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[R3F] Artillery and Logistic: Manual artillery and advanced logistic (mission script)

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I really love your work. It really does add tremendously to ArmA2. I was wondering if it would it be possible to include some additional elements to this suite?

I looked at your scripts and while I think I could eventually figure them out, it would be much faster (and easier for me) to ask you to include Close Air Support, Medivac, etc. messages in the R3F suite.

For CAS (Close Air Support):

The pilot should contact the commander and send him the following information:



CAS Check-in Briefing Form:

(Aircraft transmits to controller)

Aircraft: “_____________________, this is _________________________â€

(controller call sign) (aircraft call sign)

1. Identification/mission number: “________________________________â€

NOTE: Authentication and appropriate response suggested here. The brief may be abbreviated for brevity or security (“as fragged†or “with exceptionâ€).

2. Number and type of aircraft: “___________________________________â€

3. Position and altitude: “_________________________________________â€

4. Ordnance: “_________________________________________________â€

5. Time on station: “____________________________________________â€

6. Abort code: “________________________________________________â€



When the ground commander is ready, he will contact the aircraft and send him the following:



9-Line Briefing Form

Omit data not required; do not transmit line numbers. Units of measure are standard

unless otherwise specified.

*Denotes minimum essential information required in a limited communication environment.

Bold denotes read back items when requested.

Terminal controller: “________________________, this is ________________________â€

(aircraft call sign) (terminal controller)

*1. IP/BP: “_____________________________________________________________â€

*2. Heading: “________________________†(magnetic). “Offset ___________ (left/right)â€

*3. Distance: “__________________________________________________________â€

*4. Target elevation: “__________________________________________†(in feet MSL)

*5. Target description: “___________________________________________________â€

*6. Target location: “_____________________________________________________â€

(latitude/longitude or grid coordinates or offsets or visual)

7. Type mark: “________________________†Code: “_________________________â€

(WP/laser/IR/beacon) (actual code)

Laser to target line: “____________________________________________degreesâ€

*8. Location of friendlies: “_______________________________________________â€

Position marked by: “__________________________________________________â€

9. “Egress ____________________________________________________________â€


Remarks (as appropriate): “________________________________________________â€

(Threats, Hazards, Weather, Restrictions, Ordnance Delivery, Attack Heading, Danger Close, SEAD)

Time on target: “TOT _____________________________________________________â€


Time to target: “Stand by ____________________ plus _________________ . . . Hack.â€



A MEDIVAC message would include the following:

LINE 1 -- DATE AND TIME______________________________(DTG)

LINE 2 -- UNIT________________________________________(Unit Making Report)

LINE 3 -- LOCATION___________________________________(UTM or Six-Digit Grid Coordinate With MGRS Grid Zone Designator) of Pickup Site Location; Encrypt if Using Non-Secure Means of Communication)

LINE 4 -- RADIO FREQUENCY___________________________(Radio Frequency at Pickup Site; Call Sign, and Suffix)

LINE 5 -- NUMBER OF PATIENTS(P)______________________(Number of Patients by Precedence. Report Only Applicable Information and Encrypt the Brevity Codes:






If two or more categories must be reported in the same request, insert the word BREAK between each category.)

LINE 6 -- SPECIAL EQUIPMENT__________________________(Encrypt the Applicable Brevity Codes.

A -- None

B -- Hoist

C -- Extraction Equipment)

LINE 7 -- NUMBER OF PATIENTS(T)______________________(Total Number of Patients by Type. L + # of PNT -- Litter / A + # of PNT -- Ambulatory)

LINE 8 -- SECURITY OF PICK-UP SITE____________________(N -- No Enemy Troops in Area

P -- Possibly Enemy Troops in Area (approach with caution)

E -- Enemy Troops in Area (approach with caution)

X -- Enemy Troops in Area (armed escort required))


_____________________________________________________(Specific Information Regarding Patient Wounds by Type)

LINE 10 -- METHOD OF MARKING AT PZ_________________(Encrypt the Brevity Codes:

