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VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor

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Great tool, how the heck do you place in 3d mode? I see the 3d, move it around but how to set it?

Aslo, How/where would be ammo and weapons boxes?

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Ammo/Weapons located under "Logistics" under the faction selections.

3d place w/ the "C" key


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When I change my class as gamemaster, im not able to use the command module anymore. Bug?

Suggestion: Use the object names instead of class names in the info messages for the vts-scripts (pickup, hostages, etc.).

VTS is an outstanding tool. Great work!

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L'etranger i have some problems with the hostage behaviour:when in custody he refuses to obey orders,ie not moving to the given position or follow his leader.

Am i doing something wrong or it's a bug?

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L'etranger i have some problems with the hostage behaviour:when in custody he refuses to obey orders,ie not moving to the given position or follow his leader.

Am i doing something wrong or it's a bug?

Hm.. the Hostage can move only after beeing free. I will enable the move when joining and disable when unjoining.


Sometime, object name doesnt exist for custom object, and sometime name are generated for some object.So i feel it's more precise to have the class name.

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Q1: Is there any best practice to use ammo boxes beyond the standard layout? How to insert weapons and mags? Via command line?

Q2: How to setup the team slots (fraction, types)? Config?

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Another problem:

1. Spawn a unit

2. Switch to command mode

3. Reassign the order for the unit

4. Try to repeat reassignment

Its impossible to set spawn- or waypoints away from existing units or objects (= in open space). Its broken until mission restart. Disabling command mode doesnt help.

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Its probably because you have updated the game to 1.57 OA will associate .pbo filenames. You need to modify your registry to remove all instances of .pbo Then cpbo will work again

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So far, Only the Game Master can access the shop, Why can't anyone else access the shop within the mission.

Also , is there any way to assign my own prices to each item?

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Because you have to add an object with the init "shop". For exemple you click on editor, you select a goat, you click on init, select the shop, finally click on 2D and place it on the map. Now the goat is your shop for the players.

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Q1: Is there any best practice to use ammo boxes beyond the standard layout? How to insert weapons and mags? Via command line?

Q2: How to setup the team slots (fraction, types)? Config?

Q1 You can a name your object when you spawn the ammobox, then use the arma scripting function to add item inside (but you must know the weapon name)

Q2 If you mean the faction lobby , there is actually noway. And the skin change isn't enough reliable.

Another problem:

1. Spawn a unit

2. Switch to command mode

3. Reassign the order for the unit

4. Try to repeat reassignment

Its impossible to set spawn- or waypoints away from existing units or objects (= in open space). Its broken until mission restart. Disabling command mode doesnt help.

Confirmed, not sure if it can be fixed by scripting, i suggest you to not use the Commander , or only use it.

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Hi i have some question. I hope someone can help with that

Q1. How can I place IED and mines with VTS?

Q2. How can I insert waypoints to units, which I created ?

Q3. How can I delete created units?


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Hi i have some question. I hope someone can help with that

Q1. How can I place IED and mines with VTS?

Q2. How can I insert waypoints to units, which I created ?

Q3. How can I delete created units?


Q1 use the the is_VTS function on the init field of an object to spawn

Q2 Use the reassign boutton, to assign the selected order to an existing unit

Q3 There is delete button (all actions using the current radius value)

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New version : VTS 3.5 RC 11

RC 11 change log :

-Add : Support for Isola Di Capraia island in the .bat

-Add : Support for ACE rope box and CSW box in logistic crates

-Fixed : Shop items were always unlocked although unlock option was set on "Unlock by GM and players sales"

-Fixed : Fog was not sync for JIP players

-Fixed : Rain was not sync for JIP players

-Fixed : Color filters was not sync for JIP players

-Fixed : Sometime spawn base was created on water on some islands.

Edited by L etranger

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Found two bugs:

1. When you take control over an unit and switch back to GM, you loose the ability to use the commander module.

2. Use 3D placement and press T, use 3D editor again (do NOT leave the editor with space). This results in flickering of the object during the placement. The selected unit during the first placement remains in the game world with the the editor arrow. T should be locked during 3D placement...

It would be nice to have an easy way to extend VTS with some user defined scripts - even in the combo boxes for the init oder script example line. Its much easier (faster) than copy+paste (Kremator mentioned this already). One of my biggest problems with VTS: When you move the respawn point, you have to provide the new location with ammo crates. You have to place many standard crates or you must call a script to fill them up. It would be much easier to have a predefined init line to call the filler script.

Edited by svenson

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Hi L'etranger,

I just answered a post in the video section where I recommended using VTS but then it struck me ...... Is it possible to stop (or slow to a set amount) the action? Kinda like a video recorder's pause button! Now I know it is a MP mission but if the game master is the ONLY player then can the action be frozen?

If you can make this so (and we are good at using mouse and keyboard!) then this will make AWESOME videos!

Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both...... Keep up the good work guys!

Edited by Kremator

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Updating here as it seems like norrin's revive is broken.

If I create a squad and get them to join me as my AI, and then i kill myself they will not come to revive me. I have changed the correct variables in revive.sqf so that I can press HELP. I get an error that there are no potential revivers (even though they are on my team!).

Is it a problem with the logic 'serveur' (instead of 'server')?

Please have a good look into this as it is very sick currently :(

Thanks guys. Appreciate it !

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Hi L'etranger,

I just answered a post in the video section where I recommended using VTS but then it struck me ...... Is it possible to stop (or slow to a set amount) the action? Kinda like a video recorder's pause button! Now I know it is a MP mission but if the game master is the ONLY player then can the action be frozen?

If you can make this so (and we are good at using mouse and keyboard!) then this will make AWESOME videos!

Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both...... Keep up the good work guys!

-Slow Motion and Accelleration are only in SP mode. You can use the command line tool to set them. But you must run the mission as a single player mission then.

-I'm not sure the revive script is AI comaptible.

Edited by L etranger

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norrin has been kind enough to look at his revive built into VTS, so we will see if he can sort it for players with AI.

Thanks for the info on SlowMo - was just an idea. Of course it makes sense to have it only in SP.

Regarding the camera script, could you make it so that it can look up as well please?

Any update on whether we can place UPSMON into the mission (to replace/ enhance the patrol scripts that are already there) ?



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