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Patch 1.05 suggestions

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This thread is for all 1.05 related suggestions :yay:

Heres a few to start off the thread.

How about If you steal an enemy truck, the enemy (AI) sees a friendly unit (or real player) sees a green nametag.

If the truck gets too close, say 50m, the AI should be able to tell as the driver is clearly viewable from that distance and the tag should come up as red for real players. What does everyone else think of this feature?

Another suggestion is the windows in vehicles which you can't see through when you're viewing from inside such as the BMP3; I think you should be able to see through the windows so you can tell whats outside, even as a passanger. -yes there is the option to view directly through the window in 'driver mode' but then you can't see the state of your friendly units in the vehicle and the damage it has taken (from bullet holes in the walls etc)

And the right and left gunner also can't see where their gun will fire if crosshairs are disabled because all they see is a window. I'm not sure what happens if they turn out but when they're under heavy fire they don't want to be outside :D

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Sorry if repost, but how about fixing autopilot landing of Su-25 at main airfield near Vybor? The autopilot strikes Su-25 at landing moment that costs till two bars of HP. Also, it would be great to give us a possibility to clear up the strip from traces of landing disasters that doesn't allow to land again by using autopilot.

Also it is something strange with target locking of Mi-24 missiles. It is almost disabled now.

Edited by Starshina(RUS)

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- Tighter Turn Circle For C-130 on the Ground

Currently cant taxi from taxiway to runaway without having too cut off onto the grass really silly considering C-130s have a tight turning circle in real life

- MP Server Browser Showing Which server have signed files running

Its very annoying trying to connect to servers with custom addons, and then spending 5min loading to get kicked becuase the server is signed please allow people to see which servers are signed so we dont waste our time looking for servers that arnt. :)

Edited by MattXR

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  MQ-9 Reaper said:
smoke grenades for AAV P7A1 vehicles still don't work:(

... :butbut: I already wrote this issue two times weeks ago. It seemes the devs do not read all bug reports. Ok, much to ready. :)

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1.Hold Fire-Bug fixed,Units hold fire if they are told to

2.Graphic-fix flickering textures

3.Graphic-fix the scope/zoom bug:Zooming with Binocular or Sniperrifle makes strange flickering and poping up of objects in the viewdistance

4.Civilian Module-add a option for the size of civian groups/number in towns and let us select the area for civilians

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  eJay said:
Bring back ArmA 1.14 performance!

well that took quite a time to get to 1.14 so have patience and seen in that time what Arma 2 gets too yeah

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All known and over and over reportet content errors are still in 1.04.

*paper thin russian MBTs (did you know that you can destroy a T-90 in seconds with a KORD, but you can't do this to a BMP)

*G36 Aimpoint still broken since 1.01

*RPG-VL still showing PG-7V model

*No working pitch indicator on all Mi-8/17/24 Helicopters

*Weapons not showing on Ka-52 Pylons.

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+ Add in the option in the key mapping to quick select a color group. You know, those things you never use because they're too hard to use? Yea, red team, yellow, green, blue? Those. Make a way so we can assign a key to select them easily.

+ Add in the ability to FAVORITE a server on the MP listing.

+ Sure would be nice if our vehicles had a bit harder handling at first. EXAMPLE: How many times have you guys started in a car or truck, and as soon as you begin turning, your car goes off road. You have to steer it back and it goes so quickly to the other side you go off the OTHER side of the road. The AI does this too! Need fixing. :)

+++++++ OH MY GOD BIS! I cannot tell you HOW MANY TIMES this has come in NEEDED but, because it isn't here, some bad shit happens! THE HORN! Why can't NO ONE HEAR THE HORN except ME? I honk the horn! GTFO OF THE WAY! HORN HORN HORN -- SPLAT. The guy runs into me because on his computer he didnt hear a horn.

+ Lastly, I notice that the RPG-7 feels like I'm literally SHOT PUTTING it out. "BLAH! and it shoots out. If I want to shoot something 50m away, I have to aim an inch over it. What gives BIS? The SMAW, meanwhile, is like DEADLY accurate and theres little need to aim over the target

Thanks :D

Edited by Jaenus

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Blatant repost from 1.04 suggestions.. i'll bang on about it till its fixed!

BTR 90 needs some love.. command one every weekend in a campaign so have got quite used to the issues and swearing of my team-mates!

Gunner currently has permanently ZOOMED IN sight so cannot track targets easily and makes it very hard to spot anything due to the tiny viewing angle.

Why not assign use of some weapons to the commander maybe the Konkurs missiles, and/or gren launcher - realistically a BTR commander can take control of ALL 4 weapon systems.. seems poor to have them under gunner control only. Suggest cannon/mg stay under gunner control as the mg is coaxial lol

The HUD could use some tweaking - turret direction indicator to aid driver/gunner/commander co-ordination - a heading indicator for driver so he knows where hes pointed when turned in (a view change from letterbox -> internal then hitting K for Kompass, K to put it away again, then viewchange back kinda sucks and takes a couple of seconds)

(Think some of the HUD changes could apply to LAV as well - dunno, never drive it!)

Drivers view point thru the 'letterbox' when driving uphill/cresting etc is terrible - turned out is the only way to travel fast.

Turning in/out on BTR seems wrong - if the commander is turned out, driver turns out, no problem, but as soon as the commander turns in, the driver automatically turns-in as well?? Surely these should be independant of one another?

Why not add a telescopic sight to the RPG-7 as per your description here - and bring it up to the useability level of the SMAW - the ironsight is pretty inaccurate over 350m or so.. I'll get you 3 shots and 3 kills with a SMAW against APC's at 1100m! never mind the 500m 'effective range' lol

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- vehicles and world objects visible from full view distance by default - currently you can detect target that is not drawn. I'd like to be able to see flying aircrafts from even further away


- AI muzzles working under player's command (create engine enhancement instead of ineffective config changes) - fixing AI gunner engagement issues once and for all

- more realistic stabilization for turrets (taking speed limits and system's effectiveness into account)

- AI helicopters not going kamikaze


- better ironsights for RPG-7, and all ironsight views closer to eye without having to zoom in

- fixed selection bugs for ZSU-23-4, T-72, M2 static MG (turret/muzzle flash selection broken in lower LODs, not turning)

- cleaned up empty LODs in several vehicles (mainly those from Queen's Gambit) - most irritating ones

- fixed geometry LOD design failures making tanks beign shot into sky when hitting rocks


- I expect performance related improvements especially for First Aid and Warfare


- direct access to magazines (setting and reading count for each)

- magazineCargo, weaponsCargo

- return and access turrets (as similarly to vehicles as possible)


- please, oh please make driving cars more intuitive, without artificial limitations - more like it used to be in OFP (when I turn my driving wheel from one into opposite edge, I expect it to happen significantly faster than when I don't touch anything in order to recenter (currently it's completely tumbled by design failure) - I believe this could also help AI driving a bit)

Edited by zGuba

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patch 1.4 actually made my gameplay worse. ever since i downloaded it my game has been freezing every 30 seconds. it seems that BIS is clueless. they havent fixed any of the major bugs. like falling off the illumanant tower, getting stuck face down when parajumping. arma 2 has so much potential to be the best game of all time and its a shame that bis is half-assing their work. its like they never tested it.i guess all we can do is wait a few more months for another patch that does nothing. im very upset with patch 1.4. it shouldnt take years to patch up simple bugs like it did in arma 1.

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Please fix it such that people with 8gb of ram actually have their vram detected properly and can thus, play the game. I think playing the game might be nice, but I can't be sure.

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-If "Zoom out (Toggle)" could work for vehicles (helicopters, cars) it would be great. Currently it only works for infantry.

  Beagle said:
All known and over and over reportet content errors are still in 1.04.

*paper thin russian MBTs (did you know that you can destroy a T-90 in seconds with a KORD, but you can't do this to a BMP)

This has been fixed by the excellent Tank Damage System mod made by Nice_Boat. Main Battle Tanks and others armored vehicles now have real armor :yay:.

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they havent fixed any of the major bugs. like falling off the illumanant tower


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Fix bug try change weapons (it freeze from time to time and you need to press V (climb) to change weapons and move further

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Get the fog to work. Remember seeing images of ARMA2 before it was released and text saying ARMA2 would have rolling fog. Fog slider only creates a shorter VD, and it breaks the artificial horizon when zooming.

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Remove Securom. It's just a pain in the ass, doesn't prevent people from copying the game and doesn't stop them from uploading the game to the internet. It's pretty worthless by now.

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Well what about the driving AI? :-)

for me this is one of the worst things in this game by now.

Another issue: the radio - bring back the good 'ol OFP radio. The current system sounds like crap.

@Securom - right - its absolutelly useless (as always) and will hopefully bring us more performance when turned off!

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Patch 1.04 aimed to fix performance issues of urban (city) area. It was one of the main part of 1.04, but nothing happened, this bug is not fixed. It isn't mentioned in the 1.04 patch log either, and if you check, the FPS is same or wronger than with patch 1.03. If BIS promise something why can't they solve it, it's a shame. If the 1.04 was the performance patch, then why I couldn't realize any performance boost!?!? Operation Flashpoint 2 will be released on october 6, and arma2 is a chaos now, and a performance hit on a PC. What does BIS expect to after Operation Flashpoint will be released!?!?!

Edited by chegauvara

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1.Quick flares deployment for all aircraft. (not auto flare)

2.New content (Just a few new weapons and vehicles would do it)


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