A -- Panels

B -- Pyrotechnic signal

C -- Smoke Signal

D -- None

E -- Other)

LINE 11 -- PATIENT NATIONALITY ______________________(Number of Patients in Each

Category Need Not be Transmitted. Encrypt Only the Applicable Brevity Codes:

A -- US Military

B -- US Civilian

C -- Non-US Military

D -- Non-US Civilian

E -- EPW)

LINE 12 -- NBC CONTAMINATION ______________________(NBC Contamination; Use Brevity Codes:

N = Nuclear

B = Biological

C = Chemical

U = Unknown

A = All Clear)

LINE 13 -- TERRAIN DESCRIPTION ______________________(Description of Terrain Features at the Proposed Pick-up Site)

LINE 14 -- AUTHENTICATION___________________________(Report Authentication)



A Landing Zone Briefing message would include the following:

1. MISSION NO. ___________________

2. LOCATION: COOR/RAD/DME ___________________

3. UNIT CALL SIGN ___________________

4. FREQUENCY PRI UHF _____________

SEC UHF _____________

FM/VHF ____________

FM/VHF ____________

5. LZ MARKING ___________________

6. WIND DIRECTION/VELOCITY _________/_________

7. ELEVATION/SIZE/SHAPE ______/______/______

8. OBSTACLES ___________________


DIRECTION/DISTANCE _________/_________


DIRECTION/DISTANCE _________/_________


TIME/TYPE _________/_________

12. DIRECTION OF FIRE/DISTANCE _________/_________


DIRECTION/DISTANCE _________/_________


(RECOMMENDED) _________/_________

15. PERSONNEL/EQUIPMENT _________/_________



b. _____________






Fire Capability Report (FireCap)

Precedence: Priority

a. Firing unit

b. Location

c. Direction of fire

d. Number of tubes

e. Round count

f. Remarks



The CAS information below is for your information (I don’t know if it will make it easy to make the sqf files:

Line 1. IP/BP. Initial point is used for fixed-wing aircraft. It is the 5–15 nautical mile run-in to the target. A battle position is used for rotary-wing aircraft. It is 3,000–5,000 meters from the target. It is a large area (1000 x 1000 m or >) from which a rotary-wing aircraft engages the target. In some instances, an informal airspace coordination area (ACA) may have to be established to allow the rotary wing aircraft to run-in closer (500–1500 meters) to the target.

Line 2. Heading. The heading is given in degrees magnetic from IP(or center of the BP) to the target. The Offset (left or right) indicates the side of the IP to target line that aircrews can maneuver in while in the target area. Saying degrees magnetic after the number is not necessary—degrees magnetic is understood.

Line 3. Distance. The distance from the IP/center of the BP to the target. It is given in nautical miles to the nearest tenth (e.g., 12.3 nautical miles) to fixed-wing aircraft and in meters to the nearest hundred (e.g., 3200 meters) for rotary-wing aircraft. Saying nautical miles after the number is not necessary—nautical miles are understood.

Line 4. Target elevation. The target elevation is given in feet above mean sea level. If the map contour interval is in feet, take the elevation directly from the map. If the map contour is in meters, convert it to feet.

Line 5. Target description. The target description contains the number, type of target, and degree of protection. It is a brief, concise description of the target. It includes target activity and configuration that may assist its identification. For example, 4 APCs on road, stationary. . . . Bunker complex. . . . Tank column in open, moving north to south.

Line 6. Target location. The target location is a 6-digit grid coordinate. Target location can be given as a UTM grid coordinate or as latitude and longitude. Any Marine Corps CAS aircraft can accept a UTM grid coordinate.

Line 7. Type mark. The type of mark used: e.g., WP (white phosphorus), RP (red phosphorus), laser (include 4-digit code), illumination on the deck, HE, mirror flash. If no mark is available, the pilot is guided onto the target using available references (e.g., roads, streams, open areas, prominent terrain).

