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South Park using ArmA sounds? XD

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Hey all,

Was watching this clip on Youpoop and realised it sounds the exact same as the TOW missile/Konkurs Sound Effect in ArmA 2. There is another video clip I listened to as well that has the Distinctive ArmA 2 Heavy (HE) explosion SFX.

Listen for yourself around 0:33 ish

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn8M5SMg-4I&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn8M5SMg-4I&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

That is all XD

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I've heard sounds used in OFP used in all sorts of series' since 2001. Something tells me that BIS doesn't necessarily record all their own sounds.


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Even the latest and greatest movies today use the same car crash sound that was used in OFP.

Stock sounds from some SoundFX library.

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Best thing is that ive heard the same sounds used for different purposes, like OFP reloading sounds used as movie 'switch weapon sounds'. Instinctively it confused the hell out of me. :p

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Or OFP explosion sound in nearly all cheap movies:).

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Its like this the scream sound is used in every film, the same sound in about 20 differnt films ^^


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In tonight's Dr Who, one of the submarine-creaking sounds from Silent Hunter III was used. Everyone does it. :p

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Wow... The wilhelm scream gets really annoying when you listen to it that many times in a row.

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I have this five second soundbyte of a man and a woman talking over a police radio that I keep hearing in the background of a lot of supposed crime scenes.(and in GTA 1 if you steal a cop car)

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I have this five second soundbyte of a man and a woman talking over a police radio that I keep hearing in the background of a lot of supposed crime scenes.(and in GTA 1 if you steal a cop car)

There was a sound bite in Sim City that I hear in almost every damn crime scene on TV lol, might be the same one.

EDIT: Apparently, a number of sound guys compete with each other to get a particuler DOG BARK sound bite into whatever film they are doing, whoever can get it as loud as possible without ruining the scene wins...



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Stalker, this is totally nostalgic! Wierd, I always recognized that sound on TV but could never place it...

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The world of Media is full of reused sounds ^^

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Nah my sound is in this clip: (most noticeable from 0:24-0:30)

I very much recognize yours too though.

Edited by sparks50

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There was a sound bite in Sim City that I hear in almost every damn crime scene on TV lol, might be the same one.

EDIT: Apparently, a number of sound guys compete with each other to get a particuler DOG BARK sound bite into whatever film they are doing, whoever can get it as loud as possible without ruining the scene wins...

Wow they have quite a list for that sound.

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I recognised a few sounds from OFP in the Transformers movie, I tried to tell my friends but I was drunk at the time so they didn't take me serious :pet5:

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I love it when screams from Goldeneye appear on TV. 'Tis awesome.

There's some massive audio library out there that EVERYONE samples these days.

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Ahaha... now im gonna be listening out for that scream every time i watch a movie

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I've heard that Police radio sound from GTA in a lot of films and TV shows. Too many.

In 28 Days Later you can hear the M16 sounds from OFP on the SA80 at the army checkpoint scene when the soldiers pop out of nowhere and kill a human turning into a zombie. I can't find that scene anywhere though.

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There is one stock sound that I keep recognizing over and over again. It's the sound of young giggling children. It's often used for scenes that show children playing. I've recognized that sound since I was young, it's kinda creepy. :( Does anyone know which one I mean?

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I've recognized that sound since I was young, it's kinda creepy. :(

Yea, that is kinda creepy... :raisebrow:

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Every time, it seems, when my brother hears the explosion sound from OFP in another game, movie, TV series, etc. he turns to me and asks "Isn't that the explosion noise from Flashpoint?" :D

I've heard many of the same sounds throughout the internet. In fact, my most recent one was watching a trailer for the game TimeShift, where one of the assault rifles has the same sound as the AK-74 in ArmA.


Listen closely at 0:29. That sound file is actually very popular, heard it in many other places.

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Wow, that timeshift trailer, I have never heard so many popular sound effects used. It makes media sound cheap when you know they have not used their own sounds in my opinion.

In 28 Days later, the british Sa80's use the OFP M16 Sound effect (when they shoot the newly infected father of the young girl)

Edited by Sugz

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There is one stock sound that I keep recognizing over and over again. It's the sound of young giggling children. It's often used for scenes that show children playing. I've recognized that sound since I was young, it's kinda creepy. :( Does anyone know which one I mean?

If that's the one I'm thinking of, it's also in Sim City 3000 whenever you build a park or playground.

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