manberries 0 Posted October 14, 2009 Guys, really. All discussion about consoles related to Arma 2 belongs in the already created console threads (PS3 and Xbox360 threads). The possibility of a console port, the good and bads, and all what has been posted here has been discussed there to a greater degree. Save the admins the trouble of locking this, and move the discussion there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted October 14, 2009 it does not have community MOD's and the editor was somewhat limited 'Nuff said. Lesser product. but I could make missions from my PC and port them to the xbox using action repaly. The gameplay was the same. So how can you say the game will be different from it's PC version. Oh my God. You're telling me that OFP Elite is great but to make it the same you still need a PC to do it? That doesn't even make any sense. So they should make ArmA2 for the XBox/PS3 whatever, then allow you to use your PC version of ArmA2 to make it play the same as if it were on a PC.... what? Really, listen to that argument. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weegee_101 0 Posted October 14, 2009 No offence console players, but it does ruin the games we once cherished. Console games don't ruin PC games. The trend that all games, console or not, should be more accessible to gamers is what ruins PC games. I know from OFP: Elite that BIS wouldn't do that, they would keep the game as it is, possibly streamline the controls a bit for the gamepad, but the game would be there. I would love to see ArmA 2 (or even ArmA) released to the PS3. There are times where I honestly want to just sit on the couch and play a game in the evening rather than sit in a desk chair. (which I already do most of the day) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 14, 2009 'Nuff said. Lesser product.Oh my God. You're telling me that OFP Elite is great but to make it the same you still need a PC to do it? That doesn't even make any sense. So they should make ArmA2 for the XBox/PS3 whatever, then allow you to use your PC version of ArmA2 to make it play the same as if it were on a PC.... what? Really, listen to that argument. I never said that jackass don't put words in my mouth! I love people who talk crap when they have no clue what they are saying. You never played and I played both and they are the same game. The editor had some limits with the number of units on a map but making missions are the same minus some BS cutscenes and music you could add with the PC editor. You are a little boy sir have a nice day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Regards 10 Posted October 14, 2009 I've started a petition to the original developers of the first Operation Flashpoint who have since leaving their partnership with Codemasters has continued pioneering the military sim genre with the core formula that started it all to make us a true sequel to the original Operation Flashpoint for us console gamers. PETITION TO BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE TO MAKE A TRUE SEQUAL TO OF FOR CONSOLES :yay::yay: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tariq071 10 Posted October 14, 2009 I've started a petition to the original developers of the first Operation Flashpoint who have since leaving their partnership with Codemasters has continued pioneering the military sim genre with the core formula that started it all to make us a true sequel to the original Operation Flashpoint for us console gamers.PETITION TO BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE TO MAKE A TRUE SEQUAL TO OF FOR CONSOLES After what i have seen what was done to OFP : DR? No , thanks, i prefer being able to lean , for one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kklownboy 43 Posted October 14, 2009 ..... I have one question have you guys played OFP ELITE. ....yes and it looked awful like almost all xbox and PS2 games... absolute awfulness. gag ga g gaaggg. But hey if you like it fine. For being the best xbox milsim game ok... but man consoles look awful. And thats the issue 720p at 30fps... ARMA2 at HD res.. 40 to 90 fps... WITH AA... pifft consoles... beer, chips, buds, tv jaggy fun. Anyway i hope they do put out a Xbox360 version and make $$$. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weegee_101 0 Posted October 14, 2009 (edited) After what i have seen what was done to OFP : DR? No , thanks, i prefer being able to lean , for one. You still would be able to. OFP:DR wasn't even made by BIS. Just because it was released on console doesn't mean that it would have been decent had it not been on console. The truth is that Codemasters went in wanting the game to be more accessible than Operation Flashpoint had been. Had it been PC exclusive, it would have been the same pile of junk it is today. yes and it looked awful like almost all xbox and PS2 games... absolute awfulness. I don't know about 360, but most of the 1080p games on my PS3 are just as pretty as most of the PC exclusive games out there. Really people, graphics aren't everything. I'm surprised that so many of you are using the "sucky graphics suck" argument because so many of you are the same people use use "its not about the graphics, its about the gameplay". Please quit contradicting yourself, you just give this community a bad image. Edited October 14, 2009 by weegee_101 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fudgeblood 10 Posted October 14, 2009 I've started a petition to the original developers of the first Operation Flashpoint who have since leaving their partnership with Codemasters has continued pioneering the military sim genre with the core formula that started it all to make us a true sequel to the original Operation Flashpoint for us console gamers.PETITION TO BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE TO MAKE A TRUE SEQUAL TO OF FOR CONSOLES Yes, because online petitions always work! Just like they got Left 4 Dead 2 cancelled and turned into a patch for Left 4 Dead 1. :j: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jw custom 56 Posted October 14, 2009 I've started a petition to the original developers of the first Operation Flashpoint who have since leaving their partnership with Codemasters has continued pioneering the military sim genre with the core formula that started it all to make us a true sequel to the original Operation Flashpoint for us console gamers. Go play DR it was made for console and thats as close to war as you ever wanna get... lol :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted October 14, 2009 The editor had some limits with the number of units on a map Another limitation, similar to one of the OFPDR limitations? Really, the more I hear about OFP Lite the less I am convinced that it's a great idea. But hey. A console version of any game wouldn't make a lick of difference to me if it were literally another stream of development. But, good project management dictates that both products be developed together then split at the last possible step. Thus the limitations of developing for the lesser machine that is the console is fundamentally imprinted on the PC product. Always happens. With the rather obvious exception of OFP Elite perhaps :) OFP Elite was shoehorned the other way, PC to console, however for reasons that are probably more apparent to BIS now it most usually is done the other way around. OFP was a long established title that was probably relatively easy to make fit into a console that was developed some 5 years or so since OFP was developed. A product that is co-developed at the same time for PCs and consoles will suffer in quality. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adjutant 10 Posted October 14, 2009 All of this discussion is off topic. Please discuss the control layout posted in the first post of this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimnirsson 0 Posted October 15, 2009 If you open a thread that has both words in it ArmA and Consoles, then prepare to get your thread hijacked by the PC-fanboys with their mantra 'consoles suck'. It's the way this forum works, so accept that or better don't open a thread about consoles on the BI forum. Btw you won't get an official answer from BI here regarding Arma2 on consoles, except from 'nothing is confirmed and nothing is unconfirmed' so really better use your time playing a cool console game. Grim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whiskey_Tango 10 Posted October 16, 2009 im going to have to disagree that ofpdr was "made" for consoles, the control scheme is the only thing i see solely thought after for consoles, overall the game is screwed on console like a pc port, even picking fireteams you can see unselectable fireteams that could be selected on wasnt being made for consoles that screwed that game up it was the company making it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adjutant 10 Posted October 17, 2009 Heads up guys, this is the basic control layout: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fudgeblood 10 Posted October 17, 2009 That's a pretty decent control lay-out, but that's only covering about one tenth of the controls in ArmA 2. How about click down on the movement stick to change stance and click down on the aiming/focus stick for zooming in? Then make X/A button for a menu for the other stuff such as Binocs/Map/Compass/GPS/Watch/Salute/Push-ups/Diary and so on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adjutant 10 Posted October 17, 2009 (edited) UPDATE: Questions are welcome. EDIT: I have updated my first post in accordance. Fudgeblood. I forgot to mention that you can change stance both ways: you can tap the right stick to go prone in emergency. Now the other button for stance can be used like this: press to crouch, press and hold to go prone. ---------- Post added at 02:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ---------- There are very important implications of this control layout. The most obvious advantage of it is the accessibility. It is very efficient meaning that you will not waste a lot of time on drop down menus. the number of button presses is minimised for a game of ARMA calibre. To some Arma fans it might seem there are not enough commands in my example provided. However it inevitably comes down to this choice: Do we want (a) A smaller command system that can be easily and efficiently used with gamepads or (b) A large and complex system that becomes redundant due to the difficulty of using it with a gamepad. I think that many A.I. routines including the formation type and combat mode should be determined by the A.I. itself and not the player. If the A.I. is more autonomous then the game becomes playable on consoles. Edited October 17, 2009 by Adjutant Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 17, 2009 (edited) UPDATE: Questions are welcome. EDIT: I have updated my first post in accordance. Fudgeblood. I forgot to mention that you can change stance both ways: you can tap the right stick to go prone in emergency. Now the other button for stance can be used like this: press to crouch, press and hold to go prone. ---------- Post added at 02:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ---------- There