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Player looking for squad (not for squads to post looking for players!)

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Hi, im looking for a unit in which i dont mind if its tactical or non tactical. It needs to be pretty small and not too demanding. The unit needs to be using ace (i dont plan on disabling it). Preferrably european based (i hate lag) but i still dont mind.

Could you please pm me back :)


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I'm looking for a squad that allows aussie players, I also DO NOT want a whole lot of mil sim bullsh-t , I've already been in one of those units and I'm fed up with it, I just want a good bunch of guys that are all for teamwork.

I'm great at transport/AH flying and I work well in infantry.

Edited by sinisteral

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Anyone looking for a Russian squad you can pm me. We are trying to get our VDV airborne squad off the ground. :)

Edited by Red Fox RUS

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Hi guys,

my name is Maxim and I'm looking for US based squad/team to join. I have several years of fps & shooters experience (played BF, BF2, COD, TF2).

I just got Arma2 several days ago and would like to join to play together and work on team skills. I enjoy milsim and because I just got a game, I can quickly train to whatever position is available (would love to be assault or sniper).

I dont have major preferences for country/unit that we will play as but since I'm Russian (get ready for some Russian accent, he-he) I'd love to play as Russian unit (or US unit - have big respect for them as well, not that it really matters in the game).

If it matters - I live in Redmond, WA.

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Hey guys.

DuckSoup here, I'm new to ArmA, but I take the strategy behind these kinds of games seriously, so I'm looking for a team of dedicated players, who are looking for someone to add to the team.

Now like I said, I'm new, and I really have no specific roll, however I imaging being the guy transporting people into battle. :-D but really, I can do anything, it just depends on what the team is looking for.

I'd also like something where I can regularly participate in clan matches and battles.

I've had past experience in all of the battlefield series (Aside from 2142 or whatever it is) and I played on a well coordinated team.

/Also, I'm a US player.

Edited by DuckSoup

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Hi guys,

I'm an older fella looking for some teamplay, as I feel that's the only way to get the most out of the Arma series. I'm not particular about any role as long as I'm on the ground! (no piloting and stuff). I'm from Western-Europe and can speak English very well (understand and speak French, German too).

I can play 4 evenings a week after 20:00 GMT and can play most sessions after 00:00 GMT (depending on my work schedule).

I am an absolute noob when it comes to TS and stuff, but I'm sure we'll get that sorted out, np.


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Looking for a place to play coops (no warfare/domination), evenings in the european timezones. I do not use a mic but I have teamspeak and I am the fastest typer in the known gaming universe.

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Looking for a good all-around clan, don't care about nationality as long as the lanuage is English. Usually can't play late on weekday nights and my time zone is EST.

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Hello all

My name is John and I am 39 yrs young and enjoy playing Arma2 and have been playing since Arma1 was out so I am familiar with the game. I would like to find a group of mature players who enjoy teamwork and communication to complete a mission and tasks and who love to play coop's or other type of games. I live in south Florida so that's eastcoast time and usually have time to play in the evening or sometimes weekends as well. I have a very fast computer that I play on so there is no lag and I will be able to use either teamspeak or ventrillo which ever you may use. So if there is a great bunch of players out there looking for a new player to have some fun times with online then please send me a link to your website/platoon/unit so I can talk with you more and hopefully join up to start playing some fun missions, thanks all

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Thanks you sir, you just made me feel old!

I always thought a "older gentlemen" is somebody in its 60s.

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Hi m8,

I run Zeus which is one of the longest established groups in the OFP/Arma community.

We are an open community, no requirements for joining, no ranks etc however we do prefer our players to be on our Teamspeak server and if possible have a microphone so they can join in the banter.

Our age varies from early 20's right through to our oldest player in his 50's. I am 44.

Our preferred gametype is Coop with the occasional A&D

I have never tried to entice anyone to play with us, but your post took my eye and we are probably the type of group you may be looking for.

We are a european based server but we do have several players from your side of the Atlantic.

If you fancy dropping in and having a gaming session with us,

We play every Thursday and Sunday evenings with a 19:30hrs kickoff finishing around midnight. (UK times)

We run ACE Mod and an additional addon pack.

All the information you will need to organise yourself to play with us, (for example setting up your addons, and teamspeak application) can be found in our ZeusCommunity Manual.pdf

If you need any additional help, log onto our teamspeak server and you will find either myself or a number of other memebrs who will try and help you out.

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hi guys, i'm looking for a good ACE squad. i've been playing ARMA 2 since the day it was released in German and i'm an Operation Flashpoint vet. I'm an excellent AT soldier with either light or heavy AT and i consider myself a good chopper pilot/gunner too, but i would prefer being AT. also i would like to join a squad that has been around for a while and is very organized. thanks :)

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Looking for Australian Caln Over 18 and if possible Over 25?

Background 19years Australian Regular Army...

ACE - Tactical play... with room for fun and a laugh.....

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Guess I'm looking for a squad with the following qualities:

* Mature, meaning that most bullshit is left at the base when out on a mission. When in the heat, you don't discuss different beer qualities :p

* Realism-but-fun oriented, meaning not 100% hardcore no respawn stuff, but also that some fun might need to be sacrificed for realism sometimes (i.e. not ACOGs and SMAW for everyone just for being fun).

* Roleplaying is valued. Meaning that it's not always about fighting the most efficient (making every bullet count), but having a ton of lead going downrange as suppression, even if fighting against AI means it doesn't mean that much.

* Infantry based, meaning filling up infantry slots is more important than manning the heavy hitters, at least for small squads that are infantry oriented. Doing missions that reflect it.

* English or norwegian language only. But US servers don't work well for me (ping).

* ACE goes without saying. Not so much for the hardware as it is for the playstyle it enforces (slowing things down compared to public mayhem).

* Coop only. Although AI can be very bad sometimes, getting "procedures to work" and "fight like the book" is more easier than when fighting against humans which tends to bring out the "fight to win no matter the exploits used" in people.

* Flexible enough platoon and squad setups to suit whatever mission is being played (SAW gunner in one mission, AT gunner the next), unless you have mission creators or editors able to make the mission suit your setups.

* No "rule" that prevents me from playing with "other squads", which usually means my old friends.

* COC as a good guideline, but not going nuts over it either :)

About myself: Soon crossing into the big four o (jeezus, wtf happened? :D). Played since OFP days. I'm a decent mission modder, and I have made a fairly advanced Domination modification to better suit infantry operations, but I'm not capable of setting up a good multiplayer mission with a ton of features myself from scratch. Don't really appreciate "action games" like MW2. I actually like having to wait for stuff to happen, like being on guard while recce is doing their stuff. Some fighting is good, but it doesn't have to be a four hour long firefight. I can even enjoy missions where I don't fire my gun once :)

My current "squad" is considering changing to MW2 or even BF2, for more action I assume, as we tend to spend two hours updating ACE everytime we play (only once a week). I usually update quick though, since I'm much more familiar with ACE and even Arma2. That's the only playtime we have (which is nowhere near enough for me), and that obviously doesn't give enough time for any squad practicing and drill honing.

Contact me in private if you think your squad might be something for me. I've looked around, but haven't found too much.

Even playing on closed servers with a "bunch of guys" is starting to sound interesting. I'm very good at "hold fire" and follow my leader around :) But I suck at leading, especially if I have to do it in foreign language. I don't mind a "good" game of Domination, but I'm sick of how it's played publicly.

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I'm looking for a squad/unit to join. I'm a great medic, good tank gunner, good pilot fixed and rotor, good AT soldier, and a lot more. I have been playing OFP:DR for Xbox360. After finally buying ARMA 2 I have not touched my Xbox. I have had Arma for about two weeks. It is one of the best games I have ever played and the best military sim for sure.

Please consider me for your team. I have a great knowledge in anything military related. I'm currently serving as combat medic and working on a degree in military history. I'm a good teammate and willing to learn and teach. I have been playing wargames for a while. Thank you.

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I'm a newbie to online who just got a new headset. I don't have vent or xfire or whatever you guys use but after I found a good squad I'd be glad to make one. I'm looking to do infantry work, but organized stuff with planning and where the teams stick together. I'm based in Eastern US. Oh, and I like running ACE2.

I feel like I just filled out an online dating profile :confused:

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Hi, I've been playing Arma 2 for a month or two now and i'm looking for a squad to start playing with. I am good with assault rifles and sniper rifles but I can also fly transport helicopters pretty well if needed. I have a working mic and live in the UK and can be online Mon-Thurs after 6PM till about 12, Saturday evenings and most of Sunday. I'd like to join a squad that is going to help me hone my Rifleman skills but also help become better with other roles in the game.


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Hi, looking for a squad with transport chopper or infantry spaces. I have good experience with choppers but I'm not so experienced as infantry (something I want to change). I live in the UK, I have teamspeak 2 but I'm still searching for my old mic:confused:. I have a shite connection to US servers and abysmal German and French :o so a UK server is top priority.

P.S First post :D.

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Hello there

Im a die hard fan of OFP1 & ARMA2. Ive played OFP for 6 years up untill this december my new pc turned up and i ran to the shop to pick up a copy of ARMA 2. When playing OFP i never had the chance to play online but played a vast amount of time on my own made missions. Since playing ARMA 2 ive been playing BE 2.053 (i think) online and enjoyed communicating and planing with other players, however anyone with experiance with most of these games, its very err howd you put it, 'rambo-ish', alot of the time attempts to work with others failed. So ultimately id like to find a group that is kinda serious-fun, err how to explain, kinda like do the whole tatical thing but fun, for exsample when the fire team leader tells me to move to the buiding 12 o clock and i make a dash and get run over by my own tank, i dont get screamed at and kicked know what i mean??? i am quite experianced with ARMA 2 but not an expert,

ps my new PC died last week but i will be getting this sorted soon

oh yeah and im from the UK!!!

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Ok so I am a new Arma 2 player looking for a squad. I would like to find an American squad. I like the squads that do realism and stuff.

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FNG looking for a squad, want to learn to be a good rifleman and then transition to helicopters after I figure out how the game actually works.

I am a casual player and cannot guarantee I can be on every night any but I still would like a cool of group of people to hang out with

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Raptor35 here looking to join a Realistic military unit my xfire is raptor865 just message me on there or pm me and ill give you more info thanks

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Player looking for a Russian/Guerrilla realism unit. I've had many years experience in other milsim units and I'm now looking for a change of side and something new so to speak. If you want to get into contact, PM me on here and or email: [email protected]

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Hey guys, glad to be a part of the ARMA community! I'm looking for a squad/group of chill guys who aren't too "military" and just want to enjoy the game. I follow the rules and play to win.

I'm in the NW, United States, and play every Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday nights. I've got a decent PC (i7 860, 8G RAM, 9800GT), Logitech Force 3D Pro joystick (i'm a pretty good helicopter pilot), and headset/mic. Just looking to learn the game more with some cool people and to have a good time. Thank you!

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Im Gruntcrazy and im a huge fan of operation flashpoint and i have recently purchased Arma 2 and was looking for a group to join, I can't stand playing a military sim if im on the ground, i know it's being a little picky. But i would love to join a group that has a nice ranking system and has room for a pilot that has played before, and knows how to dominate! AND more importantly i would like a group that knows how to have fun, when that time calls for it.

I hope someone responds to this!

P.S. even though i love planes and helis, i did spend 2 months working with a defensive tank brigade, but it's more of a fallback.



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