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Cole's M-Family Replacement Config

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1in1class: "I should not have to go to a box"

And you dont have to... Thats what im saying. You HAVE the RH weapons, but not the sounds from RH weapons. I just told you that if you move to a box youll see that your weapon icon is in fact a RH weapon just that the sound is not replaced (or just press "G" to see inventory - check the weapon icon - its RH's). I didnt tell you to pick a weapon up - just look at your weapon in your inventory and it will be a RH weapon wich is replaced by Cole's addon.

Now if you want the RH sounds - then you have to pick it up.

This is how it works for me anyway.

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Now the weapons pack has been updated today will the replacement still be ok? Anyone tried .. I cant download at the moment.

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If Robert didn't modify names and paths of the existing models, it should work just like before.

I'll have a look at the updated weapon pack later on today, change camo weapons config to actually include the woodland weapons where possible and do the freaking sound replacements already.

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Did You tried running replacement config and RH weps only?

Yep tryed that out too. Iv took out most mods that i was useing and still did not get it working.


K i now know what your saying but, weapons are all vanilla. Like you said i can look at my gear to find out if the RH weapons replacement is working but its not. My Aog M16 is vanilla as is all my weapons.

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1in1 ... you are clearly on a different mod planet than everyone else :)

Maybe you should explain in total step by step "exactly" how your are setting things up? Copy and paste shorcut links etc .. becuase I have no issues at all. You MUST be doing something to cause it not to pull into arma. Patch version, mod list (copy and paste what you have) install folder chain, where are mods placed, full folder paths/spelling etc.

I only say this because you are literally saying "yep, done that" but not actually detailing WHAT you did in steps from your end of things just responding to suggestions and not detailing in full exactly how you have things set up right now.

For me I have the following (mines installed on a "G" drive):

G:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@Weapons\Addons

In this addons folder I have :








In my shortcut as well as other things I have:

"G:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@Weapons

I put them last in the chain and all work fine, from day one patch 1.04 and also latest beta release.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Well in all words my "yep did that" should say most of it in its details of the question that i answered. No in your words do i have an different out of this world mod in ArmA 2. What you have list in your post... yep iv did that lol. Look at my other post befor putting up an same already answerd question. Cole has gave me that info about the mod folder as with more info. Also if you look in some of the post like the 2nd, other people have had the same problem dont know why and i would like to get it working.

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Here, have some camo weapons.

1.2 Released.

Note: Sorry, Sound config delayed to 1.3 as I'm kinda busy with life right now.

details on first page as always.

Edited by Cole

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One question though - what is the reason to use CfgAddons?

It brakes savegames (always adds dependency to the addon no matter what)

and it can cause problems on a DS. Please remove it.

class CfgAddons
class PreloadAddons
	class Cole_MFamily_Replace_M
		list[] =

In 99% of the cases there is no good reason to do this.

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Well in all words my "yep did that" should say most of it in its details of the question that i answered. No in your words do i have an different out of this world mod in ArmA 2. What you have list in your post... yep iv did that lol. Look at my other post befor putting up an same already answerd question. Cole has gave me that info about the mod folder as with more info. Also if you look in some of the post like the 2nd, other people have had the same problem don't know why and i would like to get it working.

I did put a smiley, it wasn't a negative post.

i was simply pointing out that if you really have done everything you have said .. it will work, nothing else would stop it unless, mod clash, spelling issue, patch version issue (maybe) etc etc .. I was simply saying maybe you could post EXACTLY what you did, rather than saying you did it and it doesn't work, so people could help, that's all. I don't see a thread full of issues, which would be the case if it was the mod or game, so whats left is the user whether that sounds negative or not its not meant to be.

Did the new update help? And have you grabbed the latest weapon pack update too and tested? hope it works for you.

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Well iv gave it an try with the new Replacement Pack still is not working. Is the Aog on the gun sopost to be vanilla? In RH its different with the Aog with the M16s M4s. Thank ya for the mod folder cole just thought it would work.


Yes i did see your smiley but as i have said that the questions that was asked by me and by cole and others, in them post is what cole and others have said and that iv done. So that should answer your response to EXACTLY what i did. Thank you for trying to help:smile: Does the M16s or M4s Aog have the RH Aog scope on your units weapons?

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One question though - what is the reason to use CfgAddons?

It brakes savegames (always adds dependency to the addon no matter what)

and it can cause problems on a DS. Please remove it.

In 99% of the cases there is no good reason to do this.

To be honest (and I'm going to sound like an idiot here): I don't really know what does that entry do, but alot mods used it before so I thought it's somewhat important..

Thanks for telling me about it, will make sure to remove it for 1.3. :)

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Er, I tried to run one of the stock SP missions with this and now it won't run anymore because it depends on the Cole_MFamily_Replace_M addon....

Is there anyway I can stop this?


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wow, sorry for replying so late.

if youre not using the replacement anymore, try reverting the mission, then the error should be gone. It's going to be fixed in the new version.

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Hi I was just wondering how I could change the "M249" to the "M249 Para Elcan"? Ive tried changing the p3d and paa, "RH_M249pelcan.p3d" and "M249pelcan.paa" and I get error message "Size 'requiredAddons/' not an array" I dunno what to do I'm pretty noob so sorry for that. I just don't like the iron sight on the M249 and would prefer the Elcan sight.

Edit: Never mind I figured it out.

Edited by Lib3r8eR

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lol, sorry for not replying Lib3r8er, was busy setting up my new laptop for the last few days. Glad that you figured it out on your own :)

I'll try to get a (hopefully final) update out in the next days, removing RequiredAddons entry and adding that sound config.

Edited by Cole

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I hope mr.Cole is still working on it

I just love the sounds of M4/16 from RH pack :bounce3:

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Think I abandoned this?

Well I almost did, lol. Lot's of shit to do in the last months, not enough free time that could be wasted on configs (tbh, I had more enjoyable things to waste it on). So here I come with a hotfixed replacement version incase anyone is still using this. I removed the CfgAddons entry as kju suggested, so it won't break savegames now. yay. ><'

Oh and about the sound replacements.. I might actually still do them, but I'm not sure about this compatibility stuff. I mean there's a ton of soundmods right now and more are coming, so a few M4 sound replacements won't really be the perfect thing I guess. It just wouldn't work most of the time. The only case where it would 100% work would be if you used no other soundmod, and I feel really sorry for you if you don't use a soundmod. So incase you want to hate me for not including the sound replacements in this version, please send your internet IED over to Cole dot cz at gmail dot com. I'll carefully let them all explode. Thanks.

There might be more config-ish stuff from me on the way, there might not. Deadfast is pretty fast and good at doing RobertHammer's weapon replacements, so that's one sector covered, and you guys don't have to wait for me to lift my fat ass up and actually do something.

... and I better stop typing, or I'll kill you before you even download this. Have fun.

1.2a Changelog:

- 1.2a - Removed CfgAddons as kju suggested. Configs will not break savegames anymore


Edit 2: First post updated.

Edited by Cole

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Thanks Marko112, link added to first post :)

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hello Cole i am using you cfg whit the @RH weaponpack ,@ACE2_SM_PLA ,@ZEUS ,@GL4 and it seems that the SBR hand grip anim isnt right,or is it a ace cfg thing ? THX Dave

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it MIGHT be ACE, they changed a huge ammount of things including weapon classnames and mine configs still use BIS classnames, so it's not officially compatible. I might actually add ace versions for 1.3, but who knows when that's coming.

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Tried this but not sure if it is working so 2 questions (sorry if they're dumb)

1. Can you simply extract the contents of the Addon folder into RH's SMG Addon folder ? Or do I have to delete RH's cfg from his Addon folder?

2. How can I check if the models are being replaced correctly?

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Hi Cole,

Is there a new replacement pack on the horizon to support IR etc with the new RH M4/M16 pack?



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Tried this but not sure if it is working so 2 questions (sorry if they're dumb)

1. Can you simply extract the contents of the Addon folder into RH's SMG Addon folder ? Or do I have to delete RH's cfg from his Addon folder?

2. How can I check if the models are being replaced correctly?

1. 99% community made modifications are not dependant on the addon folders. You can for example create your own folder called @Visuals, create a folder called addons inside it, and then put all mods that visually change the game inside.

2. Either good memory or create before/after screenshots :p

Hi Cole,

Is there a new replacement pack on the horizon to support IR etc with the new RH M4/M16 pack?



I'm not sure Robert already has thermal imaging textures on his models, but if he does, I think the current replacement version should display them?

However, if it doesn't (I don't play arma as much as I used to, and I didn't really check how much are the replacements compabile with OA myself) I guess I could make them work, but I don't know when is that going to happen.

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