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FV432 British APC (WIP me)

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really need some nice brit armour to replace the M113 and bradleys...

You may want to wait and see what the PR group bring into the british cause ;)

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Last time I used the 432 was way back in 2005, I think they are still in use.


Brian :)

Very much so. Since 2007, a large number of FV430s have had a complete drive-train upgrade and are now called 'Bulldog'.

You can easily tell the difference between Bulldogs and FV430s from Bulldog having an additional engine access panel on the front. That, and they no longer belch out tons of black smoke. :D Inside, the driver's controls are also completely different.

Not that the benefits of the upgrade are that much cop once you have all the additional weight of the protective kit required for current operations, added to the vehicle.


Model looks good cleggy. Look forward to seeing more.

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Just another pic of 'My Little Addon'

She's a dirty girl now!


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Coming along brilliantly. Hope you've got some beasty sounds to go along with it.

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That looks awesome mate, but i can only see the host of problems that go with it!!! (only joking mate ;)

I wish I had some video of the 432's still but I think all I had must have been lost. I do have a DVD of AS90's on the move, I'll have a hunt round it for the 432 sounds for you. Gis a few days :)

Thanks mate for giving this workhorse a new lease of life!

Brian :)

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is that still in active use? IE can it be used in missions with british modern units involved?

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Hope you've got some beasty sounds to go along with it.

I must admit I'm just using the default sounds at the mo' - bugger, something else to learn about now!

is that still in active use? IE can it be used in missions with british modern units involved?

Although not currently in use in this version afaik - accept maybe in support units - would it be any more unrealistic than using a M113 or Bradley as a place-holder?

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NEW! .... IMPROVED? ....

Hi all, 'My Little Addon' now comes with ...

Crew, British, Mk 1, Addon for the use of.

Don't laugh - It's my first attempt.


Yeh! No more US Marines (no offence)

God Bless Her Majesty The Qweyn!

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I really want one :) And with this version I dont have to spend hours track bashing, or waiting for REME to find the fault!!

Still looking awesome, and when are you letting us low life's have a go?

Brian :)

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Thanks for the interest. This was never going to be a 'landmark' release.

It's just the result of me trying to keep my brain active and stop me from watching crap on the telly for the rest of my life!

I would be honoured if you could test it for me - as is mind, warts and all.

-lots still need to be done - on the interior especially, it looks pants!

If your interested let me know and I'll try and upload it to one of them fancy free file sharing thingeys and give you the link.

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I've never seen a tidy 432!! lol I'd love to test the 432 for you, thanks mate :)

What size is the file? You may be able to send it via email?

I'll PM you my email address.

Brian :)

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I'm absolutely loving this. Very nice. The more British kit the better.

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Nice model! Never ceases to amaze me how many enthusiasts there are around this game who add all kinds of obscure past & present vehicles in, it can only be a good thing! Its almost the equivalent of having a room full of Airfix models as a kid! :D

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Cleggy kindly let me have a go on his FV432, and its brilliant!!

I did make a video, but as usual YouTube have blocked the sound track so I'll have to re-render it tomorrow with a different tune, and change the credits to that effect.

I was hoping to post the video here now, but aint life a shi..er

Brian :)

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Ok, here's the video. I'm still not sure if YouTube have banned the audio track yet, but I did make sure that the same track was already uploaded to YT, that is not a guarentee though!!

Cleggy's FV432 in action...


Enjoy (I did!!),

Brian :)

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Ok, here's the video. I'm still not sure if YouTube have banned the audio track yet, but I did make sure that the same track was already uploaded to YT, that is not a guarentee though!!

Cleggy's FV432 in action...


Enjoy (I did!!),

Brian :)

All i get is "This video has been removed by the user."? They got to it already?

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I know, I know!! The nazi barstuds at YT have stamped their jackboots down on my music track again!

I am now looking for another track on Freeplay Music. It'll be crap, but at least it should work this time.

The vid will be up in another 4-5 hours :(

Sorry guys,

Brian :)

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Looks good, always happy to see more british stuff rolling out :smileee:

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I finally got YT to accept a video of the FV432 in action...

Enjoy all,

Brian :)

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Thanks for the vid, Brian. At least you didn't turn it a*se over t*t!

Not sure it's worth the time and processing power for eight odd minutes but really appreciate it!

With regards to the interior view, well...:o

I am working on it , honest!

And while I'm at it...as I'm not really a 'weapons' sort of chap if anyone would like to donate a decent model of a gimpy I'd be ever so humble:)

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Looks awesome from the outside! Keeping an eye on this.

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It really flies around!! I reckon a bit more smoke though lol

I love it!

Brian :)

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