Clayman 20 Posted July 18, 2010 Type: SP MissionSide: BLUFOR (USMC) / TeamleaderVersion: 1.2ArmAII Version: CO 1.62Mission Description:Six weeks ago, paramilitary Chedaki troops have occupied the province of Podagorsk. Many members of the government were kidnapped or killed. The military was disbanded, much of the troops have fled or have joined the Chedaki. Occasionally, guerrillas have formed to try to fend off the Chedakis again. So far without success. According to reports the Chedaki proceed with extreme brutality. Everyone who is suspected to resist them, is immediately arrested or killed. Executions even of civilians are a daily occurrence. From reliable sources, we know that the paramilitary Chedaki are cited by Pavel Soleveychik.Soleveychik is sought for years by our intelligence agencies because of numerous war crimes. But so far he has never stayed in one place long enough to be captured. This time we will not stand back and wait. Pavel Soleveychik needs to be caught...Your task will be to take three important strategic objectives in the inland to prepare a large-scale invasion.Required Addons: FDF Podagorsk RH M4/M16 Pack Rearmed Features: Somewhat-dynamic mission: Some of your actions and decisions will affect the forthcome of the mission Optional objectives Some random stuff Average playing time: 3-5 hours (maybe more) Intro & five different Outros Weapon selection in briefing Selectable difficulty setting and other options Guard dog that attack any intruders First Aid Module Reinforcements and air support available later in mission Random weather Other stuff I have forgot to mention Hints and Tips: There is a total of 20 Objectives, but some of them are optional and you will never see all of them in one mission. The max number of objectives for one mission is 17. However, to "successfully" complete the mission, you "only" need 9 objectives.There are seven differnt endings at five different stages during the mission. Some of them are more successful than others. But to really complete the mission, the final objective must be completed. You'll know when in debriefing it says "Mission Successful". Also the little box in mission selection screen will only turn green when you completed this final objective.There are seven "pieces" of intel hidden in the mission, leading to two hidden and four optional objectives. You don't have to find all of them to be successful. But to complete the final objective, you obviously have to find something leading you there.And yes, it is of course possible to find Pavel Soleveychik. Just keep your eyes open. ;) Known Bugs: The attack-dog script might cause some errors in the .rpt AI pilots crash into trees (even more than usually) :rolleyes: Download:Long Day [1.2]Armaholic Mirror Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kheiro 10 Posted July 19, 2010 Sweetness! thx Clayman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jonn 10 Posted July 20, 2010 Will check this out, Thx man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joseph Troska 0 Posted July 22, 2010 Thankyou so much for this mission - it is absolutely terrific!!!!!!!!!! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gulag 10 Posted July 23, 2010 Thanks, great mission, I played for hours, is like a campaign. a question: I have permission to change it for coop? just for my group of course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clayman 20 Posted July 23, 2010 Thanks for the comments. Glad to see you enjoy the mission. :) @gulag Sure. As long as you give credits, you are free to do anything you want with it. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joseph Troska 0 Posted July 25, 2010 Firstly I can't understand why this thread hasn't received more replies. This is beyond a doubt THE best single mission I have ever played for ArmA2. Clayman your attention to small details is unsurpassed. For instance I randomly stumbled across a cabin in the middle of a forest and found its inhabitants shot dead out the front. Thinking that it was usual Chedaki policy on civilians I investigated further and found a guerilla cache hidden in some bushes out the back. That to me told a whole story about what had gone on there, and is only one small example of similar things found throughout the entire mission. 90% of people would probably not have even gone near that cabin, but for those that did, enough attention had been paid to detail to tell a whole story. This mission made me not only fall in love with Podogorsk even more, but made me appreciate ArmA2 in a whole new light. Even though I finished the mission I failed it because I didn't find the warlords. :( Clayman if you could make some more missions like this one it would be greatly appreciated :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Devil Dogs SF 13 Posted July 25, 2010 Downloading now, looks amazing and sounds like you've put a lot of time into this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jonn 10 Posted July 25, 2010 Firstly I can't understand why this thread hasn't received more replies.This is beyond a doubt THE best single mission I have ever played for ArmA2. Clayman your attention to small details is unsurpassed. For instance I randomly stumbled across a cabin in the middle of a forest and found its inhabitants shot dead out the front. Thinking that it was usual Chedaki policy on civilians I investigated further and found a guerilla cache hidden in some bushes out the back. That to me told a whole story about what had gone on there, and is only one small example of similar things found throughout the entire mission. 90% of people would probably not have even gone near that cabin, but for those that did, enough attention had been paid to detail to tell a whole story. This mission made me not only fall in love with Podogorsk even more, but made me appreciate ArmA2 in a whole new light. Even though I finished the mission I failed it because I didn't find the warlords. :( Clayman if you could make some more missions like this one it would be greatly appreciated :D Agreed this mission is awesome, The enemy Ai is kicking my Ai Units a$$ lol. ACE really makes the game difficult but i love it :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clayman 20 Posted July 27, 2010 Firstly I can't understand why this thread hasn't received more replies.This is beyond a doubt THE best single mission I have ever played for ArmA2. Clayman your attention to small details is unsurpassed. For instance I randomly stumbled across a cabin in the middle of a forest and found its inhabitants shot dead out the front. Thinking that it was usual Chedaki policy on civilians I investigated further and found a guerilla cache hidden in some bushes out the back. That to me told a whole story about what had gone on there, and is only one small example of similar things found throughout the entire mission. 