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Player looking for squad (not for squads to post looking for players!)

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Name: Nightmare

Age: 16

Tactical Realism experience: I was an officer in charge of two companies in a old Tactical Realism game

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Preferred Class: Infantry but I can be a mounted gunner rather easily

Looking for: A Marine unit, with alot of people, or a really devoted Army unit.

I can only do stuff on weekends, and I may not join for a few weeks, I have to get Combined ops but im just picking a unit first. Kinda want to get organzied before I start.

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Name: Ryan Smith

Soldier name: DeadNoise

Age: 27

Language: English

Games: Arma 2 and Arma2 Operation Arrowhead

Timezone: Pacific US

Location: Nevada, USA

Mic: HeadSet

Experience: 340Hrs

Roles preferred: Sniper, Infantry, Special Force

I have Teamspeak

Mature Player preferably looking for a team that plays on vanilla arma2 and OA.

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Hi,im steve

i am 32 and want to get into arma 2 again.used to play with a clan until my arma 2 hiatus.

i am looking for a uk based clan that play with realism and teamwork and a chain of command.

i use teamspeak 3 and own a mic.

can play any role including pilot.

i own arma 2.op arrowhead.baf .willing to use mods too.

please help me get back into arma 2 ;:D


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I've been playing ArmA2+ArmA2 OA for about a month and would like to join a small/smaller unit to learn and to do missions with

My works flexible so I'm around in the morning/afternoon as well as at nights EST

I've started playing around with ACE and enjoy the extra realism it offers so I'd like to use that and anything required by the unit

I'm 48 and I like playing as a team and working together but not to the point where it's no fun, you got to be able to have a laugh :p

I currently have ArmA2+ArmA2OA patched and I use Six Up-Dater ... I have a headset with mic and TS3

Thanks guys :yay:

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Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew of a dedicated Air Clan? My group is looking to go air assault and we don't want to take away from our infantry unit so we are looking for a clan that would be looking to fly transport and/or provide CAS or other air services.

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Name: Jukka

Soldier name: Osprey

Age: 16, almost 17

Language: English, Finnish

Games: ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead

Timezone: GMT + 2

Location: Finland

Experience: Played ArmA 2 with ACE couple years, I was in 6th Airborne realism unit.

Roles preferred: Infantry, Armor

I'm mature player and I'm looking for a nice experienced squad which plays ArmA 2 + Arrowhead with ACE and ACRE. Looking for Coop and PvP gaming. Not intrested of squad which plays only as one nation..


Osprey :bounce3:

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Name: Matthew

Soldier name: Silver

Age: 21

Language: English

Games: Arma 2 and Arma2 Operation Arrowhead

Timezone: Eastern Time

Location: Canada, Montreal

Mic: Yes

Experience: Played day one launch of arma2 and arrow head for a year and half then my clan got disbanded, i stopped playing and now I'm trying to get back into arma2 since arma3 is this year !

Roles preferred:Transport helicopter Pilot, and anything that can fly.I also liked spotting back when i was playing with my old squad. I'm not asking to get the role of pilot day one if you don't want to but as long as i can prove I'm good and i can fly eventually its ok with me.

Other Roles: humvee driver,troop transport,infantry, support,sniper/spotter

I have Teamspeak, Ventrillo and Skype.

LOOKING FOR ppl to show me the ropes again since I've been out for a bit. Looking for a bit of a milsim squad(co-op)and must be organized.But no screaming things like "yes sir no sir" that's just frigging wired. no offense to Weird people tho lol

I like getting tips on anything that's useful. I'm helpful, mature and a joker.

PM me if you got questions.


Edited by silver_nacho
Needed more badassery.

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Name: Elliot

Soldier name: PsychoPigeon

Age: 25

Language: English

Games: Operation Arrowhead

Timezone: UK

Location: Brighton

Mic: Yes

Experience: Played ArmA on and off since the first release, no unit experience other than working towards objectives with friends

Roles preferred: Infantry, I'm comfortable with any role that needs filled and will adapt.

Looking for a squad that does regular events, or just a group of people who like to spend a few hours doing the campaign against the AI.

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Name: James

Soldier name: James Gratt

Age: 31

Language: English

Games: Operation Arrowhead

Timezone: UK

Location: North London

Mic: Yes

Experience: Played OFP > Arma2 upgraded comp so now everything is max.

Roles preferred: Anything you would like me to do.

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------

Name: James

Soldier name: James Gratt

Age: 31

Language: English

Games: Operation Arrowhead

Timezone: UK

Location: London

Mic: Yes

Experience: Played OFP > Arma2 upgraded comp so now im back and rdy

Roles preferred: Anything

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Name: Ryan (Nickname: Rye).

Soldier name: Ryan.

Age: 20.

Language: English-Australian. ;)

Games: Arma 2 Combined Operations (A2+OA).

Timezone: Australian Eastern Daylight Savings.

Location: Sydney, Australia.

Mic: Headset, G35.

Experience: 1000+ (Around 3 and a half years). Ex-AAF Clan Leader and Lead Recruit Instructor, played with communities such as TG, F2F, UO.

Roles preferred: Any except pilot!

I have Teamspeak 3. I have skype. I have many mods including ACE, ACRE (All up to date).

I have no problems with downloading more.

I am looking for a mature and tactically conscious community.

I am looking for a community that want to constantly improve.

I'd love to work with a community who share the same interests and concepts as I.

I'd love it if those who have that to offer could PM me.

Edited by Rye

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Arma 2 Soldier for Hire.

Who i am:

Recently began using the simulator, and i have decided to officially enlist into a squad.

I am searching for a large active team base devoted to mature and hardcore warfare.

I am 21 years of age, capable of learning fast, able to follow directions, and has access to Mic communication.

My Skills

after 2 days in learning the simulator, the following positions are most compatible to me:


-Recon/Short range marksmanship support.

Special Ops

-Secretive recon, Stealth Operations if provided with proper equipment, Para Drop.

Long Range Marksmanship (sniper support)

-Able to perform without spotter.(but highly recommended) can calculate bullet drop and "Distance From target to Cross point" ratio.


Heavy Machine gunner Support for QC Infantry operations and Assault.

My Experience

I cannot calculate a proper score because i have yet find a room with many players and large warfare.

Up until now i have made 3 confirmed online kills.

2 with Support machine gun, and one long distance sniper kill. (150ish meters)

I have immersed much play time via single player scenarios,

therefor i can calculate my play ability's according to how the simulator feels to me,

but i have no accurate description for live online play.

Game Control

I can perform basic mobile moves.





-Cycling through Text commands and vehicle options

-Switching weapons

any control's i have left out ido not know or have not comfortably mastered.

Last words

I am still green and am willing to do personal training.

I posted because i could not find a specific squad Suitable for me, so i am hoping this post will be allowed,

wile in the mean time I continue to search for a respective squad of my liking's.

I Only have Arma2 Free, I plan on purchasing AO and all installments asap.

I Currently Tour around the US and do not have official long term plans for when i will be able to play,

however i know i will be available the next two weeks from 10AM-10PM central.

Due to personal reasons i cannot provide monthly upkeep support.

(but perhaps a small One time payment)

For long term commitment squads:

By October, i will be permanently situated back in my home state,

and will have access to High speed internet, and gametime on a regular basis.

I am willing to work with a large team and community to create Digital graphics for websites, banners, ect.

I do not ask for donations, it is a personal hobby/favor of mine that is worth wile as long as i am involved in a large active community.

Computer Specs

Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7

Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3

Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB

Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b)

Boot Camp Windows 7 64bit

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Name: Jim Burkhalter (nickname: Washout)

Soldier name: Zephyr

Age: 15 (don't exclude until you know me, I am not..."normal" for my age...I learn fast, learn well, and absorb information quickly. I am considered "gifted" and very intelligent/mature)

Language: English (United States)

Games: Arma 2 CO (lacking BAF and PMC)

Timezone: United States Eastern

Location: Philadelphia

Mic: Headset, just broke but will be replaced in the next week

Experience: Played every game since OFP until my fingers bled from keystrokes haha, but I have A LOT of experience in the game itself (so most skills I already have, but I always LOVE the ability to get better so any training courses I would gladly take) but I lack experience online with humans so that is what I hope to achieve here

Roles: I can do anything but fly a plane or helicopter. Sniper roles can be done, but I have troubles with the ACE sighting...

I have just about every mod, and can get anything requested. I also can get any sort of communication program depending on what you require (Teamspeak, etc.)

I am currently looking for people who are tactically sound and take the game seriously. I also wish to have a community of players who are willing to at least try out a 15 year old kid on the East Coast of the United States (at least give me a shot, I have more tactical, strategical, and logical sense then most adults I know. I am a "gifted" child, so I am way ahead of my age and are thus very mature. You can't lose, might as well allow me to try-out) and give him some experience on the multiplayer PVP/CO-OP game with people who are open, friendly, and serious.

My computer specs I am not sure about to be honest, but I can run the game cleanly on High with maxed settings in most single-player scenarios so I don't see any issues with online.

I have no time limitations at this moment outside school. I get off school (Monday-Friday) at 4:00, and can be open at 4:30 most days. I can't commit to long-term payments depending on cost should your team require that.

I am a very friendly person, and am openly willing to do "interviews" and applications. If you feel like you would like to help me out a bit, shoot me a PM and we can talk and sort out any questions. Thanks so much!

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Has:Arma CO ACE2 and ACRE


Location:US, Texas

Looking for:RPG, Milsim unit preferably Army. I would prefer a standard Army unit over a special forces/Socom unit.

Wants to do:Infantry


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Three man unit looking for squad.





We are a small group of players, who up to this point have mainly played Planetside, sweet game that it is. We've thrashed out mini scenarios in the editor. and would like to join a large scale, competent group to have some fun in ARMA II and OA, we reckon we've got skills to pay the bills, and are ready to learn any more for the further payment of larger, more exciting bills.

Vehicular work is of particular interest, as three seems a good number for several vehicles, but Infantry would be good too. We obviously will want to stick together in whatever role you have for us. Any mods required are no issue, neither are whatever voice comms you use.

Thanks, and hope to hear from some good squads soon.


Edit: I realise the description is a little vague, we play in standard US TZs, EST and Pacific. The other two being Americans and myself English. We would be especially interested in being a dedicated tank crew -or- as a dedicated Blackhawk or equivalent crew. Happy to undertake all infantry training as required and serve as groundpounders in a pinch. Thanks again.

Edited by Wesco

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Name: Sondre B.

Soldier name: Dave

Age: 18

Language: English/Norwegian

Games: All ARMA 2 and DLCs

Timezone: GMT + 1/2

Location: Northern Norway

Mic: Yes

Experience: Been playing ArmA 2 for almost three years now. I was with a medium sized unit for about 7 or 8 months before it got shut down, but other than that I've been making my own missions for me and some friends, or just playing casually on random servers.

Roles preferred: Helicopter Pilot (preferably the AH-6 / MH-6), but I can fly most helicopters / Co-Pilot, Crewman, AT Soldier, Medic/Corpsman, Sniper / Spotter. Pretty much anything, really

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Name: Garrett Earlywine

Age: 17

Location: USA

Timezone: Central

im looking for any realism unit that is willing to work together as a team and im looking to become a sniper. Im up for whatever training i have to go through. I understand it does take sometime to do what you want to do in the unit. Please contact me on this site or my xfire: marinesoorah1

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Name: Rhys Morris (preffered callsign: Anvil)

Soldier name: Anvil

Age: 16 (Don't let that factor into your decision until you know me, I am very mature, learn fast and am always keen to improve my skills for the betterment of the squad, I take criticism well)

Language: English

Games: Arma 2 CO (lacking BAF and PMC)

Timezone: New Zealand Standard (GMT +12)

Location: Christchurch

Mic: Headset, working although occasional issue with unreliable plug-ins.

Experience: The only BIS game I have ever played is ArmA 2 CO (minus BAF and PMC), however I have been playing it for 2 years and consider myself experienced as a user.

I am a skilled pilot in both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, I can hold my own against enemy air and AA threats, and can land helicopters in tight spots at speed.

Preferred roles: Rotary Transport Pilot, CSAR pilot, Rotary Attack Pilot, Fixed Attack (have experience in operating from the USS Nimitz in F/A-18's as well as regular land-based craft). So basically anything that involves me in control of a flying vehicle, although I would love the opportunity to operate off a carrier if you use them (love all the little extra challenges that come with it).

Mods will not be an issue, I use Mando Missile, GLT, and ACE along with multiple unit, map and vehicle mods on a regular basis. I use a mod launcher for all of them, so I can change my mods on the fly.

PM me if you are interested in recruiting, bear in mind I will try to maintain a regular schedule but being in an earthquake zone there may be times where I will be unable to make it to meetings/ sessions as a result of internet breakdown and other various events (details of situation can be discussed, I have nothing to hide).

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Name: Bobby Bacala

Soldier name: B. Bacala

Age: 25

Language: English

Games: Arma 2: Combined Operations

Timezone: I'm looking for an European clan, so my timezone is not importnat

Location: Romania

Mic: Yes

Experience: Playing realistic and proper coop games since 1998

Roles preferred: I like to be flexibile, doing one thing all the time gets boring

I'm looking for an active european clan, that plays regularly, always as a team with a teamleader, all types of missions (patrol, special forces etc) and has populated Teamspeak server.

If you meet the requirments, I will be an active and implicated member.


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Name: Steven

Age: 23

Language: English

Time Zone: PST

Location: California

Time Constraints: Variable (Currently in my senior year of college so things turn upside down rather frequently)

Steam ID: [tG]Wynd

Hi I'm a new player to the Arma series of games, I currently have the Arma 2: Combined Assault Pack (Lacking the two DLCs). I have little experience with the game currently but hope to get better and more familiar with it in time.

Looking for the following:

- Casual but structured CO-OP experience (Working in organized squads, tactics, strategy, basically no run and gun etc).

+ Will do PvP as well, but Co-op will be my main focus

- Realism is preferred

- Voice chat preferred. (Have experience with Ventrilo, never used TS3 but will learn if required)

- Loose gaming schedule (Difficult to stick to a rigid gaming schedule due to college work)

- Maturity

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Name: Cross

Age: 23/24 Going on 14/15.

Language: English

Games: Arma 2 CO all dlc

Timezone: UK GMT

Location: Allover the country.

Mic: TS3 and Head set.

Experience: Played OFP when i was a kid and joined the Arma 2 Community from VBS1/2 in 09.

Played with TF86 for 2/3 years? And DAGR for 3 Months. Mostly COOP game play but some PVP aspects.

Real life Experience: Tours of Afghanistan with an Infantry regiment And 7 years service.

Preferred roles: Rifleman, Long Range Rifleman, Machine gunner and sigs. Looking for a UK based SF style game play preferably coop with some PVP aspects

Not really looking for a squad with a rigid rank structure althou i don't mind if its for ingame ranks and responsibility but I have no intention of sitting here listening to some wallty 14 year old "Captain" :)

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Name: Daniel Aalto

Soldier name: Daalto

Age: 16

Language: English/swedish

Games: Arma 2 and OP Arrowhead

Timezone:(GMT +1)

Location: Sweden

Mic: Headset

Experience: As I'm a Bf2:PR player I have great experience when beeing a squad member so i hope that Arma wont be that hard to learn all the tips and tricks of Arma II . I also have some basic skills in serving as tank-crew (but hey you have to learn some time).

Hope the age wont be that much of a "deal breaker". I always take things seriously while ingame because I dont want to ruin someone elses fun.

Please leave a PM.


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Hello everyone, my name is Wes and I would like to start a new ArmA2 gaming community. The focus of this gaming community lies in the tactical realism perspective where we will be using ACE and ACRE. In addition to these two major mods, we will be using several other mods depending on the mission or campaign we are playing. In game we will use a chain of command for structuring purpose. In addition to having IN GAME chain of command, there will be CoC on the website and teamspeak(when we get a server). And for older gentlemen who have been in the service and do not want a younger inexperienced person telling you what to do, I will do my best to make sure that the people that deserve the position get them and that the bigheaded bad leaders stay as the rifleman (otherwise known as the bee-otch of the team).

However, starting such a community is not an easy task. If you are interested in creating a brand new realism unit from scratch and have a major impact on how this will turn out, no matter if you have military experience or any technical skill or not, please contact me via pm.

I am currently working on the homepage as well as on the logo that will represent us in the bis community here and in-game. You can find a (not yet final version) here: http://nighthawkscombat.shivtr.com/

I am taking a long shot in this endeavor so far but I think it is worth waiting for the right people to start with. In the end my/our starting work should be paying off for a long term commitment rather than a short period failing unit. I aim on taking the community over to youtube, and other social networking sites. This community will become more than a community, it will be a Brand.

So with this being said, contact me so the Nighthawks gaming community can finally start! If you have any questions, comments, or would like to join email me at [email protected]



Edited by weseywes

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Name: Superwoman

Age: 18.

Language: English

Games: Arma 2 CO.

Timezone: GMT -5

Location: Indiana.

Mic: Yes.

Experience: Sort of new to ARMA 2, but I'm not that much of a noob. I learn quickly.

Real life Experience: JROTC.

Preferred roles: I like to be a rifleman. I also think I am sorta good at flying helicopters, so I can be a pilot if you need me to be one.

Please PM me, and I'll read it quickly.

Also, I want the squad to be active and have loads of operations, please.

Edited by Superwoman

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Name: robert


Age: 28

Language: English

Games: Arma 2 and AO

Timezone: GMT

Location: scotland

Mic: Yes.

Experience: New to arma but im a quick learner.ive pretty much picked up the basics

Real life Experience: spent some time in the reserves if that counts? ;p

Preferred roles:rifleman,AT,corpsman,semi-pilot

PM me Id be happy to join even join tonight.

would like an active squad I can play most of the time unless im at work and would prefer voicechat.

I can get any mods required

Edited by oxysplatter

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Name: Sean

Age: 22

Language: English

Game: ARMA2 CO

Country of origin: Malaysia

Timezone: GMT+9

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Mic: Yes

Experience: New, will learn quickly,

Real experience: Does doing conscription for 1 and half months counts?:)

Please leave a PM.

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