Line 8. Location of friendlies. Cardinal direction (north, south, east, west) and distance (in meters) from the target to the nearest friendly position, which is frequently the forward air controller’s position. Example: SW 1500.

Line 9. Egress. Instructions the aircraft will follow to exit the target area after engaging the target. It includes direction to turn out of the target area and a control point to which the aircraft will fly. Use the word “Egress†before giving egress instructions. Example: Egress east, then south to Georgia.

Remarks. If applicable, additional threats, hazards, weather, final attack heading, artillery gun target lines, etc., can be given here.

Time on target. Time on target (TOT) is the synchronized, universal clock time when ordnance will hit the target. There is no time “HACK†for TOT. TOT is the preferred towing method. The Naval Observatory (DSN 762-1401) or a global positioning system (GPS) can provide a common time reference. If neither is available, the terminal controller can still execute a TOT mission by synchronizing time using a watch as a reference. It is passed to the aircraft as a number of minutes past the hour (e.g., 1624 would be 24 and communicated as Time on target 24).

Time to target. Time to target (TTT) is the number of minutes and seconds after the “HACK†that ordnance will hit the target (e.g., 4 minutes would be passed as 4 plus 00). Immediately after the minutes and seconds are passed, HACK is said. The pilot punches a stopwatch in the aircraft and prepares to put bombs on the target at the requested time. Example: Stand by for the time to target. . . . Time to target 4 plus 00. . . . HACK.

Note: “HACK†indicates that all participants start the countdown. Amplifying remarks. Anything else that is pertinent to the mission must also be passed to the pilot. If a further explanation of the target area will assist the pilot in locating the target, that information is

passed after the TOT/TTT has been passed. There is no format for this information. Communicate with the pilot using plain language.

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Adding that much detail limits units who must do modifications for practical application in game. Like the 9 line CAS, and 9 line MEDEVAC for example. Some things yes, but others don't apply to the game itself. Also this kind of stuff is transmitted via radio in RL, so just like RL it can and should be transmitted via vent/TS/VON as most units who would even use this kinda stuff would.

Also your "9" Line MEDEVAC is completely wrong to and would completely give out the wrong information on the NET. You would get a WTF response with 12 lines.

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is completely wrong
It is from the Army Study Guide... go figure. As an ANGILCO Marine, I never actually called in a Medivac.

I, however, disagree with your statement about this information not being practical. For those high-speed, low-drag units like yours or ShackTac, et al, that do this shit correctly to begin with, it is not needed. However, for other servers where people are pubbing without much dedication , I think this could help out pilots/players tremendously. If you've been on a public server, someone might type in side chat that they need a pickup, drop off or bombs in a certain area. Typically, the message that is sent is severally lacking in important details. If they were filling out one of madbull's forms and then selecting the pilot and sending it to him, the odds of it being more complete and correct are much higher. This, I believe, will help bring even more realism and enjoyable play to non-dedicated team/coop play on public servers. Additionally, it will help those individuals that don't have all the technical skills to slowly start to acquire and apply it more consistently and meaningfully.

Back to the Medivac - Medivacs are something that have severally been undervalued by the nature of the game itself. It is far easier to simply die and respawn than it is to coordinate and wait for a Medivac. As with my argument above, if players see the correct format, and it is sent to a competent pilot, it might encourage more realistic and tactical play on public servers.

Having looked at the code, it should be possible to send another message format without too much alteration of madbull's code. If that is true, then it might be worth the payoff on "normal" public servers.

BTW, what is your server? If possible, I would love to hope on and see how you guys do things.

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On your response to medevac. That all comes down to who you play with and the setup of the mission. If you want it you got it, its all up to organization like anything, and it doesn't stop the re-spawning. We currently do Medevacs and all that completely fine using 9 lines fine.

Also this is the 9 line from armystudyguide. So where did you get yours?