90% of people would probably not have even gone near that cabin, but for those that did, enough attention had been paid to detail to tell a whole story. This mission made me not only fall in love with Podogorsk even more, but made me appreciate ArmA2 in a whole new light. Even though I finished the mission I failed it because I didn't find the warlords. :( Clayman if you could make some more missions like this one it would be greatly appreciated :D Thank you very much, Joseph Troska. :) I really enjoy to read when people notice the small details. As you said, there is quite a lot to find in this mission. Some of it just being eyecandy, but there is also some usefull stuff hidden (evidence leading to the warlord for example ;) ). So it's always a good idea to keep your eyes open. I already started working on Long Day 2. It might take some time, but I will certainly make more missions like this in the future. And once again, thanks for all the comments. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clayman 20 Posted August 13, 2010 Mission has been updated to Version 1.1 Several big glitches and little bugs have been fixed. (Won't post a detailed changelog as it would contain too much spoilers. ;)) Special thanks goes to Onkel Bo for his great Feedback! DL link in first post. Have fun! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sweguy96 10 Posted August 14, 2010 I already started working on Long Day 2. It might take some time, but I will certainly make more missions like this in the future. And once again, thanks for all the comments. :) make an whole campagin with all these long mission :D btw will try it now ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jonn 10 Posted August 15, 2010 Thanks for the update, This is one of the best mission (Well more like a Campaign) that i have ever played :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clayman 20 Posted August 15, 2010 make an whole campagin with all these long mission :D Hmm, I've been working on this mission for about six months. Making a campaign with ~20 missions like this would take..... 10 years. :eek: Probably just in time for Arma3. :D Thanks for the comments. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sweguy96 10 Posted August 15, 2010 well mayby not 20 but 10 mission = 5 years :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted August 16, 2010 Satchels! I need satchels! I need them until Artillery mission in and that's after the breifing, which mentions nothing about stocking up on them. Anybody know where? Already been to Radio Tower, Radio Site, Factory, Ambush, Kord Site on hill, Artillery site, Helo drop of ammo. No satchels. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clayman 20 Posted August 16, 2010 There's a ammo crate at the container next to the artillery radar, with everything you need. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SPC.Spets 21 Posted August 17, 2010 Its a really nice mission, this should be converted to an MP Coop mission Satchels! I need satchels!I need them until Artillery mission in and that's after the breifing, which mentions nothing about stocking up on them. Anybody know where? Already been to Radio Tower, Radio Site, Factory, Ambush, Kord Site on hill, Artillery site, Helo drop of ammo. No satchels. Yeah, theres an ammo crate there with satchels, but I did that mission and later I realize that maybe I could use those artillery to attack the power plant, but I dont know, because it was very close and the arty cant aim that close range, I think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joseph Troska 0 Posted August 17, 2010 I really want to do this mission again ... but could somebody just give me a lead on where to find the evidence pointing to the warlord's location? I don't want to know where he is, but I couldn't find any evidence - where is the evidence? Once again beautiful mission! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Medic113 10 Posted August 17, 2010 Question. If i install all the stuf, base, ace etc. would this be compatible with OA standalone? I own a copy of arma2 standard as well, so if not i guess i have to dl that one as well, but slow line, so tought id ask beforhand. Sincerely Medic113 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clayman 20 Posted August 17, 2010 @Joseph Troska Hmmm, the briefing already gives you a hint where to find the information. ;) "Litvinov must stay alive under all circumstances, because he probably has important information." If you completed the 'Capture Litvinov' Objective, and you still don't know where to look, feel free to ask and I'll give you another hint. There are two other ways to get the information, but those are even harder to find. @Medic113 No, this mission was made for Arma2, so it will not work with OA standalone. It should however work with Combined Operations, but I never tested it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Medic113 10 Posted August 17, 2010 Rgr that, thanx for the reply. Will dl the vanilla tonight then, and see if i can get this CO working :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted August 18, 2010 There's a ammo crate at the container next to the artillery radar, with everything you need. ;) Found it! Damn, that camo netting on the crates even had me fooled and NOBODY EVER EVER EVER FOOLS ME!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxipad 10 Posted August 22, 2010 Hey, excellent mission. Figured I'd register on here to praise you :P - this mission is truly outstanding. I also had a question about the ending... After killing the officer in the base, I called for extraction. The ending was just my character dressed up like a rebel, looking around... but nothing else ever happened! I completed the following objectives... Find Soleveychik Seize radio tower Seize radar site Take power plant --> Found evidence Destroy convoy Destroy artillery Capture Litinov failed (he committed suicide!) --> Found evidence Find UAV Seize supply depot Eliminate Soleveychik Anyway, thank you for all of your hard work! Looking forward to the 2nd version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clayman 20 Posted August 24, 2010 Thank you maxipad, and congratulations for finding Soleveychik. :) About the outro not showing, that's pretty odd. Normally it's not possible to have five different outros, and I know my workaround is far away from being foolproof. (e.g. taking a screenshot from debriefing might cause problems.) I might have to look for another solution. Did anyone else have this problem so far? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites