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[OA]Tier One Operators V3.x (now with heavies!)

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I'm not a lover of the SCAR's on this add on , and would prefer to have them use RH's Mk18's and HK416's how would I go about creating such a change/ group other than using the Init field, so I didn't have to edit them every single time?

I tried to use cPBO/elireness and never noticed any config.cpp after they were unpacked..

Loving this add on though !!

Opening ftmch_tier_one_c.pbo with eliteness should work fine, the config.cpp is in that one. :)

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ah cheers mate, I opened the other one ;) this is a GREAT add on !!!

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ah cheers mate, I opened the other one ;) this is a GREAT add on !!!

Thanks mate. :)

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just a quick one sir, after I edit the .cpp file to what I'd like , do I have to repack the PBO again?

I'm sorry to be a pain in the ass, but I was getting frustrated in the editor with "this remove weapon " class name" only to see the weapon still on when i checked it out!! :S

I'd like to see an editor along the same lines as VBS 2 for A2/OA that was simple enough to do ....

Its daunting to a noob with little editing experience......

on a side note.....Desert tiger stripes and Multicam for the heavies would Rock !!!

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just a quick one sir, after I edit the .cpp file to what I'd like , do I have to repack the PBO again?

I'm sorry to be a pain in the ass, but I was getting frustrated in the editor with "this remove weapon " class name" only to see the weapon still on when i checked it out!! :S

I'd like to see an editor along the same lines as VBS 2 for A2/OA that was simple enough to do ....

Its daunting to a noob with little editing experience......

Yeah, you need to repack it as a PBO :)

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Yeah, you need to repack it as a PBO :)

So i wanted to do the same thing. I unpacked the .pbo opened the config.cpp file and then saved it and repacked the .pbo and replaced the old one in the modfolder. Once I did that, I started up the game went into the editor and now I can't find them!! :eek:

This happened with the afrenian and molation army too!

What happened?

Edited by Nightrain

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So i wanted to do the same thing. I unpacked the .pbo opened the config.cpp file and then saved it and repacked the .pbo and replaced the old one in the modfolder. Once I did that, I started up the game went into the editor and now I can't find them!! :eek:

This happened with the afrenian and molation army too!

What happened?

Hm, sounds strange, what program are you using to pack the file? that might be the problem, maybe. Or you could try to remove the bisign-file for the pbo that came in the download, that might have something to do with it aswell.

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Hm, sounds strange, what program are you using to pack the file? that might be the problem, maybe. Or you could try to remove the bisign-file for the pbo that came in the download, that might have something to do with it aswell.

To unpack I used Eliteness and to pack it I used Makepbo.

I'll try taking the Bisign file out of the modfolder.



Neither of those worked. I used notepad to edit the config, is that a problem


Problem was with Makepbo. I used Eliteness and it works great. Nice to have RH's awesome weapons with your awesome units :) But when I try to preview Duala units i get a ctd but I'll talk to icebreakr about that.

Also, had another question. I wanted to do this with some other mods (not release them though, just for personal use) but some don't have a config.cpp file? Is that something they do so people can't do this sort of thing?

Edited by Nightrain

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Not all modders release their configs in separate pbos (which is too bad) but every mod should have a config packed somewhere - if it was binarized it's called config.bin which you can decode with unrap from kegety's tools.

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Not all modders release their configs in separate pbos (which is too bad) but every mod should have a config packed somewhere - if it was binarized it's called config.bin which you can decode with unrap from kegety's tools.

Oh, thanks, Thats what I thought but I didn't know how to open it.

I still have a ctd with the new config for the duala units though. Well, thats a seperate matter.

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glad your editing worked out...... I keep getting an error, so I'm going to have to do it one step at a time to see exactly where I'm going wrong :D

I have Eliteness and plenty of back ups for the back ups LOL.....

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glad your editing worked out...... I keep getting an error, so I'm going to have to do it one step at a time to see exactly where I'm going wrong :D

I have Eliteness and plenty of back ups for the back ups LOL.....

Good luck :D

I couldn't stop getting the duala stuff to crash so I just gave up but having these operators with the RH pistols and AKs is just awesome :yay:

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New, and most likely final release on the front page. Enjoy. :)


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That came out of nowhere! Downloading, thanks


Is there any way to set my helmet via script in the editor? I look a bit silly w/o a helmet when the rest of the team has them and changing my player profile every time I use different units isn't ideal.


Would it be possible to make it so units w/o helmets as a part of their models are randomly given one by default? It seems a bit messy for a coop now as you either:

1. don't change your profile and get no helmet on a lot of units

2. pick a helmet and then if you choose a slot with a helmet wearing unit you have 2 and they clip.

Edited by AnimalMother92

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Is there any way to set my helmet via script in the editor? I look a bit silly w/o a helmet when the rest of the team has them and changing my player profile every time I use different units isn't ideal.

You can probably do it using the class CfgIdentities in the description.ext for the mission.


For instance, add this to the description.ext:

class CfgIdentities


class Unit_1


name="David Armstrong";


glasses="TIER_HELMET_1"; (there's TIER_HELMET_1 and TIER_HELMET_2)




(it's possible that if you leave some of these fields out they will be random instead, like the face and name, but I'm not sure)

and then add this setIdentity "Unit_1" to the units init-field.


Would it be possible to make it so units w/o helmets as a part of their models are randomly given one by default? It seems a bit messy for a coop now as you either:

1. don't change your profile and get no helmet on a lot of units

2. pick a helmet and then if you choose a slot with a helmet wearing unit you have 2 and they clip.

Not sure if you can do it randomly, but atleast you can use the trick with identities for all the units on the mission, (but you'd have to create custom identities for all of them)

Not sure how it works in MP, but it should work, hopefully.

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Sadly using custom CfgIdentities breaks ACE compatibility (no earplugs etc)

iirc arvarkdb's SEALs had selectable headgear but you were assigned it randomly as well (so your guy would have some sort of hat/helmet).

Sorry to go all spastic about this, I just really prefer the look with helmets on and the current situation is a bit awkward :o

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Sadly using custom CfgIdentities breaks ACE compatibility (no earplugs etc)

iirc arvarkdb's SEALs had selectable headgear but you were assigned it randomly as well (so your guy would have some sort of hat/helmet).

Sorry to go all spastic about this, I just really prefer the look with helmets on and the current situation is a bit awkward :o

On the SEALS the helmets were added on the model as far as I know. :/ I don't have any MLODS or legal rights to edit these models, so I can't really do that.

I agree that the situation is awkard, but helmets using this method were requested by many and this is unfortunatly the only way I've been able to do it.

Edit: I took the link down for now, if this new helmet-thing causes too much problems in MP for people I won't want this version to be released really, so we should discuss is more, what does everyone else think? are there any ways around it? etc.

I need to go away for the rest of the day probably, so go ahead and discuss, and I'll evaluate the situation later.

Edited by McNools

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IMHO im part of the camp that doesn't believe that new addons should be made to be ACE Compatible. If they (the addon dev) wants to they can have an ACE config.

I'm not expert on MP or addon development, so I'm not sure of any solution to the MP problem other than just not being able to use the new helmets :/ As long as the MP mission maker doesn't set up the config identity with the new helmets, no clipping issues will be found, right?

The helmets work just fine in SP and the other new features/fixes don't cause a MP fuss so I say release them!

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IMHO im part of the camp that doesn't believe that new addons should be made to be ACE Compatible. If they (the addon dev) wants to they can have an ACE config.

I'm not expert on MP or addon development, so I'm not sure of any solution to the MP problem other than just not being able to use the new helmets :/ As long as the MP mission maker doesn't set up the config identity with the new helmets, no clipping issues will be found, right?

The helmets work just fine in SP and the other new features/fixes don't cause a MP fuss so I say release them!


I say release them also.........

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Made an Mission with them and they give me the feeling of fighting with really badass Guys. Its just great. Seeing forward for some nice new versions. Maybe different colors/camoflage looks.

But NICE work.

I love them.


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Alright then, I'll put the link back up. :)

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