mr. bravo 17 Posted February 8, 2010 (edited) SWEDISH ARMY MOD BETA 1.1 RELEASED. SEE RECOMMENDED MIRRORS HERE: @ @ Do not forget the hotfix! Beta 1.1 must be installed first. If you speak Swedish, you might want to visit our official swedish forum for feedback, info and discussions! We have a SAM-section at the forums of clan SSG. See the direct link below! About SAM: The basic idea and present system behind the evolvement of SAM is; -Swedish units and gear- We try to bring out all ideas about Swedish stuff that are possible in ArmA2. Soldiers, weapons and combat-vehicles, but also more random stuff like buildings, bunkers, camouflaged-nets, civilan stuff, and static objects that can be of interest for serious mission-editors. The only two demands we have on our content is that it should somehow be connected to Swedish military scenarios, and be of a certain quality to match the game. This also means that we actually dont have any detailed plans of how the mod will end up and what it will contain. We will always be open for new and more ideas. In other words, there will always be something to work on! -Modern graphic quality of the content- Sure, good looking graphics isnt everything in a game, but it damn sure adds a massive touch of atmosphere and realism that we all want in our favourite games! All the content of SAM will be of good quality that matches the graphics of ArmA 2 (Some place-holders might occur though). This means that we will avoid porting stuff straight from OPF and ArmA1. Instead we look for people who are willing to contribute with new or updated content, no matter if it's a simple retex of an ammo-box, or a whole new setup of soldier-models. All work and contributions are appreciated, encouraged and noted! -Begin small, end epic- Even if we're happy to recieve just about anything that is connected to Swedish stuff, we of course still have priorities. Right now at the beginning our focus is mainly to build up a complete and useful set of infantry with any gear they might use. As these things get finished, and we get more people working on the project, we will move focus to transports and simpler vehicles, and then heavy armored vehicles and air. Basicly it's all about finishing what you started, to avoid ending up with a mod that just contains a lot of unfinished stuff. -Full support for ACE2- One of the major reasons to why we started this project is because we wanted our Swedish units to use as much of the awesomeness of ACE2 as possible. In other words, ACE2 will be required to run SAM as it's intended to. We will do our best to keep SAM updated with the latest functionality of ACE2, and make sure they run smoothly together. -Open development- We will have as active communication with the community as possible on several different forums, and always seek feedback on the contents of SAM. Praise or hate us, just come with something informative so we can either improve or explain ourselves. Experienced "war-junkies" with special requests or faults to point out are especially welcome to come with detailed feedback. Since ArmA2 is a "simulator", we want our stuff to be as realistic as possible to match the gameplay. We will show and inform about our latest work as often as possible, and what's being planned in the nearest future. Questions are answered and we will try to be as accurate as possible with future release-dates. The Swedish ArmA2-clan SSG will however work as our main base for testing and discussions. If you dont speak swedish, then this is our international official thread for any related discussions. We will update both places with just about the same information. Release and Updates: The first version of SAM have unfortunately been delayed because of unexpected problems. But we have our first playable version basicly ready for realease within this week or the beginning of next. Of course we keep updating and add small simpler things during this delay. SAM does not follow any special schedules when it comes to updates. When it happens is completely up to what kind of news and fixes it will bring. But as stated, we will of course try to keep the community as updated as possible. Join the development of SAM! Everyone who feel that they can contribute with something are welcome to join the project! It doesnt matter if you're an ArmA2 player or not, amature or proffessional texturer/modeller. The only demands we have are that you finish what you started/promised, and are open to suggestions and improvements. We have some good experienced people already who can provide help if someone get stuck with something! As stated, it doesnt matter how small or big your work is, and there are no huge expectations of you continuing to work your ass off with more new stuff. You decide what you want to do and how long you can participate in the project, together with the project leader. We're not working against strict deadlines either. Everything takes its time, and we all have other things to manage during the days. We rather see some awesome work after three weeks than some sloppy half-finished work after three days. -Credits and permissions- Everyone who participate in this project with new content and alike will be thanked under "Credits" in our mod and official forum-threads. Exactly what you've contributed with will also be specified if you wish. All questions and requests about your creations will also be forwarded to you, and anyone else who helped creating it. We dont expect any exclusive rights for any material neither. It's completely up to the creators if they want to share their stuff with other projects. However, we encourage everyone to share with likeminded projects in order to contribute to a bigger and better modding-community! Current list of members and participants of SAM The SAM Team Mr. Bravo aka Tobe - Project leader, texturer, media. Stiltman - Coder, modeller, webmaster. Gustav Embretsen - Modeller and texturer of AK5c & Aimpoint ( Mattan aka Matte54 - Noob-modeller, editor-Guru, media. Nordin - Reference-material and facts. Contributors and Thanks! Christian.1987 & Fallschirmjäger - Creators of G3-project (AK4) TAW_Cutthroat - Modeller of upcoming RG32M (Galten) from Modern Irish Defence Forces Mod HD Läppli from Switzerland Mod - Help with animated AK5c magazine. Norrin from Australians at War - Help with AK5c handgrip animations. Steel Rat - Modeller of TGB-11 and TGB-13 Vilas - Models and textures for KSP58, KSP90 and KSP90b. Rigge - Modeller of Fordonsmina 14 Pathy - Creator of SUSAT-scope from UKF Weapons Pack Media! It might contain some ACE2-gear as well. They have not been modified and we do not take credit for any of their work! -Swedish Army Mod Official Beta Trailer- Screenshots: Highres; Feel free to ask and discuss! :) Edited April 12, 2010 by Mr. Bravo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baerchen 0 Posted February 8, 2010 Looks awesome, will you also release missions with it like with the OFP Swedish Forces Pack ? If that was you too... do not remember ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr. bravo 17 Posted February 8, 2010 Looks awesome, will you also release missions with it like with the OFP Swedish Forces Pack ? If that was you too... do not remember ;) That is nothing we have planned anything about yet. We do have an awesome mission-creator on our team who design many of SSG's coop missions, so it's not impossible that we might include some of his work later on :) I wouldn't expect any singleplayer missions, but probably some 2-20 player coop-missions. Your idea is noted anyway! Thanks! I didnt participate in any of the old SFP-mods. I did however work with the ArmA2-version of SFP for a few months, but eventually jumped off because of several strong reasons, and brought most of my work to this mod instead and updated it (The M90-textures you see at the end of the trailer) :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ish 11 Posted February 8, 2010 So friggin' wesome :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Redkid Joker 0 Posted February 8, 2010 Since you are so heavily leaned towards ACE, have you considered working with them and going "ACEX" so to speak? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr. bravo 17 Posted February 8, 2010 Since you are so heavily leaned towards ACE, have you considered working with them and going "ACEX" so to speak? That have been mentioned a few times within the team, yes. But it's not something we're focusing on yet. To be honest though, I dont think we would keep up with bringing new stuff to match the contents of ACEX-projects. As mentioned in the first post, we have a more relaxed speed of development. Right now we're just working on getting the basic code and architecture of the mod working so we have a good base-mod to work on. We're currently experimenting and discussing about what can be used from ACE2 and not, but none of that will be included in the first Beta-versions. We will of course contact the ACE2-team before we actually use their stuff in any official versions, and then we'll see how things progress :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted February 8, 2010 Great work! Wasnt long time ago i started checking if someone was doing this. :) Desert camo looks great and so does the AK5. Keep the great work up. Regards Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
privatenoob 0 Posted February 8, 2010 hehe awesome trailer! Cant wait for this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Schancky 10 Posted February 8, 2010 Looks awesome Mr.Bravo. Alwyas love the sweedish stuff in OFP :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slatts 1978 Posted February 8, 2010 great trailer! glad cutthoart could help out :D maybe we could form some nordic battlegroup :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SgtRingo 10 Posted February 9, 2010 Everything looks really awsome!! But i think there's to much bandanas. Feels like an 80's action movie. From all clips on the news, pictures in newspapers, or even during my 10 months serving, I dont think I've seen anyone use a bandana. But as I said - AWSOME! Just bought ArmA 2 for this. Let's just hope it works on my computer when it arrives tomorrow :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr. bravo 17 Posted February 9, 2010 Everything looks really awsome!! But i think there's to much bandanas. Feels like an 80's action movie. From all clips on the news, pictures in newspapers, or even during my 10 months serving, I dont think I've seen anyone use a bandana. But as I said - AWSOME! Just bought ArmA 2 for this. Let's just hope it works on my computer when it arrives tomorrow :D Hehe yea, no arguing there :P Those pictures were actually taken from a build of the mod that still had a bug which resulted in all bandana-modells using the same texture, and the "hat"-version for some reaon doesnt show at all in any of the pictures. As of now we have 5 different squad-members; -Squad leader: Using the cap-model in m90k, and beenie-version in m90 (I personally dont like that one, so it might change later on) -Medic: Using a bandana-model with green theme, and arm-thing (Excuse my english :P ) -Anti Tank: Using a bandana-model with white and beigh theme. -Marksman: Using a hat-model with white theme (Seen in the trailer) -Machine Gunner: Using the same as above, but will be updated with some form of variating texture as well. Unfortunately we only have these models to work with right now, which doesnt have a bag on their backs which would take away the possibility to use backpacks from ACE2. However, we're looking for other better models to use, and later on there will be more soldier-models with complete gear with helmet and armor. Either we'll be using BIS USMC-models, or something we manage to build ourselves :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SgtRingo 10 Posted February 9, 2010 I got ArmA2 today. Seems to be working fine with some lag but i downloaded a high fps addon and the new patch wich will hopefully fix it. Ok, try to go with the "fieldcap", "fieldhat" and "helmet 90". If possible nothing at all, wich is quite common during peacekeeping operations. I dont hope its a swedish UN mod though. As i want to see the swedes fully geared for combat in green . Are you going to make a "stridssäck 2000"? Sorry for bashing so much. Just think it looks awsome as i said, exept for the bandana :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr. bravo 17 Posted February 10, 2010 If possible nothing at all, wich is quite common during peacekeeping operations. Exactly, and that's what I would like it to be considered as later on :) Right now they're actually called SSG in the mod, as in our swedish special forces "Särskilda Skyddsgruppen". But I think I rather make them peacekeeping troops. You can build som really exciting and more realistic scenarios with those! :D But nah, this mod is supposed to contain all kinds of things. Fully geared soldiers will be worked on too as soon as we get our first beta out next week. I already have the USMC-models textured with M90 from my work in SFP. So I just have to quickly go through that stuff again and throw the backpack-models and make a few updates to the textures, and make an m90k version as well. Then I just have to experiment a little with making the vest look like "stridsväst 2000". Have to edit the normalmaps for that, and I really hate that part :P But we'll see how it goes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-=anders=- 0 Posted February 11, 2010 Jävla najs! SSG OP med detta? ja? :) Fucking great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bushidozeb 10 Posted February 11, 2010 Bra med en äkta bra svensk mod! Denna bör innehålla allt vårt fina försvar innefattar :D Ni komemr säkert göra ett bra jobb. =D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted February 11, 2010 Engelska tack you very much ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bushidozeb 10 Posted February 11, 2010 Sorry :D It is God with a real swedish mod! it should contain everything from aour nice Armed force =D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SSG-Kalle 10 Posted February 12, 2010 (edited) Haha looks great! Im looking forward to a release! No way that we are going to see a Stridsbåt 90 in the game? ;) Would be sooooo cool for an ex amphibious solider. :) Edited February 12, 2010 by KalleP18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr. bravo 17 Posted February 12, 2010 (edited) No way that we are going to see a Stridsbåt 90 in the game? ;) Would be sooooo cool for an ex amphibious solider. :) Unfortunately it's not a priority atm. There are simply too little water to play around with them in ArmA2 today! But since there are a lot of nagging about this damn boat, maybe we'll look at it in a near future! =P You can however expect to see Visby whenever we get some helicopters done =D We're planning on using it as a platform for resupply and respawn, like the americans aircraft carrier. Are you going to make a "stridssäck 2000"? We're actually discussing that atm. I mean, how awesome would it be to have our swedish soldiers wearing Stridssäck 2000, packed with necessary things ACE2-style? VERY awesome I'd say =D Shouldnt be a difficult job to model really, so we'll see about that in Beta2 maybe! great trailer! glad cutthoart could help out :D maybe we could form some nordic battlegroup :P Hehe yea, Cutthroat really saved us there =D I really love the RG32M, and it's one of the things I look forward to the most! I hope all goes well for you guys too! Just throw us a PM if you want more reference-pictures. An NBG-mission would be quite awesome to include in a future version! Who knows ;) I just want to update you guys with our list of awesome people! So far these guys have contributed and are working with us in one way or another. I'm actually surprised that so many have chosen to work with us before we even have a first beta out :D Many thanks anyway, and I hope to see this list grow even bigger very soon! Contributors and Thanks! Gustav Embretsen - Modeller and texturer of AK5c & Aimpoint ( Christian.1987 & Fallschirmjäger - Creators of G3-project (AK4) TAW_Cutthroat - Modeller of upcoming RG32M (Galten) from Modern Irish Defence Forces Mod HD Läppli from Switzerland Mod - Help with animated AK5c magazine. Norrin from Australians at War - Help with AK5c handgrip animations. Steel Rat - Modeller of TGB-11 and TGB-13 Edited February 12, 2010 by Mr. Bravo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nixo 10 Posted February 12, 2010 Great job Sweden :) Kämpa på! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted February 12, 2010 Unfortunately it's not a priority atm. There are simply too little water to play around with them in ArmA2 today! No true, quite a few islands have enough water (sap_everon, podagorsk (has a nice small archipelago), japahto as 3 examples on my hd) + a creative missionmaker can always fit in boats. I can understand its not a priority, but there is plenty of water :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted February 12, 2010 great to see more variety (more countries) in Arma :) Sweden has very characteristic and uniqe camo pattern, i remember OFP Swedish addons, it is nice to see Swedish addons work in progress :) more European countries addons please and carry on :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zylex 10 Posted February 12, 2010 Nice work keep it coming regards from stockholm:P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SgtRingo 10 Posted February 12, 2010 Is there any good islands to play? An island that resembles the swedish "skärgård"? Iam making a Russian attacks campaign but need a good map. Podgarosk seems good, but inland theres no militarybases or airbases. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites