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Snake Man

Vietnam the Experience: Discussion

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PM sent!

Edit: Thanks for the link, to download the mod as a whole.

Much appreciated.

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well i connected today so i assume i have an updated version of vte but i have no idea how i did the update, lol.

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Now that I got my latest project released, how about some Vietnam multiplayer, anyone up for a mission or more?

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Pretty well done mod. Played it in like 1 day now.

Hope we'll see some more patches and more variety on cloths, helms please :D

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Hope we'll see some more patches and more variety on cloths, helms please

There has been more patches in the Six-Updater now. When the VTE full version becomes available, you again get more and more updates.

VTE preview and the version in Six-Updater only includes aircav + nva, more classes will be on the full version.

some impressions from my vte-mission

Nice video, I hope to see some more dedicated VTE missions from you in the future :)

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Damn, I missed that one, downloading now... please tell me that the environment sounds are still the same as in VTE for A1... I totally loved them.


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Ahh. I have the alpha version of VTE and I must say that you've done a impressive work with it. And I cant wait 'till the last version gets out. Vietnam <3

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Er, so this version is the one on armaholic, with all the ported stuff?

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Nope, for ArmA 2, the latest version can be found on Six-Updater.

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Damn, I missed that one, downloading now... please tell me that the environment sounds are still the same as in VTE for A1... I totally loved them.


hello xeno, would it be possible for you to port a domination mission for vte mod?

i mean when there is enough stuff implemented so we can use more vehicles and all what is needed.

right now the vte-mod lacks of popular missions like dom or warfare .

atm its only a few coop and this doesnt seem to attract enough ppl just like for vanilla arma2 :).

that would be great if you could do that :D

Edited by horror1

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I've been thinking of asking Xeno about how to port many times on chat's but didn't want to bother him, because I think its documented, somewhere, even here on BIS forums I think TankBuster or someone started topic about it.

In fact I would need to port it to PMC 51km Desert terrain also, so the knowledge would do much good. We'll see :)


I just posted in official VTE forum that the full version development has started :)

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Nope, for ArmA 2, the latest version can be found on Six-Updater.

So the full VTE? And can I use it on singleplayer?

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Testing has started for the VTE full version. Soon our dedicated server will be updated so we can do some MP missions.

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internal testing has kicked off and so far we have received very positive feedback.

development is going into full steam , we're updating rvmats , re-uvmapping re-texturing re-modeling re-placing lots of things, so expect some dev blogs over @ pmc forums within the coming weeks.

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internal testing has kicked off and so far we have received very positive feedback. development is going into full steam ' date=' we're updating rvmats , re-uvmapping re-texturing re-modeling re-placing lots of things, so expect some dev blogs over @ pmc forums within the coming weeks.[/quote']

:yay: :yay:

Can't wait for some hi-res Cavalry soldiers!

"Da, da, da, da, da, daaa! Charge!"

:yay: :yay:

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This mod is quite good, being one of the testers i have been able to play around with it, it is looking quite good for a beta, i'm sure when it's ready for it's public release it will be epic.

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it will, unfortunately the old hueys are having their last rides soon :( i'm sure most of you have ridden in them for years.

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One thing that needs to be replaced are the default BIS sounds, i have already PM'd Snake Man, but the BIS sounds are dull, boring and bring no immersion at all.

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it will' date=' unfortunately the old hueys are having their last rides soon :( i'm sure most of you have ridden in them for years.[/quote']

I can has BIS Huey model, re-textured, pl0x? :D

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