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Any news from b.i.???

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OMG why are people posting in this thread (which has a post from Placebo that the patch is imminent) saying "ZOMG WHERE'S THE PATCHEZ? I WON'T PLAY THIS GAME TILL THEY TELLZ ME WOT IS HAPPENINGZ!!!!!!"

I have said time and time again that BI need to tell us what's going on and now that someone has said something much more encouraging than BI have told us before, people are still moaning? WTF?

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Users with a high posting counter could as well be considered fanboys... I had a look at that community issue tracker. There are close to 500 (!) reports. You can't tell me, that a game with almost 500 unique reported issues 'runs fine for the majority'.

If you could find any other major commercial title with a publically accessible bugtracker I'm 100% sure you'd find roughly the same amount of issues there. The simple fact there *is* a publically accessible bugtracker for ArmA2 is so much more than most other companies would ever want to give insight into.

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If you could find any other major commercial title with a publically accessible bugtracker I'm 100% sure you'd find roughly the same amount of issues there. The simple fact there *is* a publically accessible bugtracker for ArmA2 is so much more than most other companies would ever want to give insight into.

Touché. QFT.

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There are some that would rather have their hand held than trust, no faith that someone else actually has ethics and passion to see things through. For those that are new to Bohemia Interactive, they keep improving their games, and rarely rest. They listen to the community and sometimes even add features and content with the patches (new throttle FTW). Have patience, the BIS guys and gals take this seriously. And no, you asking probably won't make the patch come out faster. Think of them as artists more than production line workers.

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It will be ready when its ready... ffs some of you are impatient, you whine like children... 'muuuuumy I want it nooooow' nag nag nag.

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It will be ready when its ready... ffs some of you are impatient, you whine like children... 'muuuuumy I want it nooooow' nag nag nag.

Yes of course. Don't you understand, I have paid the full prize WEEKS ago, not being able to play until now. By now, you can get a copy for half the price! And agiain I am a customier, I at least want information on when it's going to be fixed. There is still no official note on that. Placebo just believes, it's finished soon. BIS should keep his moderators informed and those should keep us informed. It's that simple. I'm a customer, no solicitant.

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If you could find any other major commercial title with a publically accessible bugtracker I'm 100% sure you'd find roughly the same amount of issues there. The simple fact there *is* a publically accessible bugtracker for ArmA2 is so much more than most other companies would ever want to give insight into.

well, the community bugtracker is not a BI service. And it's true, that not many other games have a bugtrackers available to the public. To conclude from that, that BI is a great company to allow that... is a bit farfetched imo.

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well, the community bugtracker is not a BI service. And it's true, that not many other games have a bugtrackers available to the public. To conclude from that, that BI is a great company to allow that... is a bit farfetched imo.

I thought that too as its not a BI owned service then anyone could set a bug tracker up, it even says 'community' bug tracker which really has nothing to do with BI but just for the community to post on to make them feel better. It gives a false impression that these are what BI are working on and looking at. We shall see if the final patch has references to this bugtracker and the number in the tracker it relates to, 1.01/1.02 didn't...

Still looking forward to the official BI patch though, will have a look in another week to see if its out.

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We shall see if the final patch has references to this bugtracker

And herein lies the next lot of flame threads when its out.

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Well that is actually the point to discuss about. For sure, you can't blame the developers. It's not their decision, when a product is released. The management decides that. And the management should notice that - again - they released a game far to early. It even puts more work on the developer's shoulders. First they have to build a product that's close to finished, but spending time on fixings bugs only to a certain level. It takes more time, to fix bugs only to a certain level twice, than fixing them at once. And after it's been released they have to double their efforts, to get it running properly ASAP, because the customers are yelling at the poor developers (and poor moderators).

On the other hand, you can't just let the developers decide when a game is finished. There is always something to improve, and since devs tend to want to deliver a perfect product, the release would have to be postponed for another year or two... I see, there are different view angles, but who ever is in charge should be able to find a balance between 'we need the money' and 'it's not finished yet'. If patch 1.03 does fix the problems for most customers, that patch level should have been the one, to initially release.

I have learned my lesson. I will not buy any BIS titles again, before they are patched to a playable level. This will save me money, since this is going to take months and the product is much cheaper by than. But who wants to buy old titles, so I might as well never buy a BIS product again. I guess there are quite some people, who will do the same and BIS has to find out themselves, what's going to cost them more money. Postponing the game for a certain period, or loose money, because the products are not selling very well anymore.

Please excuse my poor English. I hope, at least do understand, what I'm trying to say.


You are trying to say that you are impatient and want your way now, not tomorrow, you are generation Y and expect everything on a silver platter, we understand totally.

