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Patch 1.05 suggestions

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The Co-Pilot or in some cases the observer of a helicopter should be a

"REAL" Pilot. Being able to take control of the helicopter at any given time.

At least after the actual pilot croaks.

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What I also miss are the lights on the vehicles. Braking lights, tailights etc. it's very complicated to drive in a convoy when you can't see the vehicle in front of you braking early enough...

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What I also miss are the lights on the vehicles. Braking lights, tailights etc. it's very complicated to drive in a convoy when you can't see the vehicle in front of you braking early enough...

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Please make multiplayer parameters understand other values than just scalar (plain numbers). Sometimes a string or an array would come in very handy.

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AA optimization.. I can run everything perfectly on very high/high (even 200% 3D resolution if i feel 30fps is enough) But AA just kills the FPS.

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AA optimization.. I can run everything perfectly on very high/high (even 200% 3D resolution if i feel 30fps is enough) But AA just kills the FPS.

Sir, May I have you'r computer? :rolleyes:

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Too be fair, I can only do so at sahrani with CAA1.. But still, yeah, my comp is pretty good :)

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Shadow Draw Distance needs to be drawed farther, Im tired of seeing shadows on walls and stuff not visible until im 10 feet away, (This is on Normal Shadow settings by the way). :(

Vastly Improve the Ground Textures on Chernarus at a Distance even with the LandTex Mod they still look Muddy/washed out when flying around or looking at a distance.

Very High Texture settings again/100% 3D Res 1680x1050 Interface res.

Edited by Flash Thunder

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Shadow Draw Distance needs to be way farther, Im tired of seeing shadows on walls and stuff not visible until im 10 feet away, (This is on Normal Shadow settings by the way). :(

Vastly Improve the Ground Textures on Chernarus at a Distance even with the LandTex Mod they still look Muddy/washed out when flying around or looking at a distance.

Very High Texture settings again/100% 3D Res 1680x1050 Interface res.

Correct me if im wrong.. But while we're on the subject.

The problem with some of the settings, grass for example, is that if you'd have grass draw at same distance as your view distance etc, you'd need a friggin' super computer. And if some people could turn it off and gain an upper hand, that's not right either. I'm afraid we're stuck with that, unless they make grass use less resources.. Much less.. In theory, I don't think it's impossible to make the game look and feel WAY more realistic, it just isn't plausible with the customer in mind. The game is so demanding as it is already.

Something that would make sense too me though, is improving animations, not that I think they will, because it's such a core feature in any game. You just don't go in and rework it, since there's nothing "wrong" with it.. Except for the fact that people teleport in and out of vehicles. Also animations overall are Very stiff.

Another really annoying thing is when you have AT weapons equipped and go prone, your character automatically switches weapons - even if fired upon. I've lost count how many times I've died because of this. It's like your character doesn't fully understand the urgency of getting the fuck down literally speaking. - No, he has to switch weapons first..

And that's another thing really. I shot the Carl Gustav recoilless rifle in the army (SMAW being the equivalent) and we fired from the prone positon quite a bit. With javelin i can understand, but not being able to fire SMAW prone doesn't make any sense to me.

But I still love this game :D

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In missions where grass is not supposed to give an upper hand, i.e. competitive modes, there won't be a grass on/off control, and everyone gets the same. Coop missions like Domination have grass on/off selectable by player, since it is a "free for all" non competitive mode. If you don't like or can't handle grass, turn it off. I like grass myself, but will turn it off if it impacts me too much performance wise.

I'm fine with the animations except you can't break out of them, and that forced switch thingy. For disposable weapons (AT4, RPG18), it would be better if the tube was simply removed after shot. Press F to switch to your main weapon, or Z to go prone, then switch to personal weapon. Unfortunately, in the past, it proved a buggy method (would crash Arma1 if AI did this before the rocket hit). Not sure if this has improved.

I'm not sure why we are still not allowed to fire AT weapons from prone position. It worked brilliantly in ACE1 and hopefully will do so also in upcoming ACE2. Some complain that you can't aim enough upwards with these weapons, but illumination rounds for SMAW is outlawed in many armies for a reason :) I think this limit is perfectly fine, in fact I think it could be even stronger.

So, Arma2 has a few problems with i.e. its animation system, like the forced weapons switch. But why not adapt to it? Once you know to pick trees as cover instead of a hilly dent or something, getting down becomes less important than sidestepping behind that tree. And trees are plentiful in Chernarus :)

Personally, although I wouldn't mind better getin/getout animation, I'm not too bothered with how it looks today. It "does the job", even though it's not too convincing.

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Not to ruin everyones day, but when I tried OFP2 I could run it on highest, and it has huge island too, and nice environment. So ArmA2 has as good as optimisation as Wolfenstein 3D, and best thing is, I bet wolfenstein 3D Didn't have optimisation

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Not to ruin everyones day, but when I tried OFP2 I could run it on highest, and it has huge island too, and nice environment. So ArmA2 has as good as optimisation as Wolfenstein 3D, and best thing is, I bet wolfenstein 3D Didn't have optimisation

You make running OFP2 on highest like an achievment :rolleyes: OFP2 looks like crap for a game released 2009.. The only reason it can have such draw/viewdistance is because.. It looks like crap. Really.

But hey, thats just me, and everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I bought that game and I tried to like it, but it's just utter crap in my mind.

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:44 PM ----------

If you don't like or can't handle grass, turn it off. .

I'm fine with the animations except you can't break out of them, and that forced switch thingy..


It's more of a draw distance thing than on/off for me. What good is grass ON for a sniper if it only draws maybe 50-100m? You'd still be able to spot sniper 300m away with ease since there is no grass there.


Yeah, that's what's most annoying with them, u can't "chose" too Not do something. The game does it "for you" even if you don't want to. Sure u can hide behind tree's but that's not even the issue here.

It's not realistic to "sidestep behind a tree" when you got full blown machine gun fire two feet from your head :) Think about it.. I'd get the fuck down! Surely behind a tree as well, but still. Sidestepping is not the logical first step in this particular case ;)

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Not to ruin everyones day, but when I tried OFP2 I could run it on highest, and it has huge island too, and nice environment. So ArmA2 has as good as optimisation as Wolfenstein 3D, and best thing is, I bet wolfenstein 3D Didn't have optimisation

The game must not like me, I can't get OFP Dragon Rising to run at 30FPS even at the lowest settings but I can run Arma 2 except near the ocean and cities just fine at 30FPS at VeryHigh Settings No AA at 100% 3D Res.

Seriously don't know why OFP DR is always a few below 30FPS at 800x600 and low everything.

The game is crap anyways so I'm going to uninstall it, it was a console port anyways they couldn't even ship the game with CD Keys which was Epic Failure, since everyone on MP is a Pirate or someone who modifies all the configs xmls.

PS: I only have the necessary processes running in the background while playing OFP DR, No Scans, No Downloads or anything, I have an ATI 3650 512, 3GB total VRAM.

If anyone could help it would be nice.

Edit: Just to let you know OFP DR fails in pretty much every aspect from what I've seen:

Broken Editor, Unit cap of 60 something!!!

No Story while in the game, hardly using any vehicles

No Freelook/TrackIR for Infantry

No Animations for Wound Patching

Glitchy messed up interface

NO Dedicated Servers

No Admin Tools

No Mod Support

Horrible LOD Scaling worse than Arma 2 with 1.01

Gore system looks like Quake 1

Horrible Textures

AI without a simple Mod was abysmal missing you at 20 meters on full auto

Vehicles have messed up controls and physics

Tons of Lag on MP

Hardly any content, Hardly any weapons/vehicles/static objects to use in editor

Shorter View Distance than Arma 2.

Very Disappointed with Consolemasters, Hopefully BIS will make alot of money off Arma 2 and buy back the OFP name. :D

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It's more of a draw distance thing than on/off for me. What good is grass ON for a sniper if it only draws maybe 50-100m? You'd still be able to spot sniper 300m away with ease since there is no grass there.