As I spoke with you on my vent, the servers with pubbing and not much dedication are really not going to use a full system like this. Coordinate really starts with VOIP on vent or TS like on most servers and people who don't join them are not there on a dedicated level in most cases. Now I do believe that having a system that gives a couple basic information for request reasons could help, but I don't recommend using full military standardized formats to accomplish this as those formats and systems are used by a trained army. That is why our unit has training and why we arleady use 9 line CAS, MEDEVAC, SPOT/SALUTE Report, ACE Reports, Call for Fire, 9 Line UXO/IED report, etc.

The reason his current system is great is because its more than passing information to. Its a calculation system which was a needed/missing link to the operation and use for grid reference artillery support.

We have a few different servers. If you like I believe what you are looking for would be a public tactical coop event in which we allow the public to mix with unit members and members of other units in a operation and somewhat see what we do (not the full extent). USMC warriors are welcome to join us when we announce the next operation which should be the first or second week in February. Also our tactical server which requires support member access which comes with donations to offset the cost our servers runs differently and tends to have a lot more teamwork and coordination, along with offering something different from our main server which runs a version of domination in which I have customized.

Edited by Alderman

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Sounds good. I will pass the word on to the rest of the Warriors.

As for the rest, you are likely correct and it will not be implemented in the way I imagine.

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@Alderman [3rd MD] :

> "so the max precision that can be entered will be changed to 8 digit? Either by manual enter or mapclick?"


> "to disable the map click on our tactical and training servers that have missions using this for realism purposes, but will enable on our public domination"

That's the best thing to do. See config.sqf of R3F_ARTY to disable it ;)

> "if I can get the damn thing working with domination"

The only "difficult" task is to match the coloumns of the stringtable.csv

> "easier way to disable the logistics system and have only the artillery would be nice btw"

Simply empty all the arrays in the config.sqf of R3F_LOG. But I'll might include a quick config variable to disable it (in a future version).

@Kroky and all the ones spoke about an addon version :

At the current state of the project, an addon version is not planned (there are many more important things).

Also, at the moment we don't think that it's a good idea :

- it's easy and fast to install on a mission

- this is the role of the mission maker to choose wich objects are (and more especially are not) movable

- we don't want to force players of a public server (or private) to download an addon to be able to join a mission having the R3F system

- there are other technical inconveniences. By example the need of configuring on the fly (for the mission maker) new objects to be handled

We will reconsider the question in a future version.

@Muecke :

Your mission init file is a SQS. You can't include SQF in SQS.

So replace #include "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"

by execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

It seems to work good (no time to test longer).

@phxfire :

I don't understand what is your problem. It sould compute in about 50 minutes with the startLoadingScreen.

Launch your game without this ACE2. It throws logs in your RPT.

@phaeden :

CAS and MEDEVAC is not the purpose of the [R3F] Artillery and Logistic. This things are too far from the existing features.

If someone want that, he sould develop his own scripts/addon.

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Yes Madbull now it works good !

Thank you verry much for your help and for the fantastic skripts...



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@madbull, sounds good.

I still think this is the best things since sliced bread (in other words, it is really great)!

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i want to set the Satphone to be byed from MHQ and if it spawns to give it a option to activate it.I have a script for this.would you have a look on it cause the Quater wont get created.

WaitUntil {alive _vehicle};

if (isServer) then


_dist = 2 + ((structDefs select (_this select 1)) select sdMaxRadius);

(_this select 0) addAction ["active Quarter", "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\create_arty_quarter.sqf"];



any idea ?



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@Muecke :

the "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\create_arty_quarter.sqf" script needs a parameter :

[mySatPhone] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\create_arty_quarter.sqf";


[mySatPhone] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\R3F_ARTY\poste_commandement\creer_poste_commandement.sqf";

Because the first script is only a shortcut to the second one.

EDIT : note that creating a new arty quarter is different that deploying it.

Edited by madbull

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as a former artillery crew commander i want to say thank you for a great artillery mod.

i want to ask you about what you think to add or change in this mod for the future. i know that is was discussed before but i would realy like to have the option that artillery guns will be operated by AI.

i also want to report a problem i have. sometime the added actions in the menu are invisible and the text in the artillery computer and the gun computer are invisible as well, i can access them by guessing how the action bar should be and to slide the wheel to that option.

again, thanks.


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as a former artillery crew commander i want to say thank you for a great artillery mod.

i want to ask you about what you think to add or change in this mod for the future. i know that is was discussed before but i would realy like to have the option that artillery guns will be operated by AI.

i also want to report a problem i have. sometime the added actions in the menu are invisible and the text in the artillery computer and the gun computer are invisible as well, i can access them by guessing how the action bar should be and to slide the wheel to that option.

again, thanks.


Were you army or USMC there sean?

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@seansharlos :

About the problem you reported :

Could you PM me some screenshots explaining the problem ?

This problem occurs on the demo mission or a custom installation ?

What is your "interface size" configuration ?

I was about to write a message informing of the planned modifications for next versions. So your answer is here :

TODO list :

Out of date. See the first message.

This declaration has been copied in the first message. Edited by madbull

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Awesome madbull, thanks for giving a update and what your plans are. Also will we be able to enter a 6 digit grid which would result in less precision (aka 100m, 8 digit being 10m).

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;1556750']able to enter a 6 digit grid

Yes. If you input three digits in long and lat : it will be recognized as a 6 digits grid reference (precision 100m).

And if you input four digits in long and lat : it will be recognized as a 8 digits grid reference (precision 10m).

Map click will give a 8 digits precision (of course). And this feature will still can be disabled.

Edited by madbull

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Yes. If you input three digits in long and lat : it will be recognized as a 6 digits grid reference (precision 100m).

And if you input four digits in long and lat : it will be recognized as a 8 digits grid reference (precision 10m).

Map click will give a 8 digits precision (of course). And this feature will still can be disabled.

Awesome, most likely we will disable it. Any chance to may have a option to have the map click as a 6 digit precision? This we might use since its easy to know the 6 digit by the grid box. Not the biggest thing but another useful suggestion. If you need or could use any assistance from the 3rd Marine Division let me know to. Thanks a lot Madbull.

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Quoting the presentation article :

- Compatible : MP, JIP, SP

Of course it's compatible MP. This is here one of the great dimensions of this software.

Edited by madbull

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@seansharlos :

This declaration has been copied in the first message.

May I add:

Consider to release the addon version ADDITIONALLY. So if then clients dont need to download the addon and missions can still be made with scripts only. But when somebody would like to play all the SP missions with your system, then he could without editing all the missions.

I personally would be very grateful for an addon version besides the script version.

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@Alderman [3rd MD] :

> "map click as a 6 digit precision?"

We will see what is the best.

@Kroky :

> "addon version ADDITIONALLY"

That's what I meant by :

- reconsider the question : must we release an addon version ?

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@Alderman [3rd MD] :

> "map click as a 6 digit precision?"

We will see what is the best.

@Kroky :

> "addon version ADDITIONALLY"

That's what I meant by :

Ahh, ok. Didnt understand that. Sorry!

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Great Thing!

You have fixed the big hole in Arma2 :)

(That's a pity that in arma there are no trailers - towing a cannon looks not realistic, of course, because of the game engine, but your idea to make this working as it can be with this engine is great and deserves respect!)

I have several questions.

1. Can I use your script in my missions (of course with mentioning you in credits) ?

2. Does it support Trucks of Russian, CDF and INS factions? (If not, can it be easily modified? Haven't downloaded it yet and haven't looked into code)

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@Kroky :

No problem. That was not explicitely writen.

@McArcher :

1. Yes you can use the system in your missions (if you don't remove the software name in the in-game dialogs).

I notice you about a current ballistic calculation deviation which will be fixed this week-end (if I get enough time). We just discovered that yesterday. Check out for a new version soon. (You'll just have to copy/paste the files. The installation procedure will be the same.)

2. Yes, Russian, CDF and INS factions are already handled.

But if a object/vehicle type you want is not managed, it can be easily added via the configuration file (read the manual).

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