---------- Post added at 09:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 AM ----------

Yes of course. Don't you understand, I have paid the full prize WEEKS ago, not being able to play until now. By now, you can get a copy for half the price! And agiain I am a customier, I at least want information on when it's going to be fixed. There is still no official note on that. Placebo just believes, it's finished soon. BIS should keep his moderators informed and those should keep us informed. It's that simple. I'm a customer, no solicitant.

Did you buy a car, a house, a boat or maybe some expensive jewellry which has a flaw in it? It cost $50 for F^$k sake. Sit down, settle, be patient and relax.

I have also been way beyond frustrated at the game not working for me and I have spent hours trying to get it to work well but in the end I am not losing sleep over it and hope that it will be playable soon. This is the kind of game that does not go out of date in 2 months like some of those other titles.

Be happy a patch is coming in days and then there will be more patches to come as well as additional content I am sure.

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And herein lies the next lot of flame threads when its out.

Ah bugger, yes my bad, i meant 'final version of 1.03' and not final patch as in last ever, just to clear things up there. :)

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You are trying to say that you are impatient and want your way now, not tomorrow, you are generation Y and expect everything on a silver platter, we understand totally.

I always only asked für information. Of course I want the patch ASAP, but then who doesn't? But I will be patiently waiting, if BIS is at least keeping me up to date.

Did you buy a car, a house, a boat or maybe some expensive jewellry which has a flaw in it? It cost $50 for F^$k sake. Sit down, settle, be patient and relax.

Well I don't care. If I buy something that is - in my mind - not working correctly, I'll complain about that and ask, when it's going to be fixed. To me, it doesn't matter, if this is a house, a car, or just a game. Legally it's the very same...

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Kremator, it is a good thing that you are not leading a country with an attitude like that!

Banning people for asking questions on a forum is so smart..............

Reminds me of a failed artist that had ambitious ideas.

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We all know BIS works with patching all the time in the background. You dont need them to come and say "yes we are working on a patch" because we know they do. Its like the classic child question "are we there yet? are we there yet?" it doesnt go any faster because you ask - but you will get there. ;)


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well, the community bugtracker is not a BI service. And it's true, that not many other games have a bugtrackers available to the public. To conclude from that, that BI is a great company to allow that... is a bit farfetched imo.
I thought that too as its not a BI owned service then anyone could set a bug tracker up, it even says 'community' bug tracker which really has nothing to do with BI but just for the community to post on to make them feel better. It gives a false impression that these are what BI are working on and looking at. We shall see if the final patch has references to this bugtracker and the number in the tracker it relates to, 1.01/1.02 didn't...

It's no secret that there are devs and mods involved in the A2 Community Issue Tracker. It might not be the official BIS bugtracker but BIS is there.

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There is nothing wrong with people asking for an update on a patch, they have bought the game, they are entitled to ask these questions. They are also entitled to an answer. Obviously I do not expect devs/mods to answer every single question, but a weekly update on work in progress is healthy for a game's community relationship and therefore healthy for it's success.

It is easy to jump on the band wagon and slate anyone who asks for an update, but if you took your car to the garage for work to be done to it and the engineer told you it will be done when its done, would you not enquire with a phone call in a few days time. It is human nature, and, I for one, am sick of these people who must think they are going to get a cookie from BiS for stating the obvious in support like parrots.

It comes across as the forum is a place for BiS worship, and if you oppose or challenge this, then you are deemed an idiot or requested to be banned.

What I read on these forums, especially by some on this thread is quite simply fascism masquerading itself as sensible advice.

Seriously, there wouldn't be any point to a forum if there were rules upon what you can and cannot ask.

Don't kill the spirit of these customers, there is frustration leading to this common question, there is also excitement. The game's success will benefit all who play it, so 'think before you ink'.

Edited by Sabrefox

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1.03 will come in few days, but we want to change way how we make patches. If it will be possible we will start beta releasses every new build. I think this will be announced soon, when we will be able to organise it.

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1.03 will come in few days, but we want to change way how we make patches. If it will be possible we will start beta releasses every new build. I think this will be announced soon, when we will be able to organise it.

I'm not sure I understand, by this do you mean smaller incremmental "beta" patches as opposed to larger "full' patches?

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Alan.rio;1388346']I'm not sure I understand' date=' by this do you mean smaller incremmental "beta" patches as opposed to larger "full' patches?[/quote']

I would think it means smaller incremental "beta" patches as opposed to larger incremental "full" patches.

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If it will be possible we will start beta releasses every new build.

Thanks for the heads up. I think it would be a good idea. That way we get the patches more sooner and we don't have to wait days for the testing phase to complete. The final patches are tested before release or am i wrong ? :D

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but is 1.03 going to be a small beta patch or a large full patch?

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