So, if you know that grass doesn't hide you too good, why are you still hiding there? Find a bush, or better yet, something that provides you easy cover and a quick and safe escape route. Grass covers a lot more than concealment, or lack thereof.

Grass is good because:

* You can't hide in tall grass (most of Chernarus) without making it block your view.

* It makes you think twice about an approach route. If the enemy have a high vantage point (elevated outlook post), you'll take fire quickly but not being able to return fire due to (tall) grass obstructing your view. On a road, you still take fire, but at least you're able to return fire. Without grass, you can pick any "open field" and have full visibility. Not realistic in a longshot. However, in Chernarus, medium grass seems rather standard. Not enough places with short grass and tall grass.

* When you actually get into close combat in the woods, grass, twigs, and shadows helps hide the opposition much more than if you played without. Especially in "harsh" lighting conditions (very low sun).

* As a sniper, grass would help you see units on or near ridges more "accurately". If they are behind the ridge, you may see them well but not able to hit them because they are still covered by fire geometry. You'll end up hitting an invisible wall, and give away the fact that you exist. Since the enemy is close to the ridge, they're fire geometry and visible geometry is more "in tune" and they may not even be able to see you at all.

* With grass set high, you eliminate units on ridges appearing to walk in thin air. For the same reason as above.

* Wild fire into the unknown may help suppress the enemy covered by grass (if close). A "common mistake" in Arma is that most players only fire at what they can clearly see. Most people will stop firing at a window and wait until the guy reappear. Suppress from multiple directions so he can't make another shot from that location again, feels pinned down, and let others enter the house to take him out. Same with grass. If you suspect someone is there, fire into it. Bullets are free of charge ;) Since I'm usually a SAW guy, I have a lot of bullets. And I've killed plenty AI, some in the grass, just by laying down a heavy base of fire at a suspected enemy position. If I see tracers going in there, I open up, sometimes blind.

Naturally, if you're only in it for the kill count, then by all means turn it all. But I like the realism and mood it creates, so I'll turn it as high as possible, even if it makes me at a disadvantage. If I want some more advantage back, I lower the AI skill.

The good news for me, is that I can again "enforce" grass on my own Domination edit, only being able to select "how much". This because in latest beta patches, grass doesn't seem to have an impact on my framerates. So if you play the Domination version on our server, you're in it for the realism - enforced grass, limited weapons, all visual aids turned off, but with reduced AI skills to compensate.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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fix the death anims please, theres nothing more depressing than firing half a magazine into an enemy and getting *shot - pause - Take 2 steps - raise weapon - oh finally fall down dead*

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-The steering of vehicles changed, not having to turn the wheel back the opposite direction so much when you want to straighten up. (realisticly vehicles semi-straighten themselves moving forward under acceleration, making for less turning!)

-Boats that continue accelerating while turning. (currently power cuts when you turn. (& more boats :p)

-AI with guns on backs when set to "safe" or "careless" (Like i remeber from original Ofp)

-Basic camera script put back into the editor. (for SP missions) Important for mission makers for a quik cutscene!

-The ability to set sight or view distance on AI units. (short, medium, long!) So some units will detect you from far while others may not. adds more randomness to missions. (i dont think the current "skill" adjustment setting is enough... but i shouldnt complain as there are still so many ways to manipulate AI ;))

-When looking at your Map & mission objectives etc, if you hit a link in the briefing to goto a marker on your map it centres behind the tasks/notes window making it useless. It needs to be positioned lower to the left centre of screen. (or is this only happening on my 9yr old monitor!? non lcd)

-Motorbikes to handle a bit more like real motorbikes, and more power!

-The ability to lean without having a weapon! (civis cant lean for example!)

-And cars have more power on the dirt roads, its hard to find the sweet spot on the dirt roads sometimes for that extra boost!

-A couple extra BIS missions would be nice :D

-And of course, more Uphill power in all vehicles

Edited by viibez

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Actually, it's always difficult to obtain an interior engine sound different from the outside engine sound!!

You have the easy command :








You must actually create many lines of command!

Unfortunatly for me, when I try to make the same lines with my AddOn from Arma, I have a message error.

So Please, for the next patch of arma2, bring us the two command word for inside and outside engine sound.

And Another suggestion, could you allow to the chopper to wheel when it is on the ground and with gear?

Thank's a lot.

Xavier PETIT.:o

Edited by XPETIT

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1.Fix the interface...at the moment it is to heavy.

2. Stop AI from running my troops over in viecles when they are clearly easy to see.

3.Fix voice NPC, it is crap.

4.woods should be out of bounds for trucks ect.

5.squad members should be able to re-arm or replace weaplons and ammo at there own discresion, at the moment it's like you have 3 children to look after and not 3 HMF special forces... (i take it they are speacial forces?)


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-The steering of vehicles changed, not having to turn the wheel back the opposite direction so much when you want to straighten up.

Unless your system is behaving differently to mine, it makes no difference if you do turn the wheel in the opposite direction, the virtual wheel turns at a linear rate to the target position irrespective of how big the current to target difference is.

I have been thinking about it, earlier i requested that the steering input had a analogue/digital check added and 'if analogue, then turn to target instantly'

while that would work, on reflection it would probably be better if a new input binding (or binding pair) for analogue steering were added, that new one responding instantly to the input value (with the other (current binding) staying as is (moving at a linear rate to the target value)).... that would be the best of both worlds (its not like the BI guys are afraid of adding huge numbers of input bindings (and i love them for doing so, one button per function! :)))

tho on a halfway related note... some form of method to sort or search the bindings would be helpful, perhaps similar to the vehicle/air/etc sets, but broken into smaller sections such as 'targeting' and 'weapons', currently its really rather tricky to find any one binding quickly

likewise, the addition of a text field explaining the difference between the numerous similar commands would be very helpful for noobs, i.e. theres something like 3 different zoom commands, numerous vehicle turns (turn, turn analogue, turn more and AI orders (i think)) etc, iv pretty much got them all figured out now, but would'v found that extremely useful when i was starting out (its a bit late to add it to the manual, eh ;))

Edited by OOPz

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method to sort or search the bindings would be helpful

A simple text filter would be awesome. Type in "fir" while ALL bindings are shown, and you'll find all "fire" commands.

Next to it, a key filter. Activate box (autohover activation?) and type your key. All commands bound to that key will now show in the list.

That would be VERY helpful. The number of bindings can be overwhelming, especially to new players. Enabling to get just what you want in a quick fashion would be very nice for aiding new players how to setup important keys. Now they spend too long time searching the list :p

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Viibez: The steering of vehicles changed, not having to turn the wheel back the opposite direction so much when you want to straighten up

Did you ever test the beta's? This is fixed.

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Next to it, a key filter. Activate box (autohover activation?) and type your key. All commands bound to that key will now show in the list.

good thinking sir!, that would be incredibly useful and not tricky to code.

Did you ever test the beta's? This is fixed.

it is?!?!... damn i hope its what i asked for, i want to be able to drive around for fun (as i fly around for fun).

iv tried getting the beta running, for some reason it wont play ball for me, so i have to wait and see :/

i notice in the notes that the left mouse button can be unbound to perform action... thanks BI :)

Edited by OOPz

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Did you ever test the beta's? This is fixed.

Ah no i didnt, i havent even looked into using Beta patches :butbut:

But i will now :)


-Aim or Recticle needs to be aligned (when looking without sights the aim recticle is much higher than it is when looking through the sights)

-Guard Towers, stop AI from being able to go prone while inside a confined space such as towers! as they go prone they lay down through the object, head & feet poking out.. This is a very sad problem which has been in affect since the original OFP release, time to fix hey ... (either make towers bigger which would look silly and take too much time) Add prevent prone command!

Grenades The hand grenade "toss" action is so primitive, we need to see where we are throwing it! like in most other games or even as in life, you can throw at an area! with the current situation you have to look at the ground to do a short 20metre toss wth.. Uber dodgey!

Edited by viibez
add-towers. grenades

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