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Tv Guided Bombs/Missiles

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galzohar thanks for the info,

havent played with the scripts since patch 1.05 came out.

and i cheked it out now when i saw your post. my keyboard was .locked.

easy fix tho.

i'll update it with a hotfix soon.

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The more I play with this script the more it makes me sad that it doesn't keep on getting improved... Stuff like being able to switch between bomb and aircraft view so that you don't crash and can turn your aircraft around after dropping the bomb and just overall better controls (ex: allowing controlling the bomb with the joystick) would've been very much appreciated.

The main reason I find this is a great script to use is that any other method of dropping bombs in this game is completely messed up. Mk82s "lock" onto stuff and if you don't lock them then you're never going to hit anything due to no CCIP (and even in ACE the CCIP doesn't really work), and with LGBs it's even worse unless someone on the ground is designating your target but that requires an additional person actually exposing himself to the enemy and not doing anything else while the bomb is flying, which is often not feasible.

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sorry to say it, but didnt you read the 1st post.

with version 1.1 you can switch between bomb and plane after release,

about improving the script. i kinda lost motivation to do that.

no one seams to use it, i atleast have no see it used in any missions i played on. exept on our private server. my friend dont play arma so much more due to all its bugs.

to be honest. i kinda lost all motivations scripting in arma since i do myself have issues with arma 2. ctd 5 times daily minimum :(

it makes the hole game experiance suck.

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Hi) tell me please!) You are working on a new version is compatible with ACE2 :icon_rolleyes: :)

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