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[SP] Flashpoint: Takistan - Dynamic Mission

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Actually, wouldn't it be possible to "join friendly forces" with a helicopter flying overhead? Then you could pilot it yourself and move your squad around ....


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there were so many problems with selecting random landing zones, my script always resulted in crashes!

Its a bit off, but try something like this this:

Heli finds the closest safe landing zone to player. Works 99%.

Player's pos can easily substitued by random pos.

If you need help with heli landing while being fired upon, just tell me... Heli landing is my fav scripting topic.:)

_dropPos = getPos player;

       _dist = 50;
       _lz = [_dropPos,15,_dist,22,0,20*(pi/180),0,[],[]]call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
       while {_lz distance _dropPos > _dist} do 
           sleep 0.5;
           _dist = _dist + 50;
           _lz = [_dropPos,15,_dist,22,0,20*(pi/180),0,[],[]]call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

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This mission would be complete for me if you could get the random AI Helicopter LZ's and you could start the game off in one and get inserted and when you died you could have the option to start in another heli and get inserted, that would be godly :D But dont get me wrong, even without that, this is still the best mission ive ever played :yay:

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Sorry if this has been addressed already, but I was playing as a sniper in Flashpoint: Takistan, and inevitably ran out of ammo for the M107(?). The friendly vehicals did not carry the approriate ammo, and there were no working 'call support' features... so, I'm wondering how you re-arm as far as ammo.

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What outstanding work this addon is, as with everyone else i say well done and please keep up this great work!!

The great Scenarios provide endless hours of entertainment and like everyone else i love it :bounce3:

I have noticed though that ocassionally there appears to be a 'slow down' => framerate drops to unplayable. I'm gonna guess that it occurs when units are respawning as it does seem to occur during the battle lull. Is it me or has anyone else noticed this?

Edited by MiniGunDad

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Wow, just played a couple of hours of Shapur last night, just brilliant, battle area was vast!

Keep up the good work, helicopter troop dropoffs would take it to another dimension if you succeed in getting it to work, good luck and THANKS :-)

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I have noticed though that ocassionally there appears to be a 'slow down' => framerate drops to unplayable. I'm gonna guess that it occurs when units are respawning as it does seem to occur during the battle lull. Is it me or has anyone else noticed this?

Ok looks like i was mistaken as while i was searching for the answer to the following error;

"Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered."

which is something that has been bugging me for a month or so :mad: this error is littered all over the net and there doesn't seem to be much useful info on it.

Well what seems to have caused this and also the low FPS is the air filter on my water cooler was clogged up with dust :p Cleaned it out and my CPU is now running 5c-10c cooler and i'm back to a consistent FPS.

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Ok looks like i was mistaken as while i was searching for the answer to the following error;

"Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered."

which is something that has been bugging me for a month or so :mad: this error is littered all over the net and there doesn't seem to be much useful info on it.

Well what seems to have caused this and also the low FPS is the air filter on my water cooler was clogged up with dust :p Cleaned it out and my CPU is now running 5c-10c cooler and i'm back to a consistent FPS.

sorry for the OT but...


Great mission though, thanks! :)

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A Flashpoint: Proving Grounds would be really cool as it's a pretty unique map overall. You've got PMC units in the mission already, only seems right having their map in here too. :) Any plans on doing this?

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Hi all

I have just released a small update, just a fix for a script error that found its way into the last version.

Flashpoint: Takistan / Zargabad / Shapur v 1.08 download page

I like the idea of a Proving Grounds version, I will start making it as soon as I have a few hours to spare!

Which factions should I include in Proving Grounds?


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Its a good idea Todd, I only focused on the Arrowhead maps since they where the cool new toy... I will put Sahrani on the list for an update :)


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This is a really incredible thing you've given us, thomsonb. It's very easy to get sucked into your various Flashpoint:X missions for hours on end - between the setup parameters/randomization and rabbit/"spawn into unit" features it has fairly endless replayability with little effort or headache on the part of the player.

One question/suggestion, though. Is it possible to add Russia and Takistani Guerillas as factions to the Takistan missions for some '80s Afghanistan Soviet counter-insurgency scenarios? I'm pretty ignorant about scripting and the inner workings of the game generally, so I have no idea if this would be simple or incredibly difficult to accomplish. If it's the latter, forget I asked, and I'll be more than content with what I already have.

In any case, thanks for all your work on these great missions. Whenever I get bored or frustrated with other ArmA 2 stuff, there's always these to fall back on for guaranteed fun.