are very important implications of this control layout. The most obvious advantage of it is the accessibility. It is very efficient meaning that you will not waste a lot of time on drop down menus. the number of button presses is minimised for a game of ARMA calibre. To some Arma fans it might seem there are not enough commands in my example provided. However it inevitably comes down to this choice: Do we want (a) A smaller command system that can be easily and efficiently used with gamepads or (b) A large and complex system that becomes redundant due to the difficulty of using it with a gamepad. I think that many A.I. routines including the formation type and combat mode should be determined by the A.I. itself and not the player. If the A.I. is more autonomous then the game becomes playable on consoles. Hey Adjutant you are a miss and you need a life. If you played the elite and OFP PC then you would know the layout that bohemia setup work fine and had all the basic commands that the vanilla game used in a easy way. Yes the PC MOD's added things but we just need the vanilla game that bohemia gave. Edited October 17, 2009 by AVIBIRD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kklownboy 43 Posted October 17, 2009 better yet, have the ability to add a mouse and keyboard to go with the pad!, then you could set up the keyboard "shift" key to give the Pad another layer of commands!..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adjutant 10 Posted October 17, 2009 AVIBird, you are not contributing to the discussion here. I want to know why you think OFP:Elite's layout was better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ricbar89 0 Posted October 18, 2009 Although AVIBIRD 1 goes flying off the handle in the typical AVIBIRD 1 manner he does make a point, Operation Flashpoint Elite's layout was great, the only thing that let it down was its team commands. I would take a new team command system anyday but apart from that the controls should stay the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 18, 2009 (edited) Although AVIBIRD 1 goes flying off the handle in the typical AVIBIRD 1 manner he does make a point, Operation Flashpoint Elite's layout was great, the only thing that let it down was its team commands.I would take a new team command system anyday but apart from that the controls should stay the same. ricbar89 It gets me nuts when people talk crap when it's clear that they never played the elite and have no real clue how the layout worked. Yes could BOHEMIA make some small changes to make it better. Do they need to add more menus to the layout since ARMA has more basic command functions then old OFP yes. I just can't help myself to call people out when they are talking BS or just have no clue becuase of lack of personal experience just like some of the PC only players who never played the elite and say it was not the same game that makes me nuts because the elite in someways was much better then the vanilla OFP minus the mission editor. I know the mission editor and community MOD's is what keep the PC community going all this time But if farcry 2 could have a detail editor like it did think how the next editor for a console game could be so much better with more options like the PC one. Edited October 19, 2009 by AVIBIRD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adjutant 10 Posted October 19, 2009 Yet again you are not explaining why it was better. The command system which I posted above is the best of its kind. You press the left shoulder button ("team") first to open the command menu. You have 4 submenus to choose from (on the DPAD). If you go into a submenu, you can return to the main menu by pressing "team" again. You select the teams that you need by using the buttons on the right. Notice that when the team menu is accessed other actions (i.e. reload, stance, weapon modifier, use) are suspended. Also notice that on consoles if you are a squad leader you can only control up to 3 fire teams and you cannot control individual soldiers in those fireteams. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S-M 10 Posted October 19, 2009 Maybe a console version could ship with the 360 messenger kit, so some more keys can be made available to the player ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ricbar89 0 Posted October 19, 2009 Yet again you are not explaining why it was better. The command system which I posted above is the best of its kind.You press the left shoulder button ("team") first to open the command menu. You have 4 submenus to choose from (on the DPAD). If you go into a submenu, you can return to the main menu by pressing "team" again. You select the teams that you need by using the buttons on the right. Notice that when the team menu is accessed other actions (i.e. reload, stance, weapon modifier, use) are suspended. Also notice that on consoles if you are a squad leader you can only control up to 3 fire teams and you cannot control individual soldiers in those fireteams. There's plenty of reasons why Elite's set up is better, for one that control scheme does not include any ability to free look and provides no more than Elite's scheme, in fact it looks very (and unnecessarily) dumbed down in comparison. And Adjutant im happy you're taking an interest but i dont see why i should have to go into the finer details when pretty much all the Elite fans agree that Elite's set up with improvement (like team commands and hold botton menus) would be perfect for ARMAII. So lets just go with that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites