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How to make AI killing Civilians ?

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How to make AI killing Civilians ? Can someone help me ?

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There are many ways to make ai opfor/blufor kill a civilian/there own team. It depends what your doing.

If you want you ai to kill a specific civilian then you can simple put a destroy waypoint from the squad on top of the civilian.

If you want an entire side to hate civilians then you will need to make your mission in the advanced 3D editor (Alt + E at the main menu) where you can manually set a teams friends or foes with another team.

p.s making an entire team hate civils might still be possible in 2d editor but not that i know of.

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I find this works ok'ish in a triggers INIT field

CIVILIAN setfriend [iNDEPENDENT,0]; INDEPENDENT setfriend [civilian,0]

That will make civilians and Independents be unfriendly.

same goes for OPFOR and BLUFOR etc.

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I think some things are considered civilian too, though, such as empty vehicles and maybe captive players and some other things, so it might not be a very good idea to use setFriend for that. Then again I don't know of any better solution.

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I find this works ok'ish in a triggers INIT field

CIVILIAN setfriend [iNDEPENDENT,0]; INDEPENDENT setfriend [civilian,0]

That will make civilians and Independents be unfriendly.

same goes for OPFOR and BLUFOR etc.

Yea, this is never a good solution. A lot of things are set up to assume that the civilian side is always... well civilian (neutral to everyone).

Indeed, the exact circumstances of what you're trying to do depends on what the best method is. Whether you use addRating to make them side ENEMY (hostile to everyone), or change their side to East/West/Guer to make them hostile to only one/two sides, or if you just want to use doFire to force a specific unit to kill another specific unit.

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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This is what I do:

1. Go to the mission folder and open the mission.sqm

2. Search (Ctrl+F in notepad) for civ and change SIDE civ to west (bluefor), guer (independent), or east (opfor) depending on who you want to fire on the civillians.

3. Save mission.sqm

If you change Side civ to Side west, the opfor will fire on them

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make an enemy unit and put his

probability of presence : 0

then group all the civilians to him..

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make an enemy unit and put his

probability of presence : 0

then group all the civilians to him..

Works very well, good one :yay:

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i have a problem which relates to this thread -

i have a civilian set as a captive in enemy camp - if he is not rescued after a certain time he is to be executed.

i have tried several things including always make him non-captive after timer runs out and make independents hostile to everyone.

additional testing includes:

i have tried adding him in editor to a senior blufor and making that blufor probability 0. (sometimes the AI kill the captive, sometimes not, even though upsmon says that they detect him)

i have tried giving him a weapon but he will not fire at independents (and sometimes they will not fire at him - mexican standoff lol)

i need a fullproof way to make him get shot dead after the timer runs out - not by setting his damage to 1


ahh the frustration!! now i am using a blufor set to captive and then noncaptive at timer 0 - upsmon says that all groups are detecting him but they will not shoot him!! why? why? why?

Edited by Lightspeed_aust

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Name the civilian and name the guy who you want to shoot him...

In the bad guys init box put - this dotarget civilianman

Now in a trigger put this to activate when you want and how you want it to

On Activation - badguy dofire civilianman

This will make the badguy, if thats what you name him, shoot the civilianman, if you name the civ civilianman etc

Will work without fail

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thanx mate - will try that out

perfect thanx ;)

Edited by Lightspeed_aust

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Try seeing if it's actually because he's a civilian class rather than because he's not on the right side - Try the same with a bluefor soldier and see if it works. If it works with a normal bluefor guy then it's probably that AI don't consider civilians a threat because of their class and not because of their side, and same goes the other way around. There seem to be a lot of related problems with civilians that have nothing to do with the fact they are on side civilian.

The doFire solution will probably prove quite unreliable, though. You might get them to shoot him at a given time if they are in his line of sight, but after that if he somehow survives he'll be able to waltz out of there and still not be considered a threat to the enemy.

The UPSMON messages show that UPSMON recognizes him as enemy, which again points at problems caused by the fact he's a civilian class, not just civilian side, because you did manage to change the side (and captive state) properly according to the UPSMON messages.

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BUT how is if i wanna OPFOR(EAST) shot civilians when i place ambient? because setfriend doesnt work

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I'm doing a "James Bond" type mission, where our player, a civillian in a suit, can walk around freely and snoop around some areas, but other areas would ahve the guards shoot on site. I know I would have to place a trigger but i'm not sure what the on act would be to get shoot him and keep shooting him.

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I have a group of aggressors who are independents, in the mission editor, I've set independents to be hostile to everybody. Does that include civilians? I have a scenario where I want two enemy aircraft to fire at a crowd of civilians but it doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated, cheers.

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is there a way i can make the blufor shoot only certain blufor classes?

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Name the civilian and name the guy who you want to shoot him...

In the bad guys init box put - this dotarget civilianman

Now in a trigger put this to activate when you want and how you want it to

On Activation - badguy dofire civilianman

This will make the badguy, if thats what you name him, shoot the civilianman, if you name the civ civilianman etc

Will work without fail

Thanks Koni! Works a treat!

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make an enemy unit and put his

probability of presence : 0

then group all the civilians to him..

That's a good way to make a spy unit as well. Make an friendly unit with zero probability of presence. Then group an enemy unit to him.

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That's a good way to make a spy unit as well. Make an friendly unit with zero probability of presence. Then group an enemy unit to him.

Im doing something the same at the moment I thought I could script this and used "create group=east" to spawn a civilian model as east group, low and behold they are a threat to blufor, only to discover that all blufor AI still see them as friendly and accept getting shot in the face point blank range without detecting them as a threat.

I tried to spawn a opfor leader group and then civs in the group and deletevehicle of the leader to mimic the same as probability with leader when manual placed, but this just doesn't have the same effect, all subordinates do nothing and stay as civs even when i set there roles of command high for leader (gets deleted) next higher command then the last. So in the ends I resorted to the manual placing and scripting deletevehicle of units I do not want on mission start.

I hope in Arma3 BI have made this simpler, its not rocket science to have a CIV model and set him properly as east without issue.

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make an enemy unit and put his

probability of presence : 0

then group all the civilians to him..

i tried that with OPFOR presence set to 0 and grouped to civis to him. then i put another OPFOR next to them. did not work. please help. im trying to create a Reddawn type of mission:confused:

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Making a mission where you find bodies and when that happens the OPFOR in the base you're by opens up and kills 2 civs. Got the AI to kill the civs, but the trigger activates when I am still 200m out from where I want it to activate. I have scaled down the activation radius to .5m each side and it still activates ~200m out. Any help with this?

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Are you activating by presence or a scripted condition? Posting the trigger settings and code could help. If using presence and a scripted condition together, use "this && <code> " in the condition field.

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