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money cheat

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is there a money cheat, or any way I can get more money to buy a chopper? i hate infantry, piloting ftw.

thank you

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sorry guys..

i built an aircraft factory, how many real mins they take to build? on the buy units it says no factories on the helicopters bit, i built it 5 real min ago

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grow up? lol really? since when has asking for any type of cheat on official forum been ok ? you grow up

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I think he ment SP cheats which are fun and even helpfull to learn the game if your just starting off.

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grow up? lol really? since when has asking for any type of cheat on official forum been ok ? you grow up

Jesus .... he's at it again!

Please uninstall A2 from your hard drive :)

Missing you already.

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just type line showmethemoney, select your barracks and build 4 rines and 1 firebat. now you will be ready for that ling rush.

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lol at you all cussing him because he asked for a cheat, oh noes what a crime... some of you really need to leave your houses more often.

does it matter if he wants to cheat ? it's his game, him cheating is not going to affect you in anyway is it ? pmsl at someone saying to "ban him", christ i dread to think what kind of person you must be like in real life, acne ridden no doubt.

geeks lol

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anyone who sees the game like this, and its not just this game; its all games in general, shouldnt even bother playing. You're not going to become any beter with cheats, so why use them? and if you start cheating in single player whats to stop you from cheating online? and thats where it does affect me, because allready ive encountered a few cheaters and ass hat extrodinairs.

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because maybe people don't play games to become the best at them ? not everyone is some hardcore super nerd

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lol i have a job, i hang out with friends, i have a family; hardly a "SUPER NERD". When I get on my computer to play, I shouldnt have to deal with ass hat little cheaters, that being said, it has nothing to do with being the best, its all about fun; and cheating just isnt fun.

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if you start cheating in single player whats to stop you from cheating online?

Did he ask for MP cheats or was he asking for help with SP?

While I might agree with you about people screwing up MP being not all that happy for everyone except perhaps the goof ball doing it,SP is 100% personal and you need to take a chill pill and stop trying to control other peoples personal fun that in no way seems to bother anyone other than yourself as it's only fair and polite...or am I wrong?

Anyhow I am sure he can find what he wants via Google with or without anyones help/approval or your permission to do so.



I saw that movie...very funny!

Edited by Spudeater
funny video!

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Jacksonfive;1391192']all your base are belong to us!

If you're going to quote horrible translations' date=' at least quote them properly ;)

As for all of you flaming someone who want a single player cheat, grow up. Just because he wants to cheat in SP to do something he feels like doing doesn't mean he's going to go online and start cheating (it's not [b']that [/b]simple anyway). It's like you're going to flame the people who try to play coop campaign cheaters when they cheat to move to the next level (which is necessary if you want to continue the campaign due to bugs).

To the OP: You can make anything you want in the editor quite easily, at least it's easy to make a mission where you just throw a couple units in and play them. It's a much easier way to get yourself to fly a chopper than to find a way to cheat in SP or edit the existing mission.

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Jacksonfive;1391234']Shesh bite my head off for a typo why dont you! Your missing the real issue here however.. I think its nerds?

i think its cheats but we'll go with nerds, i lol'd at your link haha:D

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The mass's seem upset with you jumping on what-ever-the-guy's-Nic-was over a SP cheat.

I agree with you 99% (I always keep a % of anything for myself) on the MP issue but I don't think that was what he was asking for...do you after thinking about it?

It took me many days to get an uncorrupted copy of the ArmA2 demo and Paul and I even got into a bit of PM over it because of some cross posting.

My bad...his good temperment.

The point here is setting a cool headed example for others to follow.

I re-learned that from him.

The guy asking for help seems to run a website that he pays for that is set up to help others with computer/game problems.

Can't we cut him some slack and offer some help to him without thinking the worst and going off the deep end of the gene pool over it?

I don't have alot of time each month to play the demo and have not played ArmA1 from the 1.08 days so it is like learning to walk again...posts of upset people just don't help me find info I am looking for anymore than the ones I and many others posted in sleep depraved frustration over the demo d/l issue.

Well this thread may not be helpful but it is sort of entertaining. :)

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I think people are jumpy about cheats since cheats almost ruined ArmA1. Back when arma1 came out there wasnt a server that didnt have someone cheating untill the community/BIS came up with a solution.

So dont be so hard on the guys defending ArmA2 from cheaters since it could really knock down MP play. I can remember how many people played online before and after cheats and it went down drastically.

If he is talking about SP cheats then he should have been more clear.

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