Chris Willocks 10 Posted November 29, 2009 Can it be used with sound mods? That's a good question. I've been using the Sounds of War addon. Is this compatible with the SLX mod? Chris Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackass888 0 Posted November 29, 2009 Im using it with Vop and HiFi and it works fine. Just to be sure load them after slx in the game shortcut. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nuggetz 0 Posted November 29, 2009 I was playing a warfare map against the AI last night and I got wounded pretty bad. After a while, an AI soldier (not of my squad) came to my rescue. He didn't appear to be a medic so he decided to drag my body around. At first I thought it would drag me to safety as we were heading for a tree but he continued to drag me around the map for 5 minutes and never released me. I finally had to manually re-spawned. Any idea why this fool didn't heal me or drag me somewhere and leave me alone? The town was already clear so there was no danger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inkompetent 0 Posted November 29, 2009 It seems from some posts of the higher-ups at TG that the birds are one of the major reasons for lag. Simply that the game spawns so many birds all over the place that it starts becoming quite a burden for the server (much like the reason why practically no single mission ever use the ambient wildlife module I guess). If it could be optimized to only keep birds close to the players existing I guess it'd be a bonus, and maybe decrease that amount of birds as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Solus 1 Posted November 30, 2009 Sound mods should work fine. The SLX weapon sounds addon replaces some sounds so remove it if you want to make sure the sound mod is using those parts. I did some work on the bounding to use more of the default AI, and it seems to be working ok so far, they split up with one team suppressing, one bounding, and still use the default AI to have one person flank far to the side. I'll see if using doTarget on team members without assigned targets gets the leader to not assign them. nuggetz: I added a failsafe time limit to make sure that won't happen anymore. Inkompetent: Ok, I made the birds work in SP only now. Any clues on that crash? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bhaz 0 Posted November 30, 2009 I don't know if it was compression from Xfire or what, but the SFX seemed to lack definition in this video. Very squishy or scratchy sounding. I'd say so, XFire brought the original source file from 3.9GB down to 50MB. I'll probably put some effort into a better video in the future, that was just 3 squads and 6 waypoints placed in under a minute. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inkompetent 0 Posted November 30, 2009 Nopes. Still no more clues about that crash, really. I'll try to get updated on what happened after I left, and during Sunday when I couldn't participate in the testing, and hopefully I can even get my hands on peopes' RPT files. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblack9 10 Posted November 30, 2009 Solus, Great work your doing so far, however, there are major problems with infantry units "warping" in combat. And a more "personal" thought, is there anyway to split the damage stats from the unit anims in the 'SLX Wounds.pbo' file... personally i like vanilla damage stats, but want everything else: i don't want this: Location based wound effects on people when they are hit. Arms - Small chance of an accidental discharge of their primary weapon. Small chance of dropping primary and/or secondary weapon when arms are very damaged. Legs - Good chance of falling down prone if legs are very damaged. No effect when already prone. Torso - Good chance of getting knocked down and out of breath for a second if damage is over 50%. If the torso is over 80% damaged and overall health is less than 60% then the person is critically wounded. Head - 30% chance of temporary deafness and a 40% chance of temporary deafness, disorientation, and falling down if head is less than 50% damaged, most likely caused by grenade blasts. 90% chance of temporary deafness and falling if head is over 50% damaged. but want all this Critically wounded : The person drops their primary weapon and lays on the ground writhing and screaming until either they are healed or die. They are unable to shoot any weapons, but can still throw hand grenades, so watch out. Killing wounded people that pose no threat at the moment(haven't thrown a hand grenade) will deduct 450 rating points. So if you have 0 rating points and killing a soldier gets +200 rating points and you kill a wounded soldier you end up with -250 rating points. Dragging wounded/dead: Wounded or dead people can be dragged to a safer location for giving first aid, corpse recovery, or item scavenging. Be careful of moving heavily wounded people though, moving them might kill them. Giving first aid to wounded: Giving first aid is based on the skill of the person giving first aid. If first aid is unsuccessful in stabilizing the wounded person's condition then you will have to wait for a while before trying again. Giving first aid gives you rating points proportional to the skill of the person first aid is being given to. Taking captives: If a wounded enemy is healed they will surrender. They can be taken captive and you can tell them to stay or follow you. If the captive is too far from you they will try to escape and continue fighting. Taking captives gives you rating points proportional to the skill of the person being taken captive. Killing captives suffers the same rating deduction as for killing wounded. For a zero skilled soldier you should get 200 points for giving them first aid and taking them captive, the same as if you had killed them, but if you kill them after giving first aid and taking them captive you still end up losing 50 rating points. Moving dead/wounded/captives in vehicles: Wounded, dead, and captives can be moved into vehicles by using the Drag or Follow action when in a vehicle. Make sure the action is in your action menu when entering the vehicle or you won't be able to use it. There must be free cargo space in the vehicle for the person to enter. Try moving the person to the other side of the vehicle from where you enter, then look at the person and the action should show up. Dropped weapons: Dropped weapons can be destroyed by using the action menu close to them or by damaging(by shooting, etc) them to 50%. They can only be picked up by the action menu. They are affected by physics and can get thrown into the air from explosions. AI's helping wounded/dead: AI's will automatically try and help wounded or dead people. They will attempt to drag them into a safer position before giving first aid or scavenging weapons. AI's immediately go into alert mode when someone is wounded or killed. AI's taking secondary weapons and machine guns: If someone with a secondary weapon or a machine gun dies then another AI from their squad will attempt to come and pick up the weapon. Dismemberment: If a person is killed with a high explosive and their velocity is high enough then they will be torn apart. Can be disabled by setting number of gibs to zero. Just curious, but thanks again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CorporalCody 10 Posted December 1, 2009 Hey Solus and all who work on this mod. First, I would like to commend you on a fantastic piece of work. I use it on singleplayer in combination with the Zeus AI, and let me tell you, it is an entirely new experience. I absolutely love it. Now, on to my main "question". I'm a part of the TG community, and as you probably know from previous posts, we've been testing to see whether or not SLX would be a good addition to our "sponsored" mods, per say. However, we had a number of issues (some related to SLX, some possibly, others we probably just blamed on SLX), and thus decided against using the majority of the features. Now, I am not entirely "in the loop" about what is going to or not going to be done, but there is discussion about adding the AI, but just the AI, into our little "mod pack". However, the big question is... Will it crash? Every time that someone joined the server without the proper SLX (which was quite often, and frustrating), we all experienced a crash. We would like to use SLX, but it is impossible to do with such constant issues such as the crashes. I suppose the question on hand then is, will the AI by itself being uploaded cause crashes should someone without the proper version, or without it all together, joins the server? What .pbo files are the ones in which everyone must have it the same to prevent the crashes? Anyways, thanks for the excellent mod and your hard work. Your response would be appreciated. ~Cody Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Solus 1 Posted December 1, 2009 bhaz: Thanks, I'll test that situation some more and see if the "target target target" thing is fixed. Inkompetent: Thank you very much for all of your help and everyone at TG! Jblack9: Just set SLX_Wounded to a lower value like .2 and people should drop whenever damaged. The warping actually seems to be a default ArmA 2 problem when AIs are redirected to move to another position and the evasive animations make it more visible since they warp a longer distance. I'll look into what I can do. CorporalCody: Thank you and the TG crew for giving SLX a try! The main and probably only things that are causing crashing is the animations addons, I'm pretty sure those are what cause SLX and ACE to crash servers from config inconsistencies. For just AI, there are different parts to the AI, some tell the AI where to go, and some help the AI get there and some things are integrated by necessity and they all add up to give the sum of the AIs abilities. It's hard to say how valuable each part is, or what they will add up to in different configurations. The addons affecting AI in some way are: SLX_AI, SLX_AI_TurnMove, SLX_AISkill (removed for now in next version, may be added back with some replacements for some of the Zeus values (courage, commanding, general skills)), SLX_FindCover, SLX_GL3, SLX_Mod_Veh_Core, SLX_ModWeapons_c, SLX_Netcode(required utility), SLX_Radar, SLX_ShotEffects (AI evasive moves to help AI get to their destinations faster, used extensively by SLX_AI), SLX_SilentVehicleCommands (faster vehicle AI), SLX_Wounds (make groups run to cover when someone gets hit). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunkD00BiesT 10 Posted December 1, 2009 Firstly I'd like to say very nice work indeed! For this test I used my client with a few mods together with our Dedicated server and a few mods on it as well, I will list both's rpt's filtered to the best of my ability. Client did not have allot of errors and the file size was only 60KB. Server however was allot bigger, 13.4MB. Mission I used for this test was DomiA2 AI West 1.20 Also I removed the SLX_AISkill.PBO since I'm using Zeus AI combet Skills. both on server and client. Hope this helps. Client RPT: ===================================================================== == C:\Games\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe == "C:\Games\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe" -showScriptErrors -nosplash -world=Chernarus -mod=@BWC;@CBA;@GMJSA;@JTD;@VFAI;@RUG;@VS;@TRSMTV;@RHHeli;@SLX;@zcommon;@Extra;beta -connect= ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2009/11/27 21:56:13 Current time: 2009/12/01 11:33:57 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_ACTION_CONTEXT Updating base class Man->, by vfai_controlpanel\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/CaManbase/ Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_77x56_Ball/ Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_127x108_APHE/ Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_145x115_AP/ Updating base class ->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/ Updating base class ->CannonCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/D30/ Updating base class ->Man, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/ Updating base class WeaponCloudsMGun->WeaponCloudsGun, by slx_mod_veh_core\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Plane/MGunClouds/ Updating base class Turrets->Turrets, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BMP2_Base/Turrets/ Updating base class MainTurret->MainTurret, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BMP2_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ Updating base class Turrets->Turrets, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BMP2_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/ Updating base class MainTurret->MainTurret, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AAV/Turrets/MainTurret/ Updating base class Movement->, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M1A1/Sounds/Movement/ Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire/ Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_Base, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_HE/ Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_WP/ Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_ILLUM/ Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_SMOKE/ Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30/ Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmWP_D30/ Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmSMOKE_D30/ Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmILLUM_D30/ Updating base class Sounds->, by rhsound_c\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1Y/Sounds/ Updating base class Engine->, by rhsound_c\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1Y/Sounds/Engine/ Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierWB/HeadLimits/ Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierEB/HeadLimits/ Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierGB/HeadLimits/ Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Miles/EventHandlers/ Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Cooper/EventHandlers/ Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Sykes/EventHandlers/ Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_OHara/EventHandlers/ Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Rodriguez/EventHandlers/ Exe version: 1.04.60588 "############################# co40 Domination #############################" Error in expression <eOn*camPos*grass*((rpm factor[0.3, 0.6])> Error position: <> Error Missing ) Client: Object (id 3:77, type Type_82) is local - update is ignored. Ref to nonnetwork object 62a3c00# 1055533: usspecialweapons.p3d Obsolete CfgSkeletons for SLX_DroppedWeaponSkel, move to model.cfg Unknown action Surrender Unknown action GetOver RESCUE2: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress O 2-1-F:1 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress O 2-1-F:2 