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Arrowhead cqb-laser-light-backpack stuff

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Arrowhead cqb-laser-light-backpack stuff

This is a model containing weapon ref for the CQB Laser and Light

Plus the infantry proxy for the backpack


Operation Arrowhead New features template.

This is a helper to put the new features from Arrowhead on your models.



CQB sights


How to use:

Lod 0.000 1.000 2.000 contains memory lod memorypoints.

Lod 3.000 contains the backpack proxy.

The features do NOT work in Arma2

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will this work on dedi servers etc?

Not sure what you mean.. This is model parts.. if the server got the addon and the cilent got the addon used in the mission yes.

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Too can used this, need´s a config entry !

For the Flash-Light:

class FlashLight
       color[] = {0.9, 0.9, 0.7, 0.9};
ambient[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0};
position = "flash dir";
direction = "flash";
angle = 30;
scale[] = {1, 1, 0.5};
brightness = 0.1;

(Under the *Class Weapon*)

For the IR Laser I know it is not yet, i just look now myself in the config. ;)

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	class weapon : m4a1
	model = "\youraddon\weapon_model.p3d";
	irDistance = 100;  // i guess this is how long the laser is

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Is that for weapons or units?

I have no weapon config stuff in my special forces units O.o

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Is that for weapons or units?

I have no weapon config stuff in my special forces units O.o

Thats only for Weapon´s (config) not for Units. ;)

And Thx. too RavenDK for thats !

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Thats only for Weapon´s (config) not for Units. ;)

And Thx. too RavenDK for thats !

ah ok thanks, btt

Where i have to put the LODs (Lod 0.000 1.000 2.000 and Lod 3.000) form the example model in the first post?

I put everything in my memory LOD but the backpack is not visible to me ingame O.o

thx 4 help!

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:yay:holy smokes.. thanks! this is coming into perfect timing for a soon to be released addon I am making.

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My question to all,

it is possible too used the Flashlight and the IR-Laser Beam. Or is it possible both together ? (key layout but separate from the "L")

The Button Layout it´s the "L" on the keyboard, then can used one in A2:OA only either a Flashlight or a IR-Laser Beam ! :confused:

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ah ok thanks, btt

Where i have to put the LODs (Lod 0.000 1.000 2.000 and Lod 3.000) form the example model in the first post?

I put everything in my memory LOD but the backpack is not visible to me ingame O.o

thx 4 help!

All the small dots are from memory.

The proxy needs to go where the other proxys are.

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I thought this might make easier this one little annoying procedure that I seem to have to do in this addon I am making. I thought that the backpack proxy would help out in the situation but it is not. Dont want to get off course in this topic so I am going to pm you and see if you can answer. Thanks anyway

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The only model parts that need moving is the weapon markers depending on where the lights and sights are.

The backpack proxy is simple to place. Copy - paste and it works.

I will make a sample weapon and soldier when i get back home today..

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Ye , what about if weapon have both - flashlight and laser?

No this going not, i have try it on my Test Weapon ! Who do you do it, suddenly nothing works with the key "T". (both use the same) :confused:

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you have to choose

but with next ace i think we can combine it.. Shift + F to change weapon 1 to weapon 2 (both simular) but one got laser one got flashlight

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There´s a switch sight feature in OA now, SCARs with scope (dont know which one exactly) have it and the G36´s too, maybe more ..

Strangely enough the function seems to be shared with "switch to handgun" .. but that´s another story. I ended up double tapping the button to avoid switching to handgun but still having scope view changed.


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Ow allso. Regarding backpacks. If you want to make a custom backpack the model is made just like a soldier .. same selections and model.cfg..

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Some better models with configs would be hugely appreciated. Honestly BI should be doing this. Now that OA is released I REALLY wish they would release some template models. BI template models are what really got the MOD scene going in both OFP and ArmA1.

At any rate, I hope someone will post some and I thank RavenDK for putting up the sample model of the proxies and memory points. I don't have OA yet, but hopefully will have it soon so I can update the IDF and Hezbollah infantry units that I'm working on.

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Could someone elaborate PROPERLY how to use this? I have no clue what you guys are talking about, I just read about LOD's, cfg's and Memory sumthing sumthing..

Apearantly you all assume everybody knows what you guys are talking about.

I need help, please.



Edited by Bulldog Six

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that would explain why i couldn't get the flashlight to appear on my surefire dude...thanks for the explanation of the config entry!

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