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Does anyone else hate the way weapons feel?

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In A1/2, I have always found the weapons to feel imprecise and clunky. I use the AK74SU and it is feels like going to work just to move the guns. I use the 240, it feels the exact same way. I've tried dead zone and sensitivity, nothings worked for me.

Anyone else feel this way?

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I think the gun mechanics in the game are definitely a little tricky to master. For me, they feel a little too detatched from my body, especially at close range.

However, for long range engagements, they are the best feeling guns of any sim or game I have ever experienced. They feel so real at longer ranges.

If they could somehow enhance the close quarters movement/gun handling, without a doubt alot of new doors would be opened in terms of close quarters combat.

For cqb, I would love some sort of Bad company feel, you feel like you have mass, but you also feel in control. For long ranges, I wouldn't change a single thing.

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The only problem I have with the weapons is the random sight misalignment for rocket launcher iron sights and other weapons when crouched.

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I agree. However, some sights should alwasy slightly wave in and out of alignment, for realism. I have found s.t.a.l.k.e.r. (Not exactly a sim, but nevertheless) to have great all-around firearm mechanics. I think that BI just needs to make the guns go back, not forward ; also, the guns should feel heavy like they do IRL.

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They made the launchers feel heavy and cumbersome when you move with them in your hands but that somehow didn't get transferred onto heavy MGs.

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  jasonnoguchi said:
The only problem I have with the weapons is the random sight misalignment for rocket launcher iron sights and other weapons when crouched.

Huh i thought that were fixed with patch 1.05, also i think i remember you said you never experienced that misalignment :confused:

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@JTDman, I didn't with the holo sights and I still didn't... strange... all the other sights randomly goes out of alignment when I crouch, which I do A LOT, but not all the time either. Strange.

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If they can somehow make rifle to move a bit slower the feeling would be much better(except SMGs).

And some of the the pistol animations(running with pistol, reload, switching to binoculars/lanchers, and they way they switching to/from rifle plus the way the rifle put on the back) really need to change as they are either totally wrong or broken or totally bugged.

Also the collision detection have to be improve between players gun model and objects, would be great and realistic if weapons is automaticly lowered when whatever objects stops the player to turn or move.

And if possible, an additional movement/speed to toggle using "toggle walk" key with an indication icon besides the ammo counter at the top right hand corner for CQB would be great.

Wondered if anyone ever creat tickets about these problem on CBT.

Edited by 4 IN 1

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I've no problems with the guns feel, cq or at range they feel spot on to me. using a small gun for cq is a must, it makes your movement a lot smoother and faster, when in towns forests i would walk and move slow unless i'm running for cover.

Changing from a smaw to my gun takes to long, the animation is fine for a stroll in the park but when all hells broke lose i would like to just drop the smaw and start shooting, also when i crouch with the smaw sometimes i need to stand and when i do, i have to put it on my back, stand then wait for the animation, it just takes to longgggg its war out there not a firing range

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I really love the way character motion, headbob and Weapon sway feels in ArmAII, it has a real virtual body feeling, not just the floating ghost feeling most other games give.

Maybe I feel so because im used to this special virtuality since June 2001.

After OFP all the other tac-shooters suddenlty felt so "unreal".

I use to have the floating zone always at maximum because this gives the best "virtually there" feeling.

I reduce headbob to the very first klick to prevent "seasickness".

Edited by Beagle

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Completely hate the "ghost drifting" in other titles after I get used to the realism offered by ArmA2's headbobbing. :) Kept it at default.

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When you think about it, it is Arma's long range excellence that creates its slighlty weaker short range combat. Because the player quite literally is glued on to the animations of his character, and isn't floating, precise and fluid movement is very hard.

Every time you move a new animation must begin, something a regular fps does not have. If there was perhaps some way to make the animations a little smoother, I think CQB could improve alot over what it is.

An arcade fps i do like, although still too floaty, is Halo 3. I like the fact you are actually glued to your body, and can throw a grenade at your own foot. If we could get a similar but much less floaty model in Arma 2, I think the CQB could be a huge factor, without diminishing long range.

Another floaty game that has good feel to me, is Bad Company. I know you are floating, and that your gun has firing cone instead of an actual muzzle, but the head bob and gay sway feels very natural. So imagine if you could have Arma 2 with a similar body model to halo 3, you are attatched to your body, but you are not restrained by it, combine that with the very natural feeling of Bad Company, and I think it would feel great.

Just my opinions, either way movement is very far from bad!

Edited by Guest

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  4 IN 1 said:
If they can somehow make rifle to move a bit slower the feeling would be much better(except SMGs).

In fact, the weapons have a handling value (or several, I'm just investigating that now) and can be tuned. I think it should be based on weight and length, though, not necessarily just to make the rifles heavier. The m4, for example, is within 1 lbs in weight and 3 inches in length of the mp5.

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No, they feel fine. Some mods with the handle, make them faster to turn. If you play fast paced FPSs you will always find issue with the mechanics of A2s weapons...

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Does different weapons have different turning speeds?? So far after months of playing, all the primary weapons seem to turn as fast as I can flick my mouse... what am I missing?