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress O 2-1-F:3 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress O 2-1-F:4 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress O 2-1-F:5 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress Warning: roadsConnectedTo did not found the input road segment Ref to nonnetwork object bf77400# 1076711: slx_empty.p3d Error in expression <unit)||(isplayer leader _unit))&&(count SLX_Groups>0)> Error position: <SLX_Groups>0)> Error Undefined variable in expression: slx_groups Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\male01\en\core\maploc\gvozdno.wss', header cannot be loaded. Action::Process - No target Client: Nonnetwork object d8b1c00. Client: Nonnetwork object 101b7800. Duplicate weapon ItemMap detected for USMC_Soldier_AT Duplicate weapon ItemCompass detected for USMC_Soldier_AT Duplicate weapon ItemWatch detected for USMC_Soldier_AT Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for USMC_Soldier_AT Action LoadMagazine - wrong magazine 3:45268 Client: Nonnetwork object b411c00. Ref to nonnetwork object bb25800# 1104035: slx_empty.p3d Ref to nonnetwork object 8f9c800# 1108409: slx_empty.p3d User menu description 'BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication' not defined. Client: Nonnetwork object a996000. Server RPT: ===================================================================== == C:\SERVERS\ARMA2_BUSHWARS\ArmA2Server.exe == ArmA2Server.exe -port=2302 -name=default -config=BW\server.cfg -cfg=BW\Arma2.cfg -profiles=BW\default -mod=@BWC;@EXTRA ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2009/09/10 10:06:22 Current time: 2009/12/01 11:23:03 Unsupported language: 'English' Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_77x56_Ball/ Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_127x108_APHE/ Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_145x115_AP/ Updating base class ->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/ Updating base class ->CannonCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/D30/ Updating base class WeaponCloudsMGun->WeaponCloudsGun, by slx_mod_veh_core\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Plane/MGunClouds/ Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire/ Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_Base, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_HE/ Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_WP/ Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_ILLUM/ Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_SMOKE/ Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30/ Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmWP_D30/ Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmSMOKE_D30/ Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmILLUM_D30/ Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierWB/HeadLimits/ Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierEB/HeadLimits/ Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierGB/HeadLimits/ 2009/12/01, 11:34:31 File description.ext, line 5: '/Header.gameType': Missing ';' at the end of line 2009/12/01, 11:34:31 File spect\spectating.hpp, line 16: '/rscSpectate/controls/mouseHandler.onMouseZChanged': Missing ';' at the end of line 2009/12/01, 11:36:23 "############################# co40 Domination #############################" 2009/12/01, 11:37:00 Server: Update of object 2:91 arrived from nonowner 2009/12/01, 11:37:02 Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolCZ/: Missing word light 2009/12/01, 11:37:02 Server: Object 3:1 not found (message 213) 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error in expression <)>2))then{_this forceSpeed 0.2;_this suppressFor 10;if((((vehicle _dange> 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error position: <suppressFor 10;if((((vehicle _dange> 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error Missing ; 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error in expression <s))>2))then{_this forceSpeed 0;_this suppressFor 10;};if> 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error position: <suppressFor 10;};if> 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error Missing ; 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Obsolete CfgSkeletons for SLX_DroppedWeaponSkel, move to model.cfg 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error in expression <_ally2 suppressFor 10;> 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error position: <suppressFor 10;> 2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error Missing ; 2009/12/01, 11:38:59 WARNING: Function 'name' - SLX_Unit1 has no unit 2009/12/01, 11:38:59 - network id 2:834 2009/12/01, 11:38:59 - person Kuzma Fisenko 2009/12/01, 11:38:59 - dead 2009/12/01, 11:39:07 Server: Object 3:497 not found (message 121) 2009/12/01, 11:39:11 Server: Object 3:523 not found (message 82) 2009/12/01, 11:41:28 Error in expression <(time>_stopUntil) || ( ((vehicle _this) distan> 2009/12/01, 11:41:28 Error position: <_stopUntil) || ( ((vehicle _this) distan> 2009/12/01, 11:41:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _stopuntil 2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error in expression <__waituntil = _time+(_coverWait)> 2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error position: <_coverWait)> 2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error Undefined variable in expression: _coverwait 2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error in expression <__waituntil> 2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error position: <__waituntil> 2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error Undefined variable in expression: __waituntil 2009/12/01, 11:42:06 Error in expression <_allies,"suppress"] call SLX_Shout;{_x suppressFor 10} foreach _allies;};_wa> 2009/12/01, 11:42:06 Error position: <suppressFor 10} foreach _allies;};_wa> 2009/12/01, 11:42:06 Error Missing ; 2009/12/01, 11:42:06 File SLX_GL3\f\SLX_Suppressive_Fire.sqf, line 116 2009/12/01, 11:42:06 Warning: roadsConnectedTo did not found the input road segment 2009/12/01, 11:42:25 Duplicate weapon ItemMap detected for Ins_Soldier_Crew 2009/12/01, 11:42:25 Duplicate weapon ItemCompass detected for Ins_Soldier_Crew 2009/12/01, 11:42:25 Duplicate weapon ItemWatch detected for Ins_Soldier_Crew 2009/12/01, 11:42:25 Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for Ins_Soldier_Crew 2009/12/01, 11:43:11 Error in expression <__waituntil = _time+(_coverWait)> 2009/12/01, 11:43:11 Error position: <_coverWait)> 2009/12/01, 11:43:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: _coverwait 2009/12/01, 11:48:21 Error in expression <_ally2 suppressFor 10;> 2009/12/01, 11:48:21 Error position: <suppressFor 10;> 2009/12/01, 11:48:21 Error Missing ; 2009/12/01, 11:58:05 Out of map 2009/12/01, 11:58:05 Error O 2-1-D:6: Invalid path from [4019.16, 339.38, 11193.12] to [4018.67, 339.88, 11211.62]. 2009/12/01, 11:58:19 Ref to nonnetwork object b2e8800# 1059140: slx_empty.p3d 2009/12/01, 12:11:25 Server: Object 3:12387 not found (message 191) 2009/12/01, 12:11:25 Server: Object 3:12387 not found (message 100) 2009/12/01, 12:11:25 Server: Object 3:12385 not found (message 106) 2009/12/01, 12:11:25 Server: Object 3:12385 not found (message 105) 2009/12/01, 12:12:38 Server: Object 3:12738 not found (message 69) 2009/12/01, 12:12:38 Server: Object 3:12738 not found (message 67) 2009/12/01, 12:13:54 Unsupported ammo type (type name HelicopterExploSmall) 2009/12/01, 12:13:54 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HelicopterExploSmall, 2009/12/01, 12:13:55 Unsupported ammo type (type name HelicopterExploBig) 2009/12/01, 12:13:55 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HelicopterExploBig, 2009/12/01, 12:14:18 Server: Object 3:13250 not found (message 91) 2009/12/01, 12:14:18 Server: Object 3:13251 not found (message 69) 2009/12/01, 12:14:26 Unsupported ammo type (type name SmallSecondary) 2009/12/01, 12:14:26 Cannot create non-ai vehicle SmallSecondary, 2009/12/01, 12:14:57 Subgroup not joined 2009/12/01, 12:22:53 Server: Object 3:14732 not found (message 96) 2009/12/01, 12:22:53 Server: Object 3:14732 not found (message 95) 2009/12/01, 12:23:44 Server: Network message 34837 is pending Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anessen 10 Posted December 1, 2009 So do you need to disable the AI skills to get this working with the latest Zeus or not? According to his latest update he fixed it to work with this mod. I've also found that the BWMod units used with this mod cause a lot of lag, drop from 40-50fps down to 15 with stuttering with only one extra unit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cossack8559 10 Posted December 1, 2009 (edited) I have a question... i just played a mission i created as a Russian squad leader and i've only just noticed that all my men are speaking in English... is it this mod that's making them do that? when i say speaking i mean radio commands.. when my squad report enemy men or grenade etc they speak in English... when they move for cover they speak in Russian or what ever language... really weird Edit: after removing Slx i still have English speaking Russians... am i right in thinking they did speak Russian before? i honestly can't remember its been so long since i played on the opfor side... Edit again lol, CAA1 is the cause ! damnit i like the arma1 islands! but just feels weird having Russians with American robotic voices... Edited December 2, 2009 by Cossack8559 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.Rebus 0 Posted December 2, 2009 My compliments for this MOD! Great job! But there is a big bug, after a fight and after all enemies eliminated, the AI starts to engage and shoot at invisible targets on ground, on trees and in the sky! Perhaps insects and birds?! There is no way to prevent these gigs also in the role of commander, the AI continues to shoot everywhere... :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Willocks 10 Posted December 2, 2009 My compliments for this MOD! Great job! But there is a big bug, after a fight and after all enemies eliminated, the AI starts to engage and shoot at invisible targets on ground, on trees and in the sky!Perhaps insects and birds?! There is no way to prevent these gigs also in the role of commander, the AI continues to shoot everywhere... :confused: Hi, this has been discussed above. Chris Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.Rebus 0 Posted December 2, 2009 Hi, this has been discussed above.Chris Ah ok sorry, please can you tell me the page? There is already a fix? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anessen 10 Posted December 2, 2009 I too am getting the AI firing long after everything is dead, the only thing on the target list is the slx enemy position targets. They seem to keep firing up in the air when they do it, not at any area where enemies might have been. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Willocks 10 Posted December 2, 2009 Ah ok sorry, please can you tell me the page? There is already a fix? Hi if you look around the middle of page 52, I mentioned the issue and Solus gave me feedback on it. I think the issue is being corrected? Chris Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunkD00BiesT 10 Posted December 3, 2009 (edited) So do you need to disable the AI skills to get this working with the latest Zeus or not? According to his latest update he fixed it to work with this mod.I've also found that the BWMod units used with this mod cause a lot of lag, drop from 40-50fps down to 15 with stuttering with only one extra unit! Hi I have enabled the SLX_AISkill.PBO again, only I load Zeus After I load SLX. The BushWars units you refer to, are these the released units for ARMA 1? If they are, we are aware that they do cause allot of lag and are not recommended for ARMA 2 yet! Also the units firing into the air, I can confirm this, but it also looks like they are firing over enemy to try and supress them? Update: I have fixed the _stopUntil error by making it a Public variable in danger.fsm, IE renamed it to "stopUntil". Edited December 3, 2009 by FunkD00BiesT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chrisgs 10 Posted December 3, 2009 Really like this mod, Arma2 plays so much better with this, extended firefights etc and some nice touches, but my hold fire command does not work, i also use Zeus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunkD00BiesT 10 Posted December 3, 2009 (edited) The SuppressFor command seems to have a problem, every time it's executed it returns the error "Missing ;" Arma 2 Problem? Only other Error thats still presistant it the SLX_Group array thats not declared globaly, might be declared local to a statement some where making it unavailible to other scripts. Edited December 3, 2009 by FunkD00BiesT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
woodyB 10 Posted December 3, 2009 Is there a way of determining which aspects of this mod could be causing slowdowns and FPS drops, so that users can choose only those parts of the mod that add to gameplay, but don't affect FPS as much. I really like this mod but cannot afford the fps hit due to my equipment. thanks very much for your great work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cossack8559 10 Posted December 3, 2009 Any solution or fix for warping men? just had a small fire fight and noticed enemy troops just warping around... cost me alot of ammo and two men :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anessen 10 Posted December 3, 2009 Hi I have enabled the SLX_AISkill.PBO again, only I load Zeus After I load SLX.The BushWars units you refer to, are these the released units for ARMA 1? If they are, we are aware that they do cause allot of lag and are not recommended for ARMA 2 yet! Also the units firing into the air, I can confirm this, but it also looks like they are firing over enemy to try and supress them? Update: I have fixed the _stopUntil error by making it a Public variable in danger.fsm, IE renamed it to "stopUntil". BWMod = Bundeswehr, German units. I don't know how well they were converted but they work fine in regular ArmA 2, they only cause problems inside SLX. And yeah, I just tried running a CTI/Warfare with the SLX mod but it was useless because the AI just kept wasting all their ammunition firing up into the air above the town after they'd cleared it. All of them would fire until they ran out of ammo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mobucks 10 Posted December 3, 2009 I opened SLX_Wounds.pbo with wordpad and changed the following values under ---SLX Wound Settings---- SLX_VelocityMX= SLX_MaxGibs= SLX_MaxDropWeapons= I highlighted the default values and changed them and saved the file upon starting ARMA2 i get the error datafile too short SLX_Wounds.pbo was xxx is now xxy any ideas? thankyou for the great mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites