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Will you be buy Dragon Rising?  

318 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be buy Dragon Rising?

    • Yes, I definitely will buy it.
    • No, I definitely won't buy it.
    • I will decide based on the demo.
    • I will decide based on reviews.

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I have a bit of mouse lag but it's not noticeable, so I'm fine with it. I will only be buying OFPDR if the demo is good, but looking at it now :

No Jets or Civilians, what were CM thinking? Jets and Civilians make up the Modern day theatre of conflict. CM are saying that the whole island was evacuated?

Where in the history of man kind has a whole country/City been evacuated. Even in the Chernobyl accident elderly people stayed at their homes because they didn't want to leave, exposing themselves to radiation.

Jets, don't even get me started on how important they are in a game like this. I know graphics are not everything in games, but OFPDR's graphics are rubbish.

I will have to do a lot of thinking in if I need to waste money on this game. I'm perfectly happy with ArmA 2 which in my opinion should be game of the year. I know lots of you are getting bugs and bad performance, but I'm only getting a few here and there, doesn't affect game play.

Edited by Blackhawk

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Get back on topic gents.

This is about DR not ArmA2 and any said issues.

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You probably have a PC that can run 10k viewdistance with 60+ FPS then. Because 10k viewdistance eliminates mouse lag. Dozens of people have reported that this fixes the mouse lag totally.

4gb ddr2 ram

ati radeon 4870 512mb

E8500 Dual Core

I run on high with 4k viewdistance. Even with lowest settings i have no mouse lag, even on highest i have no mouse lag.

So explain to me, what is it? I just whacked the sensetivity up, turned off floating zone, and job done, easy shooting. btw, you playing in first person or 3rd?

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Strange comment about the vehicles behaving oddly. You would think that would be the one thing that wouldn't be a problem.

-Student Pilot


I'm hoping the difficulty options can be set independantly of each other like in Arma and ArmaII. I would like to pick and choose for myself what aspects of the HUD remain, not have it decided for me in arbitrary "difficulty levels".

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Maybe I've been seeing the same images too long, but that huge smoke column always seems to be 'past the next hill' and the source is never visible. I'd like to see the whole thing up close.

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There are still a few things to be worried about. Vehicles still feel weirdly top-heavy and just odd to drive, and the AI often likes to escape to remote areas of the map and just shuffle back and forth for a while...

Without judging anything, but I guess this problems shows that DRs AI is completly different from OFP/Armas. Guess its more like standart FPS AI which may mean its less effected by bugs but it also has a far smaller operational radius and not as autonomic as OFP/Armas.

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For all our talk of headshots from four miles away, very few of your rounds will deliver an instant kill. On lower difficulty settings, the AI remains identical, what changes are the on-screen aids you’re given. The more you bump up the difficulty, the more HUD furniture falls away. Crosshairs disappear and kill indicators vanish until eventually you’re left with effectively the same information a soldier in the field would have. This makes sense, when the alternative is to make the enemy “a bit thick†and your skin like Kevlar.

I guess it really looks like getting shot in the head is nothing serious. It wasn't a difficulty setting issue.

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This makes sense, when the alternative is to make the enemy “a bit thick†and your skin like Kevlar.

OK, so when he was shot in the head, the bullet pierced the skin but then stopped dead hitting his kevlar brains (on all difficulty settings). Of course they may have fixed this by now. I'm still optimistic this game will be a good-un in many respects.

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Even if you are hit straight in the head by a bullet from 10 miles away, they'll still be a massive pointy thing hitting you, either knocking you out or killing you.

If it does graze you then you're damn lucky, but in the video I don't think he was grazed, he would have had a gaping hole full of flesh, skull and brain, and I don't think an Army issued first aid kit will heal that magically.

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Although the quote about a headshot being a minor injury is rather hillarious ... as long as DR does not utilize a simple hitpoint system, it's fine with me. After getting wounded in OFP/A/A² you can effectively continue to function as a team member, even after sustaining multiple projectile wounds to torso and extremities, if getting treated by a HM. Realistically this would be a casualty destined to be evacuated asap for further treatment. Therefore i find it a rather moot point discussing which system is more realistic.

Edited by TangoRomeo

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Arma2 does have the injury system if you want to enable it, although you're right you can just be healed and carry on which is silly. ACE mod will "fix" it, and hopefully modders will "fix" DR, too.

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You can still use the revive script in mission. Then you'll have bandages, bleeding and all this stuff too.

_medpacks						= 0;				//array no.80 - Whether you want to give the units a limited number of revive kits 0/1 - no/yes
_stabilisation					= 0;				//array no.81 - NOT IMPLEMENTED
_bleeding 						= 0;				//array no.82 - Make units bleed and require bandages
_medic_medpacks 				= 0;				//array no.83 - No of medpacks for units specified in the _medic variables - they are required for reviving units		
_unit_medpacks 					= 0;				//array no.84 - No of medpacks for units specified in the _can_revive variables - they are required for reviving units			
_medic_bandages 				= 0;				//array no.85 - Bandages stop bleeding		
_unit_bandages 					= 0;				//array no.86 - 
_medic_stable					= 0;				//array no.100 - NOT IMPLEMENTED
_unit_stable					= 0;				//array no.101 - NOT IMPLEMENTED
_stabTime_tillDeath				= 0;				//array no.87 - NOT IMPLEMENTED //Time until death following revive without stabilisation

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Thanks Legislator,

going to play a bit with these switches.

Do you have perhaps an idea how complex the Hitzones in ArmA² are, and how the terminal ballistics model interact with them? Would these allow for sufficent discrimination to determine the severity of an injury caused by different projectiles and velocities?

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Yet again we have to remind people this is going off topic.

If you want to discuss FP: DR then do so, discussing features and fixes for ArmA2 here is not going to fly, if you persist infractions will be handed out, we have plenty of stock.

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Although the quote about a headshot being a minor injury is rather hillarious ... as long as DR does not utilize a simple hitpoint system, it's fine with me. After getting wounded in OFP/A/A² you can effectively continue to function as a team member, even after sustaining multiple projectile wounds to torso and extremities, if getting treated by a HM. Realistically this would be a casualty destined to be evacuated asap for further treatment. Therefore i find it a rather moot point discussing which system is more realistic.

Who was discussing which system is more realistic?

And I think you're wrong. There's definitely a continuum of cartoonishness here. While the hitpoint +/- system doesn't make much sense if you're approaching it from a realism standpoint, at the very least it pays lip service to the fact that if a bullet crashes through a man's brain, unconsciousness is usually the end result. It's all hitpoint in the end, whether it's an immediate hitpoint loss, or a hitpoint loss that occurs over time due to 'bleed out'.

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I recently had the benefit to play OFP 2 and Comic Con (the world's largest convention). I was able to play the game as part of a preview. Here is my quick overview and my comparison with it to ArmA.

Firstly, I want to right off the bat say it feels A LOT less real then ArmA.

First off, at the top of your HUD you have a compass that has red lines where the enemies are (similar to ArmA's radar in a plane, but as infantry!). The controls felt and played like CoD 4. In fact it felt almost identical to CoD 4, except for the fact that your gun shows one bullet at a time. There is hardly any recoil from what I played (I tested this by simply aiming and firing at the same spot), I never went over and inch of where I was aiming. Additionally, the AI is not noticeably better or worse (at least I couldn't tell the difference). There was one instance where I saw an enemy tank about 50 feet away from me. It shot right over my head with it's coaxial, and I managed to avoid it entirely by going prone next to an unoccupied jeep maybe 30 feet away from it, at which point it ceased fire altogether. There were also many instances where the enemy AI just froze in cover, but I am sure that is just a bug that will be fixed.

Graphically speaking, OFP 2 is better, but not considerably. The game just seems to be glossier.

The UI to call in support seemed really dumbed down. I just pressed 2 buttons to call in artillery (I was somewhat disapointed that I had no choices except a generic artillery).

Overall, I think OFP 2 was made to compete with CoD and not with ArmA.

Also be aware that OFP 2 is still in development, and the game I played was still a work in progress. Additionally, I played the game on the Xbox 360 (the only version that was available to test).

Please ask questions about the game and I will do my best to answer them.

Edited by aurondude

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When I watched the FP2 trailers, I got the distinct impression I was looking at something closer related to Rainbow 6, than Flashpoint. It lacked the mil-feel/look of FP1. I`ll try the demo when it arrives for PC.

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Agreed with the poster above.

Anyway, last time I checked , the arty system in arma 2 is nothing special. Im still hopeful that it will be a good game, even though my expectations have only slid down since I saw the trailer for it in 07.

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When I watched the FP2 trailers, I got the distinct impression I was looking at something closer related to Rainbow 6, than Flashpoint. It lacked the mil-feel/look of FP1. I`ll try the demo when it arrives for PC.

This is actually a very accurate feel of the game. And to the other poster, the artillery system in ArmA 2 allows for quite a few options instead of a generic one. Also in the preview jets weren't actually 'there' when you called an airstrike. You just saw them zoom by and then there was a boom. Also extraction was scripted. In addition, the objectives didn't seem real at all. Destroy a radar in able to call in artillery? I was like 'WTF!??!'

Edited by aurondude

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Graphically speaking, OFP 2 is better, but not considerably. The game just seems to be glossier.

From comparing OFP2 screenshots with ArmA 2 in-game I think ArmA 2 looks way better. What is the draw distance like though, the screenshots make it look pretty small.

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From the videos I've seen, I would love to have fp2's UI rather than arma2's. But otherwhys arma2 seems much better.

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Wasn't ComicCon just this last week? If so with about 60 days from when OFP2 goes to the CD stompers it seems awfully late in the game to be showing a demo with so many warts...

This alleged leaked transcript from an conversation with one of the contract developers just before OFP2 missed it's previously announced release date comes to mind:

"The project is over budget and their expected sales are unlikely to recoup the development costs.

They are debating releasing the game before its really ready, to recoup some dosh and then start working on the next game in the series....learn from their previous mistakes and move on.

Massive bugs that are causing the game to be highly unstable on PC and PS3.....xbox is most stable but still has issues.

Ai is dumb as a 2x4 plank.

The balance between realism and fun has been hard to get right, still working on it, missions can be dull.

The devs describe the game as a "realistic walking simulator...with in game crashes"."

The dev in question said he wont be personally buying the game when it comes out. He will wait for the reviews and community reaction before forking out his own cash for a game he helped make.

Either its gonna be a 100% buggy pos flop, of its gonna be okish.

That they're still only showing the game on the MexBox360, that some of the same issues described from over a year ago still appear to be there -- on top of the fact this is one of the most challenging genre to develop for, that they're using a team with no genre experience, and an engine made for arcade driving games doesn't bode well.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like this to be a great game; with only one really good serious tactical realism game on the market I think our favorite genre could use more visibility.

Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think it's really doubtfull that only two really good or similar titles would even be 'competing' -- i.e another serious realism title is more likely to help the sales of both games; as feature differences create the 'want what you don't have' in the game your playing appeal -- which in essence is bolstering the market of over 3,000 Counter-Strike derivative games and clones...


Edited by Hoak

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Wasn't ComicCon just this last week? If so with about 60 days from when OFP2 goes to the CD stompers it seems awfully late in the game to be showing a demo with so many warts...

This alleged leaked transcript from an conversation with one of the contract developers just before OFP2 missed it's previously announced release date comes to mind:

That they're still only showing the game on the MexBox360, that some of the same issues described from over a year ago still appear to be there -- on top of the fact this is one of the most challenging genre to develop for, and they're using a team with no genre experience, and an engine made for arcade driving games doesn't bode well.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like this to be a great game; with only one really good serious tactical realism game on the market I think our favorite genre could use more visibility.

Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think it's really doubtfull that only two really good or similar titles would even be 'competing' -- i.e another serious realism title is more likely to help the sales of both games; as feature differences create the 'want what you don't have' in the game your playing appeal -- which in essence is bolstering the market of over 3,000 Counter-Strike derivative games and clones...


Interesting! In fact, I played it just yesterday (Saturday, July 25).

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My opinion is proven, I rest my case, OFP2 is not going to be better than ArmA 2 in anyway by the sounds of it.

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