(by the way, weapons with the "handle" should not turn faster. Thats not the purpose of the "handle". The "handle" is there because the picatinny rail makes it impossible to hold the barrel guard. Some claims it reduces recoil but empirical testing proofs otherwise.)

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  Beagle said:
I really love the way character motion, headbob and Weapon sway feels in ArmAII, it has a real virtual body feeling, not just the floating ghost feeling most other games give.

Maybe I feel so because im used to this special virtuality since June 2001.

After OFP all the other tac-shooters suddenlty felt so "unreal".

I use to have the floating zone always at maximum because this gives the best "virtually there" feeling.

I reduce headbob to the very first klick to prevent "seasickness".


OFP/Arma has pretty much ruined my enjoyment of other FPS because I miss that "weighty" feel of the gun and floating zone is a must. Agree that gun should lower naturally when against wall for better CQB.

I also like the way you can see the AI making those minute adjustments when taking a bead on ya.

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Yeah A1/2 does feel a little clunky, especially when compared to the original OFP.

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For me, increasing the FOV(*1.3) (along with other advantages) also somewhat makes the weapons seem to feel much more comfy and natural. Rather than being stuck on the side of the barrel.

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  Rayers12 said:
In A1/2, I have always found the weapons to feel imprecise and clunky. I use the AK74SU and it is feels like going to work just to move the guns. I use the 240, it feels the exact same way. I've tried dead zone and sensitivity, nothings worked for me.

Anyone else feel this way?

MG's like 240 have a deliberate delay on the vertical movement to simulate the weight. Is that what you mean?

I have no complaints about weapon handling.

Automatic weapon lowering for collisions could be good but hard to tell until we can try. Might be very annoying.

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  JB1528 said:
Yeah A1/2 does feel a little clunky, especially when compared to the original OFP.

This. Seriously. Operation Flashpoint has excellent weapon feel, ARMA1 turned things on its head.


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  jasonnoguchi said:
Does different weapons have different turning speeds?? So far after months of playing, all the primary weapons seem to turn as fast as I can flick my mouse... what am I missing?

(by the way, weapons with the "handle" should not turn faster. Thats not the purpose of the "handle". The "handle" is there because the picatinny rail makes it impossible to hold the barrel guard. Some claims it reduces recoil but empirical testing proofs otherwise.)

Depends if you have floating zone on or off

Original OFP had non configurable floating zone. Inside it, the turning speed of your weapon was dependant of a parameter in weapon config called "dexterity". Outside of it, your whole body was turning, and it was slower than simply moving the weapon as it happened inside floating zone (in fact, "floating zone" is simply the zone where your character only turns his shoulder and upper body part, without moving his feet. When going outside of floating zone, your character begins to actually turn entirely his body)

With ArmA came the possibility to configure floating zone.

To give some advantage to people using floating zone, I guess, BI made it so that inside floating zone, the weapon was way faster than outside of it (like fast movement helps precise aiming, but that's another matter .... )

So you could either have always centered crosshair (easier for aiming) but at the expense of slower turn speed, or keep floating zone on, with fast turning speed, but crosshair not always centered.

The issue here, to me, is that now, the difference of speed between inside the floating zone and outside of it is way too high, so if I turn down mouse speed enough so that crosshair speed inside floating zone is playable, the turning speed outside of floating zone is awefully slow and unplayable.

Opposite, if I have a mouse speed up to have decent turning speed outside floating zone, the crosshair zaps left and right at lightning speed when inside of floating zone, making aiming more a matter of spray&pray than anyting else.

conclusion : floating zone is not playable for me

And dexterity is aparently not taken into account out of floating zone (or it has far far less impact) => in A2, most people don't feel the difference between weapons. but there is definitely a difference, test MG and rifle with floating zone to the max, you'll see it.

Edited by whisper

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To me, most of the weapons feel the same (with floating zone off). I'd like a different turning speed or having the weapon lag behind like it does when floating zone is on.

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Rifles are okay so far, but should be made more tactical.

I don't have the feeling, that my rifle is pressed into the shoulder.

Fast "pointing & shooting" is not really possible.

Shooting "Rambo style" from the hip feels allright. ;)

But badest part is pistol shooting.

Try CQB with C1987's HK MP7 against some bad guys.

It feels like you are working for the

Would be cool to see some more work on the animations to get some "tactical feeling" into this game.

MfG Lee :)

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  jasonnoguchi said:
Does different weapons have different turning speeds?? So far after months of playing, all the primary weapons seem to turn as fast as I can flick my mouse... what am I missing?

(by the way, weapons with the "handle" should not turn faster. Thats not the purpose of the "handle". The "handle" is there because the picatinny rail makes it impossible to hold the barrel guard. Some claims it reduces recoil but empirical testing proofs otherwise.)

In ArmA, each weapon has a 'dexterity' config value. How much difference this translates into the real game, I am not sure. The barret in ACE in ArmA 1 certainly was very difficult to manoeuvre. No doubt this was as a result of a very low dexterity value.

Edited by Max Power

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@Max & Whisper, Thanks alot for the clarification! :) I play with floating zone off now due to the speed difference thing whisper mentioned so yeah, maybe that's why i didn't feel any diff.

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