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OA Preview: voices...

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Ok, I've been looking at a view preview vids from OA and have been paying special attention to the voice comms.

I can happily say it is definately better, the tone is now uniform across the command "two, attack THAT man" is now gone.

The only thing left the adjust is the speed at which they talk.... which is WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY to fast in some cases. some of the commands have almost 0 pause between then.

What it should be like: enemy, man at 12 O'clock, 200 meters

What it is like: enemymanat12O'clock, 200meters

I think if you gave a bit more breathing room between each word it be almost perfect.

Here's a vid to show what I'm talking about, my main concerns are at 0:23 when your own character starts to talk.


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yeah, a break between each word would make them sound alot more reasonable I guess

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Foreign accent on a US soldier?



I do agree some pauses are needed still.

and a change of voice because this guy sounds like he should be on the opfor team. Just sayin.

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and a change of voice because this guy sounds like he should be on the opfor team. Just sayin.

The players voice is chosen in the profile, if he chose a voice which is ment for another faction then you end up with results like this.

All his teammates do have voices which fit the faction.

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The voices in the opening seconds of the video don't need any pauses, imho. If they see the enemy, I want to hear about it fast. More delay wouldn't make it all the more natural. Only sentence recorded in the same breath can do that.

What they should do is record entire natural sentences with all or most of the variations, but then splice them so the game ships with the more compact ones. So the voice actor says everything completely, in the same tone, but the game still saves the space.

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I don't know. One part of me think you're right, the speed is too fast. Another part of me is happy with the AI getting done talking a lot faster, letting other ones be able to "cut in" (doesn't exist in Arma) earlier in case they had something more important to say. They often spend too much time stating "the obvious", and I can't order them to shut up.

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I think all the comms sounds good apart from the players. Definately a huge improvement over arma 2.

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One thing i would like the AI to do is be slightly more descripetive when asking a unit to engage an enemy, than 2 engage that man. REALLY what am i ment to do with that infomation lol

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and a change of voice because this guy sounds like he should be on the opfor team. Just sayin.

Ehh... And what is 'american voice' to you? USA is the largest immigration camp in the world with A LOT of people speaking with accent, and a lot of them making it into the armed forces ;)

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The player sounded British, which last time I checked was not OPFOR. ;)

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Ehh... And what is 'american voice' to you? USA is the largest immigration camp in the world with A LOT of people speaking with accent, and a lot of them making it into the armed forces ;)

This is true, where i live (Kansas), most people don't even have an accent, unless they are foreign, or unless they are from a different state (IE: Some people from Missouri have that Southern "y'all" accent.)

It is much different when I travel somewhere, such as Minnesota.

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Hmm, i think just adding a tiny break between engage - the - "target". Would make it very good.

And the same with spotting and ordering.

I still think the player speech is very out. I suppose getting it right is hard. As undoubtibly OA will have alot of speech in it. Anyways, the game looks good overall. Wish i had a PC that could run it.

Hopefully getting some more RAM, and a wired connection soon. So, hopefully i will be able to play it :D

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The real question is this:

How hard will it be to add community created voice packs?

BIS could have had a tremendous amount of work 'done' for them had this been an easy and reasonably transparent affair.


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@Inkompetent: I've been to many places along the globe, but I've never heard people talk like these voice actors.

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The real question is this:

How hard will it be to add community created voice packs?

BIS could have had a tremendous amount of work 'done' for them had this been an easy and reasonably transparent affair.


haven't seen anybody do it in ArmA 2 yet, but I did see it in OFP1

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Foreign accent on a US soldier?

I think it is just a placeholder voice made in BIS's studio(by one of the staff maybe?), hence the "accent", until they have implemented all the voice actors sentences. Or it could be one of the english voices for the czech soldiers.

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The real question is this:

How hard will it be to add community created voice packs?

BIS could have had a tremendous amount of work 'done' for them had this been an easy and reasonably transparent affair.


I thought it was a relatively easy and reasonably transparent affair. But good luck. In dubbing.pbo I count 1271 .wss files, and that's only for one voice, one language, only in the general part, and only radio based voices.

Counting everything, I get, and hold your horses - a whopping 19948 .wss files and 4280 .ogg files (some of which are only placeholders if you examine them).

So start recording, and don't complain about a sore throat :D

I personally think some of the voices are "off" in some ways. But I can't seriously imagine that anyone in the community would spend that much time trying to improve it. It smells failure from the start. Kudos if anyone tries, but I don't expect much.

I have been wanting (and it appears I will be getting) a "stealth voice set" (really immersive in OFP DR). With the intense work I'm starting to realize it is, I think I'd settle with reduced db in config, played together with a "general whisper sample" or something.

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Well thats my point. What you've described is the opposite of 'easy and relatively transparent' hence noone is willing/or has the how-to to tackle it.

- k

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Miss OFP, frankly.

"SOLDIER. 12 O'CLOCK. 200"

Think it's a huge mistake to attempt to add in connecting words such as "that". The inflection is guaranteed to be wrong for most phrases. Flashpoint didn't bother with any of that and the voices sound vastly better to me - they just sound like terse, human statements rather than a machine trying to string disconnected words together.


Kind of disappointed that the voices in this preview are just as awful as A2 (perhaps slightly worse). At least the ACE mod will get rid of them.

---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

I'm referring to BIS' original OFP, before anyone attempts to tear my head off.

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Miss OFP, frankly.

"SOLDIER. 12 O'CLOCK. 200"

Think it's a huge mistake to attempt to add in connecting words such as "that". The inflection is guaranteed to be wrong for most phrases. Flashpoint didn't bother with any of that and the voices sound vastly better to me - they just sound like terse, human statements rather than a machine trying to string disconnected words together.


Kind of disappointed that the voices in this preview are just as awful as A2 (perhaps slightly worse). At least the ACE mod will get rid of them.

---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

I'm referring to BIS' original OFP, before anyone attempts to tear my head off.

Im not going to lie, but i think i agree with you. maybe a mix of the two would bring best resualts. Plus id like to see the distance-direction description back properly, "man left far" is frecking hopeless, "SOLDIER. 12 O'CLOCK. 200" gives you everything you need to know. Well almost

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@NkEnNy: I know, but variety in what is being said is part of what gives this game depth. You can't have variety and only a few samples. In all other games it is the same sample over and over and over again. At first it quickly becomes boring. Then just plain annoying. I'm happy Arma hasn't come to that. I'd rather have reasonably good quality with a lot of variety than anything from lousy to good quality with no variety.

With 'easy and relatively transparent', I meant everything is out in the open to change. It's not cryptic or hidden in any way. Does it take a lot of work? No, it takes a shitload of work. But it's still 'easy and relatively transparent'.

It's like putting down 10000 lines of Excel data manually. You may know what goes where, making it easy, but it's still a lot of work.

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I think it sounds better accent wise and is a little less jumpy sounding, although it will never be what we expect it to be, the question is does it do enough and does it ruin game-play and immersion, or when you in a battle and not watching 3rd person or spectating does all that go out of the window anyway and you get on with the game.

For me, it doesn't get in the way and I can get on with the game. Also mute voice mods are out and will be for this, or turn it down :)

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