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Tv Guided Bombs/Missiles

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Well, if it's simply disabling the toggle, I think it would probably be left up the mission maker completely. In the condition of both addAction commands, add (((getPos _target) select 2) < 10). Or use a global, "!isNil TVS_rearmZone". In the trigger for the rearming point, add OnAct: TVS_rearmZone = true; OnDeact: TVS_rearmZone = nil;

The continuous Vector method was something I was trying to implement. It would be pretty insane if you could record a macro prior to flying over the target that could be reused, but the switching method sounds the best.

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in Mp map (Domination) this script work jast 1 time :( plane down! respawn! and no TV sistem bombs :( It probably to correct use all time?:pray::icon_redface:

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First of all i have to say that its a really nice script and a big step to make the game much more interesting.

Second-yes-i had the same problem with the script when i edited a Dom-Mission and used it for some planes.

I followed the thread the last weeks and read the pros and cons for using this script as an addon. For sure, you are right that its better to use it as a script if there are some new custom models or for building a new mission.

But if it would be an addon then you could use it for all missions which are created already-so there would be no need for editing all the missions so far.

I am not sure if it would be possible to release this nice script in two ways:

(a) as a script for all the mission designers

(b) as a addon for all the "common users" and the finished missions

Hopefully my ideas are not too noobish :cool:, because i dont have much experience in editing... .

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Missions are generally made assuming the addon isn't there, so adding it to existing missions will probably greatly mess them up. Think about a mission where you are supposed to designate for an A-10 which becomes much easier with those TV-guided bombs which the mission maker may wanted to not allow.

Making it as an addon that gives a new magazine type will work just as well as a script (except make it slightly easier for mission makers to include/exclude it and it'll actually list the proper bomb name rather than the original one), which means it's not worth it, as addons need to be downloaded and installed by all players, while a script just gets placed in a mission.

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I have it working in Domination after respawn. It depends on the method you are using for vehicle respawn. Are you using simple vehicle respawn script?

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I use Simple Vehicle Respawn Script ! have here in forum! and put for plane veh = [this] execVM "vehicle.sqf"

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You need to use the extended syntax for vehicle.sqf.

Just open vehicle.sqf and there will be examples of how to pass the init line so the script will use it.

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tcp sorry! my english bad :( you can copy for my plz! what you put in line your plane? here more in folder vehicle.sqf. :(

veh = [this, 15] execVM "vehicle.sqf" OR veh = [this, 15, 10, 5] execVM "vehicle.sqf" OR ?

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Well, its not what I use, but here's the init for an A-10 or AV8B with scanner enabled:

_tvs=[this,"Bo_GBU12_LGB",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf"; _veh = [this, 300, 300, 0, TRUE, FALSE, '_tvs=[this,"Bo_GBU12_LGB",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf";'] execVM 'vehicle.sqf';

Here's my method for initializing any type of aircraft:

_init = ["TVS",this] execVM "my_init.sqf";


private ["_task", "_var", "_veh", "_type", "_init1", "_finit"];
sleep 5;
_task = _this select 0;
_var = _this select 1;
switch (_task) do {
case "TVS": {
	_veh = _var;
	_type = typeOf _var;
	_init1 = switch (_type) do {
		case "A10": 		{'_tvs=[this,"Bo_GBU12_LGB",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf";'};
		case "AV8B": 		{'_tvs=[this,"Bo_GBU12_LGB",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf";'};
		case "F35B": 		{'_tvs=[this,"Bo_GBU12_LGB_F35",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf";'};
		case "AH1Z": 		{'_tvs=[this,"M_Hellfire_AT",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf";'};
		case "SU34": 		{'_tvs=[this,"M_Ch29_AT",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf";'};
		case "Ka52": 		{'_tvs=[this,"M_Vikhr_AT",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf";'};
		case "Ka52Black": 	{'_tvs=[this,"M_Vikhr_AT",true] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf";'};
		default 			{''};
	_finit = _init1 + format["_veh = [this, 300, 300, 0, TRUE, FALSE, '%1'] execVM 'vehicle.sqf';",_init1];
	if(isServer) then {_veh setVehicleInit _finit; processInitCommands;};

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Oh Men BIG BIG THX! for you! its work) after respawn A10 again have TV sistem! :yay::bounce3: THX!

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So i had some time to do some work on the tv guided system

here is some update on the work!

Major changes from 1.01 to 1.1

Redid the dialog.

Recoded alot of the scripts "most of them"

Features in Tvs

* Flir on/off

* Flir color swap "normal/inverted"

* Hud color swap white/black <- new

* Screen marker <- new

* Marker tracker <- new

* Toggle camera after release <- new

Edited by nuxil

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Looking forward to it. Will it remember you flir settings between drops?

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only the aperture "brightness" but not if its inverted or not. but thats just a mouse click away :p

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Ths is a awsome system. I love it. Hope to play with it soon.

Nut can i request 1 thing... 1 thing that should not be that hard because you allready did half the job with this mod:

Can you make also a LANTIRN/SNIPER POD. So you have a laser to search for the targets manually. Than when you found them you lock on to it manually and fire the GBU while keeping it lased untill you brake LOCK manually or when laser gets interrupted by terrain.


Sniper Pod:


Just to get a idea.. With the TV Guided script you have, you can just simulate one. So you don't need a Addon.

:) Hope to play with your TV guided system soon man.

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Why is it that it dosent reset its self?? Once that aircraft get destroyed and respawns it dosent have that option again?

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check post #59 by tcp.

also new release is just around the corner. just a few issues to sort out. hopefully i'll have it done this evening.

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yes. you can use it on anything that has bombs/missiles. you just need to know the ammo name.

i dont know the ammo name of the weapon on that plane.

what you can do is try to use fired event handler to figure it out if you dont want to

look in the config file.

in editor. make yourself pilot of that plane of your. .and on init

this addeventhandler ["fired","hint str(_this select 4)"];

when you have the ammoname.. just put on the init like.

TVS=[this,"AMMO-NAME"] execvm "TVS\scripts\init.sqf"

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oh its work super! :yay: for this plane :bounce3: name "ClustersAmmo" and have sound fall bombs) THX! nuxil :pc:

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tcp is necessary Your help again :rolleyes: Old code for respawn plane wid sistem TVS!( Domi map) not work in new TVS 1.1 :( you can plz put new code for new TVS 1.1 PLZ! ( i love use script Domi map) :) THX.

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Well, nothing about the initialization has changed. Is your third passed element set to true. Otherwise you won't see the action menu, TVS will always be enabled.

It could be a localization issue, since the script went through some changes there. I'll test it on a dedicated and let you know if I have the same issue.

Well, it works fine on dedicated so I am not sure what the issue is. Did you forget to < #include "TVS\Tvs.hpp" >?

Edited by tcp

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i put < #include "TVS\Tvs.hpp" to description... !! i copi all new TVS folder from Domi folder! plane respawn and no TVS((( ah( old version 1.0 and your Code work) new no work!) jast after respawn no work(

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