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Just want to say a huge thanks to thomsonb for this mission, it's awesome! Great fun. :D

I have 2 suggestions if you care to read:

A list that you can bring up, providing a list of AI and such that are in the map fighting at the current time, then you can choose to spawn into a unit the usual way or you can choose via the list. Would also be an easy way to take over things like jets and gunships. :D

The ability to Choose where you start on the map. So if you want you can choose to spawn in a big city, or choose to spawn into a forest, makes it easy to set up the Scenario for yourself. :)

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A list that you can bring up, providing a list of AI .. ..then you can choose to spawn into a unit.. ..via the list.

Hi Jamie1992

Thats a really good idea. I was already thinking about something like that for the respawn, but maybe it could be available at any time, "Change Player" command? It could have two list boxes one BLUFOR one OPFOR, starting with closest units maybe... jimm has made a "respawn into nearest" action and i was gonna include that in the next update, maybe i will expand it to be available at any time

The other thing, choosing your start position, it would be there already if i could make a nice way to do it... maybe a not so pretty way to do it would just be a "change location" command, where you click on the map... will take a while for the current scripts to delete and respawn all units...

Anyway good ideas thanks Jamie1992!



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Hey Thomsonb

Do you remember the team switch screen? Maybe something like that would work, it slows down the combat allowing more time to think, it pans on the unit selected in the list, gives info on possible groups, and maybe have a distance indicator from where you died? I think that could possibly be easily the best way. And then those that would rather use the bunny to spawn into units may still do so. That way you have a simplisitc method for those who just want a simple way to play and aren't to bothered. And a nice Advancded Method for those who wish to have a bit more control and info over what they spawn into etc?

A Change Location could be pretty good. Is it possible to put a kind of hook into it so that it forces all scripts to reinitialize so to speak?

Cheers for reading, awaiting your reply. :)

Jamie1992 AKA Steelhawk

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If I choose not to have an objective (obj goal to reach) and continue fighting with my squad, is there a time when I defeat the entire enemy, or do they keep spawning?

In other words, should I go with an Objective, fight as much as possible and head for the Obj marker? There are times when it's relatively close by and can reach it without even firing a shot.

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If you go towards an Objective marker and you reach it, it ends the mission.

As for a time limit, as far as I can tell. I played for a good 2/3 hours straight with this mission, without an objective, and the battle just went on with or without me taking part. Gives a good sense of you doing your part, but you aren't the sole pinnacle of the mission. :P

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If you go towards an Objective marker and you reach it, it ends the mission.

As for a time limit, as far as I can tell. I played for a good 2/3 hours straight with this mission, without an objective, and the battle just went on with or without me taking part. Gives a good sense of you doing your part, but you aren't the sole pinnacle of the mission. :P

I'll try following a unit around before I "Join" and help out that way for a spell.

They always seem to know where to go for the action.............

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I like to just put random changes, so say some Armour rolls in and is tearing through the other sides forces, I'll go and bunny suicide it, and see what difference it creates, see how the scales change that kinda thing. :D

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hi guys

Its nice to hear that everyone has different ways to play and enjoy the mission, I had that in mind always when designing it. I didnt want to force the player to do anything, but just put you into a (fairly) realisitc and action packed warzone..

@ Kommiekat

There is no time limit, you can keep playing 24/7, day becomes night etc, the battle keeps going. (not sure but it might crash your pc after running many hours, despite my best efforts to make clean code that doesnt bog down!!)

The Objectives command is still a work in progress, I have not had time to improve it and add different types of objectives. So for now the objectives are boring and just end the game.. sorry ;)

Following the AI squads can be really good fun, they actually dont know where the action is, its just random movement, but all the squads waypoints are "pulled in" towards the players position as you move around to keep the battle going..

Hope you have fun playing



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Hi, Tomsonb.... I'm still trying to get an answer on this:

Sorry if this has been addressed already, but I was playing as a sniper in Flashpoint: Takistan, and inevitably ran out of ammo for the M107(?). The friendly vehicals did not carry the approriate ammo, and there were no working 'call support' features... so, I'm wondering how you re-arm as far as ammo (sniper).

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Hi, Tomsonb.... I'm still trying to get an answer on this:

Sorry if this has been addressed already, but I was playing as a sniper in Flashpoint: Takistan, and inevitably ran out of ammo for the M107(?). The friendly vehicals did not carry the approriate ammo, and there were no working 'call support' features... so, I'm wondering how you re-arm as far as ammo (sniper).

I guess you'd have to try and either find a friendly corpse that has ammo, or just loot a different eastern block sniper, or another weapon and switch up your approach to the combat.

ThomsonB seems to have gone quiet. =/

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