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Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

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That's what she said. J/k, thanks guys for using my islands! Hopefully there will be more of you sharing missions for 'em.

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I have a problem.

I just want to add a few fuel tanks to the map (which it is lacking) as i want to be able to have jerry cans filled, so i decided to go into the 3d editor and add some fuel tanks to the side of petrol station buildings.

I exported the map.

Converted the slightly edited map to 2d.

Merged 2D version with another file and it says "cannot load missing files lingor"

any help?

Also is there anyway i can add in those grey walls like the prison has? i would like to finish off a few walls, if so how do i get the tools?

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Thanks for informing us Wiki. Too bad its SP, I never play SP in armaverse, but I'm sure some guys will be glad to play it.

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Having a little problem trying to edit in the editor. I keep getting these missing ibr_lcivilians errors when I'm trying to place lingor OPFOR units.

EDITED: Ahh sorry, never mind, found the problem. Forgot to enable @Ibr_Civilians since I got it off SixUpdater.

Edited by Phantom Six

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FYI, thomsonB has released a port to Lingor of his Flashpoint dynamic SP mission, using default A2 units. Another version using Lingor units is in the pipeline.

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No Venator crates. Just GAL/m14. See the classes list supplied with the addon for exact names of weapons and mags.

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Hi! River bottom(and ocean too) looks here and there like this


This is not shadow of some object. Lingor v1.4

Edited by lxmAsm

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No Venator crates. Just GAL/m14. See the classes list supplied with the addon for exact names of weapons and mags.

Well in that case, let me try a different question, is there any way for me to spawn a box full of f2000 tracer mags? Ive tried messing around with the code/script but im not getting anything to work.

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I just wanted to stop by an tell you how much I appreciate the work you've done. I've spent tens of hours (maybe hundreds?) on the island and nearly every time I see or come across something that makes me stop and say "oh, nice touch!".

In my epic sandbox "mission" I have script that spawns random ai driven vehicles that drive random waypoints. I often get in one of these and let the AI drive me around the island and just sight-see. I probably need a life, but this leisure time activity has taken me to all corners of your map and it just never fails to impress.

Thank YOU!


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Hello Ice

would be great to see a version of the A-4 C.A.S with 4MK82 rockets and 2 cans of napalm,it would be good to have also for the GAL army of CAS aircraft propeller as tucano or why this ov-10 :


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If you have any info on how to make napalm work nicely, lemme know.

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the usung mod use a A-1 Skyraider and uses of napalm

or this :

Edited by Ei8ght

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Hello IceBreakr,

let me tell this island as well as your other ones is great, but it would be nice if you would do a 20sqm on 20sqm map. something like a larger version of lingor.

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If you only would knew how much work is with such big island,... i'm currently on 16x16 project.

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+ 20x20 jungle island would melt just about anything below NASA computers, so...

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If you only would knew how much work is with such big island,... i'm currently on 16x16 project.

since i never tried to build an island before i don't know how much work that would take, but still you could make a takistan style island which wouldn't be so detailed naturally.

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just came by to say : what a mindblowing, incredible, fantastic and unique work of art u have done with the Lingor islands.

(TL:DR = Good job) ;)

I am in the process of converting/installing it with Domi 2 (2.71) for private use, but I can send it when finished if it has any interest.

Again. REALLY good job.

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If you only would knew how much work is with such big island,... i'm currently on 16x16 project.

Speaking of which my adaptation of War in Takistan to a War on Drugs themed War in Lingor is almost ready for its first release now that code34 pretty much completed his refactoring of his War Context engine. I'll post a link as soon as I release the first tag and PBO on github :)

Lingor is such an awesome island to play on.

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strangerinthenight: there's plently of other islands that are similiar to Takistan. My latest project is map of Balkania (16x16, 1:2 ratio of a 32x32km RL terrain).

It will feature a much more open terrain then any of my previous maps, incorporating all the lessons learned in the process. And again, gameplay in mind comes first.

Lingor took more than 6 months of work on 10x10. I bought a new PC (thanks for all of you supporting my work!) to be faster with bigger projects. Using files 20480x20480px with hand painting can sometimes be a problem for a mid-end PC ;)

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