taro8 806 Posted February 15, 2012 I have a problem. Im using SMK animations mod and AI often gets locked in place if they crouch. They do not react to any stance order or anything, the only way to snap them out of it is to assume direct control and move them yourself, they work as normal after that. Im not good with scripting, but I think it would be possible to create a script that every 5 or so minutes will make all infantry, that is crouching and stay in one place all the time, forcibly stand up or reset their animations. Best if it would be autoinit so it will work in every missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted February 15, 2012 Your best bet would be to contact whoever wrote that animation set and see if they can fix it. I'm fairly certain that was designed for player use in PVP though and not for AI. Is this happening in a TeamSwitch situation? If so you might also want to check out Copy My Stance. Not sure how that will work with the SMK stuff, but works nicely in vanilla/ACE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taro8 806 Posted February 15, 2012 Unfortunately that addon isnt developed anymore. It dosent happen when team switching or anything. My team AI sometimes bunch up, crouch and get locked in crouching animation. They can rotate, shoot and everything, but they cant change stance or move. That is why Im asking for a script that would reset animation of crouching units every 5 minutes or so. Once AI is unlocked they proceed as normal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eaglezero6205 10 Posted March 14, 2012 (edited) Ok Ive read thorugh most of the FAQ and checked the stickies,the issue of setting up a TVT Breifing has not been mentioned. I have a mission Im done with other than the Briefing which is making me almost want to pull my out searching for the answer. I found a thread that mentioned how to set it up and said something about { not being at the closing end of the Brieifing but doesnt eplain where to put it. The mission took 3 days of Hard work to make and Ive been stuck another 3 to make it TVT Some of you may recall me doing a Mission from Americas Army 2 called Special Forces Snake Plain,well Im at it again Only this time I made the JRTC Farm But Im really having difficulty setting the mission up for TVT. I downloaded the TVT mission pack on Armaholic that was recently posted by Jayer,I dePBOed the missions to look at the setup and how he did his briefing,I was surprised to see it looks nothing like what I have setup and furthermore its very complex in that he uses several other files to point to his Briefing. Honestly Im lost Is there a Wiki Sticky on how to set up a TVT? Heres whats up so far but my game is crashing with it. BRIEFING.SQF waitUntil { !isNil {player} };waitUntil { player == player }; switch (side player) do { case WEST: { player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Arma2 JRTC FARM RAID", "Situation: <br/>As part of a larger attack, your squad will seize a Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point (FARP) and destroy enemy helicopter at Objective Aplpha, Near the DZ (Drop Zone).<br/> <br/><br/>Rules Of Engagement: <br/>Engage only confirmed enemy targets - as local farmers may be in the area.<br/> <br/><br/>Mission: <br/>Third squad will seize the Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point (FARP) and destroy enemy helicopter at Objective Alpha.<br/> <br/><br/>Enemy: <br/>One squad-sized element of irregular forces with light weapons and machine guns without any night vision devices. <br/> <br/><br/>Friendly: <br/>One infantry squad of the 1st Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, without advanced marksmanship team or grenadier support.<br/> <br/><br/>Terrain: <br/>Flat cultivated fields surround a farm house, barn and 4 other smaller structures, which are used to store supplies for rearming and refueling rotary wing aircraft.<br/> <br/><br/>This Mission was Created by Eaglezero6205. With the Use of OPX addons and MAP Editor Upgrade Libraries. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING I HOPE YOU ENJOY"]]; tskDestroyHind = player createSimpleTask["Destroy Hind"]; tskDestroyHind setSimpleTaskDescription["Locate and Destroy Enemy Helicopter.", "Destroy Hind", "Destroy Hind"]; tskDestroyHind setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "OBJ_ Alpha"); }; case EAST: { player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Arma2 JRTC FARM RAID", "Situation:<b/>As part of a Field Training Exercise, (FTX) your squad will act as OPFOR defending a Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point (FARP) and damaged helicopter at Objective Alpha.<br/> <br/><br/>Rules Of Engagement: <br/>Engage only confirmed enemy targets - as local farmers may be in area.<br/> <br/><br/>Mission: <br/>Second squad defend the Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point (FARP) and helicopter at Objective Alpha. <br/> <br/><br/>Enemy: <br/>One squad-sized element of Airborne Infantry Armed with Night Vision Goggles light weapons and Heavy to light machine guns.<br/> <br/><br/>Friendly: <br/>One infantry squad, without advanced marksmanship team , grenadier support or (NVDs) Night Vision Goggles. <br/> <br/><br/>Terrain: <br/>Flat cultivated fields surround a farm house, barn and 4 other smaller structures, which are used to store supplies for rearming and refueling rotary wing aircraft. <br/> <br/><br/>This Mission was Created by Eaglezero6205. With the Use of OPX addons and MAP Editor Upgrade Libraries. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING I HOPE YOU ENJOY"]]; tskElimateBLUFOR =Player createsimpleTask["Elimate enemy Force"]; tskElimateBLUFOR setsimpleTaskDescription["Elimate Assaulting Force.",Elimate Enemy Force","Eliminate Enemy Force"]; tskElimateBLUFOR setsimpletaskDestination {getmarkerpos "OBJ_ALPHA"); I started a Topic on this discussion and it has been Answered Just incase anyone sees this. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?132512-TVT-or-TDM-Briefing-Help&p=2120845#post2120845 Edited April 4, 2012 by Eaglezero6205 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
duckmeister 10 Posted March 24, 2012 Hello, I am trying to use the "BO2:Combat" mission preset (or whatever it is called) with a few custom islands, particularly the recently released Carraigdubh. The island is 5x5km. When I start the mission without hitting the "edit" button, the "insertion" marker is in the middle of nowhere, in a bunch of empty hills and flatlands created to border the actual, playable, part of the map. When I realized my mistake, I went into the edit mode, but I could not move the map past the actual playable area, and the moveable "insertion" marker was unreachable, and therefore I couldn't move it into the playable area. My question is, is there any way to either call up the insertion marker without clicking and dragging it, or is there a way to import my saved preset into the real editor so I can change things around? Thanks in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted March 25, 2012 Unfortunately that addon isnt developed anymore. If by "that addon" you mean Copy my Stance, what development do you think it needs? As Kylania said, it works fine with vanilla & with ACE; I never play without except when testing things out. What happens if you try it with SMK? BR Orcinus ---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ---------- Hello, I am trying to use the "BO2:Combat" mission preset (or whatever it is called) with a few custom islands, particularly the recently released Carraigdubh. The island is 5x5km. When I start the mission without hitting the "edit" button, the "insertion" marker is in the middle of nowhere, in a bunch of empty hills and flatlands created to border the actual, playable, part of the map. When I realized my mistake, I went into the edit mode, but I could not move the map past the actual playable area, and the moveable "insertion" marker was unreachable, and therefore I couldn't move it into the playable area. My question is, is there any way to either call up the insertion marker without clicking and dragging it, or is there a way to import my saved preset into the real editor so I can change things around? Thanks in advance. Not sure why you can't move the map in the editor, but one way is to edit the mission.sqm (though rather slow if there are a lot of items to move). First, load the empty map ('new mission') in the editor. Place a unit near where you want to move your collection. Save. Now open that mission's sqm in notepad & write down the coordinates of the unit. Next, open the sqm of your actual mission and change the x & y coordinates of everything so that they are near the location you just identified. Save (NB don't use wordwrap in notepad, saving sometimes puts extra spaces & line-feeds in to the file). Now open the mission in the editor, & you should be able to see everything & move things around to suit the new map. Might be a better & quicker way, but that will work. BR Orcinus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted March 25, 2012 ... is there a way to import my saved preset into the real editor so I can change things around? Thanks in advance. There is likely a quicker way than I posted earlier, though it depends on how great is the difference between the coordinates of the 2 maps. Open the duff Carraigdubh port. note where it is in relation to the island - e.g way off to the left, too low, or whatever. Now open your unpacked BO2:Combat mission. Select all the objects, units etc. and drag them in the appropriate direction as far as they will go. save it as whatever you like, eg. "Map3". Load a new mission into the editor so the new sqm is freed up (not strictly necessary). Alt-Tab & browse to your mission folder. Change the island string on the Map3 folder to whatever is needed for Carraigdubh. Now open the mission.sqm & change all references to the previous island yo whatever is needed for Carraigdubh. Alt-tab back to the editor & open your Map3 mission - with a little luck you'll be able to work with that now. In the past I tried copying all from a map in one instance of Arma & pasting them into a map in a second instance after alt-tabbing between them, but although there's only one clipboard it doesn't seem to work (or maybe they just got pasted inaccessibly far off the map? - hmm, I never looked... must try it again & look at the sqm). BR Orca Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
duckmeister 10 Posted March 25, 2012 Thanks a lot for the great answers, Orcinus, I ended up using a similar, if unorthodox, method to the first one you posted. I went into the mission wizard file for that mission and saw the line containing the coordinates for the insertion, and put in some random numbers, and what do you know, the next time I tried to edit the mission, there was the marker, right in the middle of the sea, but at least now I could move it properly. Again, thanks a lot. I've never actually tried unpacking any .pbos or anything like that yet, perhaps at a later date when I get more involved in mission making beyond the odd jaunt in the editor, I'll give it a go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted March 26, 2012 I've never actually tried unpacking any .pbos or anything like that yet, perhaps at a later date when I get more involved in mission making beyond the odd jaunt in the editor, I'll give it a go. Glad you got your port working. Unpacking pbo's is easy - generally I use Eliteness from the BI tools set. Looking at how some of the the less-complex missions are structured is helping me get to grips with coding, plus if you have problems getting an 'addon' script to work, being able to look at a working example is invaluable. BR Orcinus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mir00 10 Posted March 29, 2012 Is it possible to add/change map icons? Those markers on a map - flags, vehicle images, specific icons? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dreamingof2004 1 Posted April 22, 2012 Anyone doing something like dynamic war was for Arma just open ended mission after mission with support? i used to love dynawar :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted April 23, 2012 @dreamingof2004: Take a look at Kremator's mix of Battlezone, MSO, etc.; might be just what you're looking for: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?132146-Kremator-presents-BattleZone-MSO-PatrolOps2-amp-ATCRabbit Lots of island ports to choose from, plus i44 version in development. You can select the number and type (or settle for random mix) of missions. Game parameters are highly customisable. Great fun in SP as well as popular with MP fans. Add-on free - everything essential is included. BR Orcinus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eaglezero6205 10 Posted April 25, 2012 I hate to ask this but after do some looking around Ive found many scripts pertaining to Teleport just not what I'm needing. Most teleport the player to the marker or a said name of unit to marker. I'm trying to figure out how I set up a trigger with a thislist for Civilians to be teleported inside a building not just any building though. A jail cell Very small. Heres the scoop I'm designing a Police mission In which I've received full permission from Max joiner to use his Excellent Police Textures. I have the Role play objects jail. I have it set so far that civilians around the city at random will be searched using the Civilian interaction Module Contraband or Illegal substance will be removed and then you put them in your cruiser,drive back to the Precinct and... STUMPED. I have the Jail blocked off around the outside with Cement walls . I thought I could just bring the civi through the building out to the back and open the jail door, lead him in ,order him to his cell ,and Dismiss him with the CIM module. Simple right? Nope I forgot how much AI hate buildings and wont enter them. So I wonder how I make it wear any civi without Naming them can step into the front of the Precinct and be instantly teleported to the Jail cell. Then once I get so many in the cell switch the teleport to go to the cell next to it and then Once all cells are full Delete all civis in the cells. OR just use one cell and after it has 4 or 5 civis delete them. I'm in no real rush to get this out. Just wondering how I need to do it. If I have to I'll make the jail somewhere else but I wanted to use the Roleplay jail because its cooler with cell door controls. Also Its better to walk into the jail and see the inmates then have it the jail there and arrest all these people just to have the cells all be empty. It makes more sense though to delete after all cells are full giving the effect of they served their time and have been released. I posted here because I'm sure teleport is a very frequently asked question but this ones more Complex then a standard teleport. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikiyo 10 Posted April 26, 2012 Im creating a mission just like the mission in BAF were your flying a merlin and have to transport troops to each lz and such. and i was wondering what script bohemia used to get people on and for them to dismount at each lz just like in the merlin mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eaglezero6205 10 Posted April 27, 2012 Have you ever heard of Groupeject.sqf? if (isServer) then{ _grp = _this select 0; sleep (random 3); { unassignVehicle (_x); (_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _x]; sleep 0.4; } foreach units _grp; }; I use it to get my group to jump from helicopters and planes all the time. Should work. Also I think there's also something called ForceEmbark. Oh Here ya go bro http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?76848-Eject-MoveInCargo-Howto should be all you need. I guess your question is a Very frequently asked one. You should really try the search method first. Not to pick at you I just Googled forceEmbark and there ya go. Hope this helps man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
k00lio 1 Posted May 8, 2012 Is this an actual script? "$ > m8_compact" or is just some made up non-sense? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kydo 1 Posted May 16, 2012 So I've been trying to use speed as a variable to terminate a script, and for the life of me i cant get it to work :confused: I've been using if (speed vehicle1 < 30) then {terminate "script.sqf"}; But it doesnt seem to be doing anything. I also tried: ? (speed _vehicle1) < 30 : terminate "script.sqf"; As per the Biki, but the editor is returning "Invalid Number In Expression" How can i use speed of an object as a trigger (for terminating a script in this case)?? I've been trying to find a list of checking commands "isEngineOn" etc etc, but i cant seem to find a full list or the proper syntax. Also, how can I check if a script is still running? To be used for calling another script. Ie: script 1 is terminated, call script 2 Please help a scripting n00b :o Thx in advance PS: Im not doing all my scripting in the editor, I just use it to see if it returns an error :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted May 16, 2012 @Kydo: there's a dedicated forum for editing questions, better post there. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?93-ARMA-2-amp-OA-MISSIONS-Editing-amp-Scripting Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kydo 1 Posted May 16, 2012 ummmm.... isnt this it? lol. it says at the top of this page: ARMA 2 & Operation Arrowhead - EDITING -> ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting and if i go to the link u posted this very thread is stickied at the top of the list?? :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted May 17, 2012 ummmm.... isnt this it? lol. it says at the top of this page: and if i go to the link u posted this very thread is stickied at the top of the list?? :confused: Duh! sorry, must have had a brainfart & got myself confused zipping through lots of threads in a hurry. Let me rephrase: You have a specific request relating to a scripting problem. If searching doesn't find an answer in this thread (also can be worth looking in the Arma 1 - "Armed Assault" - editing forum, as a lot of the commands are the same) you would likely get a faster response by creating a new thread with an appropriate title in the main forum. I've never used the command "terminate" & I have no idea if it still works in A2/OA, however you aren't following the BIKI exactly. The BIKI indicates using 'terminate' after setting the name of your script as a local variable, i.e. "_Script". Did you try it exactly as the BIKI describes? HTH Orcinus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taro8 806 Posted May 21, 2012 Hi guys. I have a question/request: Is there any LIGHTWEIGHT script that would allow to make simple "find and destroy stuff as it spawn baddies that sometimes move to player" mission? I want to make mission using vietnam map and I want to have camps that spawn baddies that either: patrol camp perimeter OR hunt player down ZORA style as long as player is beyond safe zone. I tried using just ZORA, but it just spawns group once for me and makes them disappear once I kill them all, after that there is nothing. I also tried cB_TaskPatrol_2-0 script with spawns random group that patrols around perimeter of their spawn point. However it dosnt work out so well in jungle and player often dosnt encounter ANY resistance (I know its more realistic, but I want to shoot stuff too). Also Task Patrol script dosnt have any counter and keeps spawning groups continuously with creates a lot of lag after some time. I want to keep this simple so arma 2 wont choke every second. Other fancy stuff like transportation, recruiting, extra tasks can be added by player as he sees fit. BTW: I just wanted to ask second question: are there good modular scripts that add quests like secops? I know of patrol ops, I tried it in MSO, but I couldnt get everything running at sane speed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfire257 3 Posted May 25, 2012 Kydo, did you get your problem sorted? If not, post your whole script so we can help you better. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mir00 10 Posted August 2, 2012 Cant find any guide on GUI, in particular - any tips on creating warfare-like weapon and vehicle shop. How do i add all those gun and cars pictures? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawndartleo 109 Posted August 25, 2012 So I have been dabbling with LEA to create crates with what I want. Now I want to get a little more fancy. I want to make a module, say @armsdealer, that will have all the items I like to have preloaded in a crate that spawns near me when I start a mission. I want to use the @mod route so that I can add it to my presets as necessary in 6-updater so that I don't have any issues with joining other servers that don't allow the mod that i have created. THs would be something similiar to the way @ASR works with how it spawns a weapons crate at mission start in my vicinity. Looking at the ASR script I see... GVAR(crate) = createVehicle ["USSpecialWeapons_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal GVAR(crate); clearMagazineCargoGlobal GVAR(crate); and my LEA generated script.... /** * Generated by LEA for Arma 2 Combined Operation & ACE 2 * Version: 1.3.63 * Fri Aug 24 12:03:16 CDT 2012 * * Call the script: _dummy = this execvm "STUFF1.sqf"; * */ _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_Kestrel4500",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_Map",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_Map_Tools",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_HuntIR_monitor",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACRE_PRC343",5]; _this addBackpackCargo ["MAV_RAVEN_BACKPACK",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["RH_m4glacog",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["RH_hk416sglacog",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_TAC50",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["glock17_EP1",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_USPSD",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_VTAC_RUSH72_OD",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["Laserdesignator",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_Rangefinder_OD",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["Binocular",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_M249_PIP_ACOG",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_M136_CSRS",20]; _this addweaponcargo ["Stinger",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["Javelin",20]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_Javelin_CLU",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_DAGR",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ACE_Earplugs",5]; _this addweaponcargo ["ItemGPS",5]; _this addmagazinecargo ["ACE_HuntIR_M203",10]; _this addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",20]; _this addmagazinecargo ["ACE_5Rnd_127x99_B_TAC50",20]; _this addmagazinecargo ["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",20]; _this addmagazinecargo ["ACE_12Rnd_45ACP_USPSD",20]; _this addmagazinecargo ["Laserbatteries",5]; _this addmagazinecargo ["ACE_Battery_Rangefinder",5]; _this addmagazinecargo ["ACE_Claymore_M",10]; _this addmagazinecargo ["HandGrenade_West",20]; _this addmagazinecargo ["PipeBomb",10]; _this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShell",10]; _this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellGreen",10]; _this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellRed",10]; _this addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_556x45_M249",20]; _this addmagazinecargo ["Stinger",10]; ... but I am just not certain how to wrap my head around this to a correctly formated .sqf wich would then be packaged up into a .pbo. An even better idea would be to have the whole thing call an external script generated by LEA (is this the execVM thing?) so that I could make various item scripts with LEA and have what I want when I want it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted August 25, 2012 What ASR spawning weapons boxes? No one wants you to be able to spawn a cheater box of weapons that many users in the mission probably don't even have loaded leading to popup errors and invisible objects. In a MISSION that you create you can simply use that script as written to turn any weapon box into a cache with whatever you wanted in it. But an addOn for spawning weapon boxes? That's cheating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites