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RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

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One small thing, the M4 with M203 has a sight mounted on the left side similar to the GP-25/GP-30 and M320. Great job.

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Um, a question for people wanting replacement packs:

Would you rather like to have a beta release with some weapons missing (M249, Mk12..) today or a full-ish release tomorrow?

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Alright, atleast I'm not going to rush it too much :) Pretty much got all M4's and M16's replaced (apart from the camo ones, there's no camo versions in RH's release, or I'm blind). Mk12 and M249 to go, then do a check for misplaced things, release and start working on an optional replacement with the SBR versions and a sound replacement :)

Enough with this thread hijacking of mine though.

Opticalsnare: Hope you're getting that effects mod of yours, I'm always drooling while watching those videos. :bounce3:

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Hello again... little bugreport: the M249 has no tracers, but when you use NV there are tracers... i also notice, that the cartridges are released at the wrong weaponposition...

Regards Culti

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Hello again... little bugreport: the M249 has no tracers, but when you use NV there are tracers... i also notice, that the cartridges are released at the wrong weaponposition...

Regards Culti

That's same like with vanilla ArmA M249, it's somekind of special NVG tracers.

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Alright, atleast I'm not going to rush it too much :) Pretty much got all M4's and M16's replaced (apart from the camo ones, there's no camo versions in RH's release, or I'm blind). Mk12 and M249 to go, then do a check for misplaced things, release and start working on an optional replacement with the SBR versions and a sound replacement :)

Enough with this thread hijacking of mine though.

Opticalsnare: Hope you're getting that effects mod of yours, I'm always drooling while watching those videos. :bounce3:

Hey Cole I was wondering if you would be interested in doing some work on the MP5? I love to use this weapon with my buds in Coop skirmishes we have, but at the moment the sights are kind of off and the model itself isn't to great looking compared to the other BIS models.

If you can get back to me that would be appreciated. :D

Brilliant work yet again Robert!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the update on your next work, all my friends love your work and we can't wait to get some remodeled AK's, some of those iron sights are to dang small on those weapons, and get some attachments on them things. :D

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Ohh... you are right... Didn´t know that there are "infrared" Tracers" ;)

Ok.. so its just one bug with the cartridges...

Regards Culti

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Hey Cole I was wondering if you would be interested in doing some work on the MP5? I love to use this weapon with my buds in Coop skirmishes we have, but at the moment the sights are kind of off and the model itself isn't to great looking compared to the other BIS models.

If you can get back to me that would be appreciated. :D

Brilliant work yet again Robert!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the update on your next work, all my friends love your work and we can't wait to get some remodeled AK's, some of those iron sights are to dang small on those weapons, and get some attachments on them things. :D

Wait wait wait wait, you mean editing/creating a new model? :eek:

I'm just into config stuff. If you find any released weapon pack for ArmA2 that includes a MP5, pm me and I can do a replacement pack (which means I'll just play around with the config). :)

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Wait wait wait wait, you mean editing/creating a new model? :eek:

I'm just into config stuff. If you find any released weapon pack for ArmA2 that includes a MP5, pm me and I can do a replacement pack (which means I'll just play around with the config). :)

Okay, I need to get my friend to come here and make some models for us. ;)

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Damn hot weapon package 8-)

Will come more new weapons with updates?

Looking forward to more M4s in Tacticle Versions like this:


Would be damn great to have some more variations of this great stuff :-)

Edited by Clawhammer

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oh snap - never knew you could convert things from source into A2. well it definitely looks great in-game. kudo's to you

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I have one bug to report and one complaint Robert other than that Brilliant work.


When using an M4 with the Handgrip your hand on the grip is really disformed, bent looking, I don't know if your able to fix this do to the lack of handgrips in the vanilla game.


My only complaint is the peep hole for the M4's is too small it can be sometimes very difficult to aim at large distances, 100 meters +, maybe you can enlarge peep hole mesh.

Other than that Great addon! :yay:

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Vary nice work:bounce3: Any chance of having an ammo box? This would be vary nice to have.

Edited by 1in1class

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1in1class. There should be an ammobox. Just go to Empty -> Ammo -> RH M4/M16 box.

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I have one bug to report and one complaint Robert other than that Brilliant work.


When using an M4 with the Handgrip your hand on the grip is really disformed, bent looking, I don't know if your able to fix this do to the lack of handgrips in the vanilla game.


My only complaint is the peep hole for the M4's is too small it can be sometimes very difficult to aim at large distances, 100 meters +, maybe you can enlarge peep hole mesh.

Other than that Great addon! :yay:

What unit were you using to hold the weapon? disformed arms normally means the unit hasn't been updated with a couple things arma 2 needs (new geometry etc).

Oh and yeah, the "dim" tracers are in theory used to give your army an advantage over the enemy who dont have night vision (or some such idea)

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What unit were you using to hold the weapon? disformed arms normally means the unit hasn't been updated with a couple things arma 2 needs (new geometry etc).

Oh and yeah, the "dim" tracers are in theory used to give your army an advantage over the enemy who dont have night vision (or some such idea)

I was using Fire team leader and Rifleman on Binkowski's Army Mod.

I'll try out the USMC and Independants.

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1in1class. There should be an ammobox. Just go to Empty -> Ammo -> RH M4/M16 box.

Nice thank ya i just did not see any thing about an ammo box on the info page thanks.

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wow these are amazing! i never thought i'd be so impressed by a weapons pack! the detail puts the stock models to shame, and the sounds are really nice as well. I doubt I will use the standard models in my missions anymore. If you rounded out the pack with the DMR/M240/Mk48 there would be no need for stock US weps at all. daylight tracers would be cool too.

Thank you for these, theyre really sweet. :D

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definitely tomorrow cole. we want quality and reliability :) don't get yourself overwhelmed. patience is the key for good work mate :)

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This pack is amazing. better then amazing, its fucking epic. But Im wondering if it is at all possible to add the sights to the M203s?

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