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The Forgotten Few - SP Dynamic Campaign

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Hi all!

I'm happy to announce that I've got a new grand project of mine near release. It's a single-player dynamic campaign only lacking the finishing touch of voice overs, cutscenes and of course some beta-testing. I've been doing this campaign for about 7 whole months and finally, FINALLY this true beauty is beginning to see some day-light! I must say I'm already very proud of this piece of work I'm sure you're going to enjoy this. Ok enough self praising, my GPU just got busted and I'm waiting for my new one (luckily I had some warranty left), meanwhile I decided to make this announcement I was about to do anyway within next weeks. I need your help.

Currently I'm in the need of:

-Native Russian speaking voice-actors

-English-Russian translation for the dialogues


Finding some russian speaking volunteers might turn out difficult so pointing out places where I could find some is much appreciated as well. At this point I only hope I could find some decent russian voice-overs because english speaking or muted russians won't make justice for this piece of work, if you see my point. So do you want to hear your voice on the campaign? PM me or write a reply!

Those that wish to try out and point out any bugs and improvable aspects you encounter in the beta-version, please also send me a PM. However you need to wait maybe a couple of weeks until I get my new GPU and set the campaign ready for some testing.

Oh and what is this campaign about? Right, please see below for a brief description. Questions/comments/requests warmly welcome!


The Forgotten Few



A survival story of a Russian spetsnaz platoon commander and his men struggling through a gruesome counter-terrorist operation

  • Single-player campaign of 7 immersive and realistic dynamic missions with variating objectives and scale!
  • Plan out your missions yourself before actual deployment with available resources and field intelligence at hand!
  • Whenever approved by higher command, assign men to an assisting Bravo squad and lead them on the field!
  • Call in air & artillery support at hot situations whenever available!
  • Lead your 24-man platoon through the hell - will you and your comrades survive?
  • Every play time a totally different experience!

Detailed features:

  • All 7 mission played in the same single scenario
  • Highly random but still logical and realistic missions
  • A fixed 24-man platoon for you to manage and command through the campaign
  • Different mission type designs further divided to various possible sets of objectives
  • Missions get harder as you proceed but the mission scale is highly random on each mission
  • The enemy is somewhat organized, able to communicate and call for whatever support they have at hand
  • Custom UI windows for easy and fast controlling
  • Loads of other little details here and there for immersion
  • Desiged for converting onto other maps and incorporating unit addons in the future

Some in-game screenshots:


Edited by King Nothing

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More In-game screenshots:


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Thanks. :)

Like I've said, the voices are a bigger problem at the moment and it would be a relief to get enough voice actors so this project could continue steadily. I've already found 1 Russian to do some voices. In addition to voice actors I would be happy if somebody here with native russian skills volunteered to do the English-Russian translation for the dialogues. I'll update the first post.

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Thanks. :)

I've already found 1 Russian to do some voices. In addition to voice actors I would be happy if somebody here with native russian skills volunteered to do the English-Russian translation for the dialogues. I'll update the first post.

Hmm.....maybe ask Mr.Bardosy who created "Prirog" campaign....??

Just a thought.....

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Bardosy is not Russian. ;)

As far as I know he doesn't speak Russian either. :p

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whoa, this sound like a cool campaign! how far into development is it?

edit: its also great to see the ruskies getting some love (and not the hot lead love)

Edited by That guy

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whoa, this sound like a cool campaign! how far into development is it?

edit: its also great to see the ruskies getting some love (and not the hot lead love)?

Few known bugs left to polish out before some beta-testing and some neat intro and outro cutscenes. That's all there is left to do.

Edit: Oh and the voices of course too.

Glad you like the russians too for a change as well, I guess it's the language why americans are so much more used. But russians have that special feel to them and I find russian language exciting, I wish I could speak it. :p

Edited by King Nothing

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Sounds pretty kick-ass King Nothing. :)

By "fixed 24-man platoon" do your men stay dead or are they replenished between missions? If they are replenished between missions, is it always back to full 24-man strength, or rather more a "limited" replacement?

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from what i gathered its permanent. 24 men for the whole campaign

hence "the forgotten few"

so the camp is for the most part functional? cool, but a pity i cant play it :(

rock on!

