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OFP Addon request thread

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When i try to load some missions, including BIS's "B01HeliTrain2" which is the second mission where you get in a chopper and blow up a convoy, I get an error that i am missing "bas_repairh" and the cutscenes and endings are automatically skipped over! Anyone know what this is? I have all the BAS helicopter mods, so this is puzzling me. Thanks!

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Relik this is an old problem with the bas repair h thing! The avon lady solved it a long time ago.Here is a link to the fixed version click  The avon lady as got a very good OFP site which you may like to take a look at.It can solve a lot of problem's for you biggrin_o.gif EDIT= replace the bas repairh pbo in the flashpoint folder with this fixed one! sounds obvious but a peep could quite easily forget what to do tounge2.gif

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Thank you! I tried searching the forums, but I only searched for threads made in the last year, so that was probably the problem notworthy.gif

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Hi there,

I get the message box appear....

No entry 'editableconfig.bin/cfgvehicles/cfgnonAIvehicles.scope'.

appear every time I play the game or place an object in the mission editor,

Any ideas what could be causing this and how to remedy it,

Thanks for any help solving this........sorry but I couldnt tell you which addon caused this as I tend to download loads at once and them instal them all together crazy_o.gif

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anyone happen to have a link to the download of Black Baron's Space Shuttle???

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Does anyone know of any molotov addons going around?

Or does anyone have a working link to this pack?


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looking for off_ied_iraq.zip (or rar?) couldn't find this addon anywhere.

Originally it was on www.flashpoint.pl but the site isn't working anymore.

Anyone knows where to find this addon?

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Here's your off_ied link

I have and old mission (something from KYL I think) that requires a UCE_Finish addon that dosen't seem to be around anymore. Anyone know where this can be found?

Another one I was able to find in a multiple addon pack was the old KYL Realism addon.  biggrin_o.gif

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Here are some addons people are looking for:





link...revised link

They are part of MEC misson addons.

Actionman, your vitdkm_apc I think is the "No Whinning" version 1.1...will add link if I can find it

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Greg147, here is your DRF pack

link and also requires RHS Weapons


There is also the old Gimbal Tossers


Korax...here is your trouble makers addon


sorry for the multiple posts whistle.gif

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I think the missing addon's section has got a new "guru" Zuku 1, i hope you can get me a link for the VIT dkm apc yay.gif This thing has been bugging me for a long time!

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Here's your off_ied link

I have and old mission (something from KYL I think) that requires a UCE_Finish addon that dosen't seem to be around anymore. Anyone know where this can be found?

Another one I was able to find in a multiple addon pack was the old KYL Realism addon.  biggrin_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]I think the missing addon's section has got a new "guru" Zuku 1, i hope you can get me a link for the VIT dkm apc  This thing has been bugging me for a long time!

Try this one ver 1.1 link if not that maybe this one ver .09 link and what the heck the other versions too ver .08 link and ver 1.2

link and 1.3 last link goodnight.gif

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Zuku1 thank's man inlove.gif I owe you one, i will let you know how i get on. Only hope one of these is the one i need as i have tried a couple of different version's in the past with no luck. Edit = getting rid of wrong smilie! p.s you can have another one of these inlove.gif you deserve it smile_o.gif

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Hint:A little searching goes a long ways..... wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]"Kolo",


Quote[/b] ]"f3wx_o1_version1",





*added ver. 1.0 link*

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Quote[/b] ]Cannot load mission, missing addon "travois"

hmmm....You got me on that one. What mission is it from?

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Hello All smile_o.gif

As you see I'm brand new(bie) to this game and have fallen for it's unique style and ambience (and have been DLing stuff like crazy biggrin_o.gif -if such a thing is possible with only 56k modem thingie lol)

being not much of a gamer and never having participated in a forum scene b4 I hope you'll be decent to my (inevitable) social faux pas'...TA:) (which means thx to those not in N Britain).

(never played a game so proper brimming with potential or with such a visionary and generous MOD scene (so there IS still such a thing as a free lunch in this world and BLIMEY!! whatta banquet!wink_o.gif..I gotta coupla Q's for ya..OK heregoes...(I got GOTY.patch+1.96)

1..I DL'd "BIOLOGICAL WARFARE"-spanky G from opflash.org and got all addons but "CIVILIAN CLOTHING PACK" (was forwarded to OFPEC but since their mini apocolypse their recources seem to have vapourized sad_o.gif ) any suggestions?

2...I DL'd "HAWK IN SHADOWS" (with all requisite addons) but the campaign isn't PBO.how do I make this work?

3...could anyone give me links for good new ground textures for all orig isles (I Tried WGL but it's not for me).also veg Textures.

(ACTIONMAN thanks for BAS ALTA link ... that m60 thing wuz drivin' me proper unsane crazy_o.gif --yur a tru gent biggrin_o.gif )

thank you all for your time and considerations,any help wud be really appreciated.

(I may be PROPER late on board for the OFP scene but I'm thinking" late 4OFP/early for ARMA" heh!wink_o.gif

once again: TA(see above tounge2.gif )

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Welcome aboard mate! The longevity of this game is simply amazing and addons are still flowing. Many sites have dried up but older addons can still be found. At 56k you won't be d/g stuff like FFUR, ECP and other large mods which really make Flashpoint zing.  

Quote[/b] ]2...I DL'd "HAWK IN SHADOWS" (with all requisite addons) but the campaign isn't PBO.how do I make this work?

You can simply put this in the mission folder under "users" and load it through the mission editor. Or use a PBO utility like Make_PBO Link or the more modern WinPBO Link. Searching these fourms can turn up lots of good stuff.
Quote[/b] ]1..I DL'd "BIOLOGICAL WARFARE"-spanky G from opflash.org and got all addons but "CIVILIAN CLOTHING PACK"
The file you are looking for is STTCIVIL2 but it maybe hard to find.

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thanks zuku smile_o.gif

you've been a great help to me and everything you suggested was successful biggrin_o.gif ta fella...I appreciate the generous welcome too..nice1

Sorry about the tardy reply..lotta stuff goin on..mucho hectik heh!

(altho I gotta admit yer wrong 'bout me not gettin ECP on 56k...i just DL'd the blighter yesterday and yes it did take a while (14.5/HR's) lol tounge2.gif

Jus' teks dedication man (an a jar fulla valium woulda bin helpful! lol)

also BAS TONAL (had a beard by the end of that one heh!wink_o.gif

I wuss it tho' when I get to CSLA II (400MBish..I'd lose my mind and youth to attempting that un' no matter how enticing it looks...too poor 4BroadBand (my comp's pretty much held together with stickyback plastik N' Bubblegum as it is heh!

Anotha Q for you (or anyone else who got that knowledj ting goin' on)

anyone know where I can get the "Realistic explosion MOD V1.48(1.50?)"...called I think "GMR_explomod" or some such...looks tasty to go with my newECP (which I just gonna try now 4first time:)).

also how do I try downloadable islands out on the editor thingie? (I have 2nd hand GOTY with No booklet) help.gifconfused_o.gif (I may try havin a go at a map meself one o these days..looks fascinating)

Any suggestions as to the Best WATER replacement too?..I wanta get the environs up to the peak of their potential.

One last thing (sorry to go on off topic a lil bit)

...y'know when you install a new MOD and at desktop shortcut Icon (in properties)you add to target line " -mod=skypack" etc(example) what do you do if you wanta add serial MOD;s in layers? do you just add the new line after the last ("mod=skypack" -mod=flashFX") or what confused_o.gifhelp.gif

THANK YOU for all your considerations (I do appreciate your help thumbs-up.gif )


...Even if you WIN the RATRACE..






TAKE CARE ALL smile_o.gif

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Does anybody know were i can get the original LlauMax sky pack,the one with the clear blue sea that didn't work with DXDL? p.s i know i will upset the mod's with this remark (don't take it personaly) this forum's search engine is shall we say not in the top ten of search engine's.In fact it's rather poor pistols.gif I've been dieing to get that of my chest for year's!

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