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Arma 3!!! Your Expectations

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I really hope to see a new realistic tac milsim after Arma 2. It doesn't have to be Arma 3 though. The title doesn't concerns me at all ;)

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View distance sucked :) Some very nice winter scenes there, loving it. But I suspect it will be like MW1 - playing the campaign is a blast, but once you restart it for a second go you realize it's the same all over again.

You can get some of that Hollywood feel if you like, but it becomes very scripted. The animations won't look as good as we have to use generic ones, but it is possible to script a lot of shooting that misses you.

The above footage was good during the stealthy sequence. When all hell broke loose, you start wondering how 50000 soldiers can miss 2. All those units without a shread of fire support? It lost all its credability at that point.

Sigh, I both love ArmA II and CoD 4 but I really think it is stupid when people compare the both. Everyone knows how unrealistic COD4 is. It's like watching a Rambo movie and then someone keeps pestering you, "Oh that not realistic Rambo didn't rack the slide" or "Shooting that shotgun with one hand would break your arm". We all know it's not trying to be realistic and people are just there to enjoy the drama and excitement, not to nit pick whether something the person did was unrealistic. Even the IW devs said that this isn't realistic. This is also why I hate people splurging out how Battlefield 2 sucks since it's not realistic. Games can still be fun even if they aren't realistic.

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I think I remember Suma saying they wanted to take a break off of OFP/Arma type games in a previous interview with Sahrani radio.

They shouldn't call it Arma3 if they did.

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Very Human/real AI and super realistic Facial Animations/Character Models with Gore systems.

Some type of physics would be cool.

Super textures and crazy amounts of detail on all Models, SNOW!!!!!!!!

Better Interfaces and Voice Commands out of the Box without any other software!

Multiplayer Templates for mission makers, tons of options without scripting.

More Realistic Wound/treatment system

Naval Battle gamemode/campaign???

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I wish Arma III had:

* more realistic physics engine (especially non-hitpoint damage system, material penetration model, morphing of models, parts of vehicles can be damaged and fall on ground, holes after subcaliber shots in tanks and realistic damaging, plus ability to damage optical systems and make crew using mechanical systems instead of electrical ones then, and so on, and so on.....)

* terramorphing after explosions or when using self-trenching devices on tanks, ability to dig trenches for infantry (!!!), tunnels in mountains

* swimming tanks with shnorkels (don't know how is it written in english, sorry), more vehicles

* realistic unlimited "view distance" (~20 km to see far mountains is enough , i think)

* realtime in game chat (what you say into the mic is heard by people near you in gameworld from their speakers), not only radio communication.

* no AI, or with AI that won't be drunk when driving/moving or too sharpshooting from bushes.

but i think,such a game won't be invented in nearest years...

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I wish Arma III had:

* more realistic physics engine (especially non-hitpoint damage system, material penetration model, morphing of models, parts of vehicles can be damaged and fall on ground, holes after subcaliber shots in tanks and realistic damaging, plus ability to damage optical systems and make crew using mechanical systems instead of electrical ones then, and so on, and so on.....)


That's basically the only thing I miss. Included in this is physics for vehicles. Although jumping tanks are largely gone, it still happens. I'm also assuming it would be compiled in 64-bit and utilize memory and generally high-end machines better.

Huge urban environment where you can enter every building, working elevators, stairs, open/close/locked doors and windows, etc. That would surely keep missionmakers and players busy for the next decade alone. I'm talking a city the size of Utes here.

Other nice to have-things:

Better netcode (no long-distance warping)

Dedicated, optimized linux server

British military (2nd Para, SAS, SBS, etc)

African scenario sounds nice

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IIRC, those two ideas were actually considered by BIS when they were originally planning a sequel to OFP back around 2003-2004, when Codemasters was still going to be the publisher. There was even a site up for a while that described three 1970s-era campaigns that were going to be set in Southeastern Asia, Africa and Central Europe.

Edit: Here is the site, courtesy of web.archive.org: http://web.archive.org/web/20040809202940/www.codemasters.com/flashpoint2/usa/press.php

There was an awesome map and campaign made by BAS for OFP that was set in africa and you had FALs and all that. It was brilliant. So much fun. Never understood why BIS couldn't include such a good campaign with OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 themselves.

Regarding ArmA3 changes, well beyond all the stuff already mentioned I would like to see:

- Trenches and 'proper' field fortifications

- Bayonets!

- A more sohisticated vehicle damage model (no hit points)

- Allow rifles to change balistic performance of ammo (i.e to simulate longer/shorter barrels on guns using same ammo)

Edited by mcvittees

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I expect the game will look awesome, run like azz on most systems at release.... and have sp mission campaign structured for the buyer to look for peeps and look for info. Basicly, a better looking ARMA 2 with a 3 replacing the 2 on the box.