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By "fixed 24-man platoon" do your men stay dead or are they replenished between missions? If they are replenished between missions, is it always back to full 24-man strength, or rather more a "limited" replacement?

That's a good question. By "fixed" I refer to the men, not the amount. That means when somebody gets killed in a squad he's dead and you must replace him with some other guy.

The maximum size of a squad is 6 men. You (Mikhail Koikov) are always assigned to the Alpha squad. In addition to Alpha, if the mission allows, you can also assign an assisting AI controlled squad, Bravo which you can command on the field. So depending on mission the maximum amount of friendly platoon members on mission is only 6-12. This way you have more time to keep an eye on the situation rather than commanding your subordinates. So you actually replenish you killed squad members from the inactive reserve which is the rest of the platoon.

Each squad member has his unique skill values (leadership,marksmanship,awareness and endurance) randomized at the start of the campaign. There are also 4 trained medics in the platoon, the others are standard riflemen.

There are 3 reasons to take care of your men. The first is that if your platoon size shrinks below 12 after few massacres you can't have full squads in large scale missions anymore. Secondly some men might have valuable skills than should be cherished. Thirdly, at the end of the campaign you get an overall success percentage based on survived platoon members and successfull objectives.

---------- Post added at 01:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

so the camp is for the most part functional? cool, but a pity i cant play it :(

What do you mean by "camp" and that you can't play it? There is a main operating base from where you are deployed onto missions and vehicles and helicopters are stationed in, except one of the helicopters which is stationed in an airbase up north.

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If you're looking for russian voices, why not ask at russian community sites, e.g. http://arma.at.ua/ .

I'm sure they would be eager to help on a russian campaign and especially one that seems well-made. The forum has a english subforum.


Ah, I've seen that was allready done :p .

Edited by Icewindo

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oh, what i mean that i cant play is i dont have access to an arma2 capable computer :p

camp is an abbreviation for campaign


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Regarding your explanation on "fixed 24-man platoon", sounds very cool indeed!

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Hi again, I've recieved plenty of voice acting offers and this exceeded all my expectations. I must say I'm happy to see that the Russian community is so eager to help. As soon as one of my contacts have translated the dialogues into russians for the other voice actors I'm ready to share the roles. Therefore, I guess that at this point I don't need a translator nor voice actors anymore. I'll update the first post again.

However, I still need more beta testers so if you're interested in this kind of contribution, just send me a pm. :)

I can be beta tester of your campaign.

I've sent you a pm.

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This looks interesting, if I wasn't leaving I would love to test it. I love campaigns where you play as the Russians :).

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This seems to fill the lack of good campaigns on the ArmA II market. Definitely looking forward to play it!

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A little situation report:

This project has made some good progress. The campaign will support 100% russian, meaning that russian players will have all texts in russian. Thanks belongs to Rydlock for that. Intro and Outro cutscenes are ready and about half of the voice overs are done at the moment.

Here's a little trailer/teaser for the campaign I compiled together for fun. Enjoy! :)

<object width="1280" height="745"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqVK9UBiNtY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqVK9UBiNtY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="1280" height="745"></embed></object>

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Very nice trailer, King Nothing. I'm very much looking forward to seeing this released. :D

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nice trailer!

edit: just watched the trailer again, and i just have to say its very well put together. its cool how you flick from in mission play to the cinematic shot for them marching down the street. very nice

if the quality of the trailer is an indicator, we are in for a real treat

i hope you include that music track in the campaign in some form :)

Edited by That guy

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Impressive trailer @KingNothing, looking forward for this campaign.

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I hope you include that music track in the campaign in some form :)

Hehe, I will. The composer is Pavel Chesnokov if you're interested. I will also have another track composed by him for the intro cutscene.

When I was thinking about the theme music, I though something melancholic, atmospheric and authentic russian music would be cool so I searched for some russian choir music and ran into

. Generally i'm not into choir music but this Chesnokov's song was mesmerizing.

Edit: oh and the campaign will include random russian war related songs in-game but I'll save that little detail for you to find out yourselves. ;)

Edited by King Nothing

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Edit: oh and the campaign will include random russian war related songs in-game but I'll save that little detail for you to find out yourselves. ;)

Perhaps, Ð›ÑŽÐ±Ñ :D

Edited by gulag

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