now, too

having just updated to 2.1full !

thx ArmAIIholic for making this release ... WICT becomes bigger and better with every update, it's nearly as an "editor for the editor", so perfect for family dads like me who don't have so much time for detailed scripting ... it's like playing LEGO with my kids :-)

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