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- Allow rifles to change balistic performance of ammo (i.e to simulate longer/shorter barrels on guns using same ammo)

now we can have other dispersion and AI fire range

if you want use the same magazine, you have the same speed of bullet, but what you would like to add more ?

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now we can have other dispersion and AI fire range

if you want use the same magazine, you have the same speed of bullet, but what you would like to add more ?

For example, we use the UKF weapons pack. In it are the SA80 and the LSW. In real life because the LSW has a longer barrel than the SA80 it has a higher muzzle velocity (970ms vs 940ms) and therefore is effective out to a greater range. Likewise the carbine version of the SA80, the L22, has a much shorter barrel and so isn't effective at long range. In ArmA2 the only way you could simulate these differences is to create a seperate ammo type for each weapon.

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64-bit support

More than 8GB memory support

Better command interface

Better audio responses/speech system for AI

Better AI period, right now AI is mildly retarded and requires way too much user intervention

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64-bit support

More than 8GB memory support

Better command interface

Better audio responses/speech system for AI

Better AI period, right now AI is mildly retarded and requires way too much user intervention

This and Maybe BIS could make an optional DX10.1 (at least) setting for people who want to run the game more efficiently and have DX10 ready cards and Vista/win7

DX11 Support for Arma 3 Same for DX9,DX10, OpenGL 4.0 Direct compute

Improved Damage models, more variety in Muzzleflashes, GORE??

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Usually I'm satisfied with the Bohemia content so I'm relating to technical aspect I'd like to have in ArmA III - if it'll be created some day.

- DX11

- Physx

- 64 Bit

- improved damage model

- ingame script editor

- a proper documentation of every new feature right after the release + basic example missions

- netcode improvements

- further improvements of AI behaviour, especially the AI on player's side!

- maybe an ingame island editor that can be used as easy as the mission editor? (enter some settings for the island, generating terrain, placing objects and roads like in the mission editor) - I don't know if it's even possible to create, I'm a n00b :)

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Although the real virtuality engine has been BIS's flagship product I think they may be wanting to stretch their legs into other realms of gaming to improve their marketability and to enjoy a reprieve from an audience that is critical of technical aspects that can be avoided in a fantasy setting. It is much easier to produce a game in which there are no real world comparisons for the details and more fun as well to explore just how far the imagination can take you.

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I wish Arma III had:

* more realistic physics engine (especially non-hitpoint damage system, material penetration model, morphing of models, parts of vehicles can be damaged and fall on ground, holes after subcaliber shots in tanks and realistic damaging, plus ability to damage optical systems and make crew using mechanical systems instead of electrical ones then, and so on, and so on.....)

* terramorphing after explosions or when using self-trenching devices on tanks, ability to dig trenches for infantry (!!!), tunnels in mountains

* swimming tanks with shnorkels (don't know how is it written in english, sorry), more vehicles

* realistic unlimited "view distance" (~20 km to see far mountains is enough , i think)

* realtime in game chat (what you say into the mic is heard by people near you in gameworld from their speakers), not only radio communication.

* no AI, or with AI that won't be drunk when driving/moving or too sharpshooting from bushes.

but i think,such a game won't be invented in nearest years...

The terramorophing has already been done, it has been used for shell holes, and as a "fortification" builder, well big piles of mud :) The problem with it seems to be you cant do it on a very small scale (afaik).

And with the view distance, in ARMA 1 and 2 it can be set to 50km pretty easily :)

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At this point I'm perfectly happy with the number of toys and tanks and helicopters in the game. It is enough to make all kinds of enjoyable scenarios and experiences. I think it is clear that right now ArmA has so much potential for gaming enjoyment but in practice we never get to experience it. Instead we play Evo over and over again which is mindless and without cohesion.

Interface has been added to and tacked on layers and features willy nilly since OFP. It is time to wipe it clean and start again with an effort to make it slim, consistent, and usable.

Communication is absolutely necessary to make an enjoyable experience. Map drawing is very basic, doesn't sync on server join. We have blah blah MMO style text chat. There are no radios with channels that are flexible, can't talk outside your group without talking to all BLUFOR. When you talk with your voice at 15m it sounds like you are 300m away.

Command structure is nearly impossible to use. How are 23 privates supposed to do something as a team? They cannot. What if the "#1" person in the group should not be the leader. Can you change this while playing? No. Can you make your intentions clear to team leaders quickly and clearly as commander? No. Can AI work alongside humans well? No.

Mission & Addon tools are how the community makes the game worth playing for >20 hrs but for years and years. Is it easy to make a simple mission? Yes. Is it easy to make a quality mission that people wish to play? NO!! You want to write a briefing with XML inside the editor? You can't! You want to place objects in the mission in 3D? You can't! You want to reference script commands, notes, help templates, and mission building guides from inside the editor? You can't! What if you want to change from Mod A to Mod B when you join a server? You can't! Mod management does not exist except for very laborsome find website, download, shortcut, @folder work and have to restart the game every time. Baaaaaaad. Why not auto load addon from archive based on server/mission need? Much simpler!

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Most of the purely superficial aspects wanted in a possible ArmA 3 will probably be achieved over the next several years by extensive modding. It will take at least five years to develop a brand new enginefor a brand new game, however, and probably five more for hardware to catch up so its playable.

But an interesting plot for a new game, I believe, would be a Cold War scenario (of course) but with a twist. We are shown so much of the American military, with superior firepower and technology, dominating the battle field. But mix it up for a change, have us at a disadvantage (or even the plot out) and make it a war of attrition that the player lives through. It would be gripping as hell to play through.

Maybe after one or two introductory missions, or a great in-game cinematic, put the battlefield on the american mainland, our forces scrambling for a desperate defense against a surprise invasion while our attention was in a major war elsewhere in the world.

Think "World in Conflict" type plot (greatest RTT/RTS of all time), except in a less urbanized area of the country and less character drama. It was like watching the black cook in Pearl Harbor down Japanese zeroes.


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Well i am happy with arma 2 now. I like the graphics a lot and i like the way copters and planes behave. TheAI is really good and with ACE 2 its the best game ever for me.

Things i wish arma 3 had is:

bigger view distance

better physics

better and realistic soldier animations

fun SP campaign like OFP and Eagle Wing was, I want to be part of platoon, ordinary soldier who follow the orders, i want to fly planes and copters, drive the tank, I want to be in the raging battle

large maps 100x100 km

P.S:true 64bit support, DX11

Edited by jctrnacty

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Arma 3 expectations:

- pokemons vs. communist pingu

- pink menu

- immortal + give all ammo cheats by default

- more tractors, more cows,

- some middle-ages monks

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Yea Wolle, I forsee the next decade being owned by Operation Arrowhead.;)

lol yeah :681:

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There are no radios with channels that are flexible, can't talk outside your group without talking to all BLUFOR.

I thaught the commander channel was for talking to other leaders/solo units. No one else can hear this - not even your squad.

And yes the 3D editor functional would be sweet. However i hope this happens before any ARMA3.

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Cleaner UI - ditch the ~, 7, 3 to order your group around.

Proper Physics - I'm not asking for procedurally destructible houses, but it's tiresome to see a humvee fly 400 feet into the air after hitting it with missiles from a s-25.

Redone Bullet/Weapons - It seems that bullets and rpm are tied heavily to fps.

Ragdolls - They'd make death animations much more enjoyable, and fix (at least when they die in visible range) the floating corpse effect.

More fluid animations - Particularly with the AI. AI should be able to move into another animation while moving; running and diving down for example.

Cleaner Online UI - Learning how to play online is a major chore; and teamwork is almost discouraged in the extremely cluttered UI. Join a random pub server and almost everyone will be lone wolves.

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Proper LOD scaling system

If possible implement into RV engine, 64bit support and more than 2GB of ram, support more Cores obviously

35KM base viewdistance for objects 15KM, something like Dragon Rising, but more than blurred textures, BIS already has amazing drawdistances but lets make it so I can see mountains and hills farther to me it adds an epic immersive feeling. :D

Differed lighting implemented so the engine can support more than 8 light sources and Arma 3 could have way more advanced looking lighting, instead of those ugly light cones/layers ;)

Animations need reworking, get rid of those annoying delays on running from walking etc, animations for every simualted/modeled weapon ingame, Sniper rifles need bolt animations sniper specific muzzle flashes/debris

Improvements to the overall gameplay mechanics more polish to the shooting especially.

Super optimize the engine please BIS, Arma 2 requires a decent GPU and CPU, please make the Foilage less demanding on resources, make trees more 2D rather than 3D, less polygons, more LODs for trees, lower resolutions, and apply those savings on character models, close up textures, world terrain details, etc.

Support for voice control functionality, PLIFIUS is cool, maybe BIS could develope something, they're genius you know ;)

Alot of work on special effects, muzzle flashes, bullet casings, tracers, particle effects, smoke, destroyed piles of metal all need multi staged animations and they need more depth.

Please work more on the character models they look good in Arma 2, but things like the hands look horrible, facial animations are rather dull, the lip synch is not good, etc, facial expressions when in combat, scared, confident would add alot more immersion to the battlefield.

More AI depth, morale, realistic accuracy(subjective), fatigue stages, fear, weather and mobility of soldier on rough terrain (IE steep mountain sides/ rocky areas), I dont see any of this in Arma 2.

BIS please upgrade your sound compression software plz. The music/soundFX doesnt sound as good as it could be. I know this was a large critisism in many Arma 2 reviews.

and of course more opertunities for modding. Maybe a mods section built into the User interface and seperate launcher tool to take off or add mods, making missions not dependant on Mods if saved while certain mods were enabled.

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The light cones visibility should be based on rain and fog. By the strength of the stars at night, it doesn't appear polluted enough to cause visible light cones all the time :)

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