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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

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    • No
    • Sometimes

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I can tell some about this:

- when using ACE2 with GL4 AI difficult level on, its true AI wont hit you, even when they are very close

- I usually turn the enemy AI difficult level off

- I tried with ACE2 and ZEUS and the AI is hard. Really hard. With Zeus mod the enemy needs only a glimpse of time and they hit you.

- Right now I use ACE2 without Zeus and with GL4 enemy AI difficult level off.

And the AI is realistic for me.

- Solution:

#1 use ACE2 AI only

#2 use ACE2 with Zeus AI for ACE together - very hard

#3 use GL4 AI difficult level only, (disable ACE2 AI, dont know how though)

#4 use ACE2 with GL4 AI difficult level enable, BUT then you have to adjust the settings in the userconfig for all values like: aiming accuracy, aiming shake, aiming speed....

Can also verify this using ACE2 and this new version. Even so with that aside, I have to say I am having a lot of fun with this. You really outdid yourself mate. I'm hoping once I get a temporary Dedicated server setup that Mark will be able to use all of this on the server. Game play just isn't the same without GL4. :)

(BTW, really loving the new HQ radio feature!)

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Greetings again, SNKMAN.

I DLed the latest version of your mod a few days ago, and am enjoying it immensely!!!

Just one question/comment:

I've noticed when running or crawling through wooded areas, there is a "psht....psht..psht..." type sound, randomly. I'm assuming it's meant to simulate twigs and branches snapping underfoot, as it seems to happen most frequently in the woods, only occasionally in fields, and never on roads.

I know this going to sound nit-picky, but:

I live in a heavily wooded area....I know what snapping branches sound like, and that is not it. While I enjoy the effect (and the clever way it was implemented, I might add), I'm not crazy about that particular sound effect.

My issue is that this "snapping twig" sound really sounds very much more like a nearby suppressed gunshot...had me really looking around at first. So I started paying attention to when/where I was actually hearing it. At one point, I was leading a squad through the woods, and it sounded like a hundred distant snipers.

Although I've heard it described as "clonky-tonk", I personally don't see any issue with the vanilla foot-fall sound effects in ArmA2.

My question is:

Where do I go to disable this "twig" sound? It's driving me a bit nuts!

And my comment would be:

Fantastic mod, SNKMAN. A brilliant add-on. Perhaps if any future versions emerge, you could make that "snapping branch" sound a little more organic, and a little less mechanic!

Then I could enable it again!!! LOL!

Keep up the good work, brother man!

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Hi SNKMAN.Thanks for this great mod with new artillery systems.I have a little problem when i use friendly A.I. Artillery: M119 and GL4 High Command Artillery work perfectly, but the D30 for shooting only turns towards goal and no actually shots.Can i fix it?

P.S. Sorry for my clumsy English

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I've added the Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.75 ( Full ) to our Community Repo.

Download/Update with Yoma's Addonsync from Kellys Community Mods/Addons Repo


How to use Yoma AddonSync -> http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=3212#p27746

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Thanks to the developers of this great mod!

Question: Could someone PLS spell out exactly how to use "Force Move"?

Which keys are involved.................sorry about this. I'm a noober with a bowl of goober.

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Maybe it's already been asked but where did you get the sound files for the "Air_Land_Chatter"?

You wouldn't happen to know what battle in Vietnam this was would ya? I tried googling the callsigns that I heard but no results. It's not that important but it's bugging me. lol

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@Kommiekat, I'll teach you everything you need to play with GL4 properly over msn. :)

Anyone wants msn guidance on all these mods including ACE and GL4 can PM me for msn. :)

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First of all thanks for all the nice feedback and suggestions.

About the "Force Move" feature.

After some thinking i will not make it fail some times becouse the reason why i have made it was to get the friendly A.I. of a player team to where you want.

So if i would make them react in another way given to something might happend then the effectivity of the "Force Move" feature would be destroyed.

So this means friendly A.I. will always "Force Move" like it works now. :)

After seeing that you like the "Force Move" feature i will of course add a option to make friendly A.I. of a group "Force Move" to a given position like requested. ;)


Does it actually provide functionality or just chatter?

It's "Radio Chatter" only there is nothing more you can do then listen to it. Same like the "Vehicle Chatter".


Then I cancelled the helo. At that point it just stopped in midair/midflight.

I had this problem in the past a few times but since some time it never happend again.

It's pretty damn hard to find the right part becouse it seems to happend very randomly.

Anyway i will check it again.


The Force Move (HAUL ASS!) feature is the BEST feature in this version for me!


Glad you like it. :)


#1 use ACE2 AI only

#2 use ACE2 with Zeus AI for ACE together - very hard

#3 use GL4 AI difficult level only, (disable ACE2 AI, dont know how though)

#4 use ACE2 with GL4 AI difficult level enable, BUT then you have to adjust the settings in the userconfig for all values like: aiming accuracy, aiming

Hmm... This really sounds not that good.

I have increased/changed many "Skill Type" values may enemy A.I. now is acting way too tactically.

The same i already have noticed with the "aimingAccuraty" skill types settings.

If you set it to 0.8 ( a really high value ) then enemy A.I. do fire every 10 seconds only. But they hit pretty good.

So we seriously have to find the perfect skill types settings.

@Ben Endless

I've noticed when running or crawling through wooded areas, there is a "psht....psht..psht..." type sound, randomly.

Yes this should simulate twigs. :)

Well it's really hard to get a realistically twig sound from somewhere.

I wanted to go to the nearby forest myself and record one but i don't have anything to record it in good quality.

You can disable this "feature" only by removing the "GL4_Sound_FX.pbo" vecouse it is made config based.

But if you remove/delete the "GL4_Sound_FX.pbo" then you will lose all features which are based on this .pbo


but the D30 for shooting only turns towards goal and no actually shots.Can i fix it?

To be true, i never tryed this feature with another cannon like the M119.

May i should give it a go. :)

B.t.w.: Your english is fine.


I've added the Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.75 ( Full ) to our Community Repo.

Many thanks Cross.


It's descripted in the Feature.pdf.

Feature.pdf "Force Move":

Force Move: Player / MP

This feature gives a player ( leader only ) the ability to retreat all units of his group even if the units are in a

situation where they would not move by default.

Force Move:

Choose the units which you like to “Force Move“ with the F - Keys.

Open the “Communication Menu†by pressing the keys 0 – 8.

Select the “Force Move†menu and select “Moveâ€.

Force Regroup:

Choose the “Communication Menu†by pressing the keys 0 – 8.

Open the “Force Move†menu and select “Regroupâ€.

Info: While units of a player group are forced to move the leader of the group will totally lose control over the

units which was forced to move.

Also units which was forced to move will ignor everything around them even if the situation could be deadly.

After the units was forced to regroup and returned back into the player group the player will get back full control

over the units.


Maybe it's already been asked but where did you get the sound files for the "Air_Land_Chatter"?

They are all from the O.F.P. E.C.P. ( Enhanced Configuration Project )

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#1 use ACE2 AI only

#2 use ACE2 with Zeus AI for ACE together - very hard

#3 use GL4 AI difficult level only, (disable ACE2 AI, dont know how though)

#4 use ACE2 with GL4 AI difficult level enable, BUT then you have to adjust the settings in the userconfig for all values like: aiming accuracy, aiming

I've tested GL4 with ACE 2 last night even in MP and tha AI seems to act very well. Thay are very hard to fight and they move very well (without adjusting settings in the userconfig)

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Yeah to me everything works like it should too.

Very confusing. :confused:

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Yeah to me everything works like it should too.

Very confusing. :confused:

Maybe it's a bad mod selection in the shortcut or too many mods started.

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I really don't think that SNKMAN has to comply with ACE, too much trouble for him. The complexity of how both mods interlink is just mindboggling (to me, at least). Some good advice on how they could be used together is of course nice, but we should not expect SNKMAN to supply it.


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I really don't think that SNKMAN has to comply with ACE, too much trouble for him. The complexity of how both mods interlink is just mindboggling (to me, at least). Some good advice on how they could be used together is of course nice, but we should not expect SNKMAN to supply it.


Of course :D

I always prefer to run only one mod at time. I will use only GL4 ;)

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I really don't think that SNKMAN has to comply with ACE, too much trouble for him. The complexity of how both mods interlink is just mindboggling (to me, at least). Some good advice on how they could be used together is of course nice, but we should not expect SNKMAN to supply it.


Agreed. In fact, he made GL4 customisable enough to adapt to any mods so you only need to figure out which part to turn on or off to make it work together.

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Agreed. In fact, he made GL4 customisable enough to adapt to any mods so you only need to figure out which part to turn on or off to make it work together.

Absolutely right and cudos to SNKMAN for that approach.

As for the "only need to figure out" bit - I'm only running one mod at a time for that reason alone. I would have no idea where to start looking for stuff to turn on or off in ACE or GL4. I would rather respect the designers of the individual mods and go with what they recommend through their hard work.

But that's just me - in the end you need to enjoy playing the game, so anyone should do what they want. :)

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I don't think there is an option to turn things on & off in ACE2 (config options notwithstanding). They recommend you don't delete ANY of the PBOs because they're too interlinked or something.

Not exactly consistent with the ArmA2 spirit. I like most of ACE2 it's a great achievement, but the "use it all or use none of it" approach is not one of those achievements :)

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Absolutely right and cudos to SNKMAN for that approach.

As for the "only need to figure out" bit - I'm only running one mod at a time for that reason alone. I would have no idea where to start looking for stuff to turn on or off in ACE or GL4. I would rather respect the designers of the individual mods and go with what they recommend through their hard work.

But that's just me - in the end you need to enjoy playing the game, so anyone should do what they want. :)

Check how I have the GL4 .hpps setup in my SP mission Th Conqueror. I have forced the GL4 settings to use the .hpps in the actual mission folder. It seems to work very, very well with ACE2.

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but the D30 for shooting only turns towards goal and no actually shots.Can i fix it?

Okay after some tests i think this is a ArmA 2 bug.

Looks like A.I. can't fire the D30 but the feature still works like it should only different is that the D30 gunner do not fire the weapon.

Artillery shells are impacting correctly.


I really don't think that SNKMAN has to comply with ACE.

We bouth have our goals A.C.E. 2 and Group Link 4.

Of course in the mean time i don't pay too much attention about the compatibility to other mods but if there is something i can do after it was spotted i will of course try to keep the compatibility of Group Link 4 as high as possible.

Group Link 4 really is grown to a damn big monster! :D

So i have to think about in which parts of Group Link 4 i should force and spend my time.


Thanks for your workout. ;)

@all "Force Move" users.

Well today i have spend the whole day to improve the "Force Move" feature.

It's now working in a really pretty nice way.

Units of a player group can now be forced to move to the leaders position or to any position made by Map - Click. :D

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@all "Force Move" users.

Well today i have spend the whole day to improve the "Force Move" feature.

It's now working in a really pretty nice way.

Units of a player group can now be forced to move to the leaders position or to any position made by Map - Click. :D

Nice! (and I mean that in the non-DR use of the word)

This mod is a sexy beast and personally I prefer to use just this + MMA +HIFI. I find that by not mixing too many other mods that it plays out the way I like to play and is very dynamic. GL4's configurability and joy factor are second to none.

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Well today i have spend the whole day to improve the "Force Move" feature.

It's now working in a really pretty nice way.

Units of a player group can now be forced to move to the leaders position or to any position made by Map - Click. :D

Hi SNKMAN, that is excellent news! Is it in the download now, or are you still working on it? No rush, I just couldn't tell if it was done or if it was really done :)

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No it's still W.I.P. and in testing stage.

I only have made the basic of the new "Force Move" feature i still need to tweaked a lot to make it work like it should.

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Just wanted to say SNKMAN that we all appreciate the efforts you are putting in ! GL4 is and should be part of everyone's mod lineup :)

Keep up the good work mate !

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Check how I have the GL4 .hpps setup in my SP mission Th Conqueror. I have forced the GL4 settings to use the .hpps in the actual mission folder. It seems to work very, very well with ACE2.

Thanks for the pointer, Manzilla :)

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Hey I was just thinking about the shooting/missing thing that I and some others have experienced. I use to use zeus's AI fix for ACE2 and it requires changing some settings in your profile. I'm wondering if because of those settings and not using zeus if that's what made the AI miss like crazy? I was ablse to stand in front of a small group. Funny thing was one AI looked like he was trying to hit me in the head with 203 rounds, LOL.

So yeah, I'm wondering if the settings they suggest to change to in your profile to run the ai tweaks could be the culprit?

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