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Muzzle Flash

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Has anyone made a mod to change or get rid of the horrendous muzzle flash in arma 2 ?

Game looks so good at night time, then you shoot and are greeted with the worst muzzle flash in the history of gaming :(

If one doesn't exist... how come ? i thought it would have been one of the first things people would have modded.

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I'll second that, the muzzle flashes leave a lot to be desired IMHO. I'm sure someone must have addressed these but not sure.

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They are terrible, and they have always been terrible. For some reason they are yet to change one of the ugliest muzzle flashes I have ever seen (night time that is, day is fine).

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Yes, this has been requested many times and its strange that hasn't been fixed as it should be quite easy.

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I guess they have more important stuff to work on, like actually fixing bugs and improving game functionality, instead of sorting stuff that is more eye candy than anything else ^^

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right. the only purpose of the muzzle flash at night is to block your sight and hmm it does its job pretty well at the moment^^

(and of course let the enemy see where you are^^)

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You can indeed edit the muzzle flash.

It will require you to make a mod/pbo and config with new textures for that section of the model. Just point them to your new flash texture.

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Yeah, I'm all for something better but what's there does the job just fine, I don't get the big hate on the muzzleflashes.

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It just pulls you out of the immersion. I love night fights... from a distance and as long as I'm not firing my own gun. I remember reading a lot "that muzzle flash is really bad" youtube comments on richiespeed's videos, so I'm not the only one. Surely it's easy to fix?

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so I'm not the only one. Surely it's easy to fix?

Nope..has been brought up plenty of times..here , in suggestions and elsewhere.

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