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CEG - Chernarus Electrical Grid (Script Pack and Addon)

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Thanks to everyone for the encouragement. All bugs are now fixed. I am just working on the demo mission, documentation, and other support materials so that it is easy to use out of the box for players and mission makers.

I will release the beta script AND addon at the same time since the code is now frozen and I can easily re-package it as an addon.

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  Loyalguard said:
Thanks to everyone for the encouragement. All bugs are now fixed. I am just working on the demo mission, documentation, and other support materials so that it is easy to use out of the box for players and mission makers.

I will release the beta script AND addon at the same time since the code is now frozen and I can easily re-package it as an addon.

Glad to hear! :yay::yay:

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Beta is out! See first post for details!

New Demo video with sound improvements and highlighting all features

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Thx for this nice work and make it available now for ArmA2! :thumbsup:

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Hey loyal,

Very good work, but could do you change that if the smoke pine are destroyed that they don't smoke?


thanking you in anticipation

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@boris: Well that doesn't look right does it? I will fix it in the next release. I just ask for your patience as it may be a week or so as I am traveling. Thanks for the feedback?

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Great stuff, thanks for sharing!


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Excellent Mod. Many thanks for your hard work. Placed on our server yesterday and tested in a large co-op mission successfully.

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Is it possible to convert the sounds in.ogg?

If you want i can send you the sounds in .ogg.

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this is a very cool mod! just a question though... i put in the addon version and went in to the game! nothing happens,

does the addon version also need the script version to work? the demo worked fine! its a great addon.


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@the chief: Thanks for the feedback...that is good news. I tested it on a dedicated server but with just me and one other client connected so I am glad to hear it passes such a stress test.

@Nightrain: Thanks for the publicity and the link!

@Bier AIG Razor: I am using .wss because the engine can process them more quickly (at least that is my understanding). I have .ogg versions. Is there a reason why I should be using .ogg over .wss? My understanding of the philosophy was sound effects should be .wss, long voice dialogues should be .ogg. If you have more input I would be happy to hear it! On the topic, I am still working on the sounds. Making them smaller and more efficiently used. I just didn't want to delay the beta for them

@Darkxess: No, the addon does NOT need the script version to work. In fact, they won't work together at all. The script version aborts if the addon is installed.

Do you have CBA also installed? It is required for the CEG addon version to work (since CEG uses Extended Event Handlers to initialize). If you do have CBA and it still doesn't work, please check your arma2.rpt for me and see if there are any indicators there. The other problem might be is that if you have CEG on your machine but connect to a server that does NOT have it installed, CEG will not work on your computer because there are server-side components that are required for CEG to work. In this situation you will see a message in your arma2.rpt that says:

CEG must be installed on the server to function...aborting CEG client.

If you are stil having problems let me know!

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This is a mod I was hoping for ever since I noticed power plants and high lines in ARMA 1. It should be the standard in future maps seeing the importance of infrastructure in the real world these days. You want to destroy your enemies INFRA while preserving your own.

Only I kinda F***** up by adding this mod to my infected zombie mission. With all the carnage and destruction that happens during the fight I was hoping the power plants might be affected. Only I didn't read the PDF, suddenly I had huge infected zones of red blue and more. I was freaking out :p

I'm gonna have fun with this :D

Thanks for making it!

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Ok mate just tried it again, with just CBA and CEG working and its perfect!

It must of been clashing with another addon or something, before i was running it with my usual addons running too.

Brilliant addon mate, thanks... :)

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@Loyalguard: There is only one reason - the file size. But i can understand why you used .wss instead of .ogg.

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@Razor: I hope to reduce all the sound sizes a lot by making them shorter and adjusting the loop timing. Look for an improvement in the next release. Thanks for the feedback,

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This is an awsome idea. I'm really impressed by this addon/script.

Feels very thought trough. Great job Loyalguard!

Just two small things.

1. I cant get the CCTV to work. When I Log on in the demo mission and press the button, I get no camera views. Only a kind of static flickering, like on unconnected tv's - which is pretty cool looking by itself. I figure this is intentional, and that I have missed something. Do I have to do something in order for the cameras to work?

2. On the Armaholic downoad, it says - under features - that there is the option to require a password for 'log on'. I take it that this is a mistake, as I see you list this in your future plans in this thread, and I cant find any info on how to implement passwords. Just wanted to check though, as that would be an awsome feature (imho). I really hope you get around to implementing that feature soon.

Once again.

Great addon/script, and really great that you release it as both addon and script pack. Two thumbs up from here!


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@Nielson: Sorry thats my bad. I didn't realize that was on a todo list. I fixed the page and took those three features away.

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  Bier AIG Razor said:
@Loyalguard: There is only one reason - the file size. But i can understand why you used .wss instead of .ogg.

Exactly what are the benefits of using .wss over .ogg? In my current SP project I'm trying as best as I can to stick with .ogg to get sizes down, but I'm at 10MB already in mono sound effects only.

Nice to see EG "back on the grid" so to speak :) Love that Windows interface :D

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  Nielsen said:

1. I cant get the CCTV to work. When I Log on in the demo mission and press the button, I get no camera views. Only a kind of static flickering, like on unconnected tv's - which is pretty cool looking by itself. I figure this is intentional, and that I have missed something. Do I have to do something in order for the cameras to work?

I am glad you addressed this. Right now if you look at the cameras at night, there is no low light filter or night vision enabled so you can see very little. I am looking at adding night vision to the cameras at night but wanted to get other people's opions. I wasn't sure how realistic that would be. Thoughts?

In the meantime, in the demo mission just change the time to sometime during daylight hours in the editor and you can get a better feel of how the cameras appear.

Also, if you have pp effects enabled, you will see a lot of "static" as you have described it trying to replicate how a remote cctv signal would appear on screen. Try it during the day and let me know if you think it is overkill.

Regarding passwords, as Nightrain clarified they are on the todo list and I hope to have them implemented soon after general release.

Thanks for the feedback!

@Carl: My understanding is something like this based on how it was explained to me or how I have understood it from reading various forums posts throughout the ArmA ether. .wss is the format that is the engine expects and is ready for it to play without other processing. It may not be the smallest format, but it is ready to go whereas .ogg is smaller but would need to be processed. So, for short sound effects .wss is best, but for long dialogue speech other sounds like that .ogg is probably better because it is smaller and since it takes a long time to play the engine can process it as it goes. I have misunderstood or misstated this I welcome correction.

Thanks for the feedback, I thought the windows interface would be a nice touch. The X close button works just in case anyone was wondering. Just be careful in windowed mode because if you click the wrong x then you close the game!

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