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Flash Thunder

Weapon Loadout Tab in Editor (A2CIT) vote it

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I was thinking about this alot today, I had to spend nearly 20 minutes of my gaming time setting up special loadouts using the manaul Init scripting.

It makes sense to make the editor easier to use like that "other game" where you could easily choose:

Primary weapon

Secondary weapon

Equipment: NVG, Binoculars, GPS, MAP, compass, Watch, Laser Designater, Ranger finders etc.

Also to add a randomize gear button for quicker set ups.

This feature would add alot more polish to the already Stellar Editor that BIS has provided us with in Arma 2.

I just created a ticket on Devheaven requesting this feature.

Please vote for it, so we can ALL save time and make it easier for the new people to editing/scripting.

Thanks. :)

Link: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10729

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would be great to have. I do wonder though, do the devs actually check that?

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Got my vote, that and a whooole lot more features.. although i found a statement somewhere from BIS that they are happy with the editor as it is and there would be no more developement for it, i really hope they re-think that line of thought as its pretty obvious that the editor is the shining star of this whole package... imho

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  Katipo66 said:
Got my vote, that and a whooole lot more features.. although i found a statement somewhere from BIS that they are happy with the editor as it is and there would be no more developement for it, i really hope they re-think that line of thought as its pretty obvious that the editor is the shining star of this whole package... imho

I read that too, but If the editor was "perfect" wouldnt it have Mission briefings and all within the editor? As of now you got to create your own file just for a briefing.

Also respawning units can be a pain, and setting mission parameters.

The Editor is awesome but it could use a few small features like those to make it perfect.


Yeah the BIS Devs read the reports on CIT more than they read these suggestion threads.

BTW you dont have to make an account on CIT I belive you can vote as a guest for those who dont like signing up.

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I reckon dont stop a few small features, fully work it into a full blown stand alone package with easy to implement and customize modules

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Here is what I want:

1) In the editor, place a unit with the set defaults from the lists below.

2) Select from a dropdown list of models available, i.e. the Sniper has different appearance than a Rifleman.

3) Select from a list of displaynames the unit will have ingame, or even the possibility to create your own. Maybe I want a Sapper to show up and all I have available is an engineer.

4) Select from a list of loadouts, based on the current classes. I.e. your civilian could easily get the loadout of a sniper, in case he was working under cover, or whatever reason.

5) Abilities should be based on checkboxes. I.e. attendant (for medics and specops), engineer.

The main problem here is that people would go amok with it. You will get civilian medic engineers with a heavy sniper loadout - completely ridiculous. Mission designers will have to use common sense, but it does allow us to easily create the stuff needed for a mission without having to rely on addons. The missing russian engineer? Just make him a rifleman with a backpack, give him appropriate starting rifleman loadout (refine with init instead of rebuilding it completely, by just giving him a mine or two), select "Engineer" from the classlist (or type in new one, but might be problematic wrt localization), and toggle on his engineer ability.

Default unit configs could be updated to reference from the subclass, i.e. loadout = rifleman_e: loadouts (or whatever). The contents of "loadouts" are what are given to us in the editor.

However, this is a big change and may break current addon compatiblilty, and I wouldn't expect it in the near future :)

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I do recognize that there would be more work for the modders to implement the config into the this mechanic if BIS officially implemented it.

Also there could be conflicts with people choosing to be a Corpsman but having unrealistic equipment like, Javelin, M24 sniper rifles.

Of course this probably wouldnt be used at all in Multiplayer component unless there was some sort of Player class restrictions.

Also if this was implemented into Official game It would make more sense to also make a more realistic Stamina system and Weight mechanic like in ACE2 to keep it more realistic and less like that "other game" where you can have 2 Large weapons and move at the same rate of speed.

The "Randomize Gear" function would simply give you a random primary and random secondary and the standard loadout for equipment, this would work by the class of Soldier you've chosen.


Grenadier: M16a4 m203, M1911, Map, radio, NVG, compass, watch, and for the since it chose M16A4 its class of ammunition is STANAG 30x5.56

I think this would work out nicely.

Thanks for the support and remember to keep voting up. :D

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  Flash Thunder said:
I was thinking about this alot today, I had to spend nearly 20 minutes of my gaming time setting up special loadouts using the manaul Init scripting.

It makes sense to make the editor easier to use like that "other game" where you could easily choose:

Primary weapon

Secondary weapon

Equipment: NVG, Binoculars, GPS, MAP, compass, Watch, Laser Designater, Ranger finders etc.

Also to add a randomize gear button for quicker set ups.

This feature would add alot more polish to the already Stellar Editor that BIS has provided us with in Arma 2.

I agree, having a GUI for things as tedious as this would be great. And as you said in a reply, a GUI for things like the briefing and respawning would be great too. Very, very great, IMO.

Having said that, BIS' support and the full blown editor and the limitless possibilities when you take the time to learn how to do things are INCREDIBLE. ARMA2 may have a few rough spots, but ARMA2 is the top of the milsim heap, unless I missed something somewhere! Thanks BIS, from myself and my buds!

---------- Post added at 08:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ----------

  Flash Thunder said:
Also there could be conflicts with people choosing to be a Corpsman but having unrealistic equipment like, Javelin, M24 sniper rifles.
Easily avoided if weapon selection in the menu is limited to those pertaining to the unit being placed.
  Flash Thunder said:
Also if this was implemented into Official game It would make more sense to also make a more realistic Stamina system and Weight mechanic like in ACE2 to keep it more realistic and less like that "other game" where you can have 2 Large weapons and move at the same rate of speed.
Agreed! That's the difference between being developed by the developer of actual military simulators, and being developed by someone trying to make their publisher happy, who only cares about making more $$$

Thanks for all that ARMA2 is, BIS!

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I personally hope to never see a Stamina system in the default game. All the other features are nice, but a stamina system should be left to addons/mods imho.

I will definitely be voting this up once DevHeaven comes back up, and it shouldn't be all that hard for Bohemia, considering the Real Time Editor mod added a weapons tab with this exact function, and it even allowed users to place individual weapons on the ground.

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Uhm, there already is a stamina system in Arma2 ;) It's just not weight based, and the effects from it are fairly weak. I would really like to have it be affected by the weight you carry as well, but I guess I can live with the reduced penalty. Increasing that to realistic levels could be addressed by addons.

I guess I posted this in the wrong thread, even though it also belonged there, but here is my idea of an improved unit editor visualized. mr.g-c liked it so much he created a ticket for it. Loadout is just one of many things it handles, that would make life easier for the new kid on the block.

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Heh. My bad, I've been playing ACE for so long that "Stamina System" has come to mean you pass out due to weight etc. The vanilla is good enough, in that you can't hit shit if you've been running.

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The stamina system and the crap-those-came-close-I'm-so-scared-I-can't -hold-my-gun-steady effects are great.

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Well, it's just annoying. Nothing you can't fix by not grabbing too much in the first place (with ACE). With upcoming backpacks, I do fear AT gunners running around with 6xSMAW (btw, was that a Carl Gustaf I just saw in one of the OA videos, or something else?) in their backpack, which is just insane.

Well, hopefully we have to choose - either launcher or backpack. And hopefully, we will have radio looking backpacks in vanilla game without having to rely on addons.

Yeah, I love those scared effects too. I just with the distance for triggering it was greater and had a falloff to it (a bullet that hit 5m away scares you less than one that hit 1m away, instead of the 5m away just being ignored).

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Well, IIRC the ACE team are mostly BIS employees, and the ruck system is basically the one currently in ACE, with some improvements.

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  Darkhorse 1-6 said:
Well, IIRC the ACE team are mostly BIS employees, and the ruck system is basically the one currently in ACE, with some improvements.

You definitely recall wrong...

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I think a section in mission editor for breifings and weapon loadouts is a very good idea. As it does get tedious doing it all. Any news on whether OA will have something like this ?

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OA apparently won't have anything like it AFAIK. Bohemia said somewhere (Maybe that OA FAQ) that they are happy with the editor the way it currently is, also in the preview version atleast, it's the same.

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Yup they said in the FAQ that they were happy with the editor and didn't plan on changing it much. Poor decision on their part imo. Currently the editor is the best part of the game, so I would hope that they would invest time in making it even better -- there's a lot that it doesn't do and a lot that could be improved. :icon_neutral:

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Perhaps a simple mod in OA would allow us to implement these such features into the mission editor?

I mean, if BIS doesn't actually do it. Which would be a great loss. As making breifings and overviews and objectives etc take longer than should be needed.

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I would like to say that I do not care how difficult or time-consuming it may be. This needs implementation. Now.

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  Walts said:
I would like to say that I do not care how difficult or time-consuming it may be. This needs implementation. Now.

I would like to say that I think you should be temporarily removed from these forums.

Seriously, do you think the developers care about what you think? If you demand things in such fashion, the developers (who may or may not read this forum section) would most likely laugh. We would all like to see it in, but you need to stop and think before you post bullshit posts.

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  Walts said:
I would like to say that I do not care how difficult or time-consuming it may be. This needs implementation. Now.

Demanding this and that is just spamming(or for creating stupid facebook groups), making proper suggestions is the